* PEP 595: replace mismatched references with inline links
* PEP 595: use plaintext instead of Python formatting
* PEP 595: remove redundant Emacs stanza
Changes detected by Topy (https://github.com/intgr/topy), all changes
verified by hand, false positives have been omitted.
These range from straight-out misspellings to debatable hyphen placement.
The hyphen changes are supported by grammar manuals of style.
* Add my initial draft
* PEP 593: update PEP structure and add content.
* PEP 593: Push updates
* PEP 593: expand the "Improving Roundup" section and move it to the top.
* PEP 593: expand the "Roundup advantages" and "Migration considerations" sections.
* PEP 595 (was 593): expand and reword some sections.
* PEP 595: rename file
* PEP 595: remove Discussion-To header, fix formatting of Author header.