PEP: 3140 Title: str(container) should call str(item), not repr(item) Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Oleg Broytman , Jim J. Jewett Discussions-To: Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 27-May-2008 Post-History: 28-May-2008 Rejection ========= Guido said this would cause too much disturbance too close to beta. See [1]_. Abstract ======== This document discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the current implementation of ``str(container)``. It also discusses the pros and cons of a different approach - to call ``str(item)`` instead of ``repr(item)``. Motivation ========== Currently ``str(container)`` calls ``repr`` on items. Arguments for it: * containers refuse to guess what the user wants to see on ``str(container)`` - surroundings, delimiters, and so on; * ``repr(item)`` usually displays type information - apostrophes around strings, class names, etc. Arguments against: * it's illogical; ``str()`` is expected to call ``__str__`` if it exists, not ``__repr__``; * there is no standard way to print a container's content calling items' ``__str__``, that's inconvenient in cases where ``__str__`` and ``__repr__`` return different results; * ``repr(item)`` sometimes do wrong things (hex-escapes non-ASCII strings, e.g.) This PEP proposes to change how ``str(container)`` works. It is proposed to mimic how ``repr(container)`` works except one detail - call ``str`` on items instead of ``repr``. This allows a user to choose what results she want to get - from ``item.__repr__`` or ``item.__str__``. Current situation ================= Most container types (tuples, lists, dicts, sets, etc.) do not implement ``__str__`` method, so ``str(container)`` calls ``container.__repr__``, and ``container.__repr__``, once called, forgets it is called from ``str`` and always calls ``repr`` on the container's items. This behaviour has advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that most items are represented with type information - strings are surrounded by apostrophes, instances may have both class name and instance data:: >>> print([42, '42']) [42, '42'] >>> print([Decimal('42'),]) [Decimal("42"), datetime.datetime(2008, 5, 27, 19, 57, 43, 485028)] The disadvantage is that ``__repr__`` often returns technical data (like '````') or unreadable string (hex-encoded string if the input is non-ASCII string):: >>> print(['ั‚ะตัั‚']) ['\xd4\xc5\xd3\xd4'] One of the motivations for PEP 3138 is that neither ``repr`` nor ``str`` will allow the sensible printing of dicts whose keys are non-ASCII text strings. Now that Unicode identifiers are allowed, it includes Python's own attribute dicts. This also includes JSON serialization (and caused some hoops for the json lib). PEP 3138 proposes to fix this by breaking the "repr is safe ASCII" invariant, and changing the way ``repr`` (which is used for persistence) outputs some objects, with system-dependent failures. Changing how ``str(container)`` works would allow easy debugging in the normal case, and retain the safety of ASCII-only for the machine-readable case. The only downside is that ``str(x)`` and ``repr(x)`` would more often be different -- but only in those cases where the current almost-the-same version is insufficient. It also seems illogical that ``str(container)`` calls ``repr`` on items instead of ``str``. It's only logical to expect following code:: class Test: def __str__(self): return "STR" def __repr__(self): return "REPR" test = Test() print(test) print(repr(test)) print([test]) print(str([test])) to print:: STR REPR [STR] [STR] where it actually prints:: STR REPR [REPR] [REPR] Especially it is illogical to see that print in Python 2 uses ``str`` if it is called on what seems to be a tuple:: >>> print Decimal('42'), 42 2008-05-27 20:16:22.534285 where on an actual tuple it prints:: >>> print((Decimal('42'), (Decimal("42"), datetime.datetime(2008, 5, 27, 20, 16, 27, 937911)) A different approach - call ``str(item)`` ========================================= For example, with numbers it is often only the value that people care about. :: >>> print Decimal('3') 3 But putting the value in a list forces users to read the type information, exactly as if ``repr`` had been called for the benefit of a machine:: >>> print [Decimal('3')] [Decimal("3")] After this change, the type information would not clutter the ``str`` output:: >>> print "%s".format([Decimal('3')]) [3] >>> str([Decimal('3')]) # == [3] But it would still be available if desired:: >>> print "%r".format([Decimal('3')]) [Decimal('3')] >>> repr([Decimal('3')]) # == [Decimal('3')] There is a number of strategies to fix the problem. The most radical is to change ``__repr__`` so it accepts a new parameter (flag) "called from ``str``, so call ``str`` on items, not ``repr``". The drawback of the proposal is that every ``__repr__`` implementation must be changed. Introspection could help a bit (inspect ``__repr__`` before calling if it accepts 2 or 3 parameters), but introspection doesn't work on classes written in C, like all built-in containers. Less radical proposal is to implement ``__str__`` methods for built-in container types. The obvious drawback is a duplication of effort - all those ``__str__`` and ``__repr__`` implementations are only differ in one small detail - if they call ``str`` or ``repr`` on items. The most conservative proposal is not to change str at all but to allow developers to implement their own application- or library-specific pretty-printers. The drawback is again a multiplication of effort and proliferation of many small specific container-traversal algorithms. Backward compatibility ====================== In those cases where type information is more important than usual, it will still be possible to get the current results by calling ``repr`` explicitly. References ========== .. [1] Guido van Rossum, PEP: str(container) should call str(item), not repr(item) Copyright ========= This document has been placed in the public domain. .. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 coding: utf-8 End: