''' Find code patterns that PEP-505 attempts to make more concise. Example usage: $ find /usr/lib/python3.4 -name '*.py' | xargs python3 find-pep505.py ''' import ast import glob import os import sys import tokenize class NoneCoalesceIfBlockVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): ''' Look for if blocks of the form: >>> if a is None: ... a = b >>> if a is not None: ... b ... else: ... a = c >>> def foo(self, a=None): ... if a is None: ... self.b = c ... else: ... self.b = a >>> def foo(self, a=None): ... if a is not None: ... self.b = a ... else: ... self.b = c ...where `a` is a name and other characters represent any abitrary expression. In the two latter forms, the search criterion is an assignment of `a` to any identifier in the `a is not None` block. ''' def __init__(self, file_, callback): self.__file = file_ self.__callback = callback def visit_If(self, if_): if not isinstance(if_.test, ast.Compare): return op = if_.test.ops[0] # Match `if a is None:` or `if a is not None:`, where `a` is a name. if isinstance(op, (ast.Is, ast.IsNot)) and \ isinstance(if_.test.left, ast.Name) and \ isinstance(if_.test.comparators[0], ast.NameConstant) and \ if_.test.comparators[0].value is None: test_name = if_.test.left.id else: return # Keep track of which block handles the `a is None` condition and which # handles the `a is not None` condition. if isinstance(op, ast.Is): none_block = if_.body value_block = if_.orelse elif isinstance(op, ast.IsNot): none_block = if_.orelse value_block = if_.body if len(none_block) != 1: return none_stmt = none_block[0] # If there is no `a is not None` block, handle gracefully. if len(value_block) == 1: value_stmt = value_block[0] else: value_stmt = None # Assigning a value to `a` when it is `None`? if isinstance(none_stmt, ast.Assign) and \ len(none_stmt.targets) == 1: target = none_stmt.targets[0] if isinstance(target, ast.Name): if test_name == target.id: self.__callback(self.__file, if_.test.lineno, target.lineno) return # Assigning value of `a` to another identifier when a is not `None`? if isinstance(value_stmt, ast.Assign) and \ isinstance(value_stmt.value, ast.Name) and \ test_name == value_stmt.value.id: end_line = max(value_stmt.lineno, none_stmt.lineno) self.__callback(self.__file, if_.test.lineno, end_line) class NoneCoalesceOrVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): ''' Look for expressions of the form: >>> a or '1' >>> a or [] >>> a or {} ...where `a` is any name. More formally, match a plain name on the left side of `or` and something that looks like a default on the right, e.g. a constant or a constructor invocation. ''' def __init__(self, file_, callback): self.__file = file_ self.__callback = callback def visit_BoolOp(self, bool_op): if not isinstance(bool_op.op, ast.Or) or \ not isinstance(bool_op.values[0], ast.Name): return defaults = ast.Call, ast.Dict, ast.List, ast.Num, ast.Set, ast.Str if isinstance(bool_op.values[1], defaults): start_line = bool_op.values[0].lineno end_line = bool_op.values[-1].lineno self.__callback(self.__file, start_line, end_line) class NoneCoalesceTernaryVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): ''' Look for ternary expressions of the form: >>> a if a is not None else b >>> b if a is None else a ...where a is an identifier and b is an abitrary expression. ''' def __init__(self, file_, callback): self.__file = file_ self.__callback = callback def visit_IfExp(self, ifexp): if isinstance(ifexp.test, ast.Compare): op = ifexp.test.ops[0] # Match `a is None` or `a is not None`, where `a` is a name. if isinstance(op, (ast.Is, ast.IsNot)) and \ isinstance(ifexp.test.left, ast.Name) and \ isinstance(ifexp.test.comparators[0], ast.NameConstant) and \ ifexp.test.comparators[0].value is None: test_name = ifexp.test.left.id else: return if isinstance(op, ast.IsNot) and isinstance(ifexp.body, ast.Name): # Match `a if a is not None else ...`. result_name = ifexp.body.id elif isinstance(op, ast.Is) and isinstance(ifexp.orelse, ast.Name): # Match `... if a is None else a`. result_name = ifexp.orelse.id else: return if test_name == result_name: self.__callback(self.__file, ifexp.test.lineno, None) class SafeNavAndVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): ''' Look for expressions where `and` is used to avoid attribute/index access on ``None``: >>> a and a.foo >>> a and a[foo] >>> a and a.foo() >>> a and a.foo.bar ...where `a` is any name and `foo`, `bar` are any attribute or keys. ''' def __init__(self, file_, callback): self.__file = file_ self.__callback = callback def visit_BoolOp(self, bool_op): if not isinstance(bool_op.op, ast.And) or \ not isinstance(bool_op.values[0], ast.Name): return left_name = bool_op.values[0].id right = bool_op.values[1] if isinstance(right, (ast.Attribute, ast.Call, ast.Subscript)): right_name = get_name_from_node(right) else: return if left_name == right_name: start_line = bool_op.values[0].lineno end_line = bool_op.values[-1].lineno self.__callback(self.__file, start_line, end_line) class SafeNavIfBlockVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): ''' Look for blocks where `if` is used to avoid attribute/index access on ``None``: >>> if a is not None: ... a.foo >>> if a is None: ... pass ... else: ... a.foo ...where `a` is any name. Index access and function calls are also matched. ''' def __init__(self, file_, callback): self.__file = file_ self.__callback = callback def visit_If(self, if_): if not isinstance(if_.test, ast.Compare): return op = if_.test.ops[0] # Match `if a is None:` or `if a is not None:`, where `a` is a name. if isinstance(op, (ast.Is, ast.IsNot)) and \ isinstance(if_.test.left, ast.Name) and \ isinstance(if_.test.comparators[0], ast.NameConstant) and \ if_.test.comparators[0].value is None: test_name = if_.test.left.id else: return # Keep track of which block handles the `a is None` condition and which # handles the `a is not None` condition. if isinstance(op, ast.Is): none_block = if_.body value_block = if_.orelse elif isinstance(op, ast.IsNot): none_block = if_.orelse value_block = if_.body if len(none_block) > 0: none_lineno = none_block[0].lineno else: none_lineno = 0 # If there is no `a is not None` block, then it's definitely not a # match. if len(value_block) == 1: value_stmt = value_block[0] else: return # Assigning the value of `a.foo` or `a[foo]` or calling `a.foo()` in the # `a is not None` block. (But don't match bare `a` -- that's already # covered by the None coalesce visitors.) if isinstance(value_stmt, (ast.Assign, ast.Expr)) and \ not isinstance(value_stmt.value, ast.Name): expr_name = get_name_from_node(value_stmt.value) else: return # Assigning value of `a` to another identifier when a is not `None`? if test_name == expr_name: end_line = max(value_stmt.lineno, none_lineno) self.__callback(self.__file, if_.test.lineno, end_line) class SafeNavTernaryVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): ''' Look for ternary expressions of the form: >>> a.foo if a is not None else b >>> b if a is None else a.foo ...where `a` is an identifier, `b` is an abitrary expression, and `foo` is an attribute, index, or function invocation. ''' def __init__(self, file_, callback): self.__file = file_ self.__callback = callback def visit_IfExp(self, ifexp): if isinstance(ifexp.test, ast.Compare): op = ifexp.test.ops[0] # Match `a is None` or `a is not None`, where `a` is a name. if isinstance(op, (ast.Is, ast.IsNot)) and \ isinstance(ifexp.test.left, ast.Name) and \ isinstance(ifexp.test.comparators[0], ast.NameConstant) and \ ifexp.test.comparators[0].value is None: test_name = ifexp.test.left.id else: return exprs = ast.Attribute, ast.Call, ast.Subscript if isinstance(op, ast.IsNot) and isinstance(ifexp.body, exprs): # Match `a.foo if a is not None else ...`. result_name = get_name_from_node(ifexp.body) elif isinstance(op, ast.Is) and isinstance(ifexp.orelse, exprs): # Match `... if a is None else a.foo`. result_name = get_name_from_node(ifexp.orelse) else: return if test_name == result_name: self.__callback(self.__file, ifexp.test.lineno, None) def count_calls_decorator(callback): ''' Decorator for a callback that counts how many time that callback was invoked. ''' def invoke(*args): callback(*args) invoke.count += 1 invoke.count = 0 return invoke def get_call_count(invoke): ''' In tandem with `count_calls_decorator`, return the number of times that a callback was invoked. ''' return invoke.count def get_name_from_node(node): ''' Return the left-most name from an Attribute or Subscript node. ''' while isinstance(node, (ast.Attribute, ast.Call, ast.Subscript)): if isinstance(node, ast.Call): node = node.func else: node = node.value if isinstance(node, ast.Name): return node.id else: return None def log(text, file_, start_line, stop_line=None): ''' Display a match, including file name, line number, and code excerpt. ''' print('{}: {}:{}'.format(text, file_, start_line)) if stop_line is None: stop_line = start_line try: source = tokenize.open(file_) except (SyntaxError, UnicodeDecodeError): return with source: print(''.join(source.readlines()[start_line-1:stop_line])) def main(): def make_callback(text): return count_calls_decorator( lambda file_, start, stop: log(text, file_, start, stop) ) nci_callback = make_callback('None-coalescing `if` block') nco_callback = make_callback('[Possible] None-coalescing `or`') nct_callback = make_callback('None-coalescing ternary') sna_callback = make_callback('Safe navigation `and`') sni_callback = make_callback('Safe navigation `if` block') snt_callback = make_callback('Safe navigation ternary') files = sys.argv[1:] if files: expanded_files = [] for file_ in files: if '*' in file_: expanded_files.extend(glob.glob(file_)) else: expanded_files.append(file_) else: files = glob.glob(os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Lib', '**', '*.py')) for file_ in files: try: source = tokenize.open(file_) except (SyntaxError, UnicodeDecodeError): continue with source: try: tree = ast.parse(source.read(), filename=file_) except SyntaxError: continue NoneCoalesceIfBlockVisitor(file_, nci_callback).visit(tree) NoneCoalesceOrVisitor(file_, nco_callback).visit(tree) NoneCoalesceTernaryVisitor(file_, nct_callback).visit(tree) SafeNavAndVisitor(file_, sna_callback).visit(tree) SafeNavIfBlockVisitor(file_, sni_callback).visit(tree) SafeNavTernaryVisitor(file_, snt_callback).visit(tree) print('Total None-coalescing `if` blocks: {}' .format(get_call_count(nci_callback))) print('Total [possible] None-coalescing `or`: {}' .format(get_call_count(nco_callback))) print('Total None-coalescing ternaries: {}' .format(get_call_count(nct_callback))) print('Total Safe navigation `and`: {}' .format(get_call_count(sna_callback))) print('Total Safe navigation `if` blocks: {}' .format(get_call_count(sni_callback))) print('Total Safe navigation ternaries: {}' .format(get_call_count(snt_callback))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()