PEP: 326 Title: A Case for Top and Bottom Values Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Josiah Carlson , Terry Reedy Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 20-Dec-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 20-Dec-2003, 03-Jan-2004, 05-Jan-2004, 07-Jan-2004 Abstract ======== This PEP proposes two singleton constants that represent a top and bottom [3]_ value: ``Max`` and ``Min`` (or two similarly suggestive names [4]_; see `Open Issues`_). As suggested by their names, ``Max`` and ``Min`` would compare higher or lower than any other object (respectively). Such behavior results in easier to understand code and fewer special cases in which a temporary minimum or maximum value is required, and an actual minimum or maximum numeric value is not limited. Rationale ========= While ``None`` can be used as an absolute minimum that any value can attain [1]_, this may be depreciated [4]_ in Python 3.0, and shouldn't be relied upon. As a replacement for ``None`` being used as an absolute minimum, as well as the introduction of an absolute maximum, the introduction of two singleton constants ``Max`` and ``Min`` address concerns for the constants to be self-documenting. What is commonly done to deal with absolute minimum or maximum values, is to set a value that is larger than the script author ever expects the input to reach, and hope that it isn't reached. Guido has brought up [2]_ the fact that there exists two constants that can be used in the interim for maximum values: sys.maxint and floating point positive infinity (1e309 will evaluate to positive infinity). However, each has their drawbacks. - On most architectures sys.maxint is arbitrarily small (2**31-1 or 2**63-1) and can be easily eclipsed by large 'long' integers or floating point numbers. - Comparing long integers larger than the largest floating point number representable against any float will result in an exception being raised:: >>> cmp(1.0, 10**309) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float Even when large integers are compared against positive infinity:: >>> cmp(1e309, 10**309) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float - These same drawbacks exist when numbers are small. Introducing ``Max`` and ``Min`` that work as described above does not take much effort. A sample Python `reference implementation`_ of both is included. Motivation ========== There are hundreds of algorithms that begin by initializing some set of values to a logical (or numeric) infinity or negative infinity. Python lacks either infinity that works consistently or really is the most extreme value that can be attained. By adding ``Max`` and ``Min``, Python would have a real maximum and minimum value, and such algorithms can become clearer due to the reduction of special cases. ``Max`` Examples --------------------- Take for example, finding the minimum in a sequence:: def findmin_Num(seq): BIG = 0 cur = BIG for obj in seq: if cur == BIG: cur = obj BIG = max(cur, BIG) + 1 else: cur = min(cur, obj) return cur :: def findmin_None(seq): cur = None for obj in seq: if obj < cur or (cur is None): cur = obj if cur is None: return cur return cur :: def findmin_Max(seq): cur = Max for obj in seq: cur = min(obj, cur) return cur Please note that there are an arbitrarily large number of ways to find the minimum (or maximum) of a sequence, these seek to show a simple example where using ``Max`` makes the algorithm easier to understand and results in the simplification of code. Guido brought up the idea of just negating everything and comparing [2]_. Certainly this does work when using numbers, but it does not remove the special case (actually adds one) and results in the code being less readable. :: #we have Max available a = min(a, b) #we don't have Max available if a is not None: if b is None: a = b else: a = -max(-a, -b) As another example, in Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm on a graph with weighted edges (all positive). 1. Set distances to every node in the graph to infinity. 2. Set the distance to the start node to zero. 3. Set visited to be an empty mapping. 4. While shortest distance of a node that has not been visited is less than infinity and the destination has not been visited. a. Get the node with the shortest distance. b. Visit the node. c. Update neighbor distances and parent pointers if necessary for neighbors that have not been visited. 5. If the destination has been visited, step back through parent pointers to find the reverse of the path to be taken. To be complete, below are two versions of the algorithm, one using a table (a bit more understandable) and one using a heap (much faster):: def DijkstraSP_table(graph, S, T): #runs in O(N^2) time using a table #find the shortest path table = {} for node in graph.iterkeys(): #(visited, distance, node, parent) table[node] = (0, Max, node, None) table[S] = (0, 0, S, None) cur = min(table.values()) while (not cur[0]) and cur[1] < Max: (visited, distance, node, parent) = cur table[node] = (1, distance, node, parent) for cdist, child in graph[node]: ndist = distance+cdist if not table[child][0] and ndist < table[child][1]: table[child] = (0, ndist, child, node) cur = min(table.values()) #backtrace through results if not table[T][0]: return None cur = T path = [T] while table[cur][3] is not None: path.append(table[cur][3]) cur = path[-1] path.reverse() return path :: def DijkstraSP_heap(graph, S, T): #runs in O(NlgN) time using a minheap #find the shortest path import heapq Q = [(Max, i, None) for i in graph.iterkeys()] heapq.heappush(Q, (0, S, None)) V = {} while Q[0][0] < Max and T not in V: dist, node, parent = heapq.heappop(Q) if node in V: continue V[node] = (dist, parent) for next, dest in graph[node]: heapq.heappush(Q, (next+dist, dest, node)) #backtrace through results if T not in V: return None cur = T path = [T] while V[cur][1] is not None: path.append(V[cur][1]) cur = path[-1] path.reverse() return path Readers should note that replacing ``Max`` in the above code with an arbitrarily large number does not guarantee that the shortest path distance to a node will never exceed that number. Well, with one caveat: one could certainly sum up the weights of every edge in the graph, and set the 'arbitrarily large number' to that total. However, doing so does not make the algorithm any easier to understand and has potential problems with numeric overflows. A ``Min`` Example ----------------- An example of usage for ``Min`` is an algorithm that solves the following problem [6]_: Suppose you are given a directed graph, representing a communication network. The vertices are the nodes in the network, and each edge is a communication channel. Each edge ``(u, v)`` has an associated value ``r(u, v)``, with ``0 <= r(u, v) <= 1``, which represents the reliability of the channel from ``u`` to ``v`` (i.e., the probability that the channel from ``u`` to ``v`` will **not** fail). Assume that the reliability probabilities of the channels are independent. (This implies that the reliability of any path is the product of the reliability of the edges along the path.) Now suppose you are given two nodes in the graph, ``A`` and ``B``. Such an algorithm is a 7 line modification to the DijkstraSP_table algorithm given above:: #only showing the changed to lines with the proper indentation table[node] = (0, Min, node, None) table[S] = (0, 1, S, None) cur = max(table.values()) while (not cur[0]) and cur[1] > Min: ndist = distance*cdist if not table[child][0] and ndist > table[child][1]: cur = max(table.values()) Or a 6 line modification to the DijkstraSP_heap algorithm given above (if we assume that ``maxheapq`` exists and does what it is supposed to):: #only showing the changed to lines with the proper indentation import maxheapq Q = [(Min, i, None) for i in graph.iterkeys()] maxheapq.heappush(Q, (1, S, None)) while Q[0][0] > Min and T not in V: dist, node, parent = maxheapq.heappop(Q) maxheapq.heappush(Q, (next*dist, dest, node)) Note that there is an equivalent way of translating the graph to produce something that can be passed unchanged into the original Dijkstra shortest path algorithm. Other Examples -------------- Andrew P. Lentvorski, Jr. [7]_ has pointed out that various data structures involving range searching have immediate use for ``Max`` and ``Min`` values. More specifically; Segment trees, Range trees, k-d trees and database keys: ...The issue is that a range can be open on one side and does not always have an initialized case. The solutions I have seen are to either overload None as the extremum or use an arbitrary large magnitude number. Overloading None means that the built-ins can't really be used without special case checks to work around the undefined (or "wrongly defined") ordering of None. These checks tend to swamp the nice performance of built-ins like max() and min(). Choosing a large magnitude number throws away the ability of Python to cope with arbitrarily large integers and introduces a potential source of overrun/underrun bugs. Further use examples of both ``Max`` and ``Min`` are available in the realm of graph algorithms, range searching algorithms, computational geometry algorithms, and others. Independent Implementations? ---------------------------- Independent implementations of the ``Min``/``Max`` concept by users desiring such functionality are not likely to be compatible, and certainly will produce inconsistent orderings. The following examples seek to show how inconsistent they can be. - Let us pretend we have created proper separate implementations of MyMax, MyMin, YourMax and YourMin with the same code as given in the sample implementation (with some minor renaming):: >>> lst = [YourMin, MyMin, MyMin, YourMin, MyMax, YourMin, MyMax, YourMax, MyMax] >>> lst.sort() >>> lst [YourMin, YourMin, MyMin, MyMin, YourMin, MyMax, MyMax, YourMax, MyMax] Notice that while all the "Min"s are before the "Max"s, there is no guarantee that all instances of YourMin will come before MyMin, the reverse, or the equivalent MyMax and YourMax. - The problem is also evident when using the heapq module:: >>> lst = [YourMin, MyMin, MyMin, YourMin, MyMax, YourMin, MyMax, YourMax, MyMax] >>> heapq.heapify(lst) #not needed, but it can't hurt >>> while lst: print heapq.heappop(lst), ... YourMin MyMin YourMin YourMin MyMin MyMax MyMax YourMax MyMax - Furthermore, the findmin_Max code and both versions of Dijkstra could result in incorrect output by passing in secondary versions of ``Max``. Reference Implementation ======================== :: class _ExtremeType(object): def __init__(self, cmpr, rep): object.__init__(self) self._cmpr = cmpr self._rep = rep def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and\ other._cmpr == self._cmpr: return 0 return self._cmpr def __repr__(self): return self._rep Max = _ExtremeType(1, "Max") Min = _ExtremeType(-1, "Min") Results of Test Run:: >>> max(Max, 2**65536) Max >>> min(Max, 2**65536) 20035299304068464649790... (lines removed for brevity) ...72339445587895905719156736L >>> min(Min, -2**65536) Min >>> max(Min, -2**65536) -2003529930406846464979... (lines removed for brevity) ...072339445587895905719156736L Open Issues =========== Current options for the naming and namespace for ``Min``/``Max``, in no particular order: 1. Give the built-in ``max`` and ``min`` appropriate ``__cmp__`` methods to allow them to double as ``Min``/``Max``. 2. Attach them to attributes of the ``cmp()`` built-in. 3. Attach them to attributes of an appropriate type object. 4. Make them an appropriate module object. 5. Create two new built-ins with appropriate names. References ========== .. [1] RE: [Python-Dev] Re: Got None. Maybe Some?, Peters, Tim ( .. [2] Re: [Python-Dev] Got None. Maybe Some?, von Rossum, Guido ( .. [3] RE: [Python-Dev] Got None. Maybe Some?, Peters, Tim ( .. [4] [Python-Dev] Re: PEP 326 now online, Reedy, Terry ( .. [5] [Python-Dev] PEP 326 now online, Chermside, Michael ( .. [6] Homework 6, Problem 7, Dillencourt, Michael (link may not be valid in the future) ( .. [7] RE: [Python-Dev] PEP 326 now online, Lentvorski, Andrew P., Jr. ( .. [8] Re: It's not really Some is it?, Ippolito, Bob ( Changes ======= - Added this section. - Added Motivation_ section. - Changed markup to reStructuredText. - Concept gets a possible name and location. [5]_ - Clarified Abstract_, Motivation_, `Reference Implementation`_ and `Open Issues`_ based on the simultaneous concepts of ``Max`` and ``Min``. - Added two implementations of Dijkstra's Shortest Path algorithm that show where ``Max`` can be used to remove special cases. - Added an example of use for ``Min`` to Motivation_. - Added some `Open Issues`_ and clarified some others. - Added an example and `Other Examples`_ subheading. - Modified `Reference Implementation`_ to instantiate both items from a single class/type. - Removed a large number of open issues that are not within the scope of this PEP. Copyright ========= This document has been placed in the public domain. .. 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