PEP: 692 Title: Using TypedDict for more precise \*\*kwargs typing Author: Franek Magiera Sponsor: Jelle Zijlstra Discussions-To: Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Topic: Typing Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 29-May-2022 Python-Version: 3.12 Post-History: `29-May-2022 `__, `12-Jul-2022 `__, `12-Jul-2022 `__, Abstract ======== Currently ``**kwargs`` can be type hinted as long as all of the keyword arguments specified by them are of the same type. However, that behaviour can be very limiting. Therefore, in this PEP we propose a new way to enable more precise ``**kwargs`` typing. The new approach revolves around using ``TypedDict`` to type ``**kwargs`` that comprise keyword arguments of different types. .. _pep-692-motivation: Motivation ========== Currently annotating ``**kwargs`` with a type ``T`` means that the ``kwargs`` type is in fact ``dict[str, T]``. For example:: def foo(**kwargs: str) -> None: ... means that all keyword arguments in ``foo`` are strings (i.e., ``kwargs`` is of type ``dict[str, str]``). This behaviour limits the ability to type annotate ``**kwargs`` only to the cases where all of them are of the same type. However, it is often the case that keyword arguments conveyed by ``**kwargs`` have different types that are dependent on the keyword's name. In those cases type annotating ``**kwargs`` is not possible. This is especially a problem for already existing codebases where the need of refactoring the code in order to introduce proper type annotations may be considered not worth the effort. This in turn prevents the project from getting all of the benefits that type hinting can provide. Moreover, ``**kwargs`` can be used to reduce the amount of code needed in cases when there is a top-level function that is a part of a public API and it calls a bunch of helper functions, all of which expect the same keyword arguments. Unfortunately, if those helper functions were to use ``**kwargs``, there is no way to properly type hint them if the keyword arguments they expect are of different types. In addition, even if the keyword arguments are of the same type, there is no way to check whether the function is being called with keyword names that it actually expects. As described in the :ref:`Intended Usage ` section, using ``**kwargs`` is not always the best tool for the job. Despite that, it is still a widely used pattern. As a consequence, there has been a lot of discussion around supporting more precise ``**kwargs`` typing and it became a feature that would be valuable for a large part of the Python community. This is best illustrated by the `mypy GitHub issue 4441 `__ which contains a lot of real world cases that could benefit from this propsal. One more use case worth mentioning for which ``**kwargs`` are also convenient, is when a function should accommodate optional keyword-only arguments that don't have default values. A need for a pattern like that can arise when values that are usually used as defaults to indicate no user input, such as ``None``, can be passed in by a user and should result in a valid, non-default behavior. For example, this issue `came up `__ in the popular ``httpx`` library. .. _pep-692-rationale: Rationale ========= :pep:`589` introduced the ``TypedDict`` type constructor that supports dictionary types consisting of string keys and values of potentially different types. A function's keyword arguments represented by a formal parameter that begins with double asterisk, such as ``**kwargs``, are received as a dictionary. Additionally, such functions are often called using unpacked dictionaries to provide keyword arguments. This makes ``TypedDict`` a perfect candidate to be used for more precise ``**kwargs`` typing. In addition, with ``TypedDict`` keyword names can be taken into account during static type analysis. However, specifying ``**kwargs`` type with a ``TypedDict`` means, as mentioned earlier, that each keyword argument specified by ``**kwargs`` is a ``TypedDict`` itself. For instance:: class Movie(TypedDict): name: str year: int def foo(**kwargs: Movie) -> None: ... means that each keyword argument in ``foo`` is itself a ``Movie`` dictionary that has a ``name`` key with a string type value and a ``year`` key with an integer type value. Therefore, in order to support specifying ``kwargs`` type as a ``TypedDict`` without breaking current behaviour, a new construct has to be introduced. To support this use case, we propose reusing ``Unpack`` which was initially introduced in :pep:`646`. There are several reasons for doing so: * Its name is quite suitable and intuitive for the ``**kwargs`` typing use case as our intention is to "unpack" the keywords arguments from the supplied ``TypedDict``. * The current way of typing ``*args`` would be extended to ``**kwargs`` and those are supposed to behave similarly. * There would be no need to introduce any new special forms. * The use of ``Unpack`` for the purposes described in this PEP does not interfere with the use cases described in :pep:`646`. Specification ============= With ``Unpack`` we introduce a new way of annotating ``**kwargs``. Continuing the previous example:: def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[Movie]) -> None: ... would mean that the ``**kwargs`` comprise two keyword arguments specified by ``Movie`` (i.e. a ``name`` keyword of type ``str`` and a ``year`` keyword of type ``int``). This indicates that the function should be called as follows:: kwargs: Movie = {name: "Life of Brian", year: 1979} foo(**kwargs) # OK! foo(name="The Meaning of Life", year=1983) # OK! When ``Unpack`` is used, type checkers treat ``kwargs`` inside the function body as a ``TypedDict``:: def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[Movie]) -> None: assert_type(kwargs, Movie) # OK! Using the new annotation will not have any runtime effect - it should only be taken into account by type checkers. Any mention of errors in the following sections relates to type checker errors. Function calls with standard dictionaries ----------------------------------------- Passing a dictionary of type ``dict[str, object]`` as a ``**kwargs`` argument to a function that has ``**kwargs`` annotated with ``Unpack`` must generate a type checker error. On the other hand, the behaviour for functions using standard, untyped dictionaries can depend on the type checker. For example:: def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[Movie]) -> None: ... movie: dict[str, object] = {"name": "Life of Brian", "year": 1979} foo(**movie) # WRONG! Movie is of type dict[str, object] typed_movie: Movie = {"name": "The Meaning of Life", "year": 1983} foo(**typed_movie) # OK! another_movie = {"name": "Life of Brian", "year": 1979} foo(**another_movie) # Depends on the type checker. Keyword collisions ------------------ A ``TypedDict`` that is used to type ``**kwargs`` could potentially contain keys that are already defined in the function's signature. If the duplicate name is a standard parameter, an error should be reported by type checkers. If the duplicate name is a positional-only parameter, no errors should be generated. For example:: def foo(name, **kwargs: Unpack[Movie]) -> None: ... # WRONG! "name" will # always bind to the # first parameter. def foo(name, /, **kwargs: Unpack[Movie]) -> None: ... # OK! "name" is a # positional-only parameter, # so **kwargs can contain # a "name" keyword. Required and non-required keys ------------------------------ By default all keys in a ``TypedDict`` are required. This behaviour can be overridden by setting the dictionary's ``total`` parameter as ``False``. Moreover, :pep:`655` introduced new type qualifiers - ``typing.Required`` and ``typing.NotRequired`` - that enable specifying whether a particular key is required or not:: class Movie(TypedDict): title: str year: NotRequired[int] When using a ``TypedDict`` to type ``**kwargs`` all of the required and non-required keys should correspond to required and non-required function keyword parameters. Therefore, if a required key is not supported by the caller, then an error must be reported by type checkers. Assignment ---------- Assignments of a function typed with ``**kwargs: Unpack[Movie]`` and another callable type should pass type checking only if they are compatible. This can happen for the scenarios described below. Source and destination contain ``**kwargs`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Both destination and source functions have a ``**kwargs: Unpack[TypedDict]`` parameter and the destination function's ``TypedDict`` is assignable to the source function's ``TypedDict`` and the rest of the parameters are compatible:: class Animal(TypedDict): name: str class Dog(Animal): breed: str def accept_animal(**kwargs: Unpack[Animal]): ... def accept_dog(**kwargs: Unpack[Dog]): ... accept_dog = accept_animal # OK! Expression of type Dog can be # assigned to a variable of type Animal. accept_animal = accept_dog # WRONG! Expression of type Animal # cannot be assigned to a variable of type Dog. .. _pep-692-assignment-dest-no-kwargs: Source contains ``**kwargs`` and destination doesn't ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The destination callable doesn't contain ``**kwargs``, the source callable contains ``**kwargs: Unpack[TypedDict]`` and the destination function's keyword arguments are assignable to the corresponding keys in source function's ``TypedDict``. Moreover, not required keys should correspond to optional function arguments, whereas required keys should correspond to required function arguments. Again, the rest of the parameters have to be compatible. Continuing the previous example:: class Example(TypedDict): animal: Animal string: str number: NotRequired[int] def src(**kwargs: Unpack[Example]): ... def dest(*, animal: Dog, string: str, number: int = ...): ... dest = src # OK! It is worth pointing out that the destination function's parameters that are to be compatible with the keys and values from the ``TypedDict`` must be keyword only:: def dest(animal: Dog, string: str, number: int = ...): ... dest(animal_instance, "some string") # OK! dest = src dest(animal_instance, "some string") # WRONG! The same call fails at # runtime now because 'src' expects # keyword arguments. The reverse situation where the destination callable contains ``**kwargs: Unpack[TypedDict]`` and the source callable doesn't contain ``**kwargs`` should be disallowed. This is because, we cannot be sure that additional keyword arguments are not being passed in when an instance of a subclass had been assigned to a variable with a base class type and then unpacked in the destination callable invocation:: def dest(**kwargs: Unpack[Animal]): ... def src(name: str): ... dog: Dog = {"name": "Daisy", "breed": "Labrador"} animal: Animal = dog dest = src # WRONG! dest(**animal) # Fails at runtime. Similar situation can happen even without inheritance as compatibility between ``TypedDict``\s is based on structural subtyping. Source contains untyped ``**kwargs`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The destination callable contains ``**kwargs: Unpack[TypedDict]`` and the source callable contains untyped ``**kwargs``:: def src(**kwargs): ... def dest(**kwargs: Unpack[Movie]): ... dest = src # OK! Source contains traditionally typed ``**kwargs: T`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The destination callable contains ``**kwargs: Unpack[TypedDict]``, the source callable contains traditionally typed ``**kwargs: T`` and each of the destination function ``TypedDict``'s fields is assignable to a variable of type ``T``:: class Vehicle: ... class Car(Vehicle): ... class Motorcycle(Vehicle): ... class Vehicles(TypedDict): car: Car moto: Motorcycle def dest(**kwargs: Unpack[Vehicles]): ... def src(**kwargs: Vehicle): ... dest = src # OK! On the other hand, if the destination callable contains either untyped or traditionally typed ``**kwargs: T`` and the source callable is typed using ``**kwargs: Unpack[TypedDict]`` then an error should be generated, because traditionally typed ``**kwargs`` aren't checked for keyword names. To summarize, function parameters should behave contravariantly and function return types should behave covariantly. Passing kwargs inside a function to another function ---------------------------------------------------- :ref:`A previous point ` mentions the problem of possibly passing additional keyword arguments by assigning a subclass instance to a variable that has a base class type. Let's consider the following example:: class Animal(TypedDict): name: str class Dog(Animal): breed: str def takes_name(name: str): ... dog: Dog = {"name": "Daisy", "breed": "Labrador"} animal: Animal = dog def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[Animal]): print(kwargs["name"].capitalize()) def bar(**kwargs: Unpack[Animal]): takes_name(**kwargs) def baz(animal: Animal): takes_name(**animal) def spam(**kwargs: Unpack[Animal]): baz(kwargs) foo(**animal) # OK! foo only expects and uses keywords of 'Animal'. bar(**animal) # WRONG! This will fail at runtime because 'breed' keyword # will be passed to 'takes_name' as well. spam(**animal) # WRONG! Again, 'breed' keyword will be eventually passed # to 'takes_name'. In the example above, the call to ``foo`` will not cause any issues at runtime. Even though ``foo`` expects ``kwargs`` of type ``Animal`` it doesn't matter if it receives additional arguments because it only reads and uses what it needs completely ignoring any additional values. The calls to ``bar`` and ``spam`` will fail because an unexpected keyword argument will be passed to the ``takes_name`` function. Therefore, ``kwargs`` hinted with an unpacked ``TypedDict`` can only be passed to another function if the function to which unpacked kwargs are being passed to has ``**kwargs`` in its signature as well, because then additional keywords would not cause errors at runtime during function invocation. Otherwise, the type checker should generate an error. In cases similar to the ``bar`` function above the problem could be worked around by explicitly dereferencing desired fields and using them as arguments to perform the function call:: def bar(**kwargs: Unpack[Animal]): name = kwargs["name"] takes_name(name) Using ``Unpack`` with types other than ``TypedDict`` ---------------------------------------------------- As described in the :ref:`Rationale ` section, ``TypedDict`` is the most natural candidate for typing ``**kwargs``. Therefore, in the context of typing ``**kwargs``, using ``Unpack`` with types other than ``TypedDict`` should not be allowed and type checkers should generate errors in such cases. Changes to ``Unpack`` --------------------- Currently using ``Unpack`` in the context of typing is interchangeable with using the asterisk syntax:: >>> Unpack[Movie] * Therefore, in order to be compatible with the new use case, ``Unpack``'s ``repr`` should be changed to simply ``Unpack[T]``. .. _pep-692-intended-usage: Intended Usage ============== The intended use cases for this proposal are described in the :ref:`pep-692-motivation` section. In summary, more precise ``**kwargs`` typing can bring benefits to already existing codebases that decided to use ``**kwargs`` initially, but now are mature enough to use a stricter contract via type hints. Using ``**kwargs`` can also help in reducing code duplication and the amount of copy-pasting needed when there is a bunch of functions that require the same set of keyword arguments. Finally, ``**kwargs`` are useful for cases when a function needs to facilitate optional keyword arguments that don't have obvious default values. However, it has to be pointed out that in some cases there are better tools for the job than using ``TypedDict`` to type ``**kwargs`` as proposed in this PEP. For example, when writing new code if all the keyword arguments are required or have default values then writing everything explicitly is better than using ``**kwargs`` and a ``TypedDict``:: def foo(name: str, year: int): ... # Preferred way. def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[Movie]): ... Similarly, when type hinting third party libraries via stubs it is again better to state the function signature explicitly - this is the only way to type such a function if it has default arguments. Another issue that may arise in this case when trying to type hint the function with a ``TypedDict`` is that some standard function parameters may be treated as keyword only:: def foo(name, year): ... # Function in a third party library. def foo(Unpack[Movie]): ... # Function signature in a stub file. foo("Life of Brian", 1979) # This would be now failing type # checking but is fine. foo(name="Life of Brian", year=1979) # This would be the only way to call # the function now that passes type # checking. Therefore, in this case it is again preferred to type hint such function explicitly as:: def foo(name: str, year: int): ... Also, for the benefit of IDEs and documentation pages, functions that are part of the public API should prefer explicit keyword parameters whenever possible. How to Teach This ================= This PEP could be linked in the ``typing`` module's documentation. Moreover, a new section on using ``Unpack`` could be added to the aforementioned docs. Similar sections could be also added to the `mypy documentation `_ and the `typing RTD documentation `_. Reference Implementation ======================== The `mypy type checker `_ already `supports `_ more precise ``**kwargs`` typing using ``Unpack``. `Pyright type checker `_ also `provides provisional support `__ for `this feature `__. Rejected Ideas ============== ``TypedDict`` unions -------------------- It is possible to create unions of typed dictionaries. However, supporting typing ``**kwargs`` with a union of typed dicts would greatly increase the complexity of the implementation of this PEP and there seems to be no compelling use case to justify the support for this. Therefore, using unions of typed dictionaries to type ``**kwargs`` as described in the context of this PEP can result in an error:: class Book(TypedDict): genre: str pages: int TypedDictUnion = Movie | Book def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[TypedDictUnion]) -> None: ... # WRONG! Unsupported use # of a union of # TypedDicts to type # **kwargs Instead, a function that expects a union of ``TypedDict``\s can be overloaded:: @overload def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[Movie]): ... @overload def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[Book]): ... Changing the meaning of ``**kwargs`` annotations ------------------------------------------------ One way to achieve the purpose of this PEP would be to change the meaning of ``**kwargs`` annotations, so that the annotations would apply to the entire ``**kwargs`` dict, not to individual elements. For consistency, we would have to make an analogous change to ``*args`` annotations. This idea was discussed in a meeting of the typing community, and the consensus was that the change would not be worth the cost. There is no clear migration path, the current meaning of ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` annotations is well-established in the ecosystem, and type checkers would have to introduce new errors for code that is currently legal. Introducing a new syntax ------------------------ In the previous versions of this PEP, using a double asterisk syntax was proposed to support more precise ``**kwargs`` typing. Using this syntax, functions could be annotated as follows:: def foo(**kwargs: **Movie): ... Which would have the same meaning as:: def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[Movie]): ... This greatly increased the scope of the PEP, as it would require a grammar change and adding a new dunder for the ``Unpack`` special form. At the same the justification for introducing a new syntax was not strong enough and became a blocker for the whole PEP. Therefore, we decided to abandon the idea of introducing a new syntax as a part of this PEP and may propose it again in a separate one. References ========== .. _httpxIssue1384: .. _mypyIssue4441: .. _pyrightIssue3002: .. _pyrightProvisionalImplementation: Copyright ========= This document is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive.