"""Utilities to support sub-indices for PEPs.""" from __future__ import annotations from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator import writer if TYPE_CHECKING: from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.parser import PEP def update_sphinx(filename: str, text: str, docnames: list[str], env: BuildEnvironment) -> Path: file_path = Path(f"{filename}.rst").resolve() file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) file_path.write_text(text, encoding="utf-8") # Add to files for builder docnames.append(filename) # Add to files for writer env.found_docs.add(filename) return file_path def generate_subindices( subindices: dict[str, str], peps: list[PEP], docnames: list[str], env: BuildEnvironment, ) -> None: # Create sub index page generate_topic_contents(docnames, env) for subindex, additional_description in subindices.items(): header_text = f"{subindex.title()} PEPs" header_line = "#" * len(header_text) header = header_text + "\n" + header_line + "\n" topic = subindex.lower() filtered_peps = [pep for pep in peps if topic in pep.topic] subindex_intro = f"""\ This is the index of all Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) labelled under the '{subindex.title()}' topic. This is a sub-index of :pep:`0`, the PEP index. {additional_description} """ subindex_text = writer.PEPZeroWriter().write_pep0( filtered_peps, header, subindex_intro, is_pep0=False, ) update_sphinx(f"topic/{subindex}", subindex_text, docnames, env) def generate_topic_contents(docnames: list[str], env: BuildEnvironment): update_sphinx(f"topic/index", """\ Topic Index *********** PEPs are indexed by topic on the pages below: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :titlesonly: :glob: * """, docnames, env)