#!/usr/bin/env python # usage: pep-hook.py $REPOS $REV # (standard post-commit args) import os, glob, time, datetime, stat, re, sys import codecs import PyRSS2Gen as rssgen RSS_PATH = os.path.join(sys.argv[1], 'peps.rss') def firstline_startingwith(full_path, text): for line in codecs.open(full_path, encoding="utf-8"): if line.startswith(text): return line[len(text):].strip() return None # get list of peps with creation time (from "Created:" string in pep .txt) peps = glob.glob('pep-*.txt') def pep_creation_dt(full_path): created_str = firstline_startingwith(full_path, 'Created:') # bleh, I was hoping to avoid re but some PEPs editorialize # on the Created line m = re.search(r'''(\d+-\w+-\d{4})''', created_str) if not m: # some older ones have an empty line, that's okay, if it's old # we ipso facto don't care about it. # "return None" would make the most sense but datetime objects # refuse to compare with that. :-| return datetime.datetime(*time.localtime(0)[:6]) created_str = m.group(1) try: t = time.strptime(created_str, '%d-%b-%Y') except ValueError: t = time.strptime(created_str, '%d-%B-%Y') return datetime.datetime(*t[:6]) peps_with_dt = [(pep_creation_dt(full_path), full_path) for full_path in peps] # sort peps by date, newest first peps_with_dt.sort(reverse=True) # generate rss items for 10 most recent peps items = [] for dt, full_path in peps_with_dt[:10]: try: n = int(full_path.split('-')[-1].split('.')[0]) except ValueError: pass title = firstline_startingwith(full_path, 'Title:') author = firstline_startingwith(full_path, 'Author:') url = 'http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-%0.4d' % n item = rssgen.RSSItem( title = 'PEP %d: %s' % (n, title), link = url, description = 'Author: %s' % author, guid = rssgen.Guid(url), pubDate = dt) items.append(item) # the rss envelope desc = """ Newest Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) - Information on new language features, and some meta-information like release procedure and schedules """.strip() rss = rssgen.RSS2( title = 'Newest Python PEPs', link = 'http://www.python.org/dev/peps', description = desc, lastBuildDate = datetime.datetime.now(), items = items) file(RSS_PATH, 'w').write(rss.to_xml())