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# Author: David Goodger
# Contact:
# Revision: $Revision$
# Date: $Date$
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
This module defines table parser classes,which parse plaintext-graphic tables
and produce a well-formed data structure suitable for building a CALS table.
- `GridTableParser`: Parse fully-formed tables represented with a grid.
- `SimpleTableParser`: Parse simple tables, delimited by top & bottom
:Exception class: `TableMarkupError`
`update_dict_of_lists()`: Merge two dictionaries containing list values.
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
import re
import sys
from docutils import DataError
class TableMarkupError(DataError): pass
class TableParser:
Abstract superclass for the common parts of the syntax-specific parsers.
head_body_separator_pat = None
"""Matches the row separator between head rows and body rows."""
def parse(self, block):
Analyze the text `block` and return a table data structure.
Given a plaintext-graphic table in `block` (list of lines of text; no
whitespace padding), parse the table, construct and return the data
necessary to construct a CALS table or equivalent.
Raise `TableMarkupError` if there is any problem with the markup.
structure = self.structure_from_cells()
return structure
def find_head_body_sep(self):
"""Look for a head/body row separator line; store the line index."""
for i in range(len(self.block)):
line = self.block[i]
if self.head_body_separator_pat.match(line):
if self.head_body_sep:
raise TableMarkupError(
'Multiple head/body row separators in table (at line '
'offset %s and %s); only one allowed.'
% (self.head_body_sep, i))
self.head_body_sep = i
self.block[i] = line.replace('=', '-')
if self.head_body_sep == 0 or self.head_body_sep == (len(self.block)
- 1):
raise TableMarkupError('The head/body row separator may not be '
'the first or last line of the table.')
class GridTableParser(TableParser):
Parse a grid table using `parse()`.
Here's an example of a grid table::
| Header row, column 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 |
| body row 1, column 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 |
| body row 2 | Cells may span columns. |
| body row 3 | Cells may | - Table cells |
+------------------------+ span rows. | - contain |
| body row 4 | | - body elements. |
Intersections use '+', row separators use '-' (except for one optional
head/body row separator, which uses '='), and column separators use '|'.
Passing the above table to the `parse()` method will result in the
following data structure::
([24, 12, 10, 10],
[[(0, 0, 1, ['Header row, column 1']),
(0, 0, 1, ['Header 2']),
(0, 0, 1, ['Header 3']),
(0, 0, 1, ['Header 4'])]],
[[(0, 0, 3, ['body row 1, column 1']),
(0, 0, 3, ['column 2']),
(0, 0, 3, ['column 3']),
(0, 0, 3, ['column 4'])],
[(0, 0, 5, ['body row 2']),
(0, 2, 5, ['Cells may span columns.']),
[(0, 0, 7, ['body row 3']),
(1, 0, 7, ['Cells may', 'span rows.', '']),
(1, 1, 7, ['- Table cells', '- contain', '- body elements.']),
[(0, 0, 9, ['body row 4']), None, None, None]])
The first item is a list containing column widths (colspecs). The second
item is a list of head rows, and the third is a list of body rows. Each
row contains a list of cells. Each cell is either None (for a cell unused
because of another cell's span), or a tuple. A cell tuple contains four
items: the number of extra rows used by the cell in a vertical span
(morerows); the number of extra columns used by the cell in a horizontal
span (morecols); the line offset of the first line of the cell contents;
and the cell contents, a list of lines of text.
head_body_separator_pat = re.compile(r'\+=[=+]+=\+ *$')
def setup(self, block):
self.block = list(block) # make a copy; it may be modified
self.bottom = len(block) - 1
self.right = len(block[0]) - 1
self.head_body_sep = None
self.done = [-1] * len(block[0])
self.cells = []
self.rowseps = {0: [0]}
self.colseps = {0: [0]}
def parse_table(self):
Start with a queue of upper-left corners, containing the upper-left
corner of the table itself. Trace out one rectangular cell, remember
it, and add its upper-right and lower-left corners to the queue of
potential upper-left corners of further cells. Process the queue in
top-to-bottom order, keeping track of how much of each text column has
been seen.
We'll end up knowing all the row and column boundaries, cell positions
and their dimensions.
corners = [(0, 0)]
while corners:
top, left = corners.pop(0)
if top == self.bottom or left == self.right \
or top <= self.done[left]:
result = self.scan_cell(top, left)
if not result:
bottom, right, rowseps, colseps = result
update_dict_of_lists(self.rowseps, rowseps)
update_dict_of_lists(self.colseps, colseps)
self.mark_done(top, left, bottom, right)
cellblock = self.get_cell_block(top, left, bottom, right)
self.cells.append((top, left, bottom, right, cellblock))
corners.extend([(top, right), (bottom, left)])
if not self.check_parse_complete():
raise TableMarkupError('Malformed table; parse incomplete.')
def mark_done(self, top, left, bottom, right):
"""For keeping track of how much of each text column has been seen."""
before = top - 1
after = bottom - 1
for col in range(left, right):
assert self.done[col] == before
self.done[col] = after
def check_parse_complete(self):
"""Each text column should have been completely seen."""
last = self.bottom - 1
for col in range(self.right):
if self.done[col] != last:
return None
return 1
def get_cell_block(self, top, left, bottom, right):
"""Given the corners, extract the text of a cell."""
cellblock = []
margin = right
for lineno in range(top + 1, bottom):
line = self.block[lineno][left + 1 : right].rstrip()
if line:
margin = min(margin, len(line) - len(line.lstrip()))
if 0 < margin < right:
cellblock = [line[margin:] for line in cellblock]
return cellblock
def scan_cell(self, top, left):
"""Starting at the top-left corner, start tracing out a cell."""
assert self.block[top][left] == '+'
result = self.scan_right(top, left)
return result
def scan_right(self, top, left):
Look for the top-right corner of the cell, and make note of all column
boundaries ('+').
colseps = {}
line = self.block[top]
for i in range(left + 1, self.right + 1):
if line[i] == '+':
colseps[i] = [top]
result = self.scan_down(top, left, i)
if result:
bottom, rowseps, newcolseps = result
update_dict_of_lists(colseps, newcolseps)
return bottom, i, rowseps, colseps
elif line[i] != '-':
return None
return None
def scan_down(self, top, left, right):
Look for the bottom-right corner of the cell, making note of all row
rowseps = {}
for i in range(top + 1, self.bottom + 1):
if self.block[i][right] == '+':
rowseps[i] = [right]
result = self.scan_left(top, left, i, right)
if result:
newrowseps, colseps = result
update_dict_of_lists(rowseps, newrowseps)
return i, rowseps, colseps
elif self.block[i][right] != '|':
return None
return None
def scan_left(self, top, left, bottom, right):
Noting column boundaries, look for the bottom-left corner of the cell.
It must line up with the starting point.
colseps = {}
line = self.block[bottom]
for i in range(right - 1, left, -1):
if line[i] == '+':
colseps[i] = [bottom]
elif line[i] != '-':
return None
if line[left] != '+':
return None
result = self.scan_up(top, left, bottom, right)
if result is not None:
rowseps = result
return rowseps, colseps
return None
def scan_up(self, top, left, bottom, right):
Noting row boundaries, see if we can return to the starting point.
rowseps = {}
for i in range(bottom - 1, top, -1):
if self.block[i][left] == '+':
rowseps[i] = [left]
elif self.block[i][left] != '|':
return None
return rowseps
def structure_from_cells(self):
From the data colledted by `scan_cell()`, convert to the final data
rowseps = self.rowseps.keys() # list of row boundaries
rowindex = {}
for i in range(len(rowseps)):
rowindex[rowseps[i]] = i # row boundary -> row number mapping
colseps = self.colseps.keys() # list of column boundaries
colindex = {}
for i in range(len(colseps)):
colindex[colseps[i]] = i # column boundary -> col number map
colspecs = [(colseps[i] - colseps[i - 1] - 1)
for i in range(1, len(colseps))] # list of column widths
# prepare an empty table with the correct number of rows & columns
onerow = [None for i in range(len(colseps) - 1)]
rows = [onerow[:] for i in range(len(rowseps) - 1)]
# keep track of # of cells remaining; should reduce to zero
remaining = (len(rowseps) - 1) * (len(colseps) - 1)
for top, left, bottom, right, block in self.cells:
rownum = rowindex[top]
colnum = colindex[left]
assert rows[rownum][colnum] is None, (
'Cell (row %s, column %s) already used.'
% (rownum + 1, colnum + 1))
morerows = rowindex[bottom] - rownum - 1
morecols = colindex[right] - colnum - 1
remaining -= (morerows + 1) * (morecols + 1)
# write the cell into the table
rows[rownum][colnum] = (morerows, morecols, top + 1, block)
assert remaining == 0, 'Unused cells remaining.'
if self.head_body_sep: # separate head rows from body rows
numheadrows = rowindex[self.head_body_sep]
headrows = rows[:numheadrows]
bodyrows = rows[numheadrows:]
headrows = []
bodyrows = rows
return (colspecs, headrows, bodyrows)
class SimpleTableParser(TableParser):
Parse a simple table using `parse()`.
Here's an example of a simple table::
===== =====
col 1 col 2
===== =====
1 Second column of row 1.
2 Second column of row 2.
Second line of paragraph.
3 - Second column of row 3.
- Second item in bullet
list (row 3, column 2).
4 is a span
===== =====
Top and bottom borders use '=', column span underlines use '-', column
separation is indicated with spaces.
Passing the above table to the `parse()` method will result in the
following data structure, whose interpretation is the same as for
([5, 25],
[[(0, 0, 1, ['col 1']),
(0, 0, 1, ['col 2'])]],
[[(0, 0, 3, ['1']),
(0, 0, 3, ['Second column of row 1.'])],
[(0, 0, 4, ['2']),
(0, 0, 4, ['Second column of row 2.',
'Second line of paragraph.'])],
[(0, 0, 6, ['3']),
(0, 0, 6, ['- Second column of row 3.',
'- Second item in bullet',
' list (row 3, column 2).'])],
[(0, 1, 10, ['4 is a span'])],
[(0, 0, 12, ['5']),
(0, 0, 12, [''])]])
head_body_separator_pat = re.compile('=[ =]*$')
span_pat = re.compile('-[ -]*$')
def setup(self, block):
self.block = list(block) # make a copy; it will be modified
# Convert top & bottom borders to column span underlines:
self.block[0] = self.block[0].replace('=', '-')
self.block[-1] = self.block[-1].replace('=', '-')
self.head_body_sep = None
self.columns = []
self.border_end = None
self.table = []
self.done = [-1] * len(block[0])
self.rowseps = {0: [0]}
self.colseps = {0: [0]}
def parse_table(self):
First determine the column boundaries from the top border, then
process rows. Each row may consist of multiple lines; accumulate
lines until a row is complete. Call `self.parse_row` to finish the
# Top border must fully describe all table columns.
self.columns = self.parse_columns(self.block[0], 0)
self.border_end = self.columns[-1][1]
firststart, firstend = self.columns[0]
block = self.block[1:]
offset = 0
# Container for accumulating text lines until a row is complete:
rowlines = []
while block:
line = block.pop(0)
offset += 1
if self.span_pat.match(line):
# Column span underline or border; row is complete.
self.parse_row(rowlines, (line.rstrip(), offset))
rowlines = []
elif line[firststart:firstend].strip():
# First column not blank, therefore it's a new row.
if rowlines:
rowlines = [(line.rstrip(), offset)]
# Accumulate lines of incomplete row.
rowlines.append((line.rstrip(), offset))
def parse_columns(self, line, offset):
Given a column span underline, return a list of (begin, end) pairs.
cols = []
end = 0
while 1:
begin = line.find('-', end)
end = line.find(' ', begin)
if begin < 0:
if end < 0:
end = len(line)
cols.append((begin, end))
if self.columns:
if cols[-1][1] != self.border_end:
raise TableMarkupError('Column span incomplete at line '
'offset %s.' % offset)
# Allow for an unbounded rightmost column:
cols[-1] = (cols[-1][0], self.columns[-1][1])
return cols
def init_row(self, colspec, offset):
i = 0
cells = []
for start, end in colspec:
morecols = 0
assert start == self.columns[i][0]
while end != self.columns[i][1]:
i += 1
morecols += 1
except (AssertionError, IndexError):
raise TableMarkupError('Column span alignment problem at '
'line offset %s.' % offset)
cells.append((0, morecols, offset, []))
i += 1
return cells
def parse_row(self, lines, spanline=None):
Given the text `lines` of a row, parse it and append to `self.table`.
The row is parsed according to the current column spec (either
`spanline` if provided or `self.columns`). For each column, extract
text from each line, and check for text in column margins. Finally,
adjust for insigificant whitespace.
while lines and not lines[-1][0]:
lines.pop() # Remove blank trailing lines.
if lines:
offset = lines[0][1]
elif spanline:
offset = spanline[1]
# No new row, just blank lines.
if spanline:
columns = self.parse_columns(*spanline)
columns = self.columns[:]
row = self.init_row(columns, offset)
# "Infinite" value for a dummy last column's beginning, used to
# check for text overflow:
columns.append((sys.maxint, None))
lastcol = len(columns) - 2
for i in range(len(columns) - 1):
start, end = columns[i]
nextstart = columns[i+1][0]
block = []
margin = sys.maxint
for line, offset in lines:
if i == lastcol and line[end:].strip():
text = line[start:].rstrip()
columns[lastcol] = (start, start + len(text))
self.adjust_last_column(start + len(text))
elif line[end:nextstart].strip():
raise TableMarkupError('Text in column margin at line '
'offset %s.' % offset)
text = line[start:end].rstrip()
if text:
margin = min(margin, len(text) - len(text.lstrip()))
if 0 < margin < sys.maxint:
block = [line[margin:] for line in block]
def adjust_last_column(self, new_end):
start, end = self.columns[-1]
if new_end > end:
self.columns[-1] = (start, new_end)
def structure_from_cells(self):
colspecs = [end - start for start, end in self.columns]
first_body_row = 0
if self.head_body_sep:
for i in range(len(self.table)):
if self.table[i][0][2] > self.head_body_sep:
first_body_row = i
return (colspecs, self.table[:first_body_row],
def update_dict_of_lists(master, newdata):
Extend the list values of `master` with those from `newdata`.
Both parameters must be dictionaries containing list values.
for key, values in newdata.items():
master.setdefault(key, []).extend(values)