PEP: 632 Title: Deprecate distutils module Author: Steve Dower Discussions-To: Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 03-Sep-2020 Python-Version: 3.10 Post-History: 03-Sep-2020 Abstract ======== The distutils module [1]_ has for a long time recommended using the setuptools package [2]_ instead. Setuptools has recently integrated a complete copy of distutils and is no longer dependent on the standard library [3]_. Pip has been silently replacing distutils with setuptools when installing packages for a long time already, and the distutils documentation has stated that it is being phased out since 2014 (or earlier). It is time to remove it from the standard library. Motivation ========== distutils [1]_ is a largely undocumented and unmaintained collection of utilities for packaging and distributing Python packages, including compilation of native extension modules. It defines a configuration format that describes a Python distribution and provides the tools to convert a directory of source code into a source distribution, and some forms of binary distribution. Because of its place in the standard library, many updates can only be released with a major release, and users cannot rely on particular fixes being available. setuptools [2]_ is a better documented and well maintained enhancement based on distutils. While it provides very similar functionality, it is much better able to support users on earlier Python releases, and can respond to bug reports more quickly. A number of platform-specific enhancements already exist in setuptools that have not been added to distutils, and there is been a long-standing recommendation in the distutils documentation to prefer setuptools. Historically, setuptools has extended distutils using subclassing and monkeypatching, but has now taken a copy of the underlying code. [3]_ As a result, the second last major dependency on distutils is gone and there is no need to keep it in the standard library. The final dependency on distutils is CPython itself, which uses it to build native extension modules in the standard library (except on Windows). Because this is a CPython build-time dependency, it is possible to continue to use distutils for this specific case without it being part of the standard library. Deprecation and removal will make it obvious that issues should be fixed in the setuptools project, and will reduce a source of bug reports and unnecessary test maintenance. It will also help promote the development of alternative build backends, which can now be supported more easily thanks to PEP 517. [4]_ Specification ============= In Python 3.10 and 3.11, distutils will be formally marked as deprecated. All known issues will be closed at this time. ``import distutils`` will raise a deprecation warning. During Python 3.10 and 3.11, uses of distutils within the standard library may change to use alternative APIs. In Python 3.12, distutils will no longer be installed by ``make install`` or any of the first-party distribution. Third-party redistributors should no longer include distutils in their bundles or repositories. This PEP makes no specification on migrating the parts of the CPython build process that currently use distutils. Depending on contributions, this migration may occur at any time. After Python 3.12 is started and when the CPython build process no longer depends on distutils being in the standard library, the entire ``Lib/distutils`` directory and ``Lib/test/`` file will be removed from the repository. Other references to distutils will be cleaned up. As of Python 3.9's initial release, the following modules have references in code or comments: * Lib/ctypes/ * Lib/ * Lib/ * Lib/ * Lib/ * Lib/ * Modules/_decimal/tests/ The following Tools in CPython also refer to distutils. Note that none of these are installed with CPython: * PC/layout (references will be removed) * Tools/msi (references will be removed) * Tools/peg_generator (will be adapted to a different build tool) * Tools/test2to3 (example project will be removed) As the distutils code is already included in setuptools, there is no need to republish it in any other form. Those who require access to the functionality should use setuptools or an alternative build backend. Backwards Compatibility ======================= Code that imports distutils will no longer work from Python 3.12. The suggested migration path is to use the equivalent (though not identical) imports from setuptools (see [5]_), or to migrate to an alternative build backend (see PEP 517 [4]_). Code already exists in setuptools to transparently switch ```` files using distutils onto their equivalents, and so most working build scripts are already known to work with setuptools. Such scripts may need to update their import statements. Consult the setuptools documentation for specific migration advice. [5]_ Some projects use alternate sets of patches over distutils, notably, numpy.distutils. [6]_ Projects that we know are doing this have been informed. Many build scripts use custom commands or narrowly scoped patches. As these packages are already subject to setuptools overriding distutils, we expect minimal disruption as a result of distutils being removed. Scripts may still need to be updated to avoid importing distutils. Reference Implementation ======================== setuptools version 48 includes the complete copy of distutils, and as such is no longer dependent on the standard library's copy. Most implementation issues they have faced are due to the continuing existence of distutils in the standard library, and so removal will improve the stability of their implementation. There is not yet a reference implementation for the removal of distutils from the standard library, nor is there an implementation for CPython's native module builds without relying on the standard library copy of distutils. References ========== .. [1] distutils - Building and installing Python modules ( .. [2] setuptools - PyPI ( .. [3] setuptools Issue #417 - Adopt distutils ( .. [4] PEP 517 - A build-system independent format for source trees ( .. [5] Porting from Distutils ( .. [6] Packaging (numpy.distutils) ( Copyright ========= This document is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive. .. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 coding: utf-8 End: