""" `schemes` is a dictionary with lowercase URI addressing schemes as keys and descriptions as values. It was compiled from the index at http://www.w3.org/Addressing/schemes.html (revised 2001-08-20). """ # Many values are blank and should be filled in with useful descriptions. schemes = { 'about': 'provides information on Navigator', 'acap': 'Application Configuration Access Protocol', 'addbook': "To add vCard entries to Communicator's Address Book", 'afp': 'Apple Filing Protocol', 'afs': 'Andrew File System global file names', 'aim': 'AOL Instant Messenger', 'callto': 'for NetMeeting links', 'castanet': 'Castanet Tuner URLs for Netcaster', 'chttp': 'cached HTTP supported by RealPlayer', 'cid': 'content identifier', 'data': ('allows inclusion of small data items as "immediate" data; ' 'RFC 2397'), 'dav': 'Distributed Authoring and Versioning Protocol; RFC 2518', 'dns': 'Domain Name System resources', 'eid': ('External ID; non-URL data; general escape mechanism to allow ' 'access to information for applications that are too ' 'specialized to justify their own schemes'), 'fax': ('a connection to a terminal that can handle telefaxes ' '(facsimiles); RFC 2806'), 'file': 'Host-specific file names', 'finger': '', 'freenet': '', 'ftp': 'File Transfer Protocol', 'gopher': 'The Gopher Protocol', 'gsm-sms': ('Global System for Mobile Communications Short Message ' 'Service'), 'h323': 'video (audiovisual) communication on local area networks', 'h324': ('video and audio communications over low bitrate connections ' 'such as POTS modem connections'), 'hdl': 'CNRI handle system', 'hnews': 'an HTTP-tunneling variant of the NNTP news protocol', 'http': 'Hypertext Transfer Protocol', 'https': 'HTTP over SSL', 'iioploc': 'Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Location?', 'ilu': 'Inter-Language Unification', 'imap': 'Internet Message Access Protocol', 'ior': 'CORBA interoperable object reference', 'ipp': 'Internet Printing Protocol', 'irc': 'Internet Relay Chat', 'jar': 'Java archive', 'javascript': ('JavaScript code; evaluates the expression after the ' 'colon'), 'jdbc': '', 'ldap': 'Lightweight Directory Access Protocol', 'lifn': '', 'livescript': '', 'lrq': '', 'mailbox': 'Mail folder access', 'mailserver': 'Access to data available from mail servers', 'mailto': 'Electronic mail address', 'md5': '', 'mid': 'message identifier', 'mocha': '', 'modem': ('a connection to a terminal that can handle incoming data ' 'calls; RFC 2806'), 'news': 'USENET news', 'nfs': 'Network File System protocol', 'nntp': 'USENET news using NNTP access', 'opaquelocktoken': '', 'phone': '', 'pop': 'Post Office Protocol', 'pop3': 'Post Office Protocol v3', 'printer': '', 'prospero': 'Prospero Directory Service', 'res': '', 'rtsp': 'real time streaming protocol', 'rvp': '', 'rwhois': '', 'rx': 'Remote Execution', 'sdp': '', 'service': 'service location', 'shttp': 'secure hypertext transfer protocol', 'sip': 'Session Initiation Protocol', 'smb': '', 'snews': 'For NNTP postings via SSL', 't120': 'real time data conferencing (audiographics)', 'tcp': '', 'tel': ('a connection to a terminal that handles normal voice ' 'telephone calls, a voice mailbox or another voice messaging ' 'system or a service that can be operated using DTMF tones; ' 'RFC 2806.'), 'telephone': 'telephone', 'telnet': 'Reference to interactive sessions', 'tip': 'Transaction Internet Protocol', 'tn3270': 'Interactive 3270 emulation sessions', 'tv': '', 'urn': 'Uniform Resource Name', 'uuid': '', 'vemmi': 'versatile multimedia interface', 'videotex': '', 'view-source': 'displays HTML code that was generated with JavaScript', 'wais': 'Wide Area Information Servers', 'whodp': '', 'whois++': 'Distributed directory service.', 'z39.50r': 'Z39.50 Retrieval', 'z39.50s': 'Z39.50 Session',}