PEP 705: Rewrite to focus on TypedDict changes (#3440)

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
PEP: 705
Title: TypedMapping: Type Hints for Mappings with a Fixed Set of Keys
Title: TypedDict: Read-only and other keys
Author: Alice Purcell <>
Sponsor: Pablo Galindo <>
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Type: Standards Track
Topic: Typing
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 07-Nov-2022
Python-Version: 3.12
Python-Version: 3.13
Post-History: `30-Sep-2022 <>`__,
`02-Nov-2022 <>`__,
`14-Mar-2023 <>`__,
@ -19,14 +19,19 @@ Abstract
:pep:`589` defines the structural type :class:`~typing.TypedDict` for dictionaries with a fixed set of keys.
As ``TypedDict`` is a mutable type, it is difficult to correctly annotate methods which accept read-only parameters in a way that doesn't prevent valid inputs.
This PEP proposes a type constructor ``typing.TypedMapping`` to support this use case.
As structural subtypes can add other keys in, it is also difficult for type-checkers to safely define covariant methods like ``update``, or support type narrowing.
This PEP proposes two new ``TypedDict`` flags, ``readonly`` and ``other_keys``, plus an associated type qualifier, ``typing.ReadOnly``.
Representing structured data using (potentially nested) dictionaries with string keys is a common pattern in Python programs. :pep:`589` allows these values to be type checked when the exact type is known up-front, but it is hard to write read-only code that accepts more specific variants: for instance, where fields may be subtypes or restrict a union of possible types. This is an especially common issue when writing APIs for services, which may support a wide range of input structures, and typically do not need to modify their input.
For illustration, we will try to add type hints to a function ``movie_string``::
Pure functions
Consider trying to add type hints to a function ``movie_string``::
def movie_string(movie: Movie) -> str:
if movie.get("year") is None:
@ -77,106 +82,319 @@ The problem disappears if we don't have mutator methods in ``Movie``. This could
This is very repetitive, easy to get wrong, and is still missing important method definitions like ``__contains__()`` and ``keys()``.
Updating nested dicts
The structural typing of ``TypedDict`` is supposed to permit writing update functions that only constrain the types of entries they modify::
class HasTimestamp(TypedDict):
timestamp: float
class Logs(TypedDict):
timestamp: float
loglines: list[str]
def update_timestamp(d: HasTimestamp) -> None:
d["timestamp"] = now()
def add_logline(logs: Logs, logline: str) -> None:
update_timestamp(logs) # Accepted by type checker
However, this no longer works once you start nesting dictionaries::
class HasTimestampedMetadata(TypedDict):
metadata: HasTimestamp
class UserAudit(TypedDict):
name: str
metadata: Logs
def update_metadata_timestamp(d: HasTimestampedMetadata) -> None:
d["metadata"]["timestamp"] = now()
def rename_user(d: UserAudit, name: str) -> None:
d["name"] = name
update_metadata_timestamp(d) # Type check error: "metadata" is not of type HasTimestamp
This looks like an error, but is simply due to the (unwanted) ability to overwrite the ``metadata`` entry held by the ``HasTimestampedMetadata`` instance with a different ``HasTimestamp`` instance, that may no longer be a ``UserAudit`` instance.
It is possible to work around this issue with generics (as of Python 3.11), but it is very complicated, requiring a type parameter for every nested dict.
Type discrimination
Another common idiom in JSON APIs is to discriminate between mutually exclusive choices with a single-entry dictionary, where the key on the dictionary distinguishes between choices, and constrains the associated value type::
class Movie(TypedDict):
name: str
director: str
class Book(TypedDict):
name: str
author: str
class EntertainmentMovie(TypedDict):
movie: Movie
class EntertainmentBook(TypedDict):
book: Book
Entertainment = EntertainmentMovie | EntertainmentBook
Users of this pattern expect type-checkers to allow the following pattern::
def get_name(entertainment: Entertainment) -> str:
if "movie" in entertainment:
return entertainment["movie"]["name"]
elif "book" in entertainment:
return entertainment["book"]["name"]
# Theoretically unreachable but common defensive coding
raise ValueError("Unexpected entertainment type")
However, type-checkers will actually raise an error on this code; mypy, for instance, will complain that ``TypedDict "EntertainmentBook" has no key "movie"`` on the third line. This is because ``TypedDict`` does not prevent instances from having keys not specified in the type, and so the check ``"movie" in entertainment`` can return True for an ``EntertainmentBook``.
Users can alternatively use a non-total ``TypedDict`` instead of a union::
class Entertainment(TypedDict, total=False):
movie: Movie
book: Book
This ensures the ``get_name`` example type-checks correctly, but it no longer encodes the constraint that exactly one key must be present, meaning other valid code raises spurious type-check failures. In practice, we tend to see code using types like this either casting to the correct type, with the associated risk of mistakes, or moving the ``in`` checks to dedicated ``TypeGuard`` functions, reducing readability.
The proposed ``TypedMapping`` type allows a straightforward way of defining these types that should be familiar to existing users of ``TypedDict`` and support the cases exemplified above::
The first two motivating examples can be solved by removing the ability to update one or more of the entries in a ``TypedDict``. This does not mean the entries are immutable; a reference to the underlying dictionary could still exist with a different but compatible type in which those entries have mutator operations. As such, these are not "final" entries; using this term would risk confusion with final attributes, which are fully immutable. These entries are "readonly".
from typing import NotRequired, TypedMapping
To support this, we propose adding a new boolean flag to ``TypedDict``, ``readonly``, which when set to True, removes all mutator operations from the type::
class Movie(TypedMapping):
from typing import NotRequired, TypedDict
class Movie(TypedDict, readonly=True):
name: str
year: NotRequired[int | None]
director: str
In addition to those benefits, by flagging arguments of a function as ``TypedMapping``, it makes explicit not just to typecheckers but also to users that the function is not going to modify its inputs, which is usually a desirable property of a function interface.
Finally, this allows bringing the benefits of ``TypedDict`` to other mapping types that are unrelated to ``dict``.
class Book(TypedDict, readonly=True):
name: str
author: str
In addition to these benefits, by flagging arguments of a function as read-only (by using a read-only ``TypedDict`` like ``Movie`` or ``Book``), it makes explicit not just to typecheckers but also to users that the function is not going to modify its inputs, which is usually a desireable property of a function interface.
A new ``typing.ReadOnly`` type qualifier allows removing the ability to mutate individual entries, permitting a mixture of readonly and mutable entries. This is necessary for supporting the second motivating example, updating nested dicts::
class UserAudit(TypedDict):
name: str
metadata: ReadOnly[Logs]
This PEP only proposes making ``ReadOnly`` valid in a ``TypedDict``. A possible future extension would be to support it in additional contexts, such as in protocols.
Finally, to support type discrimination, we add a second flag to ``TypedDict``, ``other_keys``, which when set to ``typing.Never``, prevents instances from holding any key not explicitly listed in the type::
class EntertainmentMovie(TypedDict, readonly=True, other_keys=Never):
movie: Movie
class EntertainmentBook(TypedDict, readonly=True, other_keys=Never):
book: Book
Entertainment = EntertainmentMovie | EntertainmentBook
def get_name(entertainment: Entertainment) -> str:
if "movie" in entertainment:
return entertainment["movie"]["name"]
elif "book" in entertainment:
return entertainment["book"]["name"]
raise ValueError("Unexpected entertainment type")
Note this is a subset of the functionality of the `unmerged proposal of PEP-728 <>`_.
A ``TypedMapping`` type defines a protocol with the same methods as :class:``, but with value types determined per-key as with ``TypedDict``.
``TypedDict`` will gain two new flags: ``other_keys`` and ``readonly``. A new ``typing.ReadOnly`` type qualifier is added.
Notable similarities to ``TypedDict``:
``other_keys`` flag
* A ``TypedMapping`` protocol can be declared using class-based or alternative syntax.
* Keys must be strings.
* By default, all specified keys must be present in a ``TypedMapping`` instance. It is possible to override this by specifying totality, or by using ``NotRequired`` from :pep:`655`.
* Methods are not allowed in the declaration (though they may be inherited).
The optional ``other_keys`` flag to ``TypedDict`` can have the value ``typing.Never``, indicating that instances may only contain keys explicitly listed in the type::
Notable differences from ``TypedDict``:
* The runtime type of a ``TypedMapping`` object is not constrained to be a ``dict``.
* No mutator methods (``__setitem__``, ``__delitem__``, ``update``, etc.) will be generated.
* The ``|`` operator is not supported.
* A class definition defines a ``TypedMapping`` protocol if and only if ``TypedMapping`` appears directly in its class bases.
* Subclasses can narrow value types, in the same manner as other protocols.
As with :pep:`589`, this PEP provides a sketch of how a type checker is expected to support type checking operations involving ``TypedMapping`` and ``TypedDict`` objects, but details are left to implementors. In particular, type compatibility should be based on structural compatibility.
Multiple inheritance and TypedDict
A type that inherits from a ``TypedMapping`` protocol and from ``TypedDict`` (either directly or indirectly):
* is the structural intersection of its parents, or invalid if no such intersection exists
* instances must be a dict subclass
* adds mutator methods only for fields it explicitly (re)declares
For example::
class Movie(TypedMapping):
class Album(TypedDict, other_keys=Never):
name: str
year: int | None
class MovieRecord(Movie, TypedDict):
year: int
movie: MovieRecord = { "name": "Blade Runner",
"year": 1982 }
movie["year"] = 1985 # Fine; mutator methods added in definition
movie["name"] = "Terminator" # Type check error; "name" mutator not declared
class AlbumExtra(Album, TypedDict):
band: str # Runtime error
Inheriting, directly or indirectly, from both ``TypedDict`` and ``Protocol`` will continue to fail at runtime, and should continue to be rejected by type checkers.
Type-checkers may rely on this restriction::
def album_keys(album: Album) -> Collection[Literal['name', 'year']]:
# Type checkers may permit this, but should error if Album did not specify `other_keys=Never`
return album.keys()
Type-checkers should prevent operations that would violate this restriction::
class AlbumExtra(TypedDict, other_keys=Never):
name: str
year: int
band: str
album: AlbumExtra = { "name": "Flood", year: 1990, band: "They Might Be Giants" }
album_keys(album) # Type check error: extra key 'band'
This PEP does not propose supporting any other values than ``other_keys=Never``. Future or concurrent PEPs may extend this flag to permit other types.
``readonly`` flag
The optional boolean ``readonly`` flag to ``TypedDict``, when ``True``, indicates that no mutator operations (``__setitem__``, ``__delitem__``, ``update``, etc.) will be permitted::
class NamedDict(TypedDict, readonly=True):
name: str
def get_name(d: NamedDict) -> str:
return d["name"]
def set_name(d: NamedDict, name: str) -> None:
d["name"] = name # Type check error: cannot modify a read-only entry
The ``readonly`` flag defaults to ``False``.
``typing.ReadOnly`` flag
The ``typing.ReadOnly`` type qualifier is used to indicate that a variable declared in a ``TypedDict`` definition may not be mutated by any operation performed on instances of the ``TypedDict``::
from typing import ReadOnly
class BandAndAlbum(TypedDict):
band: str
album: ReadOnly[Album]
The ``readonly`` flag is equivalent to marking all entries as ``ReadOnly[]``, guaranteeing no entries are missed by mistake. To avoid potential confusion, it is an error to use both ``readonly=True`` and ``ReadOnly[]``::
class Band(TypedDict, readonly=True):
name: ReadOnly[str] # Runtime error: redundant ReadOnly qualifier
members: Collection[str]
Alternative functional syntax
The :pep:`alternative functional syntax <589#alternative-syntax>` for TypedDict also supports these features::
EntityBand = TypedDict('EntityBand', {'band': Band}, readonly=True, other_keys=Never)
BandAndAlbum = TypedDict(`BandAndAlbum', {'band': str, 'album': ReadOnly[Album]})
Interaction with other special types
``ReadOnly[]`` can be used with ``Required[]``, ``NotRequired[]`` and ``Annotated[]``, in any nesting order:
class Movie(TypedDict):
title: ReadOnly[Required[str]] # OK
year: ReadOnly[NotRequired[Annotated[int, ValueRange(-9999, 9999)]]] # OK
class Movie(TypedDict):
title: Required[ReadOnly[str]] # OK
year: Annotated[NotRequired[ReadOnly[int]], ValueRange(-9999, 9999)] # OK
This is consistent with the behavior introduced in :pep:`655`.
To avoid potential confusion, it is an error to have a read-only type extend a non-read-only type::
class BandAlbumAndLabel(BandAndAlbum, readonly=True): # Runtime error
label: str
Multiple inheritance and Protocol
It is also an error to have a type without ``other_keys`` specified extend a type with ``other_keys=Never``::
* A type that inherits from a ``TypedMapping`` protocol and from a ``Protocol`` protocol must satisfy the protocols defined by both, but is not itself a protocol unless it inherits directly from ``TypedMapping`` or ``Protocol``.
* A type that inherits from a ``TypedMapping`` protocol and from ``Protocol`` itself is configured as a ``Protocol``. Methods and properties may be defined; keys may not::
class NamedDict(TypedDict, readonly=True):
name: str
class A(Movie, Protocol):
# Declare a mutable property called 'year'
# This does not affect the dictionary key 'year'
year: str
class Person(NamedDict): # Runtime error
age: float
* A type that inherits from a ``Protocol`` protocol and from ``TypedMapping`` itself is configured as a ``TypedMapping``. Keys may be defined; methods and properties may not::
It is valid to have a non-read-only type extend a read-only one. The subclass will not be read-only, but any keys not redeclared in the subclass will remain read-only::
class B(A, TypedMapping):
# Declare a key 'year'
# This does not affect the property 'year'
class Album(NamedDict, TypedDict):
year: int
album: Album = { name: "Flood", year: 1990 }
album["year"] = 1973 # OK
album["name"] = "Dark Side Of The Moon" # Type check error: "name" is read-only
Type consistency rules
Subclasses can redeclare read-only entries as non-read-only, allowing them to be mutated::
Informally speaking, *type consistency* is a generalization of the is-subtype-of relation to support the ``Any`` type. It is defined more formally in :pep:`483`. This section introduces the new, non-trivial rules needed to support type consistency for ``TypedMapping`` types.
class Album(NamedDict, TypedDict):
name: str
year: int
First, any ``TypedMapping`` type is consistent with ``Mapping[str, object]``.
Second, a ``TypedMapping`` or ``TypedDict`` type ``A`` is consistent with ``TypedMapping`` ``B`` if ``A`` is structurally compatible with ``B``. This is true if and only if both of these conditions are satisfied:
album: Album = { name: "Flood", year: 1990 }
album["year"] = 1973 # OK
album["name"] = "Dark Side Of The Moon" # Also OK now
* For each key in ``A``, ``B`` has the corresponding key and the corresponding value type in ``B`` is consistent with the value type in ``A``.
Subclasses can narrow value types of read-only entries::
* For each required key in ``A``, the corresponding key is required in ``B``.
class AlbumCollection(TypedDict, readonly=True):
albums: Collection[Album]
class RecordShop(AlbumCollection, TypedDict):
name: str
albums: list[Album]
Subclasses can also require keys that are read-only but not required in the superclass::
class OptionalName(TypedDict, readonly=True):
name: NotRequired[str]
class Person(OptionalName, TypedDict):
name: Required[str]
person: Person = {} # Type check error: "name" required
Note that these are just consequences of structural typing, but they are highlighted here as the behavior now differs from the rules specified in :pep:`589`.
Finally, subclasses can have ``other_keys=Never`` even if the superclass does not::
class Person(OptionalName, other_keys=Never):
name: Required[str]
Type consistency
*This section updates the type consistency rules introduced in* :pep:`589` *to cover the new features in this PEP. In particular, any pair of types that do not use the new features will be consistent under these new rules if (and only if) they were already consistent.*
A TypedDict type with ``other_keys=Never`` is consistent with ``Mapping[str, V]``, where ``V`` is the union of all its value types. For instance, the following type is consistent with ``Mapping[str, int | str]``::
class Person(TypedDict, other_keys=Never):
name: str
age: int
A TypedDict type ``A`` is consistent with TypedDict ``B`` if ``A`` is structurally compatible with ``B``. This is true if and only if all of the following are satisfied:
* For each key in ``B``, ``A`` has the corresponding key and the corresponding value type in ``A`` is consistent with the value type in ``B``, unless the key in ``B`` is of type ``ReadOnly[NotRequired[Any]]``, in which case it may be missing in ``A`` provided ``A`` allows other keys.
* For each non-read-only key in ``B``, the corresponding value type in ``B`` is also consistent with the corresponding value type in ``A``.
* For each required key in ``B``, the corresponding key is required in ``A``.
* For each non-read-only, non-required key in ``B``, the corresponding key is not required in ``A``.
* If ``B`` does not allow other keys, then ``A`` does not allow other keys.
* If ``B`` does not allow other keys, then for each key in ``A``, ``B`` has the corresponding key.
* Value types behave covariantly, since ``TypedMapping`` objects have no mutator methods. This is similar to container types such as ``Mapping``, and different from relationships between two ``TypedDict`` types. Example::
* All non-specified keys in a type that allows other keys are implicitly of type ``ReadOnly[NotRequired[Any]]`` (or ``ReadOnly[NotRequired[Unknown]]`` in pyright).
class A(TypedMapping):
* Read-only value types behave covariantly, as they cannot be mutated. This is similar to container types such as ``Sequence``, and different from non-read-only value types, which behave invariantly. Example::
class A(TypedDict, readonly=True):
x: int | None
class B(TypedDict):
@ -185,111 +403,243 @@ Discussion:
def f(a: A) -> None:
print(a['x'] or 0)
b: B = {'x': 0}
b: B = {'x': 1}
f(b) # Accepted by type checker
* A ``TypedDict`` or ``TypedMapping`` type with a required key is consistent with a ``TypedMapping`` type where the same key is a non-required key, again unlike relationships between two ``TypedDict`` types. Example::
* A TypedDict type ``A`` with no explicit key ``'x'`` that allows other keys is not consistent with a TypedDict type with a non-required key ``'x'``, since at runtime the key ``'x'`` could be present and have an incompatible type (which may not be visible through ``A`` due to structural subtyping). The only exception to this rule is if ``'x'`` is non-required, read-only and of type ``object`` (or ``Any`` or pylance's ``Unknown``).
class A(TypedMapping, total=False):
x: int
* A TypedDict type ``A`` with no key ``'x'`` that does not allow other keys may be consistent with a TypedDict type with a read-only, non-required key ``'x'``. Example::
class B(TypedDict):
x: int
def f(a: A) -> None:
print(a.get('x', 0))
b: B = {'x': 0}
f(b) # Accepted by type checker
* A ``TypedMapping`` type ``A`` with no key ``'x'`` is not consistent with a ``TypedMapping`` type with a non-required key ``'x'``, since at runtime the key ``'x'`` could be present and have an incompatible type (which may not be visible through ``A`` due to structural subtyping). This is the same as for ``TypedDict`` types. Example::
class A(TypedMapping, total=False):
x: int
class A(TypedDict, total=False, readonly=True):
y: int
class B(TypedMapping, total=False):
class B(TypedDict, other_keys=Never):
x: int
class C(TypedMapping, total=False):
x: int
y: str
def f(a: A) -> None:
print(a.get('y') + 1)
def f(a: A) -> int:
return a.get("y", 0)
def g(b: B) -> None:
f(b) # Type check error: 'B' incompatible with 'A'
b["x"] = f(b) # Accepted by type checker
c: C = {'x': 0, 'y': 'foo'}
g(c) # Runtime error: str + int
Union Operation
* A ``TypedMapping`` with all ``int`` values is not consistent with ``Mapping[str, int]``, since there may be additional non-``int`` values not visible through the type, due to structural subtyping. This mirrors ``TypedDict``. Example::
The union operation creates a new dictionary with the merged keys and values of its two operands. As such, the result should be consistent with any type that can hold the possible key-value pairs, not just types compatible with the operand types. For example::
class A(TypedMapping):
class A(TypedDict, readonly=True, other_keys=Never):
x: int
class B(TypedMapping):
class B(TypedDict, total=False, readonly=True, other_keys=Never):
x: str
class C(TypedDict):
x: int | str
def union_a_b(a: A, b: B) -> C:
# Accepted by type-checker, even though C is not read-only and
# allows other keys:
return a | b
This is different from the usual compatibility rules, where the result of an operation has a defined type which the variable it is assigned to must be consistent with. A similar situation occurs with ``TypedDict`` and ``copy()`` or ``deepcopy()``.
If the union of two TypedDict objects of type ``A`` and ``B`` are assigned to a TypedDict of type ``C``, the type checker should verify that:
* if ``C`` does not allow other keys, neither ``A`` nor ``B`` allow other keys
* if ``C`` does not allow other keys, it contains all keys found in either ``A`` or ``B``
* if a key ``'x'`` is found in ``A`` and ``C``, its type in ``A`` is consistent with its type in ``C``.
* if a key ``'x'`` is found in ``B`` and ``C``, its type in ``B`` is consistent with its type in ``C``.
* if a key ``'x'`` is required in ``C``, it is required in either ``A`` or ``B``.
* The read-only status of the keys does not matter. A key can be read-only on just ``A``, just ``B``, or just ``C``, or any combination.
* A key found on ``A`` or ``B`` may be missed off ``C`` if it allows other keys. Type-checkers may however choose to flag this edge-case with a warning or error in some circumstances, if it is found to be a source of mistakes.
Update Operations
Previously, ``clear()`` and ``popitem()`` were rejected by type checkers on TypedDict objects, as they could remove required keys, some of which may not be directly visible because of structural subtyping. However, these methods should be allowed on TypedDicts objects with all keys non-read-only and non-required and with no other keys allowed::
class A(TypedDict, total=False, other_keys=Never):
x: int
y: str
def sum_values(m: Mapping[str, int]) -> int:
return sum(m.values())
a: A = { "x": 1, "y": "foo" }
a.popitem() # Accepted by type checker
a.clear() # Accepted by type checker
def f(a: A) -> None:
sum_values(a) # Type check error: 'A' incompatible with Mapping[str, int]
``update`` has been difficult to type correctly due to the open nature of TypedDict objects. Keys not specified on the type could still be present (and constrained) due to structural subtyping, meaning type safety could be accidentally violated. For instance::
b: B = {'x': 0, 'y': 'foo'}
f(b) # Runtime error: int + str
class B(TypedDict, total=False):
x: int
def update_b(b1: B, b2: B) -> None:
class C(B, TypedDict, total=False):
y: int
class D(B, TypedDict, total=False):
y: str
c: C = { "x": 1, "y": 2 }
d: D = { "x": 3, "y": "foo" }
update_b(c, d) # c is no longer a C at runtime
Both mypy and pyright currectly permit this usage, however, as the only viable alternative has been to prevent calling ``update`` at all.
With the addition of ``other_keys``, it becomes possible to more accurately type the update method:
* Declare a new read-only TypedDict type that does not allow other keys
* Copy all non-read-only entries to it
* Make all entries read-only and non-required
* Union this with an iterable of matching key-value pairs
For instance::
class Example(TypedDict):
a: int
b: NotRequired[str]
c: ReadOnly[int]
class ExampleUpdateDict(TypedDict, total=False, readonly=True, other_keys=Never):
a: int
b: str
# c is not present as it is read-only in Example
ExampleUpdateEntry = tuple[Literal["a"], int] | tuple[Literal["b"], str]
ExampleUpdate = ExampleUpdateDict | Iterable[ExampleUpdateEntry]
Type checkers should permit any type compatible with this TypedDict to be passed into the update operation. As with :pep:`589`, they may choose to continue permitting TypedDict types that allow other keys as well, to avoid generating false positives.
Keyword argument typing
:pep:`692` introduced ``Unpack`` to annotate ``**kwargs`` with a ``TypedDict``. Marking one or more of the entries of a ``TypedDict`` used in this way as read-only will have no effect on the type signature of the method, since all keyword arguments are read-only by design in Python. However, it *will* prevent the entry from being modified in the body of the function::
class Args(TypedDict):
key1: int
key2: str
class ReadonlyArgs(TypedDict, readonly=True):
key1: int
key2: str
class Function(Protocol):
def __call__(self, **kwargs: Unpack[Args]) -> None: ...
def impl(self, **kwargs: Unpack[ReadonlyArgs]) -> None:
kwargs["key1"] = 3 # Type check error: key1 is readonly
fn: Function = impl # Accepted by type checker: function signatures are identical
Backwards Compatibility
Backwards compatibility
This PEP changes the rules for how ``TypedDict`` behaves (allowing subclasses to
inherit from ``TypedMapping`` protocols in a way that changes the resulting
overloads), so code that inspects ``TypedDict`` types will have to change. This
is expected to mainly affect type-checkers.
This PEP adds new features to ``TypedDict``, so code that inspects ``TypedDict`` types will have to change to support types using the new features. This is expected to mainly affect type-checkers.
The ``TypedMapping`` type will be added to the ``typing_extensions`` module,
enabling its use in older versions of Python.
Security Implications
Security implications
There are no known security consequences arising from this PEP.
How to Teach This
Class documentation should be added to the :mod:`typing` module's documentation, using
that for :class:``, :class:`~typing.Protocol` and
:class:`~typing.TypedDict` as examples. Suggested introductory sentence: "Base class
for read-only mapping protocol classes."
Suggestion for changes to the :mod:`typing` module, in line with current practice:
This PEP could be added to the others listed in the :mod:`typing` module's documentation.
* Add this PEP to the others listed.
* Add ``typing.ReadOnly``, linked to TypedDict and this PEP.
* Add the following text to the TypedDict entry:
By default, keys not specified in a TypedDict may still be present. Instances can be restricted to only the named keys with the ``other_keys`` flag. *insert example, perhaps using ``in`` to illustrate the benefit*
Individual keys can be excluded from mutate operations using ReadOnly, allowing them to be read but not changed. This is useful when the exact type of the value is not known yet, and so modifying it would break structural subtypes. *insert example*
If all keys on a TypedDict should be read-only, the ``readonly`` flag can be used as a shorthand. *insert example*
Reference Implementation
No reference implementation exists yet.
No complete reference implementation exists yet. pyright 1.1.310 ships with a partial implementation of the ReadOnly qualifier.
Rejected Alternatives
Several variations were considered and discarded:
A TypedMapping protocol type
* A ``readonly`` parameter to ``TypedDict``, behaving much like ``TypedMapping`` but with the additional constraint that instances must be dictionaries at runtime. This was discarded as less flexible due to the extra constraint; additionally, the new type nicely mirrors the existing ``Mapping``/``Dict`` types.
* Inheriting from a ``TypedMapping`` subclass and ``TypedDict`` resulting in mutator methods being added for all fields, not just those actively (re)declared in the class body. Discarded as less flexible, and not matching how inheritance works in other cases for ``TypedDict`` (e.g. total=False and total=True do not affect fields not specified in the class body).
* A generic type that removes mutator methods from its parameter, e.g. ``Readonly[MovieRecord]``. This would naturally want to be defined for a wider set of types than just ``TypedDict`` subclasses, and also raises questions about whether and how it applies to nested types. We decided to keep the scope of this PEP narrower.
* Declaring methods directly on a ``TypedMapping`` class. Methods are a kind of property, but declarations on a ``TypedMapping`` class are defining keys, so mixing the two is potentially confusing. Banning methods also makes it very easy to decide whether a ``TypedDict`` subclass can mix in a protocol or not (yes if it's just ``TypedMapping`` superclasses, no if there's a ``Protocol``).
An earlier version of :pep:`705` proposed a ``TypedMapping`` protocol type, behaving much like a read-only TypedDict but without the constraint that the runtime type be a ``dict``. The behavior described in the current version of this PEP could then be obtained by inheriting a TypedDict from a TypedMapping. This has been set aside for now as more complex, without a strong use-case motivating the additional complexity.
A higher-order Readonly type
A generalized higher-order type could be added that removes mutator methods from its parameter, e.g. ``ReadOnly[MovieRecord]``. For a TypedDict, this would be like adding ``readonly=True`` to the declaration. This would naturally want to be defined for a wider set of types than just TypedDict subclasses, and also raises questions about whether and how it applies to nested types. We decided to keep the scope of this PEP narrower.
Preventing other keys with the decorator
Instead of adding an ``other_keys`` flag to TypedDict, treat classes decorated with :func:`` as disallowing other keys. This makes intuitive sense for TypedDict as it stands now: preventing adding any other keys guarantees no other types will be structurally compatible, so it is effectively final. There is also partial support for this idiom in mypy and pyright, which both use it as a way to achieve type discrimination. However, if any keys are read-only, preventing adding any other keys does **not** make the type final any more, so using the decorator this way seems incorrect. For example::
class Foo: ...
class Bar(Foo): ...
class FooHolder(TypedDict, readonly=True):
item: Foo
class BarHolder(FooHolder, readonly=True):
item: Bar
Extending a ``TypedDict`` to refine the types is a reasonable feature, but the above code looks like it should raise a runtime error. Should ``@final`` be modified to allow inheritance? Should users be prevented from using this pattern?
More context for this can be found on `pyright issue 5254 <>`_.
We recommend type checkers treat decorating a TypedDict type with final as identical to setting ``other_keys=Never``, if they continue to support the idiom for backwards compatibility, but reject any use of final on a TypedDict with read-only keys. Once ``other_keys`` is adopted, they may also wish to deprecate use of final on TypedDicts entirely.
Using different casing for ``readonly`` keyword or ``ReadOnly`` type
It appears to be common convention to put an initial caps onto words separated by a dash when converting to CamelCase, but to drop the dash completely when converting to snake_case. Django uses ``readonly``, for instance. This appears consistent with the definition of both on Wikipedia: snake_case replaces spaces with dashes, while CamelCase uppercases the first letter of each word. That said, more examples or counterexamples, ideally from the core Python libraries, or better explicit guidance on the convention, would be greatly appreciated.
Mandate unsound type narrowing
The main use-case we are aware of for ``other_keys=Never`` (and the current workaround of final-decorated TypedDict types) is to simplify type discrimination, as shown in the motivation section.
By comparison, TypeScript handles this edge-case by ignoring the possibility of instances of one type in the union having undeclared keys. If a variable is known to be of type ``A | B`` and an ``in`` check is done using a key not explicitly declared on ``B``, it is assumed no instance of ``B`` will pass that check. While technically unsound, this a common enough idiom that it could fall under the recommendation in :pep:`589` that "potentially unsafe operations may be accepted if the alternative is to generate false positive errors for idiomatic code".
This user request has been rejected multiple times by type checkers, however, suggesting the community prefers strict type-safety over idiomatic code here.
Make the ``other_keys`` flag a boolean
Since ``other_keys`` can only effectively take two values, ``Never`` or absent, it was originally proposed as a boolean flag, with ``other_keys=False`` equivalent to the current ``other_keys=Never``. However, the `unmerged proposal of PEP-728 <>`_ provides equivalent functionality when restricting other types to ``Never``, so this proposal was updated to use comparable syntax, to make it clearer how the proposals intersect.
Use a reserved ``__extra__`` key
The `unmerged proposal of PEP-728 <>`_ proposes different syntax for disallowing other keys::
class EntertainmentMovie(TypedDict, readonly=True):
movie: Movie
__extra__: Never
This new key does not function like other keys -- for instance, it is implicitly ``NotRequired`` but cannot be explicitly marked as such. The author of this PEP prefers the asymmetry of using a keyword argument to set expectations that it does not behave like other key declarations, and others have provided similar feedback on the PR.
However, this PEP will be updated to match whatever syntax the PEP-728 author decides to go with.
Leave other_keys to PEP-728
This PEP could drop the ``other_keys`` proposal entirely rather than propose a limited subset of it. However, as this PEP affects the unofficial status-quo of using final to disallow other keys, it seems important to both highlight that issue and propose a solution.
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