PEP: 6 Title: Patch and Bug Fix Releases Version: $Revision$ Author: (Aahz) Status: Draft Type: Informational Created: 15-Mar-2001 Post-History: 15-Mar-2001 Abstract Python has historically had only a single fork of development, with releases having the combined purpose of adding new features and delivering bug fixes (these kinds of releases will be referred to as "feature releases"). This PEP describes how to fork off patch releases of old versions for the primary purpose of fixing bugs. This PEP is not, repeat NOT, a guarantee of the existence of patch releases; it only specifies a procedure to be followed if patch releases are desired by enough of the Python community willing to do the work. Motivation With the move to SourceForge, Python development has accelerated. There is a sentiment among part of the community that there was too much acceleration, and many people are uncomfortable with upgrading to new versions to get bug fixes when so many features have been added, sometimes late in the development cycle. One solution for this issue is to maintain old feature releases, providing bug fixes and (minimal!) feature additions. This will make Python more attractive for enterprise development, where Python may need to be installed on hundreds or thousands of machines. At the same time, many of the core Python developers are understandably reluctant to devote a significant fraction of their time and energy to what they perceive as grunt work. On the gripping hand, people are likely to feel discomfort around installing releases that are not certified by PythonLabs. Prohibitions Patch releases are required to adhere to the following restrictions: 1. There must be zero syntax changes. All .pyc and .pyo files must work (no regeneration needed) with all patch releases forked off from a feature release. 2. There must be no incompatible C API changes. All extensions must continue to work without recompiling in all patch releases in the same fork as a feature release. Bug Fix Releases Bug fix releases are a subset of all patch releases; it is prohibited to add any features to the core in a bug fix release. A patch release that is not a bug fix release may contain minor feature enhancements, subject to the Prohibitions section. The standard for patches to extensions and modules is a bit more lenient, to account for the possible desirability of including a module from a future version that contains mostly bug fixes but may also have some small feature changes. (E.g. Fredrik Lundh making available the 2.1 sre module for 2.0 and 1.5.2.) Version Numbers Starting with Python 2.0, all feature releases are required to have the form X.Y; patch releases will always be of the form X.Y.Z. To clarify the distinction between a bug fix release and a patch release, all non-bug fix patch releases will have the suffix "p" added. For example, "2.1" is a feature release; "2.1.1" is a bug fix release; and "2.1.2p" is a patch release that contains minor feature enhancements. Procedure XXX This section is still a little light (and probably controversial!) The Patch Czar is the counterpart to the BDFL for patch releases. However, the BDFL and designated appointees retain veto power over individual patches and the decision of whether to label a patch release as a bug fix release. As individual patches get contributed to the feature release fork, each patch contributor is requested to consider whether the patch is a bug fix suitable for inclusion in a patch release. If the patch is considered suitable, the patch contributor will mail the SourceForge patch (bug fix?) number to the maintainers' mailing list. In addition, anyone from the Python community is free to suggest patches for inclusion. Patches may be submitted specifically for patch releases; they should follow the guidelines in PEP 3[1]. The Patch Czar decides when there are a sufficient number of patches to warrant a release. The release gets packaged up, including a Windows installer, and made public as a beta release. If any new bugs are found, they must be fixed and a new beta release publicized. Once a beta cycle completes with no new bugs found, the package is sent to PythonLabs for certification and publication on Each beta cycle must last a minimum of one month. Issues To Be Resolved Should the first patch release following any feature release be required to be a bug fix release? (Aahz proposes "yes".) Is it allowed to do multiple forks (e.g. is it permitted to have both 2.0.2 and 2.0.2p)? (Aahz proposes "no".) Does it makes sense for a bug fix release to follow a patch release? (E.g., 2.0.1, 2.0.2p, 2.0.3.) Exactly how does a candidate patch release get submitted to PythonLabs for certification? And what does "certification" mean, anyway? ;-) Who is the Patch Czar? Is the Patch Czar a single person? (Aahz says "not me alone". Aahz is willing to do a lot of the non-technical work, but Aahz is not a C programmer.) What is the equivalent of python-dev for people who are responsible for maintaining Python? (Aahz proposes either python-patch or python-maint, hosted at either or Does SourceForge make it possible to maintain both separate and combined bug lists for multiple forks? If not, how do we mark bugs fixed in different forks? (Simplest is to simply generate a new bug for each fork that it gets fixed in, referring back to the main bug number for details.) References [1] PEP 3, Hylton, Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil End: