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PEP: 727
Title: Documentation Metadata in Typing
Author: Sebastián Ramírez <>
Sponsor: Jelle Zijlstra <>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Topic: Typing
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 28-Aug-2023
Python-Version: 3.13
Post-History: `30-Aug-2023 <>`__
This document proposes a way to complement docstrings to add additional documentation
to Python symbols using type annotations with :py:class:`~typing.Annotated`
(in class attributes, function and method parameters, return values, and variables).
The current standard method of documenting code APIs in Python is using docstrings.
But there's no standard way to document parameters in docstrings.
There are several pseudo-standards for the format in these docstrings, and new
pseudo-standards can appear easily: numpy, Google, Keras, reST, etc.
All these formats are some specific syntax inside a string. Because of this, when
editing those docstrings, editors can't easily provide support for autocompletion,
inline errors for broken syntax, etc.
Editors don't have a way to support all the possible micro languages in the docstrings
and show nice user interfaces when developers use libraries with those different
formats. They could even add support for some of the syntaxes, but probably not all,
or not completely.
Because the docstring is in a different place in the code than the actual parameters
and it requires duplication of information (the parameter name) the information about
a parameter is easily in a place in the code quite far away from the declaration of
the actual parameter. This means it's easy to refactor a function, remove a parameter,
and forget to remove its docs. The same happens when adding a new parameter: it's easy
to forget to add the docstring for it.
And because of this same duplication of information (the parameter name) editors and
other tools would need to have complex custom logic to check or ensure the
consistency of the parameters in the signature and in their docstring, or they
would simply not be able to support that.
Additionally, it would be difficult to robustly parse varying existing docstring
conventions to programatically get the documentation for each individual parameter
or variable at runtime. This would be useful, for example,
for testing the contents of each parameter's documentation, to ensure consistency
across several similar functions, or to extract and expose that same parameter
documentation in some other way (e.g. an API, a CLI, etc).
Some of these previous formats tried to account for the lack of type annotations
in older Python versions by including typing information in the docstrings,
but now that information doesn't need to be in docstrings as there is now an official
:pep:`syntax for type annotations <484>`.
This proposal intends to address these shortcomings by extending and complementing the
information in docstrings, keeping backwards compatibility with existing docstrings,
and doing it in a way that leverages the Python language and structure, via type
annotations with ``Annotated``, and a new function in ``typing``.
The reason why this would belong in the standard Python library instead of an
external package is because although the implementation would be quite trivial,
the actual power and benefit from it would come from being a standard, so that
editors and other tools could implement support for it.
This doesn't deprecate current usage of docstrings, it's transparent to common
developers (library users), and it's only opt-in for library authors that would
like to adopt it.
The main proposal is to introduce a new function, ``typing.doc()``,
to be used when documenting Python objects.
This function MUST only be used within :py:class:`~typing.Annotated` annotations.
The function takes a single string argument, ``documentation``,
and returns an instance of ``typing.DocInfo``,
which stores the input string unchanged.
Any tool processing ``typing.DocInfo`` objects SHOULD interpret the string as
a docstring, and therefore SHOULD normalize whitespace
as if ``inspect.cleandoc()`` were used.
The string passed to ``typing.doc()`` SHOULD be of the form that would be a valid docstring.
This means that `f-strings`__ and string operations SHOULD NOT be used.
As this cannot be enforced by the Python runtime,
tools SHOULD NOT rely on this behaviour,
and SHOULD exit with an error if such a prohibited string is encountered.
Class attributes may be documented:
.. code:: python
from typing import Annotated, doc
class User:
first_name: Annotated[str, doc("The user's first name")]
last_name: Annotated[str, doc("The user's last name")]
As can function or method parameters:
.. code:: python
from typing import Annotated, doc
def create_user(
first_name: Annotated[str, doc("The user's first name")],
last_name: Annotated[str, doc("The user's last name")],
cursor: DatabaseConnection | None = None,
) -> Annotated[User, doc("The created user after saving in the database")]:
"""Create a new user in the system.
It needs the database connection to be already initialized.
Additional Scenarios
The main scenarios that this proposal intends to cover are described above, and
for implementers to be conformant to this specification, they only need to support
those scenarios described above.
Here are some additional edge case scenarios with their respective considerations,
but implementers are not required to support them.
Type Alias
When creating a type alias, like:
.. code:: python
Username = Annotated[str, doc("The name of a user in the system")]
The documentation would be considered to be carried by the parameter annotated
with ``Username``.
So, in a function like:
.. code:: python
def hi(to: Username) -> None: ...
It would be equivalent to:
.. code:: python
def hi(to: Annotated[str, doc("The name of a user in the system")]) -> None: ...
Nevertheless, implementers would not be required to support type aliases outside
of the final type annotation to be conformant with this specification, as it
could require more complex dereferencing logic.
Annotating Type Parameters
When annotating type parameters, as in:
.. code:: python
def hi(
to: list[Annotated[str, doc("The name of a user in a list")]],
) -> None: ...
The documentation in ``doc()`` would refer to what it is annotating, in this
case, each item in the list, not the list itself.
There are currently no practical use cases for documenting type parameters,
so implementers are not required to support this scenario to be considered
conformant, but it's included for completeness.
Annotating Unions
If used in one of the parameters of a union, as in:
.. code:: python
def hi(
to: str | Annotated[list[str], doc("List of user names")],
) -> None: ...
Again, the documentation in ``doc()`` would refer to what it is annotating,
in this case, this documents the list itself, not its items.
In particular, the documentation would not refer to a single string passed as a
parameter, only to a list.
There are currently no practical use cases for documenting unions, so implementers
are not required to support this scenario to be considered conformant, but it's
included for completeness.
Nested ``Annotated``
Continuing with the same idea above, if ``Annotated`` was used nested and used
multiple times in the same parameter, ``doc()`` would refer to the type it
is annotating.
So, in an example like:
.. code:: python
def hi(
to: Annotated[
Annotated[str, doc("A user name")]
| Annotated[list, doc("A list of user names")],
doc("Who to say hi to"),
) -> None: ...
The documentation for the whole parameter ``to`` would be considered to be
"``Who to say hi to``".
The documentation for the case where that parameter ``to`` is specifically a ``str``
would be considered to be "``A user name``".
The documentation for the case where that parameter ``to`` is specifically a
``list`` would be considered to be "``A list of user names``".
Implementers would only be required to support the top level use case, where the
documentation for ``to`` is considered to be "``Who to say hi to``".
They could optionally support having conditional documentation for when the type
of the parameter passed is of one type or another, but they are not required to do so.
If ``doc()`` is used multiple times in a single ``Annotated``, it would be
considered invalid usage from the developer, for example:
.. code:: python
def hi(
to: Annotated[str, doc("A user name"), doc("The current user name")],
) -> None: ...
Implementers can consider this invalid and are not required to support this to be
considered conformant.
Nevertheless, as it might be difficult to enforce it on developers, implementers
can opt to support one of the ``doc()`` declarations.
In that case, the suggestion would be to support the last one, just because
this would support overriding, for example, in:
.. code:: python
User = Annotated[str, doc("A user name")]
CurrentUser = Annotated[User, doc("The current user name")]
Internally, in Python, ``CurrentUser`` here is equivalent to:
.. code:: python
CurrentUser = Annotated[str,
doc("A user name"),
doc("The current user name")]
For an implementation that supports the last ``doc()`` appearance, the above
example would be equivalent to:
.. code:: python
def hi(to: Annotated[str, doc("The current user name")]) -> None: ...
.. you need to fill these in:
Backwards Compatibility
[Describe potential impact and severity on pre-existing code.]
Security Implications
[How could a malicious user take advantage of this new feature?]
How to Teach This
[How to teach users, new and experienced, how to apply the PEP to their work.]
Reference Implementation
``typing.doc`` and ``typing.DocInfo`` are implemented as follows:
.. code:: python
def doc(documentation: str, /) -> DocInfo:
return DocInfo(documentation)
class DocInfo:
def __init__(self, documentation: str, /):
self.documentation = documentation
These have been implemented in the `typing_extensions`__ package.
Rejected Ideas
Standardize Current Docstrings
A possible alternative would be to support and try to push as a standard one of the
existing docstring formats. But that would only solve the standardization.
It wouldn't solve any of the other problems, like getting editor support
(syntax checks) for library authors, the distance and duplication of information
between a parameter definition and its documentation in the docstring, etc.
Extra Metadata and Decorator
An earlier version of this proposal included several parameters to indicate whether
an object is discouraged from use, what exceptions it may raise, etc.
To allow also deprecating functions and classes, it was also expected
that ``doc()`` could be used as a decorator. But this functionality is covered
by ``typing.deprecated()`` in :pep:`702`, so it was dropped from this proposal.
A way to declare additional information could still be useful in the future,
but taking early feedback on this document, all that was postponed to future
This also shifts the focus from an all-encompassing function ``doc()``
with multiple parameters to multiple composable functions, having ``doc()``
handle one single use case: additional documentation in ``Annotated``.
This design change also allows better interoperability with other proposals
like ``typing.deprecated()``, as in the future it could be considered to
allow having ``typing.deprecated()`` also in ``Annotated`` to deprecate
individual parameters, coexisting with ``doc()``.
Open Issues
The main argument against this would be the increased verbosity.
Nevertheless, this verbosity would not affect end users as they would not see the
internal code using ``typing.doc()``.
And the cost of dealing with the additional verbosity would only be carried
by those library maintainers that decide to opt-in into this feature.
Any authors that decide not to adopt it, are free to continue using docstrings
with any particular format they decide, no docstrings at all, etc.
This argument could be analogous to the argument against type annotations
in general, as they do indeed increase verbosity, in exchange for their
features. But again, as with type annotations, this would be optional and only
to be used by those that are willing to take the extra verbosity in exchange
for the benefits.
Documentation is not Typing
It could also be argued that documentation is not really part of typing, or that
it should live in a different module. Or that this information should not be part
of the signature but live in another place (like the docstring).
Nevertheless, type annotations in Python could already be considered, by default,
mainly documentation: they carry additional information about variables,
parameters, return types, and by default they don't have any runtime behavior.
It could be argued that this proposal extends the type of information that
type annotations carry, the same way as :pep:`702` extends them to include
deprecation information.
And as described above, including this in ``typing_extensions`` to support older
versions of Python would have a very simple and practical benefit.
Multiple Standards
Another argument against this would be that it would create another standard,
and that there are already several pseudo-standards for docstrings. It could
seem better to formalize one of the currently existing standards.
Nevertheless, as stated above, none of those standards cover the general
drawbacks of a doctsring-based approach that this proposal solves naturally.
None of the editors have full docstring editing support (even when they have
rendering support). Again, this is solved by this proposal just by using
standard Python syntax and structures instead of a docstring microsyntax.
The effort required to implement support for this proposal by tools would
be minimal compared to that required for alternative docstring-based
pseudo-standards, as for this proposal, editors would only need to
access an already existing value in their ASTs, instead of writing a parser
for a new string microsyntax.
In the same way, it can be seen that, in many cases, a new standard that
takes advantage of new features and solves several problems from previous
methods can be worth having. As is the case with the new ``pyproject.toml``,
``dataclass_transform``, the new typing pipe/union (``|``) operator, and other cases.
As this is a new standard proposal, it would only make sense if it had
interest from the community.
Fortunately there's already interest from several mainstream libraries
from several developers and teams, including FastAPI, Typer, SQLModel,
Asyncer (from the author of this proposal), Pydantic, Strawberry, and others,
from other teams.
There's also interest and support from documentation tools, like
`mkdocstrings <>`__, which added
support even for an earlier version of this proposal.
All the CPython core developers contacted for early feedback (at least 4) have
shown interest and support for this proposal.
Editor developers (VS Code and PyCharm) have shown some interest, while showing
concerns about the verbosity of the proposal, although not about the
implementation (which is what would affect them the most). And they have shown
they would consider adding support for this if it were to become an
official standard. In that case, they would only need to add support for
rendering, as support for editing, which is normally non-existing for
other standards, is already there, as they already support editing standard
Python syntax.
Bike Shedding
I think ``doc()`` is a good name for the main function. But it might make sense
to consider changing the names for the other parts.
The returned class containing info currently named ``DocInfo`` could instead
be named just ``Doc``. Although it could make verbal conversations more
confusing as it's the same word as the name of the function.
The parameter received by ``doc()`` currently named ``documentation`` could
instead be named also ``doc``, but it would make it more ambiguous in
discussions to distinguish when talking about the function and the parameter,
although it would simplify the amount of terms, but as these terms refer to
different things closely related, it could make sense to have different names.
The parameter received by ``doc()`` currently named ``documentation`` could
instead be named ``value``, but the word "documentation" might convey
the meaning better.
The parameter received by ``doc()`` currently named ``documentation`` could be a
position-only parameter, in which case the name wouldn't matter much. But then
there wouldn't be a way to make it match with the ``DocInfo`` attribute.
The ``DocInfo`` class has a single attribute ``documentation``, this name matches
the parameter passed to ``doc()``. It could be named something different,
like ``doc``, but this would mean a mismatch between the ``doc()`` parameter
``documentation`` and the equivalent attribute ``doc``, and it would mean that in
one case (in the function), the term ``doc`` refers to a function, and in the
other case (the resulting class) the term ``doc`` refers to a string value.
This shows the logic to select the current terms, but it could all be
discussed further.
This document is placed in the public domain or under the
CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive.