PEP: 582 Title: Python local packages directory Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Kushal Das , Steve Dower , Donald Stufft , Nick Coghlan Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 16-May-2018 Python-Version: 3.8 Abstract ======== This PEP proposes to add to Python a mechanism to automatically recognize a ``__pypackages__`` directory and prefer importing packages installed in this location over user or global site-packages. This will avoid the steps to create, activate or deactivate "virtual environments". Python will use the ``__pypackages__`` from the base directory of the script when present. Motivation ========== Python virtual environments have become an essential part of development and teaching workflow in the community, but at the same time, they create a barrier to entry for many. The following are a few of the issues people run into while being introduced to Python (or programming for the first time). - How virtual environments work is a lot of information for anyone new. It takes a lot of extra time and effort to explain them. - Different platforms and shell environments require different sets of commands to activate the virtual environments. Any workshop or teaching environment with people coming with different operating systems installed on their laptops create a lot of confusion among the participants. - Virtual environments need to be activated on each opened terminal. If someone creates/opens a new terminal, that by default does not get the same environment as in a previous terminal with virtual environment activated. Specification ============= When the Python binary is executed, it attempts to determine its prefix (as stored in ``sys.prefix``), which is then used to find the standard library and other key files, and by the ``site`` module to determine the location of the ``site-package`` directories. Currently the prefix is found -- assuming ``PYTHONHOME`` is not set -- by first walking up the filesystem tree looking for a marker file (````) that signifies the presence of the standard library, and if none is found, falling back to the build-time prefix hard coded in the binary. The result of this process is the contents of ``sys.path`` - a list of locations that the Python import system will search for modules. This PEP proposes to add a new step in this process. If a ``__pypackages__`` directory is found in the current working directory, then it will be included in ``sys.path`` after the current working directory and just before the system site-packages. This way, if the Python executable starts in the given project directory, it will automatically find all the dependencies inside of ``__pypackages__``. In case of Python scripts, Python will try to find ``__pypackages__`` in the same directory as the script. If found (along with the current Python version directory inside), then it will be used, otherwise Python will behave as it does currently. If any package management tool finds the same ``__pypackages__`` directory in the current working directory, it will install any packages there and also create it if required based on Python version. Projects that use a source management system can include a ``__pypackages__`` directory (empty or with e.g. a file like ``.gitignore``). After doing a fresh check out the source code, a tool like ``pip`` can be used to install the required dependencies directly into this directory. Example ------- The following shows an example project directory structure, and different ways the Python executable and any script will behave. :: foo __pypackages__ 3.8 lib bottle /> python foo/ sys.path[0] == 'foo' sys.path[1] == 'foo/__pypackages__/3.8/lib' cd foo foo> /usr/bin/ansible #! /usr/bin/env python3 foo> python /usr/bin/ansible foo> python foo> python sys.path[0] == '.' sys.path[1] == './__pypackages__/3.8/lib' foo> python -m bottle We have a project directory called ``foo`` and it has a ``__pypackages__`` inside of it. We have ``bottle`` installed in that ``__pypackages__/3.8/lib``, and have a ```` file inside of the project directory. We have used whatever tool we generally use to install ``bottle`` in that location. For invoking a script, Python will try to find a ``__pypackages__`` inside of the directory that the script resides[1]_, ``/usr/bin``. The same will happen in case of the last example, where we are executing ``/usr/bin/ansible`` from inside of the ``foo`` directory. In both cases, it will **not** use the ``__pypackages__`` in the current working directory. Similarly, if we invoke ```` from the first example, it will use the ``__pypackages__ `` directory that was in the ``foo`` directory. If we go inside of the ``foo`` directory and start the Python executable (the interpreter), it will find the ``__pypackages__`` directory inside of the current working directory and use it in the ``sys.path``. The same happens if we try to use the ``-m`` and use a module. In our example, ``bottle`` module will be found inside of the ``__pypackages__`` directory. The above two examples are only cases where ``__pypackages__`` from current working directory is used. In another example scenario, a trainer of a Python class can say "Today we are going to learn how to use Twisted! To start, please checkout our example project, go to that directory, and then run ``python3 -m pip install twisted``." That will install Twisted into a directory separate from ``python3``. There's no need to discuss virtual environments, global versus user installs, etc. as the install will be local by default. The trainer can then just keep telling them to use ``python3`` without any activation step, etc. .. [1]_: In the case of symlinks, it is the directory where the actual script resides, not the symlink pointing to the script Security Considerations ======================= While executing a Python script, it will not consider the ``__pypackages__`` in the current directory, instead if there is a ``__pypackages__`` directory in the same path of the script, that will be used. For example, if we execute ``python /usr/share/myproject/`` from the ``/tmp`` dirctory and if there is a ``__pypackages__`` directory inside of ``/usr/share/myproject/`` directory, it will be used. Any potential ``__pypackages__`` directory in ``/tmp`` will be ignored. Backwards Compatibility ======================= This does not affect any older version of Python implementation. Impact on other Python implementations -------------------------------------- Other Python implementations will need to replicate the new behavior of the interpreter bootstrap, including locating the ``__pypackages__`` directory and adding it the ``sys.path`` just before site packages, if it is present. Reference Implementation ======================== `Here `_ is a PoC implementation (in the ``pypackages`` branch). Rejected Ideas ============== ``__pylocal__`` and ``python_modules``. Copyright ========= This document has been placed in the public domain. .. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 80 coding: utf-8 End: