#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This file is placed in the public domain or under the # CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive. import argparse import datetime import email.utils from html import escape from pathlib import Path import re import docutils.frontend from docutils import nodes from docutils import utils from docutils.parsers import rst from docutils.parsers.rst import roles # get the directory with the PEP sources PEP_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent def _format_rfc_2822(dt: datetime.datetime) -> str: dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) return email.utils.format_datetime(dt, usegmt=True) line_cache: dict[Path, dict[str, str]] = {} # Monkeypatch PEP and RFC reference roles to match Sphinx behaviour EXPLICIT_TITLE_RE = re.compile(r'^(.+?)\s*(?$', re.DOTALL) def _pep_reference_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]): matched = EXPLICIT_TITLE_RE.match(text) if matched: title = utils.unescape(matched.group(1)) target = utils.unescape(matched.group(2)) else: target = utils.unescape(text) title = "PEP " + utils.unescape(text) pep_str, _, fragment = target.partition("#") try: pepnum = int(pep_str) if pepnum < 0 or pepnum > 9999: raise ValueError except ValueError: msg = inliner.reporter.error( f'PEP number must be a number from 0 to 9999; "{pep_str}" is invalid.', line=lineno) prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg) return [prb], [msg] # Base URL mainly used by inliner.pep_reference; so this is correct: ref = (inliner.document.settings.pep_base_url + inliner.document.settings.pep_file_url_template % pepnum) if fragment: ref += "#" + fragment roles.set_classes(options) return [nodes.reference(rawtext, title, refuri=ref, **options)], [] def _rfc_reference_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]): matched = EXPLICIT_TITLE_RE.match(text) if matched: title = utils.unescape(matched.group(1)) target = utils.unescape(matched.group(2)) else: target = utils.unescape(text) title = "RFC " + utils.unescape(text) pep_str, _, fragment = target.partition("#") try: rfcnum = int(pep_str) if rfcnum < 0 or rfcnum > 9999: raise ValueError except ValueError: msg = inliner.reporter.error( f'RFC number must be a number from 0 to 9999; "{pep_str}" is invalid.', line=lineno) prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg) return [prb], [msg] ref = (inliner.document.settings.rfc_base_url + inliner.rfc_url % rfcnum) if fragment: ref += "#" + fragment roles.set_classes(options) return [nodes.reference(rawtext, title, refuri=ref, **options)], [] roles.register_canonical_role("pep-reference", _pep_reference_role) roles.register_canonical_role("rfc-reference", _rfc_reference_role) def first_line_starting_with(full_path: Path, text: str) -> str: # Try and retrieve from cache if full_path in line_cache: return line_cache[full_path].get(text, "") # Else read source line_cache[full_path] = path_cache = {} for line in full_path.open(encoding="utf-8"): if line.startswith("Created:"): path_cache["Created:"] = line.removeprefix("Created:").strip() elif line.startswith("Title:"): path_cache["Title:"] = line.removeprefix("Title:").strip() elif line.startswith("Author:"): path_cache["Author:"] = line.removeprefix("Author:").strip() # Once all have been found, exit loop if path_cache.keys == {"Created:", "Title:", "Author:"}: break return path_cache.get(text, "") def pep_creation(full_path: Path) -> datetime.datetime: created_str = first_line_starting_with(full_path, "Created:") if full_path.stem == "pep-0102": # remove additional content on the Created line created_str = created_str.split(" ", 1)[0] return datetime.datetime.strptime(created_str, "%d-%b-%Y") def parse_rst(full_path: Path) -> nodes.document: text = full_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8") settings = docutils.frontend.get_default_settings(rst.Parser) document = utils.new_document(f'<{full_path}>', settings=settings) rst.Parser(rfc2822=True).parse(text, document) return document def pep_abstract(full_path: Path) -> str: """Return the first paragraph of the PEP abstract""" for node in parse_rst(full_path).findall(nodes.section): if node.next_node(nodes.title).astext() == "Abstract": return node.next_node(nodes.paragraph).astext().strip().replace("\n", " ") return "" def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate RSS feed") parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output-dir", default="build", # synchronise with render.yaml -> deploy step help="Output directory, relative to root. Default 'build'.", ) args = parser.parse_args() # get list of peps with creation time (from "Created:" string in pep source) peps_with_dt = sorted((pep_creation(path), path) for path in PEP_ROOT.glob("pep-????.???")) # generate rss items for 10 most recent peps items = [] for dt, full_path in peps_with_dt[-10:]: try: pep_num = int(full_path.stem.split("-")[-1]) except ValueError: continue title = first_line_starting_with(full_path, "Title:") author = first_line_starting_with(full_path, "Author:") if "@" in author or " at " in author: parsed_authors = email.utils.getaddresses([author]) joined_authors = ", ".join(f"{name} ({email_address})" for name, email_address in parsed_authors) else: joined_authors = author url = f"https://peps.python.org/pep-{pep_num:0>4}/" item = f"""\ PEP {pep_num}: {escape(title, quote=False)} {escape(url, quote=False)} {escape(pep_abstract(full_path), quote=False)} {escape(joined_authors, quote=False)} {url} {_format_rfc_2822(dt)} """ items.append(item) # The rss envelope desc = """ Newest Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) - Information on new language features, and some meta-information like release procedure and schedules. """ last_build_date = _format_rfc_2822(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) items = "\n".join(reversed(items)) output = f"""\ Newest Python PEPs https://peps.python.org/peps.rss {" ".join(desc.split())} https://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html en {last_build_date} {items} """ # output directory for target HTML files out_dir = PEP_ROOT / args.output_dir out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) out_dir.joinpath("peps.rss").write_text(output) if __name__ == "__main__": main()