
1434 lines
46 KiB

# Author: David Goodger
# Contact:
# Revision: $Revision$
# Date: $Date$
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
Docutils document tree element class library.
Classes in CamelCase are abstract base classes or auxiliary classes. The one
exception is `Text`, for a text (PCDATA) node; uppercase is used to
differentiate from element classes. Classes in lower_case_with_underscores
are element classes, matching the XML element generic identifiers in the DTD_.
The position of each node (the level at which it can occur) is significant and
is represented by abstract base classes (`Root`, `Structural`, `Body`,
`Inline`, etc.). Certain transformations will be easier because we can use
``isinstance(node, base_class)`` to determine the position of the node in the
.. _DTD:
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
import sys
import os
import re
import xml.dom.minidom
from types import IntType, SliceType, StringType, UnicodeType, \
TupleType, ListType
from UserString import UserString
# ==============================
# Functional Node Base Classes
# ==============================
class Node:
"""Abstract base class of nodes in a document tree."""
parent = None
"""Back-reference to the Node immediately containing this Node."""
document = None
"""The `document` node at the root of the tree containing this Node."""
source = None
"""Path or description of the input source which generated this Node."""
line = None
"""The line number (1-based) of the beginning of this Node in `source`."""
def __nonzero__(self):
"""Node instances are always true."""
return 1
def asdom(self, dom=xml.dom.minidom):
"""Return a DOM representation of this Node."""
return self._dom_node(dom)
def pformat(self, indent=' ', level=0):
"""Return an indented pseudo-XML representation, for test purposes."""
raise NotImplementedError
def copy(self):
"""Return a copy of self."""
raise NotImplementedError
def setup_child(self, child):
child.parent = self
if self.document:
child.document = self.document
if child.source is None:
child.source = self.document.current_source
if child.line is None:
child.line = self.document.current_line
def walk(self, visitor):
Traverse a tree of `Node` objects, calling ``visit_...`` methods of
`visitor` when entering each node. If there is no
``visit_particular_node`` method for a node of type
``particular_node``, the ``unknown_visit`` method is called. (The
`walkabout()` method is similar, except it also calls ``depart_...``
methods before exiting each node.)
This tree traversal supports limited in-place tree
modifications. Replacing one node with one or more nodes is
OK, as is removing an element. However, if the node removed
or replaced occurs after the current node, the old node will
still be traversed, and any new nodes will not.
Within ``visit_...`` methods (and ``depart_...`` methods for
`walkabout()`), `TreePruningException` subclasses may be raised
(`SkipChildren`, `SkipSiblings`, `SkipNode`, `SkipDeparture`).
Parameter `visitor`: A `NodeVisitor` object, containing a
``visit_...`` method for each `Node` subclass encountered.
name = 'visit_' + self.__class__.__name__
method = getattr(visitor, name, visitor.unknown_visit)
visitor.document.reporter.debug(name, category='nodes.Node.walk')
except (SkipChildren, SkipNode):
except SkipDeparture: # not applicable; ignore
children = self.get_children()
for child in children[:]:
except SkipSiblings:
def walkabout(self, visitor):
Perform a tree traversal similarly to `Node.walk()` (which see),
except also call ``depart_...`` methods before exiting each node. If
there is no ``depart_particular_node`` method for a node of type
``particular_node``, the ``unknown_departure`` method is called.
Parameter `visitor`: A `NodeVisitor` object, containing ``visit_...``
and ``depart_...`` methods for each `Node` subclass encountered.
call_depart = 1
name = 'visit_' + self.__class__.__name__
method = getattr(visitor, name, visitor.unknown_visit)
visitor.document.reporter.debug(name, category='nodes.Node.walkabout')
except SkipNode:
except SkipDeparture:
call_depart = 0
children = self.get_children()
for child in children[:]:
except SkipSiblings:
except SkipChildren:
if call_depart:
name = 'depart_' + self.__class__.__name__
method = getattr(visitor, name, visitor.unknown_departure)
name, category='nodes.Node.walkabout')
class Text(Node, UserString):
Instances are terminal nodes (leaves) containing text only; no child
nodes or attributes. Initialize by passing a string to the constructor.
Access the text itself with the `astext` method.
tagname = '#text'
def __init__(self, data, rawsource=''):
UserString.__init__(self, data)
self.rawsource = rawsource
"""The raw text from which this element was constructed."""
def __repr__(self):
data = repr(
if len(data) > 70:
data = repr([:64] + ' ...')
return '<%s: %s>' % (self.tagname, data)
def shortrepr(self):
data = repr(
if len(data) > 20:
data = repr([:16] + ' ...')
return '<%s: %s>' % (self.tagname, data)
def _dom_node(self, dom):
return dom.Text(
def _rooted_dom_node(self, domroot):
return domroot.createTextNode(
def astext(self):
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(
def pformat(self, indent=' ', level=0):
result = []
indent = indent * level
for line in
result.append(indent + line + '\n')
return ''.join(result)
def get_children(self):
"""Text nodes have no children. Return []."""
return []
class Element(Node):
`Element` is the superclass to all specific elements.
Elements contain attributes and child nodes. Elements emulate
dictionaries for attributes, indexing by attribute name (a string). To
set the attribute 'att' to 'value', do::
element['att'] = 'value'
Elements also emulate lists for child nodes (element nodes and/or text
nodes), indexing by integer. To get the first child node, use::
Elements may be constructed using the ``+=`` operator. To add one new
child node to element, do::
element += node
This is equivalent to ``element.append(node)``.
To add a list of multiple child nodes at once, use the same ``+=``
element += [node1, node2]
This is equivalent to ``element.extend([node1, node2])``.
tagname = None
"""The element generic identifier. If None, it is set as an instance
attribute to the name of the class."""
child_text_separator = '\n\n'
"""Separator for child nodes, used by `astext()` method."""
def __init__(self, rawsource='', *children, **attributes):
self.rawsource = rawsource
"""The raw text from which this element was constructed."""
self.children = []
"""List of child nodes (elements and/or `Text`)."""
self.extend(children) # maintain parent info
self.attributes = {}
"""Dictionary of attribute {name: value}."""
for att, value in attributes.items():
self.attributes[att.lower()] = value
if self.tagname is None:
self.tagname = self.__class__.__name__
def _dom_node(self, dom):
element = dom.Element(self.tagname)
for attribute, value in self.attributes.items():
element.setAttribute(attribute, str(value))
for child in self.children:
return element
def _rooted_dom_node(self, domroot):
element = domroot.createElement(self.tagname)
for attribute, value in self.attributes.items():
if type(value) is ListType:
value = ' '.join(value)
element.setAttribute(attribute, str(value))
for child in self.children:
return element
def __repr__(self):
data = ''
for c in self.children:
data += c.shortrepr()
if len(data) > 60:
data = data[:56] + ' ...'
if self.hasattr('name'):
return '<%s "%s": %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
self.attributes['name'], data)
return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, data)
def shortrepr(self):
if self.hasattr('name'):
return '<%s "%s"...>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
return '<%s...>' % self.tagname
def __str__(self):
if self.children:
return '%s%s%s' % (self.starttag(),
''.join([str(c) for c in self.children]),
return self.emptytag()
def starttag(self):
parts = [self.tagname]
for name, value in self.attlist():
if value is None: # boolean attribute
elif isinstance(value, ListType):
values = [str(v) for v in value]
parts.append('%s="%s"' % (name, ' '.join(values)))
parts.append('%s="%s"' % (name, str(value)))
return '<%s>' % ' '.join(parts)
def endtag(self):
return '</%s>' % self.tagname
def emptytag(self):
return '<%s/>' % ' '.join([self.tagname] +
['%s="%s"' % (n, v)
for n, v in self.attlist()])
def __len__(self):
return len(self.children)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, UnicodeType) or isinstance(key, StringType):
return self.attributes[key]
elif isinstance(key, IntType):
return self.children[key]
elif isinstance(key, SliceType):
assert key.step is None, 'cannot handle slice with stride'
return self.children[key.start:key.stop]
raise TypeError, ('element index must be an integer, a slice, or '
'an attribute name string')
def __setitem__(self, key, item):
if isinstance(key, UnicodeType) or isinstance(key, StringType):
self.attributes[str(key)] = item
elif isinstance(key, IntType):
self.children[key] = item
elif isinstance(key, SliceType):
assert key.step is None, 'cannot handle slice with stride'
for node in item:
self.children[key.start:key.stop] = item
raise TypeError, ('element index must be an integer, a slice, or '
'an attribute name string')
def __delitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, UnicodeType) or isinstance(key, StringType):
del self.attributes[key]
elif isinstance(key, IntType):
del self.children[key]
elif isinstance(key, SliceType):
assert key.step is None, 'cannot handle slice with stride'
del self.children[key.start:key.stop]
raise TypeError, ('element index must be an integer, a simple '
'slice, or an attribute name string')
def __add__(self, other):
return self.children + other
def __radd__(self, other):
return other + self.children
def __iadd__(self, other):
"""Append a node or a list of nodes to `self.children`."""
if isinstance(other, Node):
elif other is not None:
for node in other:
return self
def astext(self):
return self.child_text_separator.join(
[child.astext() for child in self.children])
def attlist(self):
attlist = self.attributes.items()
return attlist
def get(self, key, failobj=None):
return self.attributes.get(key, failobj)
def hasattr(self, attr):
return self.attributes.has_key(attr)
def delattr(self, attr):
if self.attributes.has_key(attr):
del self.attributes[attr]
def setdefault(self, key, failobj=None):
return self.attributes.setdefault(key, failobj)
has_key = hasattr
def append(self, item):
def extend(self, item):
for node in item:
def insert(self, index, item):
if isinstance(item, Node):
self.children.insert(index, item)
elif item is not None:
self[index:index] = item
def pop(self, i=-1):
return self.children.pop(i)
def remove(self, item):
def index(self, item):
return self.children.index(item)
def replace(self, old, new):
"""Replace one child `Node` with another child or children."""
index = self.index(old)
if isinstance(new, Node):
self[index] = new
elif new is not None:
self[index:index+1] = new
def first_child_matching_class(self, childclass, start=0, end=sys.maxint):
Return the index of the first child whose class exactly matches.
- `childclass`: A `Node` subclass to search for, or a tuple of `Node`
classes. If a tuple, any of the classes may match.
- `start`: Initial index to check.
- `end`: Initial index to *not* check.
if not isinstance(childclass, TupleType):
childclass = (childclass,)
for index in range(start, min(len(self), end)):
for c in childclass:
if isinstance(self[index], c):
return index
return None
def first_child_not_matching_class(self, childclass, start=0,
Return the index of the first child whose class does *not* match.
- `childclass`: A `Node` subclass to skip, or a tuple of `Node`
classes. If a tuple, none of the classes may match.
- `start`: Initial index to check.
- `end`: Initial index to *not* check.
if not isinstance(childclass, TupleType):
childclass = (childclass,)
for index in range(start, min(len(self), end)):
match = 0
for c in childclass:
if isinstance(self.children[index], c):
match = 1
if not match:
return index
return None
def pformat(self, indent=' ', level=0):
return ''.join(['%s%s\n' % (indent * level, self.starttag())] +
[child.pformat(indent, level+1)
for child in self.children])
def get_children(self):
"""Return this element's children."""
return self.children
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(**self.attributes)
def set_class(self, name):
"""Add a new name to the "class" attribute."""
self.attributes['class'] = (self.attributes.get('class', '') + ' '
+ name.lower()).strip()
class TextElement(Element):
An element which directly contains text.
Its children are all Text or TextElement nodes.
child_text_separator = ''
"""Separator for child nodes, used by `astext()` method."""
def __init__(self, rawsource='', text='', *children, **attributes):
if text != '':
textnode = Text(text)
Element.__init__(self, rawsource, textnode, *children,
Element.__init__(self, rawsource, *children, **attributes)
class FixedTextElement(TextElement):
"""An element which directly contains preformatted text."""
def __init__(self, rawsource='', text='', *children, **attributes):
TextElement.__init__(self, rawsource, text, *children, **attributes)
self.attributes['xml:space'] = 'preserve'
# ========
# Mixins
# ========
class Resolvable:
resolved = 0
class BackLinkable:
def add_backref(self, refid):
self.setdefault('backrefs', []).append(refid)
# ====================
# Element Categories
# ====================
class Root: pass
class Titular: pass
class PreDecorative:
"""Category of Node which may occur before Decorative Nodes."""
class PreBibliographic(PreDecorative):
"""Category of Node which may occur before Bibliographic Nodes."""
class Bibliographic(PreDecorative): pass
class Decorative: pass
class Structural: pass
class Body: pass
class General(Body): pass
class Sequential(Body): pass
class Admonition(Body): pass
class Special(Body):
"""Special internal body elements."""
class Invisible:
"""Internal elements that don't appear in output."""
class Part: pass
class Inline: pass
class Referential(Resolvable): pass
class Targetable(Resolvable):
referenced = 0
class Labeled:
"""Contains a `label` as its first element."""
# ==============
# Root Element
# ==============
class document(Root, Structural, Element):
def __init__(self, settings, reporter, *args, **kwargs):
Element.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.current_source = None
"""Path to or description of the input source being processed."""
self.current_line = None
"""Line number (1-based) of `current_source`."""
self.settings = settings
"""Runtime settings data record."""
self.reporter = reporter
"""System message generator."""
self.external_targets = []
"""List of external target nodes."""
self.internal_targets = []
"""List of internal target nodes."""
self.indirect_targets = []
"""List of indirect target nodes."""
self.substitution_defs = {}
"""Mapping of substitution names to substitution_definition nodes."""
self.refnames = {}
"""Mapping of names to lists of referencing nodes."""
self.refids = {}
"""Mapping of ids to lists of referencing nodes."""
self.nameids = {}
"""Mapping of names to unique id's."""
self.nametypes = {}
"""Mapping of names to hyperlink type (boolean: True => explicit,
False => implicit."""
self.ids = {}
"""Mapping of ids to nodes."""
self.substitution_refs = {}
"""Mapping of substitution names to lists of substitution_reference
self.footnote_refs = {}
"""Mapping of footnote labels to lists of footnote_reference nodes."""
self.citation_refs = {}
"""Mapping of citation labels to lists of citation_reference nodes."""
self.anonymous_targets = []
"""List of anonymous target nodes."""
self.anonymous_refs = []
"""List of anonymous reference nodes."""
self.autofootnotes = []
"""List of auto-numbered footnote nodes."""
self.autofootnote_refs = []
"""List of auto-numbered footnote_reference nodes."""
self.symbol_footnotes = []
"""List of symbol footnote nodes."""
self.symbol_footnote_refs = []
"""List of symbol footnote_reference nodes."""
self.footnotes = []
"""List of manually-numbered footnote nodes."""
self.citations = []
"""List of citation nodes."""
self.autofootnote_start = 1
"""Initial auto-numbered footnote number."""
self.symbol_footnote_start = 0
"""Initial symbol footnote symbol index."""
self.id_start = 1
"""Initial ID number."""
self.parse_messages = []
"""System messages generated while parsing."""
self.transform_messages = []
"""System messages generated while applying transforms."""
import docutils.transforms
self.transformer = docutils.transforms.Transformer(self)
"""Storage for transforms to be applied to this document."""
self.document = self
def asdom(self, dom=xml.dom.minidom):
domroot = dom.Document()
return domroot
def set_id(self, node, msgnode=None):
if node.has_key('id'):
id = node['id']
if self.ids.has_key(id) and self.ids[id] is not node:
msg = self.reporter.severe('Duplicate ID: "%s".' % id)
if msgnode != None:
msgnode += msg
if node.has_key('name'):
id = make_id(node['name'])
id = ''
while not id or self.ids.has_key(id):
id = 'id%s' % self.id_start
self.id_start += 1
node['id'] = id
self.ids[id] = node
return id
def set_name_id_map(self, node, id, msgnode=None, explicit=None):
`self.nameids` maps names to IDs, while `self.nametypes` maps names to
booleans representing hyperlink type (True==explicit,
False==implicit). This method updates the mappings.
The following state transition table shows how `self.nameids` ("ids")
and `self.nametypes` ("types") change with new input (a call to this
method), and what actions are performed:
==== ===== ======== ======== ======= ==== ===== =====
Old State Input Action New State Notes
----------- -------- ----------------- ----------- -----
ids types new type sys.msg. dupname ids types
==== ===== ======== ======== ======= ==== ===== =====
-- -- explicit -- -- new True
-- -- implicit -- -- new False
None False explicit -- -- new True
old False explicit implicit old new True
None True explicit explicit new None True
old True explicit explicit new,old None True [#]_
None False implicit implicit new None False
old False implicit implicit new,old None False
None True implicit implicit new None True
old True implicit implicit new old True
==== ===== ======== ======== ======= ==== ===== =====
.. [#] Do not clear the name-to-id map or invalidate the old target if
both old and new targets are external and refer to identical URIs.
The new target is invalidated regardless.
if node.has_key('name'):
name = node['name']
if self.nameids.has_key(name):
self.set_duplicate_name_id(node, id, name, msgnode, explicit)
self.nameids[name] = id
self.nametypes[name] = explicit
def set_duplicate_name_id(self, node, id, name, msgnode, explicit):
old_id = self.nameids[name]
old_explicit = self.nametypes[name]
self.nametypes[name] = old_explicit or explicit
if explicit:
if old_explicit:
level = 2
if old_id is not None:
old_node = self.ids[old_id]
if node.has_key('refuri'):
refuri = node['refuri']
if old_node.has_key('name') \
and old_node.has_key('refuri') \
and old_node['refuri'] == refuri:
level = 1 # just inform if refuri's identical
if level > 1:
self.nameids[name] = None
msg = self.reporter.system_message(
level, 'Duplicate explicit target name: "%s".' % name,
backrefs=[id], base_node=node)
if msgnode != None:
msgnode += msg
self.nameids[name] = id
if old_id is not None:
old_node = self.ids[old_id]
if old_id is not None and not old_explicit:
self.nameids[name] = None
old_node = self.ids[old_id]
if not explicit or (not old_explicit and old_id is not None):
msg =
'Duplicate implicit target name: "%s".' % name,
backrefs=[id], base_node=node)
if msgnode != None:
msgnode += msg
def has_name(self, name):
return self.nameids.has_key(name)
def note_implicit_target(self, target, msgnode=None):
id = self.set_id(target, msgnode)
self.set_name_id_map(target, id, msgnode, explicit=None)
def note_explicit_target(self, target, msgnode=None):
id = self.set_id(target, msgnode)
self.set_name_id_map(target, id, msgnode, explicit=1)
def note_refname(self, node):
self.refnames.setdefault(node['refname'], []).append(node)
def note_refid(self, node):
self.refids.setdefault(node['refid'], []).append(node)
def note_external_target(self, target):
def note_internal_target(self, target):
def note_indirect_target(self, target):
if target.has_key('name'):
def note_anonymous_target(self, target):
def note_anonymous_ref(self, ref):
def note_autofootnote(self, footnote):
def note_autofootnote_ref(self, ref):
def note_symbol_footnote(self, footnote):
def note_symbol_footnote_ref(self, ref):
def note_footnote(self, footnote):
def note_footnote_ref(self, ref):
self.footnote_refs.setdefault(ref['refname'], []).append(ref)
def note_citation(self, citation):
def note_citation_ref(self, ref):
self.citation_refs.setdefault(ref['refname'], []).append(ref)
def note_substitution_def(self, subdef, msgnode=None):
name = subdef['name']
if self.substitution_defs.has_key(name):
msg = self.reporter.error(
'Duplicate substitution definition name: "%s".' % name,
if msgnode != None:
msgnode += msg
oldnode = self.substitution_defs[name]
# keep only the last definition
self.substitution_defs[name] = subdef
def note_substitution_ref(self, subref):
subref['refname'], []).append(subref)
def note_pending(self, pending, priority=None):
self.transformer.add_pending(pending, priority)
def note_parse_message(self, message):
def note_transform_message(self, message):
def note_source(self, source, offset):
self.current_source = source
if offset is None:
self.current_line = offset
self.current_line = offset + 1
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.settings, self.reporter,
# ================
# Title Elements
# ================
class title(Titular, PreBibliographic, TextElement): pass
class subtitle(Titular, PreBibliographic, TextElement): pass
# ========================
# Bibliographic Elements
# ========================
class docinfo(Bibliographic, Element): pass
class author(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
class authors(Bibliographic, Element): pass
class organization(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
class address(Bibliographic, FixedTextElement): pass
class contact(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
class version(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
class revision(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
class status(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
class date(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
class copyright(Bibliographic, TextElement): pass
# =====================
# Decorative Elements
# =====================
class decoration(Decorative, Element): pass
class header(Decorative, Element): pass
class footer(Decorative, Element): pass
# =====================
# Structural Elements
# =====================
class section(Structural, Element): pass
class topic(Structural, Element):
Topics are terminal, "leaf" mini-sections, like block quotes with titles,
or textual figures. A topic is just like a section, except that it has no
subsections, and it doesn't have to conform to section placement rules.
Topics are allowed wherever body elements (list, table, etc.) are allowed,
but only at the top level of a section or document. Topics cannot nest
inside topics or body elements; you can't have a topic inside a table,
list, block quote, etc.
class transition(Structural, Element): pass
# ===============
# Body Elements
# ===============
class paragraph(General, TextElement): pass
class bullet_list(Sequential, Element): pass
class enumerated_list(Sequential, Element): pass
class list_item(Part, Element): pass
class definition_list(Sequential, Element): pass
class definition_list_item(Part, Element): pass
class term(Part, TextElement): pass
class classifier(Part, TextElement): pass
class definition(Part, Element): pass
class field_list(Sequential, Element): pass
class field(Part, Element): pass
class field_name(Part, TextElement): pass
class field_body(Part, Element): pass
class option(Part, Element):
child_text_separator = ''
class option_argument(Part, TextElement):
def astext(self):
return self.get('delimiter', ' ') + TextElement.astext(self)
class option_group(Part, Element):
child_text_separator = ', '
class option_list(Sequential, Element): pass
class option_list_item(Part, Element):
child_text_separator = ' '
class option_string(Part, TextElement): pass
class description(Part, Element): pass
class literal_block(General, FixedTextElement): pass
class doctest_block(General, FixedTextElement): pass
class line_block(General, FixedTextElement): pass
class block_quote(General, Element): pass
class attention(Admonition, Element): pass
class caution(Admonition, Element): pass
class danger(Admonition, Element): pass
class error(Admonition, Element): pass
class important(Admonition, Element): pass
class note(Admonition, Element): pass
class tip(Admonition, Element): pass
class hint(Admonition, Element): pass
class warning(Admonition, Element): pass
class comment(Special, Invisible, PreBibliographic, FixedTextElement): pass
class substitution_definition(Special, Invisible, TextElement): pass
class target(Special, Invisible, Inline, TextElement, Targetable): pass
class footnote(General, Element, Labeled, BackLinkable): pass
class citation(General, Element, Labeled, BackLinkable): pass
class label(Part, TextElement): pass
class figure(General, Element): pass
class caption(Part, TextElement): pass
class legend(Part, Element): pass
class table(General, Element): pass
class tgroup(Part, Element): pass
class colspec(Part, Element): pass
class thead(Part, Element): pass
class tbody(Part, Element): pass
class row(Part, Element): pass
class entry(Part, Element): pass
class system_message(Special, PreBibliographic, Element, BackLinkable):
def __init__(self, message=None, *children, **attributes):
if message:
p = paragraph('', message)
children = (p,) + children
Element.__init__(self, '', *children, **attributes)
print 'system_message: children=%r' % (children,)
def astext(self):
line = self.get('line', '')
return '%s:%s: (%s/%s) %s' % (self['source'], line, self['type'],
self['level'], Element.astext(self))
class pending(Special, Invisible, PreBibliographic, Element):
The "pending" element is used to encapsulate a pending operation: the
operation (transform), the point at which to apply it, and any data it
requires. Only the pending operation's location within the document is
stored in the public document tree (by the "pending" object itself); the
operation and its data are stored in the "pending" object's internal
instance attributes.
For example, say you want a table of contents in your reStructuredText
document. The easiest way to specify where to put it is from within the
document, with a directive::
.. contents::
But the "contents" directive can't do its work until the entire document
has been parsed and possibly transformed to some extent. So the directive
code leaves a placeholder behind that will trigger the second phase of the
its processing, something like this::
<pending ...public attributes...> + internal attributes
Use `document.note_pending()` so that the
`docutils.transforms.Transformer` stage of processing can run all pending
def __init__(self, transform, details=None,
rawsource='', *children, **attributes):
Element.__init__(self, rawsource, *children, **attributes)
self.transform = transform
"""The `docutils.transforms.Transform` class implementing the pending
self.details = details or {}
"""Detail data (dictionary) required by the pending operation."""
def pformat(self, indent=' ', level=0):
internals = [
'.. internal attributes:',
' .transform: %s.%s' % (self.transform.__module__,
' .details:']
details = self.details.items()
for key, value in details:
if isinstance(value, Node):
internals.append('%7s%s:' % ('', key))
internals.extend(['%9s%s' % ('', line)
for line in value.pformat().splitlines()])
elif value and type(value) == ListType \
and isinstance(value[0], Node):
internals.append('%7s%s:' % ('', key))
for v in value:
internals.extend(['%9s%s' % ('', line)
for line in v.pformat().splitlines()])
internals.append('%7s%s: %r' % ('', key, value))
return (Element.pformat(self, indent, level)
+ ''.join([(' %s%s\n' % (indent * level, line))
for line in internals]))
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.transform, self.details, self.rawsource,
class raw(Special, Inline, PreBibliographic, FixedTextElement):
Raw data that is to be passed untouched to the Writer.
# =================
# Inline Elements
# =================
class emphasis(Inline, TextElement): pass
class strong(Inline, TextElement): pass
class interpreted(Inline, Referential, TextElement): pass
class literal(Inline, TextElement): pass
class reference(Inline, Referential, TextElement): pass
class footnote_reference(Inline, Referential, TextElement): pass
class citation_reference(Inline, Referential, TextElement): pass
class substitution_reference(Inline, TextElement): pass
class image(General, Inline, TextElement):
def astext(self):
return self.get('alt', '')
class problematic(Inline, TextElement): pass
class generated(Inline, TextElement): pass
# ========================================
# Auxiliary Classes, Functions, and Data
# ========================================
node_class_names = """
address attention author authors
block_quote bullet_list
caption caution citation citation_reference classifier colspec comment
contact copyright
danger date decoration definition definition_list definition_list_item
description docinfo doctest_block document
emphasis entry enumerated_list error
field field_body field_list field_name figure footer
footnote footnote_reference
header hint
image important interpreted
label legend line_block list_item literal literal_block
option option_argument option_group option_list option_list_item
option_string organization
paragraph pending problematic
raw reference revision row
section status strong substitution_definition substitution_reference
subtitle system_message
table target tbody term tgroup thead tip title topic transition
"""A list of names of all concrete Node subclasses."""
class NodeVisitor:
"Visitor" pattern [GoF95]_ abstract superclass implementation for document
tree traversals.
Each node class has corresponding methods, doing nothing by default;
override individual methods for specific and useful behaviour. The
"``visit_`` + node class name" method is called by `Node.walk()` upon
entering a node. `Node.walkabout()` also calls the "``depart_`` + node
class name" method before exiting a node.
This is a base class for visitors whose ``visit_...`` & ``depart_...``
methods should be implemented for *all* node types encountered (such as
for `docutils.writers.Writer` subclasses). Unimplemented methods will
raise exceptions.
For sparse traversals, where only certain node types are of interest,
subclass `SparseNodeVisitor` instead. When (mostly or entirely) uniform
processing is desired, subclass `GenericNodeVisitor`.
.. [GoF95] Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides. *Design Patterns: Elements of
Reusable Object-Oriented Software*. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA,
def __init__(self, document):
self.document = document
def unknown_visit(self, node):
Called when entering unknown `Node` types.
Raise an exception unless overridden.
raise NotImplementedError('visiting unknown node type: %s'
% node.__class__.__name__)
def unknown_departure(self, node):
Called before exiting unknown `Node` types.
Raise exception unless overridden.
raise NotImplementedError('departing unknown node type: %s'
% node.__class__.__name__)
class SparseNodeVisitor(NodeVisitor):
Base class for sparse traversals, where only certain node types are of
interest. When ``visit_...`` & ``depart_...`` methods should be
implemented for *all* node types (such as for `docutils.writers.Writer`
subclasses), subclass `NodeVisitor` instead.
# Save typing with dynamic definitions.
for name in node_class_names:
exec """def visit_%s(self, node): pass\n""" % name
exec """def depart_%s(self, node): pass\n""" % name
del name
class GenericNodeVisitor(NodeVisitor):
Generic "Visitor" abstract superclass, for simple traversals.
Unless overridden, each ``visit_...`` method calls `default_visit()`, and
each ``depart_...`` method (when using `Node.walkabout()`) calls
`default_departure()`. `default_visit()` (and `default_departure()`) must
be overridden in subclasses.
Define fully generic visitors by overriding `default_visit()` (and
`default_departure()`) only. Define semi-generic visitors by overriding
individual ``visit_...()`` (and ``depart_...()``) methods also.
`NodeVisitor.unknown_visit()` (`NodeVisitor.unknown_departure()`) should
be overridden for default behavior.
def default_visit(self, node):
"""Override for generic, uniform traversals."""
raise NotImplementedError
def default_departure(self, node):
"""Override for generic, uniform traversals."""
raise NotImplementedError
# Save typing with dynamic definitions.
for name in node_class_names:
exec """def visit_%s(self, node):
self.default_visit(node)\n""" % name
exec """def depart_%s(self, node):
self.default_departure(node)\n""" % name
del name
class TreeCopyVisitor(GenericNodeVisitor):
Make a complete copy of a tree or branch, including element attributes.
def __init__(self, document):
GenericNodeVisitor.__init__(self, document)
self.parent_stack = []
self.parent = []
def get_tree_copy(self):
return self.parent[0]
def default_visit(self, node):
"""Copy the current node, and make it the new acting parent."""
newnode = node.copy()
self.parent = newnode
def default_departure(self, node):
"""Restore the previous acting parent."""
self.parent = self.parent_stack.pop()
class TreePruningException(Exception):
Base class for `NodeVisitor`-related tree pruning exceptions.
Raise subclasses from within ``visit_...`` or ``depart_...`` methods
called from `Node.walk()` and `Node.walkabout()` tree traversals to prune
the tree traversed.
class SkipChildren(TreePruningException):
Do not visit any children of the current node. The current node's
siblings and ``depart_...`` method are not affected.
class SkipSiblings(TreePruningException):
Do not visit any more siblings (to the right) of the current node. The
current node's children and its ``depart_...`` method are not affected.
class SkipNode(TreePruningException):
Do not visit the current node's children, and do not call the current
node's ``depart_...`` method.
class SkipDeparture(TreePruningException):
Do not call the current node's ``depart_...`` method. The current node's
children and siblings are not affected.
class NodeFound(TreePruningException):
Raise to indicate that the target of a search has been found. This
exception must be caught by the client; it is not caught by the traversal
def make_id(string):
Convert `string` into an identifier and return it.
Docutils identifiers will conform to the regular expression
``[a-z][-a-z0-9]*``. For CSS compatibility, identifiers (the "class" and
"id" attributes) should have no underscores, colons, or periods. Hyphens
may be used.
- The `HTML 4.01 spec`_ defines identifiers based on SGML tokens:
ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be
followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"),
underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").
- However the `CSS1 spec`_ defines identifiers based on the "name" token,
a tighter interpretation ("flex" tokenizer notation; "latin1" and
"escape" 8-bit characters have been replaced with entities)::
unicode \\[0-9a-f]{1,4}
latin1 [&iexcl;-&yuml;]
escape {unicode}|\\[ -~&iexcl;-&yuml;]
nmchar [-a-z0-9]|{latin1}|{escape}
name {nmchar}+
The CSS1 "nmchar" rule does not include underscores ("_"), colons (":"),
or periods ("."), therefore "class" and "id" attributes should not contain
these characters. They should be replaced with hyphens ("-"). Combined
with HTML's requirements (the first character must be a letter; no
"unicode", "latin1", or "escape" characters), this results in the
``[a-z][-a-z0-9]*`` pattern.
.. _HTML 4.01 spec:
.. _CSS1 spec:
id = _non_id_chars.sub('-', ' '.join(string.lower().split()))
id = _non_id_at_ends.sub('', id)
return str(id)
_non_id_chars = re.compile('[^a-z0-9]+')
_non_id_at_ends = re.compile('^[-0-9]+|-+$')
def dupname(node):
node['dupname'] = node['name']
del node['name']