"""Code to handle the output of PEP 0.""" import datetime import sys import unicodedata from operator import attrgetter from . import constants from .pep import PEP, PEPError indent = u' ' def write_column_headers(output): """Output the column headers for the PEP indices.""" column_headers = {'status': u'', 'type': u'', 'number': u'num', 'title': u'title', 'authors': u'owner'} print>>output, constants.column_format % column_headers underline_headers = {} for key, value in column_headers.items(): underline_headers[key] = unicode(len(value) * '-') print>>output, constants.column_format % underline_headers def sort_peps(peps): """Sort PEPs into meta, informational, accepted, open, finished, and essentially dead.""" meta = [] info = [] accepted = [] open_ = [] finished = [] dead = [] for pep in peps: # Order of 'if' statement important. Key Status values take precedence # over Type value, and vice-versa. if pep.type_ == 'Process': meta.append(pep) elif pep.status == 'Draft': open_.append(pep) elif pep.status in ('Rejected', 'Withdrawn', 'Deferred', 'Incomplete', 'Replaced'): dead.append(pep) elif pep.type_ == 'Informational': info.append(pep) elif pep.status in ('Accepted', 'Active'): accepted.append(pep) elif pep.status == 'Final': finished.append(pep) else: raise PEPError("unsorted (%s/%s)" % (pep.type_, pep.status), pep.filename, pep.number) return meta, info, accepted, open_, finished, dead def verify_email_addresses(peps): authors_dict = {} for pep in peps: for author in pep.authors: # If this is the first time we have come across an author, add him. if author not in authors_dict: authors_dict[author] = [author.email] else: found_emails = authors_dict[author] # If no email exists for the author, use the new value. if not found_emails[0]: authors_dict[author] = [author.email] # If the new email is an empty string, move on. elif not author.email: continue # If the email has not been seen, add it to the list. elif author.email not in found_emails: authors_dict[author].append(author.email) valid_authors_dict = {} too_many_emails = [] for author, emails in authors_dict.items(): if len(emails) > 1: too_many_emails.append((author.first_last, emails)) else: valid_authors_dict[author] = emails[0] if too_many_emails: err_output = [] for author, emails in too_many_emails: err_output.append(" %s: %r" % (author, emails)) raise ValueError("some authors have more than one email address " "listed:\n" + '\n'.join(err_output)) return valid_authors_dict def sort_authors(authors_dict): authors_list = authors_dict.keys() authors_list.sort(key=attrgetter('sort_by')) return authors_list def normalized_last_first(name): return len(unicodedata.normalize('NFC', name.last_first)) def write_pep0(peps, output=sys.stdout): today = datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") print>>output, constants.header % today print>>output print>>output, u"Introduction" print>>output, constants.intro print>>output print>>output, u"Index by Category" print>>output write_column_headers(output) meta, info, accepted, open_, finished, dead = sort_peps(peps) print>>output print>>output, u" Meta-PEPs (PEPs about PEPs or Processes)" print>>output for pep in meta: print>>output, unicode(pep) print>>output print>>output, u" Other Informational PEPs" print>>output for pep in info: print>>output, unicode(pep) print>>output print>>output, u" Accepted PEPs (accepted; may not be implemented yet)" print>>output for pep in accepted: print>>output, unicode(pep) print>>output print>>output, u" Open PEPs (under consideration)" print>>output for pep in open_: print>>output, unicode(pep) print>>output print>>output, u" Finished PEPs (done, implemented in code repository)" print>>output for pep in finished: print>>output, unicode(pep) print>>output print>>output, u" Deferred, Abandoned, Withdrawn, and Rejected PEPs" print>>output for pep in dead: print>>output, unicode(pep) print>>output print>>output print>>output, u" Numerical Index" print>>output write_column_headers(output) prev_pep = 0 for pep in peps: if pep.number - prev_pep > 1: print>>output print>>output, unicode(pep) prev_pep = pep.number print>>output print>>output print>>output, u"Key" print>>output for type_ in PEP.type_values: print>>output, u" %s - %s PEP" % (type_[0], type_) print>>output for status in PEP.status_values: print>>output, u" %s - %s proposal" % (status[0], status) print>>output print>>output print>>output, u"Owners" print>>output authors_dict = verify_email_addresses(peps) max_name = max(authors_dict.keys(), key=normalized_last_first) max_name_len = len(max_name.last_first) print>>output, u" %s %s" % ('name'.ljust(max_name_len), 'email address') print>>output, u" %s %s" % ((len('name')*'-').ljust(max_name_len), len('email address')*'-') sorted_authors = sort_authors(authors_dict) for author in sorted_authors: # Use the email from authors_dict instead of the one from 'author' as # the author instance may have an empty email. print>>output, (u" %s %s" % (author.last_first.ljust(max_name_len), authors_dict[author])) print>>output print>>output print>>output, u"References" print>>output print>>output, constants.references print>>output, constants.footer