PEP: 521 Title: Managing global context via 'with' blocks in generators and coroutines Version: $Revision$ Last-Modified: $Date$ Author: Nathaniel J. Smith Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 27-Apr-2015 Python-Version: 3.6 Post-History: 29-Apr-2015 Abstract ======== While we generally try to avoid global state when possible, there nonetheless exist a number of situations where it is agreed to be the best approach. In Python, a standard pattern for handling such cases is to store the global state in global or thread-local storage, and then use ``with`` blocks to limit modifications of this global state to a single dynamic scope. Examples where this pattern is used include the standard library's ``warnings.catch_warnings`` and ``decimal.localcontext``, NumPy's ``numpy.errstate`` (which exposes the error-handling settings provided by the IEEE 754 floating point standard), and the handling of logging context or HTTP request context in many server application frameworks. However, there is currently no ergonomic way to manage such local changes to global state when writing a generator or coroutine. For example, this code:: def f(): with warnings.catch_warnings(): for x in g(): yield x may or may not successfully catch warnings raised by ``g()``, and may or may not inadverdantly swallow warnings triggered elsewhere in the code. The context manager, which was intended to apply only to ``f`` and its callees, ends up having a dynamic scope that encompasses arbitrary and unpredictable parts of its call\ **ers**. This problem becomes particularly acute when writing asynchronous code, where essentially all functions become coroutines. Here, we propose to solve this problem by notifying context managers whenever execution is suspended or resumed within their scope, allowing them to restrict their effects appropriately. Specification ============= Two new, optional, methods are added to the context manager protocol: ``__suspend__`` and ``__resume__``. If present, these methods will be called whenever a frame's execution is suspended or resumed from within the context of the ``with`` block. More formally, consider the following code:: with EXPR as VAR: PARTIAL-BLOCK-1 f((yield foo)) PARTIAL-BLOCK-2 Currently this is equivalent to the following code (copied from PEP 343):: mgr = (EXPR) exit = type(mgr).__exit__ # Not calling it yet value = type(mgr).__enter__(mgr) exc = True try: try: VAR = value # Only if "as VAR" is present PARTIAL-BLOCK-1 f((yield foo)) PARTIAL-BLOCK-2 except: exc = False if not exit(mgr, *sys.exc_info()): raise finally: if exc: exit(mgr, None, None, None) This PEP proposes to modify ``with`` block handling to instead become:: mgr = (EXPR) exit = type(mgr).__exit__ # Not calling it yet ### --- NEW STUFF --- if the_block_contains_yield_points: # known statically at compile time suspend = getattr(type(mgr), "__suspend__", lambda: None) resume = getattr(type(mgr), "__resume__", lambda: None) ### --- END OF NEW STUFF --- value = type(mgr).__enter__(mgr) exc = True try: try: VAR = value # Only if "as VAR" is present PARTIAL-BLOCK-1 ### --- NEW STUFF --- suspend(mgr) tmp = yield foo resume(mgr) f(tmp) ### --- END OF NEW STUFF --- PARTIAL-BLOCK-2 except: exc = False if not exit(mgr, *sys.exc_info()): raise finally: if exc: exit(mgr, None, None, None) Analogous suspend/resume calls are also wrapped around the ``yield`` points embedded inside the ``yield from``, ``await``, ``async with``, and ``async for`` constructs. Nested blocks ------------- Given this code:: def f(): with OUTER: with INNER: yield VALUE then we perform the following operations in the following sequence:: INNER.__suspend__() OUTER.__suspend__() yield VALUE OUTER.__resume__() INNER.__resume__() Note that this ensures that the following is a valid refactoring:: def f(): with OUTER: yield from g() def g(): with INNER yield VALUE Similarly, ``with`` statements with multiple context managers suspend from right to left, and resume from left to right. Other changes ------------- Appropriate ``__suspend__`` and ``__resume__`` methods are added to ``warnings.catch_warnings`` and ``decimal.localcontext``. Rationale ========= In the abstract, we gave an example of plausible but incorrect code:: def f(): with warnings.catch_warnings(): for x in g(): yield x To make this correct in current Python, we need to instead write something like:: def f(): with warnings.catch_warnings(): it = iter(g()) while True: with warnings.catch_warnings(): try: x = next(it) except StopIteration: break yield x OTOH, if this PEP is accepted then the original code will become correct as-is. Or if this isn't convincing, then here's another example of broken code; fixing it requires even greater gyrations, and these are left as an exercise for the reader:: async def test_foo_emits_warning(): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: await foo() assert len(w) == 1 assert "xyzzy" in w[0].message And notice that this last example isn't artificial at all -- this is exactly how you write a test that an async/await-using coroutine correctly raises a warning. Similar issues arise for pretty much any use of ``warnings.catch_warnings``, ``decimal.localcontext``, or ``numpy.errstate`` in async/await-using code. So there's clearly a real problem to solve here, and the growing prominence of async code makes it increasingly urgent. Alternative approaches ---------------------- The main alternative that has been proposed is to create some kind of "task-local storage", analogous to "thread-local storage" [#yury-task-local-proposal]_. In essence, the idea would be that the event loop would take care to allocate a new "task namespace" for each task it schedules, and provide an API to at any given time fetch the namespace corresponding to the currently executing task. While there are many details to be worked out [#task-local-challenges]_, the basic idea seems doable, and it is an especially natural way to handle the kind of global context that arises at the top-level of async application frameworks (e.g., setting up context objects in a web framework). But it also has a number of flaws: * It only solves the problem of managing global state for coroutines that ``yield`` back to an asynchronous event loop. But there actually isn't anything about this problem that's specific to asyncio -- as shown in the examples above, simple generators run into exactly the same issue. * It creates an unnecessary coupling between event loops and code that needs to manage global state. Obviously an async web framework needs to interact with some event loop API anyway, so it's not a big deal in that case. But it's weird that ``warnings`` or ``decimal`` or NumPy should have to call into an async library's API to access their internal state when they themselves involve no async code. Worse, since there are multiple event loop APIs in common use, it isn't clear how to choose which to integrate with. (This could be somewhat mitigated by CPython providing a standard API for creating and switching "task-local domains" that asyncio, Twisted, tornado, etc. could then work with.) * It's not at all clear that this can be made acceptably fast. NumPy has to check the floating point error settings on every single arithmetic operation. Checking a piece of data in thread-local storage is absurdly quick, because modern platforms have put massive resources into optimizing this case (e.g. dedicating a CPU register for this purpose); calling a method on an event loop to fetch a handle to a namespace and then doing lookup in that namespace is much slower. More importantly, this extra cost would be paid on *every* access to the global data, even for programs which are not otherwise using an event loop at all. This PEP's proposal, by contrast, only affects code that actually mixes ``with`` blocks and ``yield`` statements, meaning that the users who experience the costs are the same users who also reap the benefits. On the other hand, such tight integration between task context and the event loop does potentially allow other features that are beyond the scope of the current proposal. For example, an event loop could note which task namespace was in effect when a task called ``call_soon``, and arrange that the callback when run would have access to the same task namespace. Whether this is useful, or even well-defined in the case of cross-thread calls (what does it mean to have task-local storage accessed from two threads simultaneously?), is left as a puzzle for event loop implementors to ponder -- nothing in this proposal rules out such enhancements as well. It does seem though that such features would be useful primarily for state that already has a tight integration with the event loop -- while we might want a request id to be preserved across ``call_soon``, most people would not expect:: with warnings.catch_warnings(): loop.call_soon(f) to result in ``f`` being run with warnings disabled, which would be the result if ``call_soon`` preserved global context in general. It's also unclear how this would even work given that the warnings context manager ``__exit__`` would be called before ``f``. So this PEP takes the position that ``__suspend__``\/``__resume__`` and "task-local storage" are two complementary tools that are both useful in different circumstances. Backwards compatibility ======================= Because ``__suspend__`` and ``__resume__`` are optional and default to no-ops, all existing context managers continue to work exactly as before. Speed-wise, this proposal adds additional overhead when entering a ``with`` block (where we must now check for the additional methods; failed attribute lookup in CPython is rather slow, since it involves allocating an ``AttributeError``), and additional overhead at suspension points. Since the position of ``with`` blocks and suspension points is known statically, the compiler can straightforwardly optimize away this overhead in all cases except where one actually has a ``yield`` inside a ``with``. Furthermore, because we only do attribute checks for ``__suspend__`` and ``__resume__`` once at the start of a ``with`` block, when these attributes are undefined then the per-yield overhead can be optimized down to a single C-level ``if (frame->needs_suspend_resume_calls) { ... }``. Therefore, we expect the overall overhead to be negligible. Interaction with PEP 492 ======================== PEP 492 added new asynchronous context managers, which are like regular context managers, but instead of having regular methods ``__enter__`` and ``__exit__`` they have coroutine methods ``__aenter__`` and ``__aexit__``. Following this pattern, one might expect this proposal to add ``__asuspend__`` and ``__aresume__`` coroutine methods. But this doesn't make much sense, since the whole point is that ``__suspend__`` should be called before yielding our thread of execution and allowing other code to run. The only thing we accomplish by making ``__asuspend__`` a coroutine is to make it possible for ``__asuspend__`` itself to yield. So either we need to recursively call ``__asuspend__`` from inside ``__asuspend__``, or else we need to give up and allow these yields to happen without calling the suspend callback; either way it defeats the whole point. Well, with one exception: one possible pattern for coroutine code is to call ``yield`` in order to communicate with the coroutine runner, but without actually suspending their execution (i.e., the coroutine might know that the coroutine runner will resume them immediately after processing the ``yield``\ ed message). An example of this is the ``curio.timeout_after`` async context manager, which yields a special ``set_timeout`` message to the curio kernel, and then the kernel immediately (synchronously) resumes the coroutine which sent the message. And from the user point of view, this timeout value acts just like the kinds of global variables that motivated this PEP. But, there is a crucal difference: this kind of async context manager is, by definition, tightly integrated with the coroutine runner. So, the coroutine runner can take over responsibility for keeping track of which timeouts apply to which coroutines without any need for this PEP at all (and this is indeed how curio.timeout_after works). That leaves two reasonable approaches to handling async context managers: 1) Add plain ``__suspend__`` and ``__resume__`` methods. 2) Leave async context managers alone for now until we have more experience with them. Either seems plausible, so out of laziness / `YAGNI `_ this PEP tentatively proposes to stick with option (2). References ========== .. [#yury-task-local-proposal]!topic/python-tulip/zix5HQxtElg .. [#task-local-challenges] For example, we would have to decide whether there is a single task-local namespace shared by all users (in which case we need a way for multiple third-party libraries to adjudicate access to this namespace), or else if there are multiple task-local namespaces, then we need some mechanism for each library to arrange for their task-local namespaces to be created and destroyed at appropriate moments. The preliminary patch linked from the github issue above doesn't seem to provide any mechanism for such lifecycle management. Copyright ========= This document has been placed in the public domain. .. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 coding: utf-8 End: