"""Code to handle the output of PEP 0.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import unicodedata from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_processor.transforms.pep_headers import ABBREVIATED_STATUSES from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_processor.transforms.pep_headers import ABBREVIATED_TYPES from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import DEAD_STATUSES from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import STATUS_ACCEPTED from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import STATUS_ACTIVE from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import STATUS_DEFERRED from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import STATUS_DRAFT from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import STATUS_FINAL from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import STATUS_PROVISIONAL from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import STATUS_REJECTED from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import STATUS_VALUES from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import STATUS_WITHDRAWN from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import SUBINDICES_BY_TOPIC from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import TYPE_INFO from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import TYPE_PROCESS from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.constants import TYPE_VALUES from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.errors import PEPError if TYPE_CHECKING: from pep_sphinx_extensions.pep_zero_generator.parser import PEP HEADER = """\ PEP: 0 Title: Index of Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) Author: The PEP Editors Status: Active Type: Informational Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 13-Jul-2000 """ INTRO = """\ This PEP contains the index of all Python Enhancement Proposals, known as PEPs. PEP numbers are :pep:`assigned <1#pep-editors>` by the PEP editors, and once assigned are never changed. The `version control history `_ of the PEP texts represent their historical record. """ class PEPZeroWriter: # This is a list of reserved PEP numbers. Reservations are not to be used for # the normal PEP number allocation process - just give out the next available # PEP number. These are for "special" numbers that may be used for semantic, # humorous, or other such reasons, e.g. 401, 666, 754. # # PEP numbers may only be reserved with the approval of a PEP editor. Fields # here are the PEP number being reserved and the claimants for the PEP. # Although the output is sorted when PEP 0 is generated, please keep this list # sorted as well. RESERVED = { 801: "Warsaw", } def __init__(self): self.output: list[str] = [] def emit_text(self, content: str) -> None: # Appends content argument to the output list self.output.append(content) def emit_newline(self) -> None: self.output.append("") def emit_author_table_separator(self, max_name_len: int) -> None: author_table_separator = "=" * max_name_len + " " + "=" * len("email address") self.output.append(author_table_separator) def emit_pep_row( self, *, shorthand: str, number: int, title: str, authors: str ) -> None: self.emit_text(f" * - {shorthand}") self.emit_text(f" - :pep:`{number} <{number}>`") self.emit_text(f" - :pep:`{title.replace('`', '')} <{number}>`") self.emit_text(f" - {authors}") def emit_column_headers(self) -> None: """Output the column headers for the PEP indices.""" self.emit_text(".. list-table::") self.emit_text(" :header-rows: 1") self.emit_text(" :widths: auto") self.emit_text(" :class: pep-zero-table") self.emit_newline() self.emit_text(" * - ") self.emit_text(" - PEP") self.emit_text(" - Title") self.emit_text(" - Authors") def emit_title(self, text: str, *, symbol: str = "=") -> None: self.output.append(text) self.output.append(symbol * len(text)) self.emit_newline() def emit_subtitle(self, text: str) -> None: self.emit_title(text, symbol="-") def emit_pep_category(self, category: str, peps: list[PEP]) -> None: self.emit_subtitle(category) self.emit_column_headers() for pep in peps: self.emit_pep_row(**pep.details) # list-table must have at least one body row if len(peps) == 0: self.emit_text(" * -") self.emit_text(" -") self.emit_text(" -") self.emit_text(" -") self.emit_newline() def write_pep0( self, peps: list[PEP], header: str = HEADER, intro: str = INTRO, is_pep0: bool = True, builder: str = None, ): if len(peps) == 0: return "" # PEP metadata self.emit_text(header) self.emit_newline() # Introduction self.emit_title("Introduction") self.emit_text(intro) self.emit_newline() # PEPs by topic if is_pep0: self.emit_title("Topics") self.emit_text( "PEPs for specialist subjects are :doc:`indexed by topic `." ) self.emit_newline() for subindex in SUBINDICES_BY_TOPIC: target = ( f"topic/{subindex}.html" if builder == "html" else f"../topic/{subindex}/" ) self.emit_text(f"* `{subindex.title()} PEPs <{target}>`_") self.emit_newline() self.emit_newline() # PEPs by category self.emit_title("Index by Category") meta, info, provisional, accepted, open_, finished, historical, deferred, dead = _classify_peps(peps) pep_categories = [ ("Meta-PEPs (PEPs about PEPs or Processes)", meta), ("Other Informational PEPs", info), ("Provisional PEPs (provisionally accepted; interface may still change)", provisional), ("Accepted PEPs (accepted; may not be implemented yet)", accepted), ("Open PEPs (under consideration)", open_), ("Finished PEPs (done, with a stable interface)", finished), ("Historical Meta-PEPs and Informational PEPs", historical), ("Deferred PEPs (postponed pending further research or updates)", deferred), ("Abandoned, Withdrawn, and Rejected PEPs", dead), ] for (category, peps_in_category) in pep_categories: # For sub-indices, only emit categories with entries. # For PEP 0, emit every category, but only with a table when it has entries. if len(peps_in_category) > 0: self.emit_pep_category(category, peps_in_category) elif is_pep0: # emit the category with no table self.emit_subtitle(category) self.emit_text("None.") self.emit_newline() self.emit_newline() # PEPs by number self.emit_title("Numerical Index") self.emit_column_headers() for pep in peps: self.emit_pep_row(**pep.details) self.emit_newline() # Reserved PEP numbers if is_pep0: self.emit_title("Reserved PEP Numbers") self.emit_column_headers() for number, claimants in sorted(self.RESERVED.items()): self.emit_pep_row( shorthand="", number=number, title="RESERVED", authors=claimants ) self.emit_newline() # PEP types key self.emit_title("PEP Types Key") for type_ in sorted(TYPE_VALUES): self.emit_text( f"* **{type_[0]}** --- *{type_}*: {ABBREVIATED_TYPES[type_]}" ) self.emit_newline() self.emit_text(":pep:`More info in PEP 1 <1#pep-types>`.") self.emit_newline() # PEP status key self.emit_title("PEP Status Key") for status in sorted(STATUS_VALUES): # Draft PEPs have no status displayed, Active shares a key with Accepted status_code = "" if status == STATUS_DRAFT else status[0] self.emit_text( f"* **{status_code}** --- *{status}*: {ABBREVIATED_STATUSES[status]}" ) self.emit_newline() self.emit_text(":pep:`More info in PEP 1 <1#pep-review-resolution>`.") self.emit_newline() if is_pep0: # PEP owners authors_dict = _verify_email_addresses(peps) max_name_len = max(len(author_name) for author_name in authors_dict) self.emit_title("Authors/Owners") self.emit_author_table_separator(max_name_len) self.emit_text(f"{'Name':{max_name_len}} Email Address") self.emit_author_table_separator(max_name_len) for author_name in _sort_authors(authors_dict): # Use the email from authors_dict instead of the one from "author" as # the author instance may have an empty email. self.emit_text(f"{author_name:{max_name_len}} {authors_dict[author_name]}") self.emit_author_table_separator(max_name_len) self.emit_newline() self.emit_newline() pep0_string = "\n".join(map(str, self.output)) return pep0_string def _classify_peps(peps: list[PEP]) -> tuple[list[PEP], ...]: """Sort PEPs into meta, informational, accepted, open, finished, and essentially dead.""" meta = [] info = [] provisional = [] accepted = [] open_ = [] finished = [] historical = [] deferred = [] dead = [] for pep in peps: # Order of 'if' statement important. Key Status values take precedence # over Type value, and vice-versa. if pep.status == STATUS_DRAFT: open_.append(pep) elif pep.status == STATUS_DEFERRED: deferred.append(pep) elif pep.pep_type == TYPE_PROCESS: if pep.status in {STATUS_ACCEPTED, STATUS_ACTIVE}: meta.append(pep) elif pep.status in {STATUS_WITHDRAWN, STATUS_REJECTED}: dead.append(pep) else: historical.append(pep) elif pep.status in DEAD_STATUSES: dead.append(pep) elif pep.pep_type == TYPE_INFO: # Hack until the conflict between the use of "Final" # for both API definition PEPs and other (actually # obsolete) PEPs is addressed if pep.status == STATUS_ACTIVE or "release schedule" not in pep.title.lower(): info.append(pep) else: historical.append(pep) elif pep.status == STATUS_PROVISIONAL: provisional.append(pep) elif pep.status in {STATUS_ACCEPTED, STATUS_ACTIVE}: accepted.append(pep) elif pep.status == STATUS_FINAL: finished.append(pep) else: raise PEPError(f"Unsorted ({pep.pep_type}/{pep.status})", pep.filename, pep.number) return meta, info, provisional, accepted, open_, finished, historical, deferred, dead def _verify_email_addresses(peps: list[PEP]) -> dict[str, str]: authors_dict: dict[str, set[str]] = {} for pep in peps: for author in pep.authors: # If this is the first time we have come across an author, add them. if author.full_name not in authors_dict: authors_dict[author.full_name] = set() # If the new email is an empty string, move on. if not author.email: continue # If the email has not been seen, add it to the list. authors_dict[author.full_name].add(author.email) valid_authors_dict: dict[str, str] = {} too_many_emails: list[tuple[str, set[str]]] = [] for full_name, emails in authors_dict.items(): if len(emails) > 1: too_many_emails.append((full_name, emails)) else: valid_authors_dict[full_name] = next(iter(emails), "") if too_many_emails: err_output = [] for author, emails in too_many_emails: err_output.append(" " * 4 + f"{author}: {emails}") raise ValueError( "some authors have more than one email address listed:\n" + "\n".join(err_output) ) return valid_authors_dict def _sort_authors(authors_dict: dict[str, str]) -> list[str]: return sorted(authors_dict, key=_author_sort_by) def _author_sort_by(author_name: str) -> str: """Skip lower-cased words in surname when sorting.""" surname, *_ = author_name.split(",") surname_parts = surname.split() for i, part in enumerate(surname_parts): if part[0].isupper(): base = " ".join(surname_parts[i:]).lower() return unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", base) # If no capitals, use the whole string return unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", surname.lower())