#! /bin/sh # This script is meant to be run by cron regularly on the # www.python.org server to avoid letting the online PEPs get stale. # Before using it, the user whose account it is run under needs to use # the "cvs login" command to log into the Python CVS server as # anonymous. TMPDIR="$HOME/tmp" WORKDIR="peps-$$" TARGETDIR='/ftp/ftp.python.org/pub/www.python.org/peps' CVSROOT=':pserver:anonymous@cvs.python.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/python' export CVSROOT cd "$TMPDIR" || exit $? cvs -Q checkout -d "$WORKDIR" python/nondist/peps || exit $? cd "$WORKDIR" || exit $? python ./pep2html.py -q || exit $? # This loop avoids modifying the files for an unchanged PEP. # The HTML file is treated a little strangely since it contains the # (pseudo-)random selection of the corner logo. for FILE in *.txt ; do HTML="${FILE%txt}html" if [ -e "$TARGETDIR/$FILE" ] ; then if cmp -s "$FILE" "$TARGETDIR/$FILE" ; then true else cp "$FILE" "$TARGETDIR/" || exit $? cp "$HTML" "$TARGETDIR/" || exit $? fi else cp "$HTML" "$TARGETDIR/" || exit $? fi done cd "$TMPDIR" || exit $? rm -r "$WORKDIR" || exit $?