Update PEP 544 (#644)
* Rename `@runtime` to `@runtime_checkable` * Postpone making mappings and sequences protocols, this can be done later in Python 3.8 * Update the implementation status * More strict and precise specification for `isinstance()` and `issubclass()` with protocols. * Few typos
This commit is contained in:
@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ approaches related to structural subtyping in Python and other languages:
Such behavior seems to be a perfect fit for both runtime and static behavior
of protocols. As discussed in `rationale`_, we propose to add static support
for such behavior. In addition, to allow users to achieve such runtime
behavior for *user-defined* protocols a special ``@runtime`` decorator will
be provided, see detailed `discussion`_ below.
behavior for *user-defined* protocols a special ``@runtime_checkable`` decorator
will be provided, see detailed `discussion`_ below.
* TypeScript [typescript]_ provides support for user-defined classes and
interfaces. Explicit implementation declaration is not required and
@ -381,8 +381,7 @@ Explicitly declaring implementation
To explicitly declare that a certain class implements a given protocol,
it can be used as a regular base class. In this case a class could use
default implementations of protocol members. ``typing.Sequence`` is a good
example of a protocol with useful default methods. Static analysis tools are
default implementations of protocol members. Static analysis tools are
expected to automatically detect that a class implements a given protocol.
So while it's possible to subclass a protocol explicitly, it's *not necessary*
to do so for the sake of type-checking.
@ -665,14 +664,14 @@ classes. For example::
One can use multiple inheritance to define an intersection of protocols.
from typing import Sequence, Hashable
from typing import Iterable, Hashable
class HashableFloats(Sequence[float], Hashable, Protocol):
class HashableFloats(Iterable[float], Hashable, Protocol):
def cached_func(args: HashableFloats) -> float:
cached_func((1, 2, 3)) # OK, tuple is both hashable and sequence
cached_func((1, 2, 3)) # OK, tuple is both hashable and iterable
If this will prove to be a widely used scenario, then a special
intersection type construct could be added in future as specified by PEP 483,
@ -740,8 +739,8 @@ aliases::
.. _discussion:
``@runtime`` decorator and narrowing types by ``isinstance()``
``@runtime_checkable`` decorator and narrowing types by ``isinstance()``
The default semantics is that ``isinstance()`` and ``issubclass()`` fail
for protocol types. This is in the spirit of duck typing -- protocols
@ -753,37 +752,57 @@ instance and class checks when this makes sense, similar to how ``Iterable``
and other ABCs in ``collections.abc`` and ``typing`` already do it,
but this is limited to non-generic and unsubscripted generic protocols
(``Iterable`` is statically equivalent to ``Iterable[Any]``).
The ``typing`` module will define a special ``@runtime`` class decorator
The ``typing`` module will define a special ``@runtime_checkable`` class decorator
that provides the same semantics for class and instance checks as for
``collections.abc`` classes, essentially making them "runtime protocols"::
from typing import runtime, Protocol
class Closable(Protocol):
class SupportsClose(Protocol):
def close(self):
assert isinstance(open('some/file'), Closable)
Static type checkers will understand ``isinstance(x, Proto)`` and
``issubclass(C, Proto)`` for protocols defined with this decorator (as they
already do for ``Iterable`` etc.). Static type checkers will narrow types
after such checks by the type erased ``Proto`` (i.e. with all variables
having type ``Any`` and all methods having type ``Callable[..., Any]``).
Note that ``isinstance(x, Proto[int])`` etc. will always fail in agreement
with PEP 484. Examples::
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
def process(items: Iterable[int]) -> None:
if isinstance(items, Iterator):
# 'items' has type 'Iterator[int]' here
elif isinstance(items, Sequence[int]):
# Error! Can't use 'isinstance()' with subscripted protocols
assert isinstance(open('some/file'), SupportsClose)
Note that instance checks are not 100% reliable statically, this is why
this behavior is opt-in, see section on `rejected`_ ideas for examples.
The most type checkers can do is to treat ``isinstance(obj, Iterator)``
roughly as a simpler way to write
``hasattr(x, '__iter__') and hasattr(x, '__next__')``. To minimize
the risks for this feature, the following rules are applied.
* *Data, and non-data protocols*: A protocol is called non-data protocol
if it only contains methods as members (for example ``Sized``,
``Iterator``, etc). A protocol that contains at least one non-method member
(like ``x: int``) is called a data protocol.
* *Unsafe overlap*: A type ``X`` is called unsafely overlapping with
a protocol ``P``, if ``X`` is not a subtype of ``P``, but it is a subtype
of the type erased version of ``P`` where all members have type ``Any``.
In addition, if at least one element of a union unsafely overlaps with
a protocol ``P``, then the whole union is unsafely overlapping with ``P``.
* A protocol can be used as a second argument in ``isinstance()`` and
``issubclass()`` only if it is explicitly opt-in by ``@runtime_checkable``
decorator. This requirement exists because protocol checks are not type safe
in case of dynamically set attributes, and because type checkers can only prove
that an ``isinstance()`` check is safe only for a given class, not for all its
* ``isinstance()`` can be used with both data and non-data protocols, while
``issubclass()`` can be used only with non-data protocols. This restriction
exists because some data attributes can be set on an instance in constructor
and this information is not always available on the class object.
* Type checkers should reject an ``isinstance()`` or ``issubclass()`` call, if
there is an unsafe overlap between the type of the first argument and
the protocol.
* Type checkers should be able to select a correct element from a union after
a safe ``isinstance()`` or ``issubclass()`` call. For narrowing from non-union
types, type checkers can use their best judgement (this is intentionally
unspecified, since a precise specification would require intersection types).
Using Protocols in Python 2.7 - 3.5
@ -825,14 +844,12 @@ effects on the core interpreter and standard library except in the
a protocol or not. Add a class attribute ``_is_protocol = True``
if that is the case. Verify that a protocol class only has protocol
base classes in the MRO (except for object).
* Implement ``@runtime`` that allows ``__subclasshook__()`` performing
structural instance and subclass checks as in ``collections.abc`` classes.
* Implement ``@runtime_checkable`` that allows ``__subclasshook__()``
performing structural instance and subclass checks as in ``collections.abc``
* All structural subtyping checks will be performed by static type checkers,
such as ``mypy`` [mypy]_. No additional support for protocol validation will
be provided at runtime.
* Classes ``Mapping``, ``MutableMapping``, ``Sequence``, and
``MutableSequence`` in ``collections.abc`` module will support structural
instance and subclass checks (like e.g. ``collections.abc.Iterable``).
Changes in the typing module
@ -849,8 +866,6 @@ The following classes in ``typing`` module will be protocols:
* ``Container``
* ``Collection``
* ``Reversible``
* ``Sequence``, ``MutableSequence``
* ``Mapping``, ``MutableMapping``
* ``ContextManager``, ``AsyncContextManager``
* ``SupportsAbs`` (and other ``Supports*`` classes)
@ -1026,11 +1041,10 @@ be considered "non-protocol". Therefore, it was decided to not introduce
"non-protocol" methods.
There is only one downside to this: it will require some boilerplate for
implicit subtypes of ``Mapping`` and few other "large" protocols. But, this
applies to few "built-in" protocols (like ``Mapping`` and ``Sequence``) and
people are already subclassing them. Also, such style is discouraged for
user-defined protocols. It is recommended to create compact protocols and
combine them.
implicit subtypes of "large" protocols. But, this doesn't apply to "built-in"
protocols that are all "small" (i.e. have only few abstract methods).
Also, such style is discouraged for user-defined protocols. It is recommended
to create compact protocols and combine them.
Make protocols interoperable with other approaches
@ -1103,7 +1117,7 @@ Another potentially problematic case is assignment of attributes
self.x = 0
c = C()
isinstance(c1, P) # False
isinstance(c, P) # False
isinstance(c, P) # True
@ -1149,7 +1163,7 @@ This was rejected for the following reasons:
ABCs from ``typing`` module. If we prohibit explicit subclassing of these
ABCs, then quite a lot of code will break.
* Convenience: There are existing protocol-like ABCs (that will be turned
* Convenience: There are existing protocol-like ABCs (that may be turned
into protocols) that have many useful "mix-in" (non-abstract) methods.
For example in the case of ``Sequence`` one only needs to implement
``__getitem__`` and ``__len__`` in an explicit subclass, and one gets
@ -1301,33 +1315,16 @@ confusions.
Backwards Compatibility
This PEP is almost fully backwards compatible. Few collection classes such as
``Sequence`` and ``Mapping`` will be turned into runtime protocols, therefore
results of ``isinstance()`` checks are going to change in some edge cases.
For example, a class that implements the ``Sequence`` protocol but does not
explicitly inherit from ``Sequence`` currently returns ``False`` in
corresponding instance and class checks. With this PEP implemented, such
checks will return ``True``.
This PEP is fully backwards compatible.
A working implementation of this PEP for ``mypy`` type checker is found on
GitHub repo at https://github.com/ilevkivskyi/mypy/tree/protocols,
corresponding ``typeshed`` stubs for more flavor are found at
https://github.com/ilevkivskyi/typeshed/tree/protocols. Installation steps::
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ilevkivskyi/mypy/
cd mypy && git checkout protocols && cd typeshed
git remote add proto https://github.com/ilevkivskyi/typeshed
git fetch proto && git checkout proto/protocols
cd .. && git add typeshed && sudo python3 -m pip install -U .
The runtime implementation of protocols in ``typing`` module is
found at https://github.com/ilevkivskyi/typehinting/tree/protocols.
The version of ``collections.abc`` with structural behavior for mappings and
sequences is found at https://github.com/ilevkivskyi/cpython/tree/protocols.
The ``mypy`` type checker fully supports protocols (modulo a few
known bugs). This includes treating all the builtin protocols, such as
``Iterable`` structurally. The runtime implementation of protocols is
available in ``typing_extensions`` module on PyPI.
Reference in New Issue