PEP: 603 Title: Adding a frozenmap type to collections Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Yury Selivanov Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 12-Sep-2019 Python-Version: 3.9 Post-History: 12-Sep-2019 Abstract ======== A *persistent data structure* is defined as a data structure that preserves the previous version of the data when the data is modified. Such data structures are effectively *immutable*, as operations on them do not update the structure in-place, but instead always yield a new updated structure (see [0]_ for more details.) This PEP proposes to add a new fully persistent and immutable mapping type called ``frozenmap`` to the ``collections`` module. The bulk of ``frozenmap``'s reference implementation is already used in CPython to implement the ``contextvars`` module. Rationale ========= Python has two immutable collection types: ``tuple`` and ``frozenset``. These types can be used to represent immutable lists and sets. However, a way to represent immutable *mappings* does not yet exist, and this PEP proposes a ``frozenmap`` to implement an immutable *mapping*. The proposed ``frozenmap`` type: * implements the ```` protocol, * supports pickling, and * provides an API for efficient creation of "modified" versions. The following use cases illustrate why an immutable mapping is desirable: * Immutable mappings are hashable which allows their use as dictionary keys or set elements. This hashable property permits functions decorated with ``@functools.lru_cache()`` to accept immutable mappings as arguments. Unlike an immutable mapping, passing a plain ``dict`` to such a function results in error. * Immutable mappings can hold complex state. Since immutable mappings can be copied by reference, transactional mutation of state can be efficiently implemented. * Immutable mappings can be used to safely share dictionaries across thread and asynchronous task boundaries. The immutability makes it easier to reason about threads and asynchronous tasks. Lastly, CPython [1]_ already contains the main portion of the C code required for the ``frozenmap`` implementation. The C code already exists to implement the ``contextvars`` module (see :pep:`567` for more details.) Exposing this C code via a public collection type drastically increases the number of users of the code. This leads to increased code quality by discovering bugs and improving performance which without a ``frozenmap`` collection would be very challenging because most programs use the ``contextvars`` module indirectly. Specification ============= A new public immutable type ``frozenmap`` is added to the ``collections`` module. Construction ------------ ``frozenmap`` implements a ``dict``-like construction API: * ``frozenmap()`` creates a new empty immutable mapping; * ``frozenmap(**kwargs)`` creates a mapping from ``**kwargs``, e.g. ``frozenmap(x=10, y=0, z=-1)`` * ``frozenmap(collection)`` creates a mapping from the passed ``collection`` object. The passed ``collection`` object can be: - a ``dict``, - another ``frozenmap``, - an object with an ``items()`` method that is expected to return a series of key/value tuples, or - an iterable of key/value tuples. Data Access ----------- ``frozenmap`` implements the ```` protocol. Therefore, getters, membership checks, and iteration work the same way that they would for a ``dict``:: m = frozenmap(foo='bar') assert m['foo'] == 'bar' assert m.get('foo') == 'bar' assert 'foo' in m assert 'baz' not in m assert m.get('baz', 'missing') == 'missing' assert m == m assert m != frozenmap() # m is not equal to an empty frozenmap assert len(m) == 1 # etc. Mutation -------- ``frozenmap`` instances are immutable. That said, it is possible to efficiently produce mutated *copies* of the immutable instance. The complexity of mutation operations is O(log N) and the resulting ``frozenmap`` copies often consume very little additional memory due to the use of structural sharing (read [6]_ for more details.) frozenmap.including(key, value) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method creates a new ``frozenmap`` copy with a new *key* / *value* pair:: m = frozenmap(foo=1) m2 = m.including('bar', 100) print(m) # will print frozenmap({'foo': 1}) print(m2) # will print frozenmap({'foo': 1, 'bar': 100}) frozenmap.excluding(key) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method produces a copy of the ``frozenmap`` which does not include a deleted *key*:: m = frozenmap(foo=1, bar=100) m2 = m.excluding('foo') print(m) # will print frozenmap({'foo': 1, 'bar': 100}) print(m2) # will print frozenmap({'bar': 1}) m3 = m.excluding('spam') # will throw a KeyError('spam') frozenmap.union(mapping=None, \*\*kw) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method produces a copy of the ``frozenmap`` and adds or modifies multiple key/values for the created copy. The signature of the method matches the signature of the ``frozenmap`` constructor:: m = frozenmap(foo=1) m2 = m.union({'spam': 'ham'}) print(m2) # will print frozenmap({'foo': 1, 'spam': 'ham'}) m3 = m.union(foo=100, y=2) print(m3) # will print frozenmap({'foo': 100, 'y': 2}) print(m) # will print frozenmap({'foo': 1}) Calling the ``union()`` method to add/replace N keys is more efficient than calling the ``including()`` method N times. frozenmap.mutating() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The method allows efficient copying of a ``frozenmap`` instance with multiple modifications applied. This method is especially useful when the frozenmap in question contains thousands of key/value pairs and there's a need to update many of them in a performance-critical section of the code. The ``frozenmap.mutating()`` method returns a mutable dict-like copy of the ``frozenmap`` object: an instance of ``collections.FrozenMapCopy``. The ``FrozenMapCopy`` objects: * are copy-on-write views of the data of ``frozenmap`` instances they were created from; * are mutable, although any mutations on them do not affect the ``frozenmap`` instances they were created from; * can be passed to the ``frozenmap`` constructor; creating a frozenmap from a ``FrozenMapCopy`` object is an O(1) operation; * have O(log N) complexity for get/set operations; creating them is an O(1) operation; * have a ``FrozenMapCopy.close()`` method that prevents any further access/mutation of the data; * can be used as a context manager. The below example illustrates how ``mutating()`` can be used with a context manager:: numbers = frozenmap((i, i ** 2) for i in range(1_000_000)) with numbers.mutating() as copy: for i in numbers: if not (numbers[i] % 997): del copy[i] numbers_without_997_multiples = frozenmap(copy) # at this point, *numbers* still has 1_000_000 key/values, and # *numbers_without_997_multiples* is a copy of *numbers* without # values that are multiples of 997. for i in numbers: if not (numbers[i] % 593): del copy[i] numbers_without_593_multiples = frozenmap(copy) print(copy[10]) # will print 100. print(copy[10]) # This will throw a ValueError as *copy* # has been closed when the "with" block # was executed. Iteration --------- As ``frozenmap`` implements the standard ```` protocol, so all expected methods of iteration are supported:: assert list(m) == ['foo'] assert list(m.items()) == [('foo', 'bar')] assert list(m.keys()) == ['foo'] assert list(m.values()) == ['bar'] Iteration in ``frozenmap``, unlike in ``dict``, does not preserve the insertion order. Hashing ------- ``frozenmap`` instances can be hashable just like ``tuple`` objects:: hash(frozenmap(foo='bar')) # works hash(frozenmap(foo=[])) # will throw an error Typing ------ It is possible to use the standard typing notation for frozenmaps:: m: frozenmap[str, int] = frozenmap() Implementation ============== The proposed ``frozenmap`` immutable type uses a Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT) data structure. Functional programming languages, like Clojure, use HAMT to efficiently implement immutable hash tables, vectors, and sets. HAMT ---- The key design contract of HAMT is the guarantee of a predictable *value* when given the hash of a *key*. For a pair of *key* and *value*, the hash of the *key* can be used to determine the location of *value* in the hash map tree. Immutable mappings implemented with HAMT have O(log N) performance for ``set()`` and ``get()`` operations. This efficiency is possible because mutation operations only affect one branch of the tree, making it possible to reuse non-mutated branches, and, therefore, avoiding copying of unmodified data. Read more about HAMT in [5]_. The CPython implementation [1]_ has a fairly detailed description of the algorithm as well. Performance ----------- .. figure:: pep-0603-hamt_vs_dict.png :align: center :width: 100% Figure 1. Benchmark code can be found here: [3]_. The above chart demonstrates that: * ``frozenmap`` implemented with HAMT displays near O(1) performance for all benchmarked dictionary sizes. * ``dict.copy()`` becomes less efficient when using around 100-200 items. .. figure:: pep-0603-lookup_hamt.png :align: center :width: 100% Figure 2. Benchmark code can be found here: [4]_. Figure 2 compares the lookup costs of ``dict`` versus a HAMT-based immutable mapping. HAMT lookup time is ~30% slower than Python dict lookups on average. This performance difference exists since traversing a shallow tree is less efficient than lookup in a flat continuous array. Further to that, quoting [6]_: "[using HAMT] means that in practice while insertions, deletions, and lookups into a persistent hash array mapped trie have a computational complexity of O(log n), for most applications they are effectively constant time, as it would require an extremely large number of entries to make any operation take more than a dozen steps." Design Considerations ===================== Why "frozenmap" and not "FrozenMap" ----------------------------------- The lower-case "frozenmap" resonates well with the ``frozenset`` built-in as well as with types like ``collections.defaultdict``. Why "frozenmap" and not "frozendict" ------------------------------------ "Dict" has a very specific meaning in Python: * a dict is a concrete implementation of ``abc.MutableMapping`` with O(1) get and set operations (``frozenmap`` has O(log N) complexity); * Python dicts preserve insertion order. The proposed ``frozenmap`` does not have these mentioned properties. Instead, ``frozenmap`` has an O(log N) cost of set/get operations, and it only implements the ``abc.Mapping`` protocol. Implementation ============== The full implementation of the proposed ``frozenmap`` type is available at [2]_. The package includes C and pure Python implementations of the type. See also the HAMT collection implementation as part of the CPython project tree here: [1]_. References ========== .. [0] .. [1] .. [2] .. [3] .. [4] .. [5] .. [6] Acknowledgments =============== I thank Carol Willing, Ɓukasz Langa, Larry Hastings, and Guido van Rossum for their feedback, ideas, edits, and discussions around this PEP. Copyright ========= This document is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive. .. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 coding: utf-8 End: