PEP: 547 Title: Running extension modules using the -m option Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Marcel Plch , Petr Viktorin Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 25-May-2017 Python-Version: 3.7 Post-History: Deferral Notice =============== Cython -- the most important use case for this PEP and the only explicit one -- is not ready for multi-phase initialization yet. It keeps global state in C-level static variables. See discussion at `Cython issue 1923`_. The PEP is deferred until the situation changes. Abstract ======== This PEP proposes implementation that allows built-in and extension modules to be executed in the ``__main__`` namespace using the :pep:`489` multi-phase initialization. With this, a multi-phase initialization enabled module can be run using following command:: $ python3 -m _testmultiphase This is a test module named __main__. Motivation ========== Currently, extension modules do not support all functionality of Python source modules. Specifically, it is not possible to run extension modules as scripts using Python's ``-m`` option. The technical groundwork to make this possible has been done for :pep:`489`, and enabling the ``-m`` option is listed in that PEP's “Possible Future Extensions” section. Technically, the additional changes proposed here are relatively small. Rationale ========= Extension modules' lack of support for the ``-m`` option has traditionally been worked around by providing a Python wrapper. For example, the ``_pickle`` module's command line interface is in the pure-Python ``pickle`` module (along with a pure-Python reimplementation). This works well for standard library modules, as building command line interfaces using the C API is cumbersome. However, other users may want to create executable extension modules directly. An important use case is Cython, a Python-like language that compiles to C extension modules. Cython is a (near) superset of Python, meaning that compiling a Python module with Cython will typically not change the module's functionality, allowing Cython-specific features to be added gradually. This PEP will allow Cython extension modules to behave the same as their Python counterparts when run using the ``-m`` option. Cython developers consider the feature worth implementing (see `Cython issue 1715`_). Background ========== Python's ``-m`` option is handled by the function ``runpy._run_module_as_main``. The module specified by ``-m`` is not imported normally. Instead, it is executed in the namespace of the ``__main__`` module, which is created quite early in interpreter initialization. For Python source modules, running in another module's namespace is not a problem: the code is executed with ``locals`` and ``globals`` set to the existing module's ``__dict__``. This is not the case for extension modules, whose ``PyInit_*`` entry point traditionally both created a new module object (using ``PyModule_Create``), and initialized it. Since Python 3.5, extension modules can use :pep:`489` multi-phase initialization. In this scenario, the ``PyInit_*`` entry point returns a ``PyModuleDef`` structure: a description of how the module should be created and initialized. The extension can choose to customize creation of the module object using the ``Py_mod_create`` callback, or opt to use a normal module object by not specifying ``Py_mod_create``. Another callback, ``Py_mod_exec``, is then called to initialize the module object, e.g. by populating it with methods and classes. Proposal ======== Multi-phase initialization makes it possible to execute an extension module in another module's namespace: if a ``Py_mod_create`` callback is not specified, the ``__main__`` module can be passed to the ``Py_mod_exec`` callback to be initialized, as if ``__main__`` was a freshly constructed module object. One complication in this scheme is C-level module state. Each module has a ``md_state`` pointer that points to a region of memory allocated when an extension module is created. The ``PyModuleDef`` specifies how much memory is to be allocated. The implementation must take care that ``md_state`` memory is allocated at most once. Also, the ``Py_mod_exec`` callback should only be called once per module. The implications of multiply-initialized modules are too subtle to require expecting extension authors to reason about them. The ``md_state`` pointer itself will serve as a guard: allocating the memory and calling ``Py_mod_exec`` will always be done together, and initializing an extension module will fail if ``md_state`` is already non-NULL. Since the ``__main__`` module is not created as an extension module, its ``md_state`` is normally ``NULL``. Before initializing an extension module in ``__main__``'s context, its module state will be allocated according to the ``PyModuleDef`` of that module. While :pep:`489` was designed to make these changes generally possible, it's necessary to decouple module discovery, creation, and initialization steps for extension modules, so that another module can be used instead of a newly initialized one, and the functionality needs to be added to ``runpy`` and ``importlib``. Specification ============= A new optional method for importlib loaders will be added. This method will be called ``exec_in_module`` and will take two positional arguments: module spec and an already existing module. Any import-related attributes, such as ``__spec__`` or ``__name__``, already set on the module will be ignored. The ``runpy._run_module_as_main`` function will look for this new loader method. If it is present, ``runpy`` will execute it instead of trying to load and run the module's Python code. Otherwise, ``runpy`` will act as before. ExtensionFileLoader Changes --------------------------- importlib's ``ExtensionFileLoader`` will get an implementation of ``exec_in_module`` that will call a new function, ``_imp.exec_in_module``. ``_imp.exec_in_module`` will use existing machinery to find and call an extension module's ``PyInit_*`` function. The ``PyInit_*`` function can return either a fully initialized module (single-phase initialization) or a ``PyModuleDef`` (for :pep:`489` multi-phase initialization). In the single-phase initialization case, ``_imp.exec_in_module`` will raise ``ImportError``. In the multi-phase initialization case, the ``PyModuleDef`` and the module to be initialized will be passed to a new function, ``PyModule_ExecInModule``. This function raises ``ImportError`` if the ``PyModuleDef`` specifies a ``Py_mod_create`` slot, or if the module has already been initialized (i.e. its ``md_state`` pointer is not ``NULL``). Otherwise, the function will initialize the module according to the ``PyModuleDef``. Backwards Compatibility ======================= This PEP maintains backwards compatibility. It only adds new functions, and a new loader method that is added for a loader that previously did not support running modules as ``__main__``. Reference Implementation ======================== The reference implementation of this PEP is available at GitHub_. References ========== .. _GitHub: .. _Cython issue 1715: .. _Cython issue 1923: Copyright ========= This document has been placed in the public domain. .. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 coding: utf-8 End: