PEP 466: further simplify the proposal

- dropped the "legacy ssl" branch idea again
- explained why selective backports are a bad idea
- better explained how long term support differs from short term
- better explained some downstream constraints
- explained that downstream redistributors have been respecting
  our upstream policies, potentially against their own better
- used Red Hat's support cycle as a reference model
- removed the snarky comments that hit unintended targets
- note the need for Windows specific contributions as an open question
- not the general need for contributions of time as an open question
- last open question is whether or not we're happy this is the best
  available solution given downstream constraints
This commit is contained in:
Nick Coghlan 2014-03-25 22:40:26 +10:00
parent a0068e1e6a
commit 8978bad5e8
1 changed files with 179 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -25,10 +25,13 @@ where it is sufficiently far behind the state of the art in network security
protocols for it to be causing real problems in commercial use cases protocols for it to be causing real problems in commercial use cases
where upgrading to Python 3 in the near term may not be practical. where upgrading to Python 3 in the near term may not be practical.
Accordingly, this PEP relaxes the normal restrictions by allowing In recognition of the additional practical considerations that have arisen
enhancements to be applied in Python 2.7 maintenance releases for standard during the 4+ year maintenance cycle for Python 2.7, this PEP allows
library components that have implications for the overall security of the Python 2.7 standard library components that have implications for the
internet. In particular, the exception will apply to: overall security of the internet to be updated in line with the
corresponding Python 3 feature releases.
Specifically, the exception will apply to:
* the ``ssl`` module * the ``ssl`` module
* the ``hashlib`` module * the ``hashlib`` module
@ -39,52 +42,46 @@ internet. In particular, the exception will apply to:
and Mac OS X and Mac OS X
Changes to these modules will still need to undergo normal backwards Changes to these modules will still need to undergo normal backwards
compatibility assessments, but otherwise they will be kept entirely aligned compatibility assessments to ensure their default behaviour remains
with the latest feature release of their Python 3 counterparts. This is consistent with earlier Python 2.7 releases, but otherwise they will be
designed to make it easier to implement secure networked software in kept entirely aligned with the latest feature release of their Python 3
Python, even for software that currently needs to remain compatible with counterparts. This is designed to make it easier to implement secure
the Python 2 series (which includes a lot of network infrastructure networked software in Python, even for software that currently needs to
software). remain compatible with the Python 2 series (which includes a lot of
network infrastructure software).
The development branches will be arranged in such a way that even though
any further Python 2.7 releases published by the core development team
provide updated network security infrastructure, it will remain possible
for downstream redistributors to publish "Python 2.7 with legacy SSL
infrastructure" if they choose to do so.
While this PEP does not make any changes to the core development team's While this PEP does not make any changes to the core development team's
handling of security-fix-only branches that are no longer in active handling of security-fix-only branches that are no longer in active
maintenance, it *does* recommend that commercial redistributors providing maintenance, it *does* recommend that commercial redistributors providing
extended support periods for the Python standard library either adopt a extended support periods for the Python standard library either adopt a
similar approach to ensuring that the secure networking infrastructure similar approach to ensuring that the secure networking infrastructure
keeps pace with the evolution of the internet, or else disclaim support keeps pace with the evolution of the internet, or else explicitly
for the use of older versions in roles that involving connecting disclaim support for the use of older versions in roles that involve
directly to the public internet. connecting directly to the public internet.
Exemption Policy Exemption Policy
================ ================
Under this policy, the following network security related modules are Under this policy, the following network security related modules are
granted a blanket exemption to the restriction against adding new features granted a blanket exemption to the normal restriction against adding new
in maintenance releases, for the purpose of keeping their APIs aligned with features in Python 2.7 maintenance releases, for the purpose of keeping
their counterparts in the latest feature release of Python 3: their APIs aligned with their counterparts in the latest feature release
of Python 3:
* the ``ssl`` module * the ``ssl`` module
* the ``hashlib`` module * the ``hashlib`` module
* the ``hmac`` module * the ``hmac`` module
This exemption applies to *all* proposals to backport backwards compatible Under this exemption, these modules are updated to provide identical
changes in these modules to Python 2.7 maintenance releases. This choice is functionality to their Python 3 counterparts after every new Python 3
made deliberately to ensure that the "feature or fix?" argument isn't simply feature release. The default behaviour of the backported modules will be
replaced by a "security related or not?" argument. These particular modules adjusted as appropriate to meet the backwards compatibility requirements
are inherently security related, and all enhancements to them improve of a Python 2.7 maintenance release.
Python's capabilities as a platform for development of secure networked
As part of this policy, permission is also granted to upgrade to newer As part of this policy, permission is also granted to upgrade to newer
feature releases of OpenSSL when preparing the binary installers feature releases of OpenSSL when preparing the binary installers
for new maintenance releases of CPython. for new maintenance releases of Python 2.7.
Note that the ``sha`` and ``md5`` modules are not covered by this policy, Note that the ``sha`` and ``md5`` modules are not covered by this policy,
but have been deprecated in favour of ``hashlib`` since Python 2.5 and have but have been deprecated in favour of ``hashlib`` since Python 2.5 and have
@ -107,18 +104,18 @@ by the blanket exemption.
Backwards Compatibility Considerations Backwards Compatibility Considerations
====================================== ======================================
This PEP does *not* grant any general exemptions to the usual backwards This PEP does *not* grant Python 2.7 any general exemptions to the usual
compatibility policy for maintenance releases. Instead, by explicitly backwards compatibility policy for maintenance releases. Instead, by
encouraging the use of feature based checks and explicitly opting in to explicitly encouraging the use of feature based checks and explicitly
less secure configurations, it is designed to make it easier to provide opting in to less secure configurations, it is designed to make it easier
more "secure by default" behaviour in future feature releases, while still to write more secure cross-version compatible Python software, while still
limiting the risk of breaking currently working software when upgrading to limiting the risk of breaking currently working software when upgrading to
a new maintenance release. a new Python 2.7 maintenance release.
In *all* cases where this policy is applied to backport enhancements to In *all* cases where this policy is applied to backport enhancements to
maintenance releases, it MUST be possible to write cross-version compatible Python 2.7 maintenance releases, it MUST be possible to write cross-version
code that operates by "feature detection" (for example, checking for compatible code that operates by "feature detection" (for example, checking
particular attributes in the module), without needing to explicitly check for particular attributes in the module), without needing to explicitly check
the Python version. the Python version.
It is then up to library and framework code to provide an appropriate warning It is then up to library and framework code to provide an appropriate warning
@ -155,7 +152,7 @@ OpenSSL compatibility
Under this policy, OpenSSL may be upgraded to more recent feature releases Under this policy, OpenSSL may be upgraded to more recent feature releases
in Python 2.7 maintenance releases. On Linux and most other POSIX systems, in Python 2.7 maintenance releases. On Linux and most other POSIX systems,
the specific version of OpenSSL used already varies, as Python dynamically the specific version of OpenSSL used already varies, as CPython dynamically
links to the system provided OpenSSL library by default. links to the system provided OpenSSL library by default.
For the Windows binary installers, the ``_ssl`` and ``_hashlib`` modules are For the Windows binary installers, the ``_ssl`` and ``_hashlib`` modules are
@ -191,17 +188,18 @@ load.
Backporting security related fixes and enhancements to earlier versions is Backporting security related fixes and enhancements to earlier versions is
a common service for commercial redistributors to offer to their customers. a common service for commercial redistributors to offer to their customers.
This policy represents an explicit invitation to contribute some of those This policy represents an explicit invitation to contribute some of those
changes back to the upstream community in cases where they are likely to changes back to the upstream Python community in cases where they are likely
have a broad impact that helps improve the security of the internet as a to have a broad impact that helps improve the security of the internet as a
whole, rather than sitting back and waiting for unpaid volunteers to do it whole, with the assurance that the existing core development team not only
for them. won't object to such contributions, but will actively encourage their
incorporation into the next Python 2.7 maintenance release.
Documentation Documentation
------------- -------------
All modules covered by this policy MUST include a "Security Considerations" All modules covered by this policy MUST include a "Security Considerations"
section in their documentation. section in their documentation in order to take advantage of this policy.
In addition to any other module specific contents, this section MUST In addition to any other module specific contents, this section MUST
enumerate key security enhancements and fixes (with CVE identifiers where enumerate key security enhancements and fixes (with CVE identifiers where
@ -230,36 +228,31 @@ Integration testing
------------------- -------------------
Third party integration testing services should offer users the ability Third party integration testing services should offer users the ability
to test against both the latest Python 2.7 maintenance release and the to test against specific Python 2.7 maintenance releases, to ensure that
latest "Python 2.7 with legacy SSL infrastructure" release, to ensure that libraries, frameworks and applications can still test their handling of the
libraries, frameworks and applications handle the legacy security legacy security infrastructure correctly (either failing or degrading
infrastructure correctly (either failing or degrading gracefully, depending gracefully, depending on the security sensitivity of the software), even
on the security sensitivity of the software). after the latest Python 2.7 maintenance release has been synchronised with
a new Python 3 feature release for the modules covered by this policy.
Handling lower security environments with low risk tolerance Handling lower security environments with low risk tolerance
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------
For better or for worse (mostly worse), there are some environments where For better or for worse (mostly worse), there are some environments where
the risk of latent security defects is more tolerated than the risk of the risk of latent security defects is more tolerated than even a slightly
regressions in maintenance releases. This policy largely excludes these increased risk of regressions in maintenance releases. This policy largely
environments from consideration where the modules covered by the exemption excludes these environments from consideration where the modules covered by
are concerned. the exemption are concerned - this approach is entirely inappropriate for
software connected to the public internet, and defence in depth security
principles suggest that it is not appropriate for most private networks
However, one concession is made for the benefit of such environments: while Downstream redistributors may still choose to cater to such environments,
the main ``2.7`` branch in Mercurial will include the updated network but they will need to handle the process of downgrading the security
security infrastructure, the development process will be updated to include related modules and doing the associated regression testing themselves.
a ``2.7-legacy-ssl`` branch with the more limited feature set of the The main CPython continuous integration infrastructure will not cover this
original 2.7 network security infrastructure, allowing downstream scenario.
redistributors to continue to provide Python 2.7 with the legacy SSL
infrastructure if they choose to do so. This branch will be tested
on the CPython continuous integration infrastructure, but no releases will
be made from it by the core development team.
As noted above, corporate redistributors and users are expected to provide
the additional development effort needed to make this practical. It is not
acceptable to expect volunteer contributors to resolve a problem created
largely by conservative corporate development practices.
Evolution of this Policy Evolution of this Policy
@ -279,8 +272,9 @@ with clients or servers written using older versions of Python.
The intent behind this requirement is to minimise any impact that the The intent behind this requirement is to minimise any impact that the
introduction of this policy may have on the stability and compatibility of introduction of this policy may have on the stability and compatibility of
maintenance releases. It would be thoroughly counterproductive if end maintenance releases. It would be thoroughly counterproductive if end
users became as cautious about updating to new Python maintenance releases users became as cautious about updating to new Python 2.7 maintenance
as they are about updating to new feature releases. releases as they are about updating to new feature releases within the
same release series.
Motivation and Rationale Motivation and Rationale
@ -312,12 +306,13 @@ infrastructure for users that, for whatever reason, are not currently in
a position to migrate to Python 3. a position to migrate to Python 3.
While the use of the system OpenSSL installation addresses many of these While the use of the system OpenSSL installation addresses many of these
concerns on Linux platforms, it doesn't address all of them, and in the concerns on Linux platforms, it doesn't address all of them (in particular,
case of the binary installers for Windows and Mac OS X that are published it is still difficult for sotware to explicitly require some higher level
on, the version of OpenSSL used is entirely within the control security settings). In the case of the binary installers for Windows and
of the Python core development team, and currently limited to OpenSSL Mac OS X that are published on, the version of OpenSSL used is
maintenance releases for the version initially shipped with the corresponding entirely within the control of the Python core development team, but is
Python feature release. currently limited to OpenSSL maintenance releases for the version initially
shipped with the corresponding Python feature release.
With increased popularity comes increased responsibility, and this policy With increased popularity comes increased responsibility, and this policy
aims to acknowledge the fact that Python's popularity and adoption has now aims to acknowledge the fact that Python's popularity and adoption has now
@ -342,7 +337,7 @@ The Python 2 series also remains more vulnerable to remote timing attacks
on security sensitive comparisons than the Python 3 series, as it lacks a on security sensitive comparisons than the Python 3 series, as it lacks a
standard library equivalent to the timing attack resistant standard library equivalent to the timing attack resistant
``hmac.compare_digest()`` function. While appropriate secure comparison ``hmac.compare_digest()`` function. While appropriate secure comparison
functions can be implemented in third party extensions, may users don't functions can be implemented in third party extensions, many users don't
even consider the issue and use ordinary equality comparisons instead even consider the issue and use ordinary equality comparisons instead
- while a standard library solution doesn't automatically fix that problem, - while a standard library solution doesn't automatically fix that problem,
it *does* make the barrier to resolution much lower once the problem is it *does* make the barrier to resolution much lower once the problem is
@ -361,6 +356,34 @@ will be considered too difficult to develop truly secure modern networked
software using the Python 2 series (some developers would argue that we software using the Python 2 series (some developers would argue that we
have already reached that point). have already reached that point).
Python 2.7 represents the only long term maintenance release the core
development team has provided, and it is natural that there will be things
that worked over a historically shorter maintenance lifespan that don't work
over this longer support period. In the specific case of the problem
described in this PEP, the simplest available solution is to acknowledge
that long term maintenance of network security related modules *requires*
the ability to add new features, even while retaining backwards compatibility
for existing interfaces.
It is worth comparing the approach described in this PEP with Red Hat's
handling of its long term support commitments: it isn't the RHEL 6.0 release
itself that receives 10 years worth of support, but the overall RHEL 6
*series*. The individual RHEL 6.x point releases within the series then
receive a wide variety of new features, including security enhancements,
all while meeting strict backwards compatibility guarantees for existing
software. Subscribers *are* able to continue using a given point release
after the next point release has become available, but a corresponding
add-on subscription for `Extended Update Support
is needed to cover the additional backporting work involved.
To date, downstream redistributors have respected our upstream policy of
"no new features in Python maintenance releases". This PEP explicitly
accepts that a more nuanced policy is appropriate in the case of network
security related features, and the specific one it describes is deliberately
designed such that it at least has some chance of being applied to Red Hat
Enterprise Linux and its downstream derivatives.
Alternative: advise developers of networked software to migrate to Python 3 Alternative: advise developers of networked software to migrate to Python 3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -429,7 +452,7 @@ approach taken to address the situation and to help ensure some consistency
across redistributors. across redistributors.
The problem is real, so *something* needs to change, and this PEP describes The problem is real, so *something* needs to change, and this PEP describes
my currently preferred approach to addressing the situation. my preferred approach to addressing the situation.
Alternative: create and release Python 2.8 Alternative: create and release Python 2.8
@ -440,10 +463,11 @@ and release Python 2.8 (it's highly unlikely such a project would garner
enough interest to be achievable with only volunteers). However, this enough interest to be achievable with only volunteers). However, this
wouldn't actually solve the problem, as the aim is to provide a *relatively wouldn't actually solve the problem, as the aim is to provide a *relatively
low impact* way to incorporate enhanced security features into integrated low impact* way to incorporate enhanced security features into integrated
products and deployments that make use of Python 2. Upgrading to a new products and deployments that make use of Python 2.
Python feature release would mean both more work for the core development
team, as well as a more disruptive update that most potential end users Upgrading to a new Python feature release would mean both more work for the
would likely just skip entirely. core development team, as well as a more disruptive update that most
potential end users would likely just skip entirely.
Attempting to create a Python 2.8 release would also bring in suggestions Attempting to create a Python 2.8 release would also bring in suggestions
to backport many additional features from Python 3 (such as ``tracemalloc`` to backport many additional features from Python 3 (such as ``tracemalloc``
@ -455,6 +479,11 @@ additional work for a result that is actually less effective in achieving
the original aim (which is to eliminate the current widespread use of the the original aim (which is to eliminate the current widespread use of the
aging network security infrastructure in the Python 2 series). aging network security infrastructure in the Python 2 series).
Furthermore, while I can't make any commitments to actually addressing
this issue on Red Hat platforms, I *can* categorically rule out the idea
of a Python 2.8 being of any use to me in even attempting to get it
Alternative: distribute the security enhancements via PyPI Alternative: distribute the security enhancements via PyPI
---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
@ -504,17 +533,78 @@ packages added to the pre-existing set *can* be done, but means approaching
each and every redistributor and asking them to update their each and every redistributor and asking them to update their
repackaging process accordingly. By contrast, the approach described in repackaging process accordingly. By contrast, the approach described in
this PEP would require redistributors to deliberately *opt out* of the this PEP would require redistributors to deliberately *opt out* of the
security enhancements (by switching to redistributing directly from the security enhancements by deliberately downgrading the provided network
``2.7-legacy-ssl`` branch rather than the main ``2.7`` branch), which most security infrastructure, which most of them are unlikely to do.
of them are unlikely to do.
Alternative: provide a "legacy SSL infrastructure" branch
Earlier versions of this PEP included the concept of a ``2.7-legacy-ssl``
branch that preserved the exact feature set of the Python 2.7.6 network
security infrastructure.
It is the opinion of the PEP author that anyone that actually wants this is
almost certainly making a mistake, and if they insist they really do want
it in their specific situation, they're welcome to either make it themselves
or arrange for a downstream redistributor to make it for them.
If they are made publicly available, any such rebuilds should be referred to
as "Python 2.7 with Legacy SSL" to clearly distinguish them from the official
Python 2.7 releases that include more up to date network security
After the first Python 2.7 maintenance release that has the security
infrastructure updated to match Python 3.4, it would also be appropriate to
refer to Python 2.7.6 and earlier releases as "Python 2.7 with Legacy SSL".
Alternative: selectively backport particular APIs
An instinctively minimalist reaction to this proposal is to only backport
particular APIs in the affected modules that are judged to be "security
critical". However, this ends up providing a worse end user experience,
as well as a worse developer experience.
For end users, the selective backporting approach means learning not only
the legacy Python 2.7 API and the current Python 3 APIs, but also the
hybrid API created by the selective backporting process. It is much
simpler to just learn the APIs of the original Python 2.7 feature release
and the relevant Python 3 features releases, without trying to define a new
hybrid API that only exists in later Python 2.7 maintenance branches.
For developers, the main benefit of the "just align the available
functionality with Python 3" approach is that it reduces the amount of
design work needing when updating Python 2.7 with new security features.
The "feature or fix?" and "security related or not?" debates are both
handled in advance by this policy, leaving only the matter of ensuring
that backwards compatibility is preserved as needed by adjusting the
default behaviour in the Python 2.7 backport when appropriate.
Open Questions Open Questions
============== ==============
* MvL has indicated he is not prepared to tackle the task of trying to
integrate a newer OpenSSL into the also aging Python 2.7 build
infrastructure on Windows (unfortunately, we've looked into upgrading
that build infrastructure, and the backwards compatibility issues
appear to be effectively insurmountable). We would require a commitment
from another trusted contributor to handle at least this task, and
potentially also taking over the task of creating the official
Python 2.7 Windows installers for the remaining Python 2.7 maintenance
* We would need commitments to create and review full backports of the
components covered by this policy from Python 3.4 to Python 2.7, as well
as support for handling any more specific security issues affecting these
* I believe I've addressed all the technical and scope questions I had, or * I believe I've addressed all the technical and scope questions I had, or
others raised. That just leaves the question of "If we agree to this plan, others raised. That just leaves the question of "Do we agree this plan
who is actually going to handle all the extra work involved?" :) actually makes sense, given the constraints on downstream redistributors
that would also like to see this problem solved?" :)
Disclosure of Interest Disclosure of Interest
@ -541,7 +631,7 @@ of the web as a whole.
Christian and Donald Stufft also provided valuable feedback on a preliminary Christian and Donald Stufft also provided valuable feedback on a preliminary
draft of this proposal. draft of this proposal.
Thanks also to participants in the python-dev mailing list threads [1,2]_ Thanks also to participants in the python-dev mailing list threads [1,2,5]_
References References
@ -551,6 +641,7 @@ References
.. [2] .. [2]
.. [3] .. [3]
.. [4] .. [4]
.. [5]
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