PEP 671: Update to latest implementation

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Chris Angelico 2021-11-01 11:48:09 +11:00
parent 5c9ce152a1
commit 0cd7acd5a3
1 changed files with 17 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ Function default arguments can be defined using the new ``=>`` notation::
def bisect_right(a, x, lo=0, hi=>len(a), *, key=None):
def connect(timeout=>default_timeout):
def add_item(item, target=>[]):
def format_time(fmt, time_t=>time.time()):
The expression is saved in its source code form for the purpose of inspection,
and bytecode to evaluate it is prepended to the function's body.
@ -71,11 +72,13 @@ allows the expression to refer to other arguments.
Multiple late-bound arguments are evaluated from left to right, and can refer
to previously-defined values. Order is defined by the function, regardless of
the order in which keyword arguments may be passed. Using names of other
arguments is a SyntaxError at function definition time::
arguments is an error. It is implementation-defined whether this is a syntax
error or a run-time error, and implementations are free to be more permissive,
but this should not be relied upon.
def spaminate(sausage=>eggs + 1, eggs=>sausage - 1): # SyntaxError
def selfref(spam=>spam): # SyntaxError
def frob(n=>len(items), items=[]): # SyntaxError
def spaminate(sausage=>eggs + 1, eggs=>sausage - 1): # Error
def selfref(spam=>spam): # Error
def frob(n=>len(items), items=[]): # Error
Choice of spelling
@ -86,11 +89,13 @@ Our chief syntax proposal is ``name=>expression`` -- our two syntax proposals
def bisect(a, hi=>len(a)):
def bisect(a, hi=:len(a)):
def bisect(a, hi:=len(a)):
def bisect(a, hi?=len(a)):
def bisect(a, hi!=len(a)):
def bisect(a, hi=\len(a)):
def bisect(a, hi=`len(a)`):
def bisect(a, hi=@len(a)):
def bisect(a, @hi=len(a)):
Since default arguments behave largely the same whether they're early or late
bound, the preferred syntax is very similar to the existing early-bind syntax.
@ -127,17 +132,10 @@ used as dictionary lookup keys, where PEP 671 does not apply.
Open Issues
- yield/await? Will they cause problems? Might end up being a non-issue.
- annotations? They go before the default, so is there any way an anno could
want to end with ``=>``?
- Rather than banning future refs, these could be permitted, at the price of
harder-to-explain semantics. Arguments would be resolved first with those
passed and those with early-bound defaults, and then late-bound ones would
be evaluated, left-to-right; the consequences for getting it wrong would
then be UnboundLocalError at call time, rather than SyntaxError from the
function definition.
- Annotations go before the default, so in all syntax options, it must be
unambiguous (both to the human and the parser) whether this is an annotation,
a default, or both. The worst offender is the ``:=`` notation, as ``:int=``
would be a valid annotation and early-bound default.
Implementation details
@ -163,6 +161,10 @@ function will begin with the parameter unbound. The function begins by testing
for each parameter with a late-bound default, and if unbound, evaluates the
original expression.
Out-of-order variable references are permitted as long as the referent has a
value from an argument or early-bound default.