PEP: 0646 Title: Variadic Generics Author: Mark Mendoza , Matthew Rahtz , Pradeep Kumar Srinivasan , Vincent Siles Sponsor: Guido van Rossum Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 16-Sep-2020 Python-Version: 3.10 Post-History: 07-Oct-2020, 23-Dec-2020, 29-Dec-2020 Abstract ======== PEP 484 introduced ``TypeVar``, enabling creation of generics parameterised with a single type. In this PEP, we introduce ``TypeVarTuple``, enabling parameterisation with an *arbitrary* number of types - that is, a *variadic* type variable, enabling *variadic* generics. This allows the type of array-like structures in numerical computing libraries such as NumPy and TensorFlow to be parameterised with the array *shape*, enabling static type checkers to catch shape-related bugs in code that uses these libraries. Motivation ========== There are two main use-cases for variadic generics. [#hkt]_ The primary motivation is to enable typing of array shapes in numerical computing libraries such as NumPy and TensorFlow. This is the use-case much of the PEP will focus on. Additionally, variadic generics allow us to concisely specify the type signature of ``map`` and ``zip``. We discuss each of these motivations below. Array Shapes ------------- In the context of numerical computation with libraries such as NumPy and TensorFlow, the *shape* of arguments is often just as important as the argument *type*. For example, consider the following function which converts a batch [#batch]_ of videos to grayscale: :: def to_gray(videos: Array): ... From the signature alone, it is not obvious what shape of array [#array]_ we should pass for the ``videos`` argument. Possibilities include, for example, batch × time × height × width × channels and time × batch × channels × height × width. [#timebatch]_ Ideally, we should have some way of making the required shape clear in the signature itself. Multiple proposals [#numeric-stack]_ [#typing-ideas]_ [#syntax-proposal]_ have suggested the use of the standard generics syntax for this purpose. We would write: :: def to_gray(videos: Array[Time, Batch, Height, Width, Channels]): ... However, note that arrays can be of arbitrary rank - ``Array`` as used above is generic in an arbitrary number of axes. One way around this would be to use a different ``Array`` class for each rank... :: Axis1 = TypeVar('Axis1') Axis2 = TypeVar('Axis2') class Array1(Generic[Axis1]): ... class Array2(Generic[Axis1, Axis2]): ... ...but this would be cumbersome, both for users (who would have to sprinkle 1s and 2s and so on throughout their code) and for the authors of array libraries (who would have to duplicate implementations throughout multiple classes). Variadic generics are necessary for a ``Array`` that is generic in an arbitrary number of axes to be cleanly defined as a single class. ``map`` and ``zip`` ------------------- PEP 612 [#pep-612]_ introduced ``ParamSpec``, enabling parameter types of one callable to be forwarded to another callable. However, in many cases we actually wish to *transform* parameter types before using them elsewhere in the signature. Consider, for example, the signature of ``map`` for a particular choice of function and iterables: :: def func(int, str) -> float: ... iter1: List[int] iter2: List[str] def map(func: Callable[[int, str], float], iter1: Iterable[int], iter2: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[float]: ... Note that the number of iterables passed to ``map`` is dependent on the supplied function, and that the types of those iterables must correspond to the types of supplied function's arguments. A similar example is ``zip``: :: iter1: List[int] iter2: List[str] def zip(iter1: Iterable[int], iter2: Iterable[str]) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, str]]: ... Neither of these signatures can be specified in the general case using existing typing mechanisms. The signature of ``zip``, for example, is currently specified [#zip-sig]_ with a number of overloads. Specification ============= In order to support the above use-cases, we introduce: * ``TypeVarTuple``, serving as a placeholder not for a single type but for an *arbitrary* number of types, and behaving like a number of ``TypeVar`` instances packed in a ``Tuple``. * A new use for the star operator: unpacking of each individual type from a ``TypeVarTuple``. * Two new type operators, ``Unpack`` and ``Map``. These are described in detail below. Type Variable Tuples -------------------- In the same way that a normal type variable is a stand-in for a single type, a type variable *tuple* is a stand-in for an arbitrary number of types (zero or more) in a flat ordered list. Type variable tuples are created with: :: from typing import TypeVarTuple Ts = TypeVarTuple('Ts') A type variable tuple behaves in a similar way to a parameterized ``Tuple``. For example, in a generic object instantiated with type parameters ``int`` and ``str``, ``Ts`` is equivalent to ``Tuple[int, str]``. Type variable tuples can be used anywhere a normal ``TypeVar`` can. For example, in class definitions, function signatures, and variable annotations: :: Shape = TypeTupleVar('Shape') class Array(Generic[Shape]): def __init__(self, shape: Shape): self.shape: Shape = shape def __abs__(self) -> Array[Shape]: ... def __add__(self, other: Array[Shape]) -> Array[Shape]: ... Height = NewType('Height', int) Width = NewType('Width', int) shape = (Height(480), Width(640)) x: Array[Tuple[Height, Width]] = Array(shape) x.shape # Inferred type is Tuple[Height, Width] y = abs(x) # Array[Tuple[Height, Width]] z = x + y # Array[Tuple[Height, Width]] Variance and ``bound``: Not (Yet) Supported ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' To keep this PEP minimal, ``TypeTupleVar`` does not yet support the ``bound`` argument or specification of variance, as ``TypeVar`` does. We leave the decision of how these arguments should be implemented to a future PEP, when use-cases for variadic generics have been explored more in practice. Unpacking: Star Operator '''''''''''''''''''''''' Note that the fully-parameterised type of ``Array`` above is rather verbose. Wouldn't it be easier if we could just write ``Array[Height, Width]``? To enable this, we introduce a new function for the star operator: to 'unpack' type variable tuples. When unpacked, a type variable tuple behaves as if its component types had been written directly into the signature, rather than being wrapped in a ``Tuple``. Rewriting the ``Array`` class using an unpacked type variable tuple, we can instead write: :: Shape = TypeTupleVar('Shape') class Array(Generic[*Shape]): def __init__(self, shape: Shape): self.shape: Shape = shape def __add__(self, other: Array[*Shape]) -> Array[*Shape]: ... shape = (Height(480), Width(640)) x: Array[Height, Width] = Array(shape) x.shape # Inferred type is Tuple[Height, Width] z = x + x # Array[Height, Width] Unpacking: ``Unpack`` Operator '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Because the new use of the star operator requires a syntax change and is therefore incompatible with previous versions of Python, we also introduce the ``typing.Unpack`` type operator for use in existing versions of Python. ``Unpack`` takes a single type variable tuple argument, and behaves identically to the star operator, but without requiring a syntax change. In any place you would normally write ``*Ts``, you can also write ``Unpack[Ts]``. ``*args`` as a Type Variable Tuple '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' PEP 484 states that when a type annotation is provided for ``*args``, each argument must be of the type annotated. That is, if we specify ``*args`` to be type ``int``, then *all* arguments must be of type ``int``. This limits our ability to specify the type signatures of functions that take heterogeneous argument types. If ``*args`` is annotated as an unpacked type variable tuple, however, the types of the individual arguments become the types in the type variable tuple: :: def args_to_tuple(*args: *Ts) -> Ts: ... args_to_tuple(1, 'a') # Inferred type is Tuple[int, str] Note that the type variable tuple must be unpacked in order for this new behaviour to apply. If the type variable tuple is not unpacked, the old behaviour still applies: :: # *All* arguments must be of type Tuple[T1, T2], # where T1 and T2 are the same types for all arguments def foo(*args: Ts) -> Ts: ... x: Tuple[int, str] y: Tuple[int, str] foo(x, y) # Valid z: Tuple[bool] foo(x, z) # Not valid Finally, note that a type variable tuple may *not* be used as the type of ``**kwargs``. (We do not yet know of a use-case for this feature, so prefer to leave the ground fresh for a potential future PEP.) :: # NOT valid def foo(**kwargs: Ts): ... def foo(**kwargs: *Ts): ... Type Variable Tuples with ``Callable`` '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Type variable tuples can also be used in the arguments section of a ``Callable``: :: class Process: def __init__(target: Callable[[*Ts], Any], args: Tuple[*Ts]): ... def func(arg1: int, arg2: str): ... Process(target=func, args=(0, 'foo')) # Passes type-check Process(target=func, args=('foo', 0)) # Fails type-check Type Variable Tuples with ``Union`` ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Finally, type variable tuples can be used with ``Union``: :: def f(*args: *Ts) -> Union[*Ts]: return random.choice(args) f(1, 'foo') # Inferred type is Union[int, str] If the type variable tuple is empty (e.g. if we had ``*args: *Ts`` and didn't pass any arguments), the type checker should raise an error on the ``Union`` (matching the behaviour of ``Union`` at runtime, which requires at least one type argument). ``Map`` ------- To enable typing of functions such as ``map`` and ``zip``, we introduce the ``Map`` type operator. Not to be confused with the existing operator ``typing.Mapping``, ``Map`` is analogous to ``map``, but for types: :: from typing import Map def args_to_lists(*args: *Ts) -> Map[List, Ts]: ... args_to_lists(1, 'a') # Inferred type is Tuple[List[int], List[str]] ``Map`` takes two operands. The first operand is a parameterizable type (or type alias [#type_aliases]_) such as ``Tuple``, ``List``, or a user-defined generic class. The second operand is a type variable tuple. The result of ``Map`` is a ``Tuple``, where the Nth type in the ``Tuple`` is the first operand parameterized by the Nth type in the type variable tuple. Because ``Map`` returns a parameterized ``Tuple``, it can be used anywhere that a type variable tuple would be. For example, as the type of ``*args``: :: # Equivalent to 'arg1: List[T1], arg2: List[T2], ...' def foo(*args: *Map[List, Ts]): ... # Ts is bound to Tuple[int, str] foo([1], ['a']) As a return type: :: # Equivalent to '-> Tuple[List[T1], List[T2], ...]' def bar(*args: *Ts) -> Map[List, Ts]: ... # Ts is bound to Tuple[float, bool] # Inferred type is Tuple[List[float], List[bool]] bar(1.0, True) And as an argument type: :: # Equivalent to 'arg: Tuple[List[T1], List[T2], ...]' def baz(arg: Map[List, Ts]): ... # Ts is bound to Tuple[bool, bool] baz(([True], [False])) ``map`` and ``zip`` ''''''''''''''''''' ``Map`` allows us to specify the signature of ``map`` as: :: Ts = TypeVarTuple('Ts') R = TypeVar(R) def map(func: Callable[[*Ts], R], *iterables: *Map[Iterable, Ts]) -> Iterable[R]: ... def func(int, str) -> float: ... # Ts is bound to Tuple[int, str] # Map[Iterable, Ts] is Iterable[int], Iterable[str] # Therefore, iter1 must be type Iterable[int], # and iter2 must be type Iterable[str] map(func, iter1, iter2) Similarly, we can specify the signature of ``zip`` as: :: def zip(*iterables: *Map[Iterable, Ts]) -> Iterator[Ts]): ... l1: List[int] l2: List[str] zip(l1, l2) # Iterator[Tuple[int, str]] Overloads for Accessing Individual Types ---------------------------------------- ``Map`` allows us to operate on types in a bulk fashion. For situations where we require access to each individual type, overloads can be used with individual ``TypeVar`` instances in place of the type variable tuple: :: Shape = TypeVarTuple('Shape') Axis1 = TypeVar('Axis1') Axis2 = TypeVar('Axis2') Axis3 = TypeVar('Axis3') class Array(Generic[*Shape]): ... @overload def transpose( self: Array[Axis1, Axis2] ) -> Array[Axis2, Axis1]: ... @overload def transpose( self: Array[Axis1, Axis2, Axis3) ) -> Array[Axis3, Axis2, Axis1]: ... (For array shape operations in particular, having to specify overloads for each possible rank is, of course, a rather cumbersome solution. However, it's the best we can do without additional type manipulation mechanisms, which are beyond the scope of this PEP.) Concatenating Other Types to a Type Variable Tuple -------------------------------------------------- If an unpacked type variable tuple appears with other types in the same type parameter list, the effect is to concatenate those types with the types in the type variable tuple. For example, concatenation in a function return type: :: Batch = NewType('int') Height = NewType('int') Width = NewType('int') class Array(Generic[*Shape]): ... def add_batch(x: Array[*Shape]) -> Array[Batch, *Shape]: ... x: Array[Height, Width] y = add_batch(x) # Inferred type is Array[Batch, Height, Width] In function argument types: :: def batch_sum(x: Array[Batch, *Shape]) -> Array[*Shape]: ... x: Array[Batch, Height, Width] y = batch_sum(x) # Inferred type is Array[Height, Width] And in class type parameters: :: class BatchArray(Generic[Batch, *Shape]): def sum(self) -> Array[*Shape]: ... x: BatchArray[Batch, Height, Width] y = x.sum() # Inferred type is Array[Height, Width] Concatenation can involve both prefixing and suffixing, and can include an arbitrary number of types: :: def foo(x: Tuple[*Ts]) -> Tuple[int, str, *Ts, bool]: ... It is also possible to concatenate type variable tuples with regular type variables: :: T = TypeVar('T') def first_axis_sum(x: Array[T, *Shape]) -> Array[*Shape]: ... x: Array[Time, Height, Width] y = first_axis_sum(x) # Inferred type is Array[Height, Width] Finally, concatenation can also occur in the argument list to ``Callable``: :: def f(func: Callable[[int, *Ts], Any]) -> Tuple[*Ts]: ... def foo(int, str, float): ... def bar(str, int, float): ... f(foo) # Valid; inferred type is Tuple[str, float] f(bar) # Not valid And in ``Union``: :: def f(*args: *Ts) -> Union[*Ts, float]: ... f(0, 'spam') # Inferred type is Union[int, str, float] Concatenating Multiple Type Variable Tuples ------------------------------------------- We can also concatenate *multiple* type variable tuples, but only in cases where the types bound to each type variable tuple can be inferred unambiguously. Note that this is not always the case: :: # Type checker should raise an error on definition of func; # how would we know which types are bound to Ts1, and which # are bound to Ts2? def func(ham: Tuple[*Ts1, *Ts2]): ... # Ts1 = Tuple[int, str], Ts2 = Tuple[bool]? # Or Ts1 = Tuple[int], Ts2 = Tuple[str, bool]? ham: Tuple[int, str, bool] func(ham) In general, some kind of extra constraint is necessary in order for the ambiguity to be resolved. This is usually provided by an un-concatenated usage of the type variable tuple elsewhere in the same signature. For example, resolving ambiguity in an argument: :: def func(ham: Tuple[*Ts1, *Ts2], spam: Ts2): ... # Ts1 is bound to Tuple[int], Ts2 to Tuple[str, bool] ham: Tuple[int, str, bool] spam: Tuple[str, bool] func(ham, spam) In a return type: :: def func(ham: Ts1, spam: Ts2) -> Tuple[*Ts1, *Ts2]): ... ham: Tuple[int] spam: Tuple[str, bool] # Return type is Tuple[int, str, bool] func(ham, spam) Note, however, that the same cannot be done with generic classes: :: # No way to add extra constraints about Ts1 and Ts2, # so this is not valid class C(Generic[*Ts1, *Ts2]): ... Generics in Multiple Type Variable Tuples ----------------------------------------- If we *do* wish to use multiple type variable tuples in a type signature that would otherwise not resolve the ambiguity, it is also possible to make the type bindings explicit by using a type variable tuple directly, without unpacking it. When then instantiating, for example, the class in question, the types corresponding to each type variable tuple must be wrapped in a ``Tuple``: :: class C(Generic[Ts1, Ts2]): ... # Ts1 = Tuple[int, str] # Ts2 = Tuple[bool] c: C[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[bool]] = C() Similarly for functions: :: def foo(x: Tuple[Ts1, Ts2]): ... # Ts1 = Tuple[int, float] # Ts2 = Tuple[bool] x: Tuple[Tuple[int, float], Tuple[bool]] foo(x) Aliases ------- Generic aliases can be created using a type variable tuple in a similar way to regular type variables: :: IntTuple = Tuple[int, *Ts] IntTuple[float, bool] # Equivalent to Tuple[int, float, bool] As this example shows, all type arguments passed to the alias are bound to the type variable tuple. If no type arguments are given, the type variable tuple holds no types: :: IntTuple # Equivalent to Tuple[int] Type variable tuples can also be used without unpacking: :: IntTuple = Tuple[int, Ts] IntTuple[float, bool] # Equivalent to Tuple[int, Tuple[float, bool]] IntTuple # Tuple[int, Tuple[]] At most a single distinct type variable tuple can occur in an alias: :: # Invalid Foo = Tuple[Ts1, int, Ts2] # Why? Because there would be no way to decide which types should # be bound to which type variable tuple: Foo[float, bool, str] # Equivalent to Tuple[float, bool, int, str]? # Or Tuple[float, int, bool, str]? The same type variable tuple may be used multiple times, however: :: Bar = Tuple[*Ts, *Ts] Bar[int, float] # Equivalent to Tuple[int, float, int, float] Finally, type variable tuples can be used in combination with normal type variables. In this case, the number of type arguments must be equal to or greater than the number of distinct normal type variables: :: Baz = Tuple[T1, *Ts, T2, T1] # T1 bound to int, T2 bound to bool, Ts empty # Equivalent to Tuple[int, bool, int] Baz[int, bool] # T1 bound to int # Ts bound to Tuple[float, bool] # T2 bound to str # So equivalent to Tuple[int, float, bool, str, int] Baz[int, float, bool, str] An Ideal Array Type: One Possible Example ========================================= Type variable tuples allow us to make significant progress on the typing of arrays. However, the array class we have sketched out in this PEP is still missing some desirable features. [#typing-ideas]_ The most crucial feature missing is the ability to specify the data type (e.g. ``np.float32`` or ``np.uint8``). This is important because some numerical computing libraries will silently cast types, which can easily lead to hard-to-diagnose bugs. Additionally, it might be useful to be able to specify the rank instead of the full shape. This could be useful for cases where axes don't have obvious semantic meaning like 'height' or 'width', or where the array is very high-dimensional and writing out all the axes would be too verbose. Here is one possible example of how these features might be implemented in a complete array type. :: # E.g. Ndim[Literal[3]] Integer = TypeVar('Integer') class Ndim(Generic[Integer]): ... # E.g. Shape[Height, Width] # (Where Height and Width are custom types) Axes = TypeVarTuple('Axes') class Shape(Generic[*Axes]): ... DataType = TypeVar('DataType') ShapeType = TypeVar('ShapeType', NDim, Shape) # The most verbose type # E.g. Array[np.float32, Ndim[Literal[3]] # Array[np.uint8, Shape[Height, Width, Channels]] class Array(Generic[DataType, ShapeType]): ... # Type aliases for less verbosity # E.g. Float32Array[Height, Width, Channels] Float32Array = Array[np.float32, Shape[*Axes]] # E.g. Array1D[np.uint8] Array1D = Array[DataType, Ndim[Literal[1]]] Rationale and Rejected Ideas ============================ Supporting Variadicity Through aliases -------------------------------------- As noted in the introduction, it **is** possible to avoid variadic generics by simply defining aliases for each possible number of type parameters: :: class Array1(Generic[Axis1]): ... class Array2(Generic[Axis1, Axis2]): ... However, this seems somewhat clumsy - it requires users to unnecessarily pepper their code with 1s, 2s, and so on for each rank necessary. Naming of ``Map`` ----------------- One downside to the name ``Map`` is that it might suggest a hash map. We considered a number of different options for the name of this operator. * ``ForEach``. This is rather long, and we thought might imply a side-effect. * ``Transform``. The meaning of this isn't obvious enough at first glance. * ``Apply``. This is inconsistent with ``apply``, an older Python function which enabled conversion of iterables to arguments before the star operator was introduced. In the end, we decided that ``Map`` was good enough. Nesting ``Map`` --------------- Since the result of ``Map`` is a parameterised ``Tuple``, it should be possible to use the output of a ``Map`` as the input to another ``Map``: :: Map[Tuple, Map[List, Ts]] If ``Ts`` here were bound to ``Tuple[int, str]``, the result of the inner ``Map`` would be ``Tuple[List[int], List[str]]``, so the result of the outer map would be ``Tuple[Tuple[List[int]], Tuple[List[str]]]``. We chose not to highlight this fact because of a) how confusing it is, and b) lack of a specific use-case. Whether to support nested ``Map`` is left to the implementation. Naming of ``TypeVarTuple`` -------------------------- ``TypeVarTuple`` began as ``ListVariadic``, based on its naming in an early implementation in Pyre. We then changed this to ``TypeVar(list=True)``, on the basis that a) it better emphasises the similarity to ``TypeVar``, and b) the meaning of 'list' is more easily understood than the jargon of 'variadic'. We finally settled on ``TypeVarTuple`` based on the justification that c) this emphasises the tuple-like behaviour, and d) type variable tuples are a sufficiently different kind of thing to regular type variables that we may later wish to support keyword arguments to its constructor that should not be supported by regular type variables (such as ``arbitrary_len`` [#arbitrary_len]_). Backwards Compatibility ======================= TODO * ``Tuple`` needs to be upgraded to support parameterization with a type variable tuple. Reference Implementation ======================== TODO Footnotes ========== .. [#hkt] A third potential use is in enabling higher-kinded types that take an arbitrary number of type operands, but we do not discuss this use here. .. [#batch] 'Batch' is machine learning parlance for 'a number of'. .. [#array] We use the term 'array' to refer to a matrix with an arbitrary number of dimensions. In NumPy, the corresponding class is the ``ndarray``; in TensorFlow, the ``Tensor``; and so on. .. [#timebatch] If the shape begins with 'batch × time', then ``videos_batch[0][1]`` would select the second frame of the first video. If the shape begins with 'time × batch', then ``videos_batch[1][0]`` would select the same frame. .. [#type_aliases] For example, in ``asyncio`` [#asyncio]_, it is convenient to define a type alias ``_FutureT = Union[Future[_T], Generator[Any, None, _T], Awaitable[_T]]``. We should be able to apply ``Map`` to such aliases - e.g. ``Map[_FutureT, Ts]``. References ========== .. [#pep-612] PEP 612, "Parameter Specification Variables": .. [#numeric-stack] Static typing of Python numeric stack: .. [#typing-ideas] Ideas for array shape typing in Python: .. [#syntax-proposal] Shape annotation syntax proposal: .. [#zip-sig] ``typeshed/builtins.pyi``: .. [#asyncio] ``typeshed/asyncio/tasks.pyi``: .. [#arbitrary_len] Discussion on Python typing-sig mailing list: Acknowledgements ================ Thank you to **Alfonso Castaño**, **Antoine Pitrou**, **Bas v.B.**, **David Foster**, **Dimitris Vardoulakis**, **Eric Traut**, **Guido van Rossum**, **Jia Chen**, **Lucio Fernandez-Arjona**, **Nikita Sobolev**, **Peilonrayz**, **Rebecca Chen**, **Sergei Lebedev** and **Vladimir Mikulik** for helpful feedback and suggestions on drafts of this PEP. Thank you especially to **Lucio**, for suggesting the star syntax, which has made multiple aspects of this proposal much more concise and intuitive. Resources ========= Discussions on variadic generics in Python started in 2016 with `Issue 193`__ on the python/typing GitHub repository. __ Inspired by this discussion, **Ivan Levkivskyi** made a concrete proposal at PyCon 2019, summarised in `Type system improvements`__ and `Static typing of Python numeric stack`__. __ __ Expanding on these ideas, **Mark Mendoza** and **Vincent Siles** gave a presentation on `Variadic Type Variables for Decorators and Tensors`__ at the 2019 Python Typing Summit. __ Copyright ========= This document is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive. .. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 coding: utf-8 End: