Update to PEP 465 -- propose to keep @ at the same level as *.

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Guido van Rossum 2014-04-06 16:05:38 -07:00
parent 56d64df53d
commit 9de3184418
1 changed files with 106 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ with the corresponding in-place version:
======= ========================= =============================== ======= ========================= ===============================
Op Precedence/associativity Methods Op Precedence/associativity Methods
======= ========================= =============================== ======= ========================= ===============================
``@`` *To be determined* ``__matmul__``, ``__rmatmul__`` ``@`` Same as ``*`` ``__matmul__``, ``__rmatmul__``
``@=`` n/a ``__imatmul__`` ``@=`` n/a ``__imatmul__``
======= ========================= =============================== ======= ========================= ===============================
@ -761,11 +761,6 @@ perhaps adding ``@`` as an alias. These projects include:
* sympy * sympy
* sage * sage
If you know of any actively maintained Python libraries which provide
an interface for working with numerical arrays or matrices, and which
are not listed above, then please let the PEP author know:
Implementation details Implementation details
====================== ======================
@ -833,12 +828,12 @@ one is the special case.
Finally, there is the option of using multi-character tokens. Some Finally, there is the option of using multi-character tokens. Some
options: options:
* Matlab uses a ``.*`` operator. Aside from being visually confusable * Matlab and Julia use a ``.*`` operator. Aside from being visually
with ``*``, this would be a terrible choice for us because in confusable with ``*``, this would be a terrible choice for us
Matlab, ``*`` means matrix multiplication and ``.*`` means because in Matlab and Julia, ``*`` means matrix multiplication and
elementwise multiplication, so using ``.*`` for matrix ``.*`` means elementwise multiplication, so using ``.*`` for matrix
multiplication would make us exactly backwards from what Matlab multiplication would make us exactly backwards from what Matlab and
users expect. Julia users expect.
* APL apparently used ``+.×``, which by combining a multi-character * APL apparently used ``+.×``, which by combining a multi-character
token, confusing attribute-access-like . syntax, and a unicode token, confusing attribute-access-like . syntax, and a unicode
@ -863,7 +858,7 @@ options:
``[*]`` or ``|*|`` (but when used in context, the use of vertical ``[*]`` or ``|*|`` (but when used in context, the use of vertical
grouping symbols tends to recreate the nested parentheses visual grouping symbols tends to recreate the nested parentheses visual
clutter that was noted as one of the major downsides of the function clutter that was noted as one of the major downsides of the function
syntax we're trying to get away from); ``^*`` and ``^^``. syntax we're trying to get away from); ``^*``.
So, it doesn't matter much, but ``@`` seems as good or better than any So, it doesn't matter much, but ``@`` seems as good or better than any
of the alternatives: of the alternatives:
@ -889,6 +884,81 @@ of the alternatives:
* Whatever, we have to pick something. * Whatever, we have to pick something.
Precedence and associativity
There was a long discussion [#associativity-discussions]_ about
whether ``@`` should be right- or left-associative (or even something
more exotic [#group-associativity]_). Almost all Python operators are
left-associative, so following this convention would be the simplest
approach, but there were two arguments that suggested matrix
multiplication might be worth making right-associative as a special
First, matrix multiplication has a tight conceptual association with
function application/composition, so many mathematically sophisticated
users have an intuition that an expression like :math:`R S x` proceeds
from right-to-left, with first :math:`S` transforming the vector
:math:`x`, and then :math:`R` transforming the result. This isn't
universally agreed (and not all number-crunchers are steeped in the
pure-math conceptual framework that motivates this intuition
[#oil-industry-versus-right-associativity]_), but at the least this
intuition is more common than for other operations like :math:`2 \cdot
3 \cdot 4` which everyone reads as going from left-to-right.
Second, if expressions like ``Mat @ Mat @ vec`` appear often in code,
then programs will run faster (and efficiency-minded programmers will
be able to use fewer parentheses) if this is evaluated as ``Mat @ (Mat
@ vec)`` then if it is evaluated like ``(Mat @ Mat) @ vec``.
However, weighing against these arguments are the following:
Regarding the efficiency argument, empirically, we were unable to find
any evidence that ``Mat @ Mat @ vec`` type expressions actually
dominate in real-life code. Parsing a number of large projects that
use numpy, we found that when forced by numpy's current funcall syntax
to choose an order of operations for nested calls to ``dot``, people
actually use left-associative nesting slightly *more* often than
right-associative nesting [#numpy-associativity-counts]_. And anyway,
writing parentheses isn't so bad -- if an efficiency-minded programmer
is going to take the trouble to think through the best way to evaluate
some expression, they probably *should* write down the parentheses
regardless of whether they're needed, just to make it obvious to the
next reader that they order of operations matter.
In addition, it turns out that other languages, including those with
much more of a focus on linear algebra, overwhelmingly make their
matmul operators left-associative. Specifically, the ``@`` equivalent
is left-associative in R, Matlab, Julia, IDL, and Gauss. The only
exceptions we found are Mathematica, in which ``a @ b @ c`` would be
parsed non-associatively as ``dot(a, b, c)``, and APL, in which all
operators are right-associative. There do not seem to exist any
languages that make ``@`` right-associative and ``*``
left-associative. And these decisions don't seem to be controversial
-- I've never seen anyone complaining about this particular aspect of
any of these other languages, and the left-associativity of ``*``
doesn't seem to bother users of the existing Python libraries that use
``*`` for matrix multiplication. So, at the least we can conclude from
this that making ``@`` left-associative will certainly not cause any
disasters. Making ``@`` right-associative, OTOH, would be exploring
new and uncertain ground.
And another advantage of left-associativity is that it is much easier
to learn and remember that ``@`` acts like ``*``, than it is to
remember first that ``@`` is unlike other Python operators by being
right-associative, and then on top of this, also have to remember
whether it is more tightly or more loosely binding than
``*``. (Right-associativity forces us to choose a precedence, and
intuitions were about equally split on which precedence made more
sense. So this suggests that no matter which choice we made, no-one
would be able to guess or remember it.)
On net, therefore, the general consensus of the numerical community is
that while matrix multiplication is something of a special case, it's
not special enough to break the rules, and ``@`` should parse like
``*`` does.
(Non)-Definitions for built-in types (Non)-Definitions for built-in types
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
@ -930,32 +1000,7 @@ Earlier versions of this PEP also proposed a matrix power operator,
decided that the utility of this was sufficiently unclear that it decided that the utility of this was sufficiently unclear that it
would be better to leave it out for now, and only revisit the issue if would be better to leave it out for now, and only revisit the issue if
-- once we have more experience with ``@`` -- it turns out that ``@@`` -- once we have more experience with ``@`` -- it turns out that ``@@``
is truly missed. [#atat-discussion] is truly missed. [#atat-discussion]_
Unresolved issues
Associativity of ``@``
It's been suggested that ``@`` should be right-associative, on the
grounds that for expressions like ``Mat @ Mat @ vec``, the two
different evaluation orders produce the same result, but the
right-associative order ``Mat @ (Mat @ vec)`` will be faster and use
less memory than the left-associative order ``(Mat @ Mat) @ vec``.
(Matrix-vector multiplication is much cheaper than matrix-matrix
multiplication). It would be a shame if users found themselves
required to use an overabundance of parentheses to achieve acceptable
speed/memory usage in common situations, but, it's not currently clear
whether such cases actually are common enough to override Python's
general rule of left-associativity, or even whether they're more
common than the symmetric cases where left-associativity would be
faster (though this does seem intuitively plausible). The only way to
answer this is probably to do an audit of some real-world uses and
check how often the associativity matters in practice; if this PEP is
accepted in principle, then we should probably do this check before
finalizing it.
Rejected alternatives to adding a new operator Rejected alternatives to adding a new operator
@ -1130,8 +1175,9 @@ Collected here for reference:
* numpy-discussion thread on whether to keep ``@@``: * numpy-discussion thread on whether to keep ``@@``:
http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069448.html http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069448.html
* numpy-discussion thread on precedence/associativity of ``@``: * numpy-discussion threads on precedence/associativity of ``@``:
http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069444.html * http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069444.html
* http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069605.html
References References
@ -1207,10 +1253,10 @@ References
Matrix multiply counts were estimated by counting how often certain Matrix multiply counts were estimated by counting how often certain
tokens which are used as matrix multiply function names occurred in tokens which are used as matrix multiply function names occurred in
each package. In principle this could create false positives, but each package. This creates a small number of false positives for
as far as I know the counts are exact; it's unlikely that anyone is scikit-learn, because we also count instances of the wrappers
using ``dot`` as a variable name when it's also the name of one of around ``dot`` that this package uses, and so there are a few dozen
the most widely-used numpy functions. tokens which actually occur in ``import`` or ``def`` statements.
All counts were made using the latest development version of each All counts were made using the latest development version of each
project as of 21 Feb 2014. project as of 21 Feb 2014.
@ -1312,6 +1358,21 @@ References
elementwise multiplication, and ``%`` for matrix multiplication: elementwise multiplication, and ``%`` for matrix multiplication:
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/matrix-sig/1995-August/000002.html https://mail.python.org/pipermail/matrix-sig/1995-August/000002.html
.. [#atat-discussion] http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069502.html
.. [#associativity-discussions]
.. [#oil-industry-versus-right-associativity]
.. [#numpy-associativity-counts]
.. [#group-associativity]
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