PEP 454: second round based on the tracemalloc repository at changeset 21f7c3df0f15

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Victor Stinner 2013-09-17 01:38:43 +02:00
parent 2b83b4a265
commit 0cb64f9c69
1 changed files with 480 additions and 260 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Python-Version: 3.4
Add a new ``tracemalloc`` module to trace Python memory allocations.
Add a new ``tracemalloc`` module to trace memory blocks allocated by Python.
@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ This PEP proposes to add a new ``tracemalloc`` module. It is a debug
tool to trace memory allocations made by Python. The module provides the
following information:
* Statistics on Python memory allocations per Python filename and line
number: size, number, and average size of allocations
* Compute differences between two snapshots of Python memory allocations
* Location of a Python memory allocation: size in bytes, Python filename
and line number
* Compute the differences between two snapshots to detect memory leaks
* Statistics on allocated memory blocks per filename and per line number:
total size, number and average size of allocated memory blocks
* For each allocated memory block: its size and the traceback where the block
was allocated
The API of the tracemalloc module is similar to the API of the
faulthandler module: ``enable()``, ``disable()`` and ``is_enabled()``
@ -71,77 +71,110 @@ implementations of Python may not provide it.
To trace the most Python memory allocations, the module should be
enabled as early as possible in your application by calling
``tracemalloc.enable()`` function, by setting the ``PYTHONTRACEMALLOC``
environment variable to ``1``, or by using ``-X tracemalloc`` command
line option.
To trace most memory blocks allocated by Python, the module should be
enabled as early as possible by calling ``tracemalloc.enable()``
function, by setting the ``PYTHONTRACEMALLOC`` environment variable to
``1``, or by using ``-X tracemalloc`` command line option.
By default, tracemalloc only stores one ``frame`` instance per memory
allocation. Use ``tracemalloc.set_number_frame()`` to store more frames.
By default, the ``Trace.traceback`` attribute only stores one ``Frame``
instance per allocated memory block. Use ``set_traceback_limit()`` to
store more frames.
``add_filter(include: bool, filename: str, lineno: int=None)`` function:
``add_filter(filter)`` function:
Add a filter. If *include* is ``True``, only trace memory blocks
allocated in a file with a name matching *filename*. If
*include* is ``False``, don't trace memory blocks allocated in a
file with a name matching *filename*.
Add a new filter on Python memory allocations, *filter* is a
``Filter`` instance.
The match is done using *filename* as a prefix. For example,
``'/usr/bin/'`` only matchs files the ``/usr/bin`` directories. The
``.pyc`` and ``.pyo`` suffixes are automatically replaced with
``.py`` when matching the filename.
All inclusive filters are applied at once, a memory allocation is
only ignored if no inclusive filter match its trace. A memory
allocation is ignored if at least one exclusive filter matchs its
The new filter is not applied on already collected traces. Use
``clear_traces()`` to ensure that all traces match the new filter.
``add_include_filter(filename: str, lineno: int=None, traceback: bool=False)`` function:
Add an inclusive filter: helper for ``add_filter()`` creating a
``Filter`` instance with ``include`` attribute set to ``True``.
Example: ``tracemalloc.add_include_filter(tracemalloc.__file__)``
only includes memory blocks allocated by the ``tracemalloc`` module.
``add_exclude_filter(filename: str, lineno: int=None, traceback: bool=False)`` function:
Add an exclusive filter: helper for ``add_filter()`` creating a
``Filter`` instance with ``include`` attribute set to ``False``.
Example: ``tracemalloc.add_exclude_filter(tracemalloc.__file__)``
ignores memory blocks allocated by the ``tracemalloc`` module.
*lineno* is a line number. If *lineno* is ``None`` or lesser than
``1``, it matches any line number.
``clear_filters()`` function:
Reset the filter list.
``clear_traces()`` function:
Clear all traces and statistics of memory allocations.
Clear all traces and statistics on Python memory allocations, and
reset the ``get_traced_memory()`` counter.
``disable()`` function:
Stop tracing Python memory allocations and stop the timer started by
See also ``enable()`` and ``is_enabled()`` functions.
``enable()`` function:
Start tracing Python memory allocations.
See also ``disable()`` and ``is_enabled()`` functions.
``get_filters()`` function:
Get the filters as list of
``(include: bool, filename: str, lineno: int)`` tuples.
Get the filters on Python memory allocations as list of ``Filter``
If *lineno* is ``None``, a filter matchs any line number.
By default, the filename of the Python tracemalloc module
(````) is excluded.
``get_traceback_limit()`` function:
``get_number_frame()`` function:
Get the maximum number of ``Frame`` instances stored in the
``traceback`` attribute of a ``Trace`` instance.
Use ``set_traceback_limit()`` to change the limit.
Get the maximum number of frames stored in a trace of a memory
``get_object_address(obj)`` function:
Get the address of the memory block of the specified Python object.
``get_object_trace(obj)`` function:
Get the trace of a Python object *obj* as a ``trace`` instance.
Get the trace of a Python object *obj* as a ``Trace`` instance.
The function only returns the trace of the memory block directly
holding to object. The ``size`` attribute of the trace is smaller
than the total size of the object if the object is composed of more
than one memory block.
Return ``None`` if the ``tracemalloc`` module did not trace the
allocation of the object.
See also ``gc.get_referrers()`` and ``sys.getsizeof()`` functions.
Return ``None`` if the tracemalloc module did not save the location
when the object was allocated, for example if the module was
``get_process_memory()`` function:
@ -153,334 +186,521 @@ Functions
Return ``None`` if the platform is not supported.
Use the ``psutil`` module if available.
``get_stats()`` function:
Get statistics on Python memory allocations per Python filename and
per Python line number.
Get statistics on traced Python memory blocks as a dictionary
``{filename (str): {line_number (int): stats}}`` where *stats* in a
``TraceStats`` instance, *filename* and *line_number* can be
Return a dictionary
``{filename: str -> {line_number: int -> stats: line_stat}}``
where *stats* in a ``line_stat`` instance. *filename* and
*line_number* can be ``None``.
Return an empty dictionary if the ``tracemalloc`` module is
``get_traced_memory()`` function:
Get the total size of all traced memory blocks allocated by Python.
Return an empty dictionary if the tracemalloc module is disabled.
``get_tracemalloc_size()`` function:
Get the memory usage in bytes of the ``tracemalloc`` module.
``get_traces(obj)`` function:
Get all traces of a Python memory allocations.
Return a dictionary ``{pointer: int -> trace}`` where *trace*
is a ``trace`` instance.
Get all traces of Python memory allocations as a dictionary
``{address (int): trace}`` where *trace* is a ``Trace`` instance.
Return an empty dictionary if the ``tracemalloc`` module is
Return an empty dictionary if the ``tracemalloc`` module is disabled.
``is_enabled()`` function:
Get the status of the module: ``True`` if it is enabled, ``False``
``True`` if the ``tracemalloc`` module is tracing Python memory
allocations, ``False`` otherwise.
``set_number_frame(nframe: int)`` function:
See also ``enable()`` and ``disable()`` functions.
Set the maximum number of frames stored in a trace of a memory
All traces and statistics of memory allocations are cleared.
``start_timer(delay: int, func: callable, args: tuple=(), kwargs: dict={})`` function:
Start a timer calling ``func(*args, **kwargs)`` every *delay*
seconds. Enable the ``tracemalloc`` module if it is disabled. The
timer is based on the Python memory allocator, it is not real time.
*func* is called after at least *delay* seconds, it is not called
exactly after *delay* seconds if no Python memory allocation
occurred. The timer has a resolution of 1 second.
The timer is based on the Python memory allocator, it is not real
time. *func* is called after at least *delay* seconds, it is not
called exactly after *delay* seconds if no Python memory allocation
If the ``start_timer()`` function is called twice, previous
parameters are replaced. Call the ``stop_timer()`` function to stop
the timer.
If ``start_timer()`` is called twice, previous parameters are
replaced. The timer has a resolution of 1 second.
The ``DisplayTopTask.start()`` and ``TakeSnapshot.start()`` methods
use the ``start_timer()`` function to run regulary a task.
``set_traceback_limit(limit: int)`` function:
Set the maximum number of ``Frame`` instances stored in the
``traceback`` attribute of a ``Trace`` instance. Clear all traces
and statistics on Python memory allocations if the ``tracemalloc``
module is enabled,
Storing the traceback of each memory allocation has an important
overhead on the memory usage. Example with the Python test suite:
tracing all memory allocations increases the memory usage by
``+50%`` when storing only 1 frame and ``+150%`` when storing 10
frames. Use ``get_tracemalloc_size()`` to measure the overhead and
``add_filter()`` to select which memory allocations are traced.
Use ``get_traceback_limit()`` to get the current limit.
``start_timer()`` is used by ``DisplayTop`` and ``TakeSnapshot`` to
run regulary a task.
``stop_timer()`` function:
Stop the timer started by ``start_timer()``.
frame class
DisplayTop class
``DisplayTop()`` class:
Display the top of allocated memory blocks.
``display_snapshot(snapshot, count=10, group_by="filename_lineno", cumulative=False, file=None)`` method:
Display a snapshot of memory blocks allocated by Python, *snapshot*
is a ``Snapshot`` instance.
``display_top_diff(top_diff, count=10, file=None)`` method:
Display differences between two ``GroupedStats`` instances,
*top_diff* is a ``StatsDiff`` instance.
``display_top_stats(top_stats, count=10, file=None)`` method:
Display the top of allocated memory blocks grouped by the
``group_by`` attribute of *top_stats*, *top_stats* is a
``GroupedStats`` instance.
``color`` attribute:
If ``True``, always use colors. If ``False``, never use colors. The
default value is ``None``: use colors if the *file* parameter is a
TTY device.
``compare_with_previous`` attribute:
If ``True`` (default value), compare with the previous snapshot. If
``False``, compare with the first snapshot.
``filename_parts`` attribute:
Number of displayed filename parts (int, default: ``3``). Extra
parts are replaced with ``'...'``.
``show_average`` attribute:
If ``True`` (default value), display the average size of memory blocks.
``show_count`` attribute:
If ``True`` (default value), display the number of allocated memory
``show_size`` attribute:
If ``True`` (default value), display the size of memory blocks.
DisplayTopTask class
``DisplayTopTask(count=10, group_by="filename_lineno", cumulative=False, file=sys.stdout, user_data_callback=None)`` class:
Task taking temporary snapshots and displaying the top *count*
memory allocations grouped by *group_by*.
Call the ``start()`` method to start the task.
``display()`` method:
Take a snapshot and display the top *count* biggest allocated memory
blocks grouped by *group_by* using the ``display_top`` attribute.
Return the snapshot, a ``Snapshot`` instance.
``start(delay: int)`` method:
Start a task using the ``start_timer()`` function calling the
``display()`` method every *delay* seconds.
``stop()`` method:
Stop the task started by the ``start()`` method using the
``stop_timer()`` function.
``count`` attribute:
Maximum number of displayed memory blocks.
``cumulative`` attribute:
If ``True``, cumulate size and count of memory blocks of all frames
of each ``Trace`` instance, not only the most recent frame. The
default value is ``False``.
The option is ignored if the traceback limit is ``1``, see the
``get_traceback_limit()`` function.
``display_top`` attribute:
Instance of ``DisplayTop``.
``file`` attribute:
The top is written into *file*.
``group_by`` attribute:
Determine how memory allocations are grouped: see
``Snapshot.top_by`` for the available values.
``user_data_callback`` attribute:
Optional callback collecting user data (callable, default:
``None``). See ``Snapshot.create()``.
Filter class
``Filter(include: bool, pattern: str, lineno: int=None, traceback: bool=False)`` class:
Filter to select which memory allocations are traced. Filters can be
used to reduce the memory usage of the ``tracemalloc`` module, which
can be read using ``get_tracemalloc_size()``.
``match_trace(trace)`` method:
Return ``True`` if the ``Trace`` instance must be kept according to
the filter, ``False`` otherwise.
``match(filename: str, lineno: int)`` method:
Return ``True`` if the filename and line number must be kept
according to the filter, ``False`` otherwise.
``match_filename(filename: str)`` method:
Return ``True`` if the filename must be kept according to the
filter, ``False`` otherwise.
``match_lineno(lineno: int)`` method:
Return ``True`` if the line number must be kept according to the
filter, ``False`` otherwise.
``include`` attribute:
If *include* is ``True``, only trace memory blocks allocated in a
file with a name matching filename ``pattern`` at line number
``lineno``. If *include* is ``False``, ignore memory blocks
allocated in a file with a name matching filename :attr`pattern` at
line number ``lineno``.
``pattern`` attribute:
The filename *pattern* can contain one or many ``*`` joker
characters which match any substring, including an empty string. The
``.pyc`` and ``.pyo`` suffixes are replaced with ``.py``. On
Windows, the comparison is case insensitive and the alternative
separator ``/`` is replaced with the standard separator ``\``.
``lineno`` attribute:
Line number (``int``). If is is ``None`` or lesser than ``1``, it
matches any line number.
``traceback`` attribute:
If *traceback* is ``True``, all frames of the ``traceback``
attribute of ``Trace`` instances are checked. If *traceback* is
``False``, only the most recent frame is checked.
This attribute only has an effect on the ``match_trace()`` method
and only if the traceback limit is greater than ``1``. See the
``get_traceback_limit()`` function.
Frame class
``frame`` class:
``Frame`` class:
Trace of a Python frame.
Trace of a Python frame, used by ``Trace.traceback`` attribute.
``filename`` attribute (``str``):
``filename`` attribute:
Python filename, ``None`` if unknown.
``lineno`` attribute (``int``):
``lineno`` attribute:
Python line number, ``None`` if unknown.
trace class
GroupedStats class
``trace`` class:
``GroupedStats(stats: dict, group_by: str, cumulative=False, timestamp=None, process_memory=None, tracemalloc_size=None)`` class:
This class represents debug information of an allocated memory block.
Top of allocated memory blocks grouped by on *group_by* as a
``size`` attribute (``int``):
The ``Snapshot.top_by()`` method creates a ``GroupedStats`` instance.
Size in bytes of the memory block.
``compare_to(old_stats: GroupedStats=None)`` method:
``frames`` attribute (``list``):
Compare to an older ``GroupedStats`` instance. Return a
``StatsDiff`` instance.
Traceback where the memory block was allocated as a list of
``frame`` instances (most recent first).
``cumulative`` attribute:
The list can be empty or incomplete if the tracemalloc module was
unable to retrieve the full traceback.
If ``True``, cumulate size and count of memory blocks of all frames
of ``Trace``, not only the most recent frame.
For efficiency, the traceback is truncated to 10 frames.
``group_by`` attribute:
Determine how memory allocations were grouped. The type of ``stats``
keys depends on *group_by*:
line_stat class
===================== ======================== ==============
group_by description key type
===================== ======================== ==============
``'filename'`` filename ``str``
``'filename_lineno'`` filename and line number ``(str, str)``
``'address'`` memory block address ``int``
===================== ======================== ==============
``line_stat`` class:
See the *group_by* parameter of the ``Snapshot.top_by()`` method.
Statistics on Python memory allocations of a specific line number.
``stats`` attribute:
``size`` attribute (``int``):
Total size in bytes of all memory blocks allocated on the line.
``count`` attribute (``int``):
Number of memory blocks allocated on the line.
DisplayTop class
``DisplayTop(count: int=10, file=sys.stdout)`` class:
Display the list of the *count* biggest memory allocations into
``display()`` method:
Display the top once.
``start(delay: int)`` method:
Start a task using ``tracemalloc`` timer to display the top every
*delay* seconds.
``stop()`` method:
Stop the task started by the ``DisplayTop.start()`` method
``color`` attribute (``bool``, default: ``file.isatty()``):
If ``True``, ``display()`` uses color.
``compare_with_previous`` attribute (``bool``, default: ``True``):
If ``True``, ``display()`` compares with the
previous snapshot. If ``False``, compare with the first snapshot.
``filename_parts`` attribute (``int``, default: ``3``):
Number of displayed filename parts. Extra parts are replaced
with ``"..."``.
``group_per_file`` attribute (``bool``, default: ``False``):
If ``True``, group memory allocations per Python filename. If
``False``, group allocation per Python line number.
``show_average`` attribute (``bool``, default: ``True``):
If ``True``, ``display()`` shows the average size
of allocations.
``show_count`` attribute (``bool``, default: ``True``):
If ``True``, ``display()`` shows the number of
``show_size`` attribute (``bool``, default: ``True``):
If ``True``, ``display()`` shows the size of
``user_data_callback`` attribute (``callable``, default: ``None``):
Optional callback collecting user data. See ``Snapshot.create()``.
Snapshot class
``Snapshot()`` class:
Snapshot of Python memory allocations.
Use ``TakeSnapshot`` to take regulary snapshots.
``create(user_data_callback=None)`` method:
Take a snapshot. If *user_data_callback* is specified, it must be a
callable object returning a list of
``(title: str, format: str, value: int)``.
*format* must be ``'size'``. The list must always have the same
length and the same order to be able to compute differences between
Example: ``[('Video memory', 'size', 234902)]``.
``filter_filenames(patterns: list, include: bool)`` method:
Remove filenames not matching any pattern of *patterns* if *include*
is ``True``, or remove filenames matching a pattern of *patterns* if
*include* is ``False`` (exclude).
See ``fnmatch.fnmatch()`` for the syntax of a pattern.
``load(filename)`` classmethod:
Load a snapshot from a file.
``write(filename)`` method:
Write the snapshot into a file.
``pid`` attribute (``int``):
Identifier of the process which created the snapshot.
Dictionary ``{key: stats}`` where the *key* type depends on the
``group_by`` attribute and *stats* type is ``TraceStats``.
``process_memory`` attribute:
Result of the ``get_process_memory()`` function, can be ``None``.
``stats`` attribute (``dict``):
``timestamp`` attribute:
Result of the ``get_stats()`` function.
Creation date and time of the snapshot, ``datetime.datetime``
``tracemalloc_size`` attribute (``int``):
``tracemalloc_size`` attribute:
The memory usage in bytes of the ``tracemalloc`` module,
result of the ``get_tracemalloc_size()`` function.
``timestamp`` attribute (``datetime.datetime``):
Creation date and time of the snapshot.
``user_data`` attribute (``list``, default: ``None``):
Optional list of user data, result of *user_data_callback* in
The memory usage in bytes of the ``tracemalloc`` module, result of
the ``get_tracemalloc_size()`` function.
TakeSnapshot class
Snapshot class
``TakeSnapshot`` class:
``Snapshot`` class:
Task taking snapshots of Python memory allocations: write them into
files. By default, snapshots are written in the current directory.
Snapshot of memory blocks allocated by Python.
``start(delay: int)`` method:
Use ``TakeSnapshot`` to take regulary snapshots.
Start a task taking a snapshot every delay seconds.
``apply_filters(filters)`` method:
``stop()`` method:
Apply a list filters on the ``traces`` and ``stats`` dictionaries,
*filters* is a list of ``Filter`` instances.
Stop the task started by the ``TakeSnapshot.start()`` method.
``create(\*, with_traces=False, with_stats=True, user_data_callback=None)`` classmethod:
``take_snapshot()`` method:
Take a snapshot of traces and/or statistics of allocated memory
Take a snapshot.
If *with_traces* is ``True``, ``get_traces()`` is called and its
result is stored in the ``traces`` attribute. This attribute
contains more information than ``stats`` and uses more memory and
more disk space. If *with_traces* is ``False``, ``traces`` is set to
``filename_template`` attribute (``str``,
default: ``'tracemalloc-$counter.pickle'``):
If *with_stats* is ``True``, ``get_stats()`` is called and its
result is stored in the ``Snapshot.stats`` attribute. If
*with_stats* is ``False``, ``Snapshot.stats`` is set to ``None``.
Template used to create a filename. The following variables can be
used in the template:
*with_traces* and *with_stats* cannot be ``False`` at the same time.
* ``$pid``: identifier of the current process
* ``$timestamp``: current date and time
* ``$counter``: counter starting at 1 and incremented at each snapshot
*user_data_callback* is an optional callable object. Its result
should be serializable by the ``pickle`` module, or
``Snapshot.write()`` would fail. If *user_data_callback* is set, it
is called and the result is stored in the ``Snapshot.user_data``
attribute. Otherwise, ``Snapshot.user_data`` is set to ``None``.
``user_data_callback`` attribute (``callable``, default: ``None``):
The ``tracemalloc`` module must be enabled to take a snapshot. See
the ``enable()`` function.
Optional callback collecting user data. See ``Snapshot.create()``.
``load(filename)`` classmethod:
Load a snapshot from a file.
``top_by(group_by: str, cumulative: bool=False)`` method:
Compute top statistics grouped by *group_by* as a ``GroupedStats``
===================== ======================== ==============
group_by description key type
===================== ======================== ==============
``'filename'`` filename ``str``
``'filename_lineno'`` filename and line number ``(str, str)``
``'address'`` memory block address ``int``
===================== ======================== ==============
If *cumulative* is ``True``, cumulate size and count of memory
blocks of all frames of each ``Trace`` instance, not only the most
recent frame. The *cumulative* parameter is ignored if *group_by* is
``'address'`` or if the traceback limit is ``1``. See the
``traceback_limit`` attribute.
``write(filename)`` method:
Write the snapshot into a file.
``pid`` attribute:
Identifier of the process which created the snapshot, result of
``process_memory`` attribute:
Memory usage of the current process, result of the
``get_process_memory()`` function. It can be ``None``.
``stats`` attribute:
Statistics on traced Python memory, result of the ``get_stats()``
function, if ``create()`` was called with *with_stats* equals to
``True``, ``None`` otherwise.
``tracemalloc_size`` attribute:
The memory usage in bytes of the ``tracemalloc`` module, result of
the ``get_tracemalloc_size()`` function.
``traceback_limit`` attribute:
The maximum number of frames stored in the ``traceback`` attribute
of a ``Trace``, result of the ``get_traceback_limit()`` function.
``traces`` attribute:
Traces of Python memory allocations, result of the ``get_traces()``
function, if ``create()`` was called with *with_traces* equals to
``True``, ``None`` otherwise.
The ``traceback`` attribute of each ``Trace`` instance is limited to
``traceback_limit`` frames.
``timestamp`` attribute:
Creation date and time of the snapshot, ``datetime.datetime``
``user_data`` attribute:
Result of *user_data_callback* called in ``Snapshot.create()``
(default: ``None``).
Command line options
StatsDiff class
The ``python -m tracemalloc`` command can be used to analyze and compare
snapshots. The command takes a list of snapshot filenames and has the
following options.
``StatsDiff(differences, old_stats, new_stats)`` class:
``-g``, ``--group-per-file``
Differences between two ``GroupedStats`` instances. By default, the
``differences`` list is unsorted: call ``sort()`` to sort it.
Group allocations per filename, instead of grouping per line number.
The ``GroupedStats.compare_to()`` method creates a ``StatsDiff``
``-n NTRACES``, ``--number NTRACES``
``sort()`` method:
Number of traces displayed per top (default: 10).
Sort the ``differences`` list from the biggest allocation to the
smallest. Sort by *size_diff*, *size*, *count_diff*, *count* and
then by *key*.
``differences`` attribute:
Compare with the first snapshot, instead of comparing with the
previous snapshot.
Differences between ``old_stats`` and ``new_stats`` as a list of
``(size_diff, size, count_diff, count, key)`` tuples. *size_diff*,
*size*, *count_diff* and *count* are ``int``. The key type depends
on the ``group_by`` attribute of ``new_stats``:
``--include PATTERN``
===================== ======================== ==============
group_by description key type
===================== ======================== ==============
``'filename'`` filename ``str``
``'filename_lineno'`` filename and line number ``(str, str)``
``'address'`` memory block address ``int``
===================== ======================== ==============
Only include filenames matching pattern *PATTERN*. The option can be
specified multiple times.
See the ``group_by`` attribute of the ``GroupedStats`` class.
See ``fnmatch.fnmatch()`` for the syntax of patterns.
``old_stats`` attribute:
``--exclude PATTERN``
Old ``GroupedStats`` instance, can be ``None``.
Exclude filenames matching pattern *PATTERN*. The option can be
specified multiple times.
``new_stats`` attribute:
See ``fnmatch.fnmatch()`` for the syntax of patterns.
New ``GroupedStats`` instance.
``-S``, ``--hide-size``
Hide the size of allocations.
Trace class
``-C``, ``--hide-count``
``Trace`` class:
Hide the number of allocations.
Debug information of a memory block allocated by Python.
``-A``, ``--hide-average``
``size`` attribute:
Hide the average size of allocations.
Size in bytes of the memory block.
``-P PARTS``, ``--filename-parts=PARTS``
``traceback`` attribute:
Number of displayed filename parts (default: 3).
Traceback where the memory block was allocated as a list of
``Frame`` instances, most recent first.
The list can be empty or incomplete if the ``tracemalloc`` module
was unable to retrieve the full traceback.
Force usage of colors even if ``sys.stdout`` is not a TTY device.
The traceback is limited to ``get_traceback_limit()`` frames. Use
``set_traceback_limit()`` to store more frames.
Disable colors if ``sys.stdout`` is a TTY device.
TraceStats class
``TraceStats`` class:
Statistics on Python memory allocations.
``size`` attribute:
Total size in bytes of allocated memory blocks.
``count`` attribute:
Number of allocated memory blocks.