Move the publication site for PEPs to

This commit is contained in:
Fred Drake 2002-04-02 23:07:13 +00:00
parent 6644dcee69
commit 7417257094
2 changed files with 39 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import cgi
import glob
import getopt
import errno
import random
import time
PROGRAM = sys.argv[0]
@ -47,8 +48,8 @@ PEPCVSURL = '
HOST = "" # host for update
HDIR = "/home/groups/p/py/python/htdocs/peps" # target host directory
HOST = "" # host for update
HDIR = "/ftp/" # target host directory
LOCALVARS = "Local Variables:"
# The generated HTML doesn't validate -- you cannot use <hr> and <h3> inside
@ -140,17 +141,28 @@ def fixfile(infile, outfile):
title = "PEP " + pep + " -- " + title
if title:
print >> fo, ' <title>%s</title>' % cgi.escape(title)
print >> fo, ' <link rel="STYLESHEET" href="style.css">'
print >> fo, ' <style type="text/css">'
css = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(infile), "style.css")).read()
print >> fo, css.rstrip()
print >> fo, ' </style>'
print >> fo, '</head>'
# body
print >> fo, '<body bgcolor="white">'
print >> fo, '<div class="navigation">'
print >> fo, '[<b><a href="../">home</a></b>]'
print >> fo, '<body bgcolor="white" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">'
print >> fo, '<table class="navigation" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"'
print >> fo, ' width="100%" border="0">'
print >> fo, '<tr><td class="navicon" width="150" height="35">'
r = random.choice(range(64))
print >> fo, '<a href="../" title="Python Home Page">'
print >> fo, '<img src="../pics/PyBanner%03d.gif" alt="[Python]"' % r
print >> fo, ' border="0" width="150" height="35" /></a></td>'
print >> fo, '<td class="textlinks" align="left">'
print >> fo, '[<b><a href="../">Python Home</a></b>]'
if basename <> 'pep-0000.txt':
print >> fo, '[<b><a href=".">index</a></b>]'
print >> fo, '[<b><a href=".">PEP Index</a></b>]'
if pep:
print >> fo, '[<b><a href="pep-%04d.txt">PEP source</a></b>]' % int(pep)
print >> fo, '</div>'
print >> fo, '[<b><a href="pep-%04d.txt">PEP Source</a></b>]' \
% int(pep)
print >> fo, '</td></tr></table>'
print >> fo, '<div class="header">\n<table border="0">'
for k, v in header:
if k.lower() in ('author', 'discussions-to'):
@ -180,11 +192,12 @@ def fixfile(infile, outfile):
v = '<a href="%s">%s</a> ' % (url, cgi.escape(date))
v = cgi.escape(v)
print >> fo, ' <tr><th align="right">%s:</th><td>%s</td></tr>' % (
cgi.escape(k), v)
print >> fo, ' <tr><th align="right">%s:&nbsp;</th><td>%s</td></tr>' \
% (cgi.escape(k), v)
print >> fo, '</table>'
print >> fo, '</div>'
print >> fo, '<hr />'
print >> fo, '<div class="content">'
print >> fo, '<pre>'
while 1:
line = fi.readline()
@ -221,6 +234,7 @@ def fixfile(infile, outfile):
line = fixpat.sub(lambda x, c=infile: fixanchor(c, x), line)
print >> fo, '</pre>'
print >> fo, '</div>'
print >> fo, '</body>'
print >> fo, '</html>'

View File

@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
.navigation { background: #99ccff;
border: thin solid #ffffff;
width: 100%;
padding: 4pt;
.navigation { width: 100%;
background: #99ccff; }
.header th:after { content: " " }
.navigation .navicon { width: 150px;
height: 35; }
.navigation .textlinks { padding-left: 1em;
text-align: left; }
.header, .content { margin-left: 1em;
margin-right: 1em;
padding-left: 1em;
padding-right: 1em; }
body { margin: 0px;
padding: 0px; }