PEP: 358 Title: The "bytes" Object Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Neil Schemenauer Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/plain Created: 15-Feb-2006 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Abstract This PEP outlines the introduction of a raw bytes sequence object. Adding the bytes object is one step in the transition to Unicode based str objects. Motivation Python's current string objects are overloaded. They serve to hold both sequences of characters and sequences of bytes. This overloading of purpose leads to confusion and bugs. In future versions of Python, string objects will be used for holding character data. The bytes object will fulfil the role of a byte container. Eventually the unicode built-in will be renamed to str and the str object will be removed. Specification A bytes object stores a mutable sequence of integers that are in the range 0 to 255. Unlike string objects, indexing a bytes object returns an integer. Assigning an element using a object that is not an integer causes a TypeError exception. Assigning an element to a value outside the range 0 to 255 causes a ValueError exception. The __len__ method of bytes returns the number of integers stored in the sequence (i.e. the number of bytes). The constructor of the bytes object has the following signature: bytes([initialiser[, [encoding]]) If no arguments are provided then an object containing zero elements is created and returned. The initialiser argument can be a string or a sequence of integers. The pseudo-code for the constructor is: def bytes(initialiser=[], encoding=None): if isinstance(initialiser, basestring): if isinstance(initialiser, unicode): if encoding is None: encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() initialiser = initialiser.encode(encoding) initialiser = [ord(c) for c in initialiser] elif encoding is not None: raise TypeError("explicit encoding invalid for non-string " "initialiser") create bytes object and fill with integers from initialiser return bytes object The __repr__ method returns a string that can be evaluated to generate a new bytes object containing the same sequence of integers. The sequence is represented by a list of ints. For example: >>> repr(bytes[10, 20, 30]) 'bytes([10, 20, 30])' The object has a decode method equivalent to the decode method of the str object. The object has a classmethod fromhex that takes a string of characters from the set [0-9a-zA-Z ] and returns a bytes object (similar to binascii.unhexlify). For example: >>> bytes.fromhex('5c5350ff') bytes([92, 83, 80, 255]]) >>> bytes.fromhex('5c 53 50 ff') bytes([92, 83, 80, 255]]) The object has a hex method that does the reverse conversion (similar to binascii.hexlify): >> bytes([92, 83, 80, 255]]).hex() '5c5350ff' The bytes object has methods similar to the list object: __add__ __contains__ __delitem__ __delslice__ __eq__ __ge__ __getitem__ __getslice__ __gt__ __hash__ __iadd__ __imul__ __iter__ __le__ __len__ __lt__ __mul__ __ne__ __reduce__ __reduce_ex__ __repr__ __rmul__ __setitem__ __setslice__ append count extend index insert pop remove Out of scope issues * If we provide a literal syntax for bytes then it should look distinctly different than the syntax for literal strings. Also, a new type, even built-in, is much less drastic than a new literal (which requires lexer and parser support in addition to everything else). Since there appears to be no immediate need for a literal representation, designing and implementing one is out of the scope of this PEP. * Python 3k will have a much different I/O subsystem. Deciding how that I/O subsystem will work and interact with the bytes object is out of the scope of this PEP. * It has been suggested that a special method named __bytes__ be added to language to allow objects to be converted into byte arrays. This decision is out of scope. Unresolved issues * Perhaps the bytes object should be implemented as a extension module until we are more sure of the design (similar to how the set object was prototyped). * Should the bytes object implement the buffer interface? Probably, but we need to look into the implications of that (e.g. regex operations on byte arrays). * Should the object implement __reversed__ and reverse? Should it implement sort? * Need to clarify what some of the methods do. How are comparisons done? Hashing? Pickling and marshalling? Questions and answers Q: Why have the optional encoding argument when the encode method of Unicode objects does the same thing. A: In the current version of Python, the encode method returns a str object and we cannot change that without breaking code. The construct bytes(s.encode(...)) is expensive because it has to copy the byte sequence multiple times. Also, Python generally provides two ways of converting an object of type A into an object of type B: ask an A instance to convert itself to a B, or ask the type B to create a new instance from an A. Depending on what A and B are, both APIs make sense; sometimes reasons of decoupling require that A can't know about B, in which case you have to use the latter approach; sometimes B can't know about A, in which case you have to use the former. Q: Why does bytes ignore the encoding argument if the initialiser is a str? A: There is no sane meaning that the encoding can have in that case. str objects *are* byte arrays and they know nothing about the encoding of character data they contain. We need to assume that the programmer has provided str object that already uses the desired encoding. If you need something other than a pure copy of the bytes then you need to first decode the string. For example: bytes(s.decode(encoding1), encoding2) Q: Why not have the encoding argument default to Latin-1 (or some other encoding that covers the entire byte range) rather than ASCII? A: The system default encoding for Python is ASCII. It seems least confusing to use that default. Also, in Py3k, using Latin-1 as the default might not be what users expect. For example, they might prefer a Unicode encoding. Any default will not always work as expected. At least ASCII will complain loudly if you try to encode non-ASCII data. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. .. 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