36 lines
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36 lines
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// Handle setting and changing the site's color scheme (light/dark)
"use strict";
const prefersDark = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)")
const getColourScheme = () => document.documentElement.dataset.colour_scheme
const setColourScheme = (colourScheme = getColourScheme()) => {
document.documentElement.dataset.colour_scheme = colourScheme
localStorage.setItem("colour_scheme", colourScheme)
// Map system theme to a cycle of steps
const cycles = {
dark: ["auto", "light", "dark"], // auto (dark) → light → dark
light: ["auto", "dark", "light"], // auto (light) → dark → light
const nextColourScheme = (colourScheme = getColourScheme()) => {
const cycle = cycles[prefersDark.matches ? "dark" : "light"]
return cycle[(cycle.indexOf(colourScheme) + 1) % cycle.length]
const setPygments = (colourScheme = getColourScheme()) => {
const pygmentsDark = document.getElementById("pyg-dark")
const pygmentsLight = document.getElementById("pyg-light")
pygmentsDark.disabled = colourScheme === "light"
pygmentsLight.disabled = colourScheme === "dark"
pygmentsDark.media = colourScheme === "auto" ? "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" : ""
pygmentsLight.media = colourScheme === "auto" ? "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" : ""
// Update Pygments state (the page theme is initialised inline, see page.html)
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => setColourScheme())