# This file is placed in the public domain or under the # CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive. from __future__ import annotations import datetime as dt import pickle from email.utils import format_datetime, getaddresses from html import escape from pathlib import Path from docutils import nodes RSS_DESCRIPTION = ( "Newest Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs): " "Information on new language features " "and some meta-information like release procedure and schedules." ) def _format_rfc_2822(datetime: dt.datetime) -> str: datetime = datetime.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) return format_datetime(datetime, usegmt=True) document_cache: dict[Path, dict[str, str]] = {} def get_from_doctree(full_path: Path, text: str) -> str: # Try and retrieve from cache if full_path in document_cache: return document_cache[full_path].get(text, "") # Else load doctree document = pickle.loads(full_path.read_bytes()) # Store the headers (populated in the PEPHeaders transform) document_cache[full_path] = path_cache = document.get("headers", {}) # Store the Abstract path_cache["Abstract"] = pep_abstract(document) # Return the requested key return path_cache.get(text, "") def pep_creation(full_path: Path) -> dt.datetime: created_str = get_from_doctree(full_path, "Created") try: return dt.datetime.strptime(created_str, "%d-%b-%Y") except ValueError: return dt.datetime.min def pep_abstract(document: nodes.document) -> str: """Return the first paragraph of the PEP abstract. If not found, return the first paragraph of the introduction. """ introduction = "" for node in document.findall(nodes.section): title_node = node.next_node(nodes.title) if title_node is None: continue if title_node.astext() == "Abstract": return node.next_node(nodes.paragraph).astext().strip().replace("\n", " ") elif title_node.astext() == "Introduction": introduction = node.next_node(nodes.paragraph).astext().strip().replace("\n", " ") return introduction def _generate_items(doctree_dir: Path): # get list of peps with creation time (from "Created:" string in pep source) peps_with_dt = sorted((pep_creation(path), path) for path in doctree_dir.glob("pep-????.doctree")) # generate rss items for 10 most recent peps (in reverse order) for datetime, full_path in reversed(peps_with_dt[-10:]): try: pep_num = int(get_from_doctree(full_path, "PEP")) except ValueError: continue title = get_from_doctree(full_path, "Title") url = f"https://peps.python.org/pep-{pep_num:0>4}/" abstract = get_from_doctree(full_path, "Abstract") author = get_from_doctree(full_path, "Author") if "@" in author or " at " in author: parsed_authors = getaddresses([author]) joined_authors = ", ".join(f"{name} ({email_address})" for name, email_address in parsed_authors) else: joined_authors = author item = f"""\ PEP {pep_num}: {escape(title, quote=False)} {escape(url, quote=False)} {escape(abstract, quote=False)} {escape(joined_authors, quote=False)} {url} {_format_rfc_2822(datetime)} """ yield item def create_rss_feed(doctree_dir: Path, output_dir: Path): # The rss envelope last_build_date = _format_rfc_2822(dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc)) items = "\n".join(_generate_items(Path(doctree_dir))) output = f"""\ Newest Python PEPs https://peps.python.org/ {RSS_DESCRIPTION} https://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html en {last_build_date} {items} """ # output directory for target HTML files Path(output_dir, "peps.rss").write_text(output, encoding="utf-8")