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247 lines
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PEP: 601
Title: Forbid return/break/continue breaking out of finally
Author: Damien George, Batuhan Taskaya
Sponsor: Alyssa Coghlan
Discussions-To: https://discuss.python.org/t/pep-601-forbid-return-break-continue-breaking-out-of-finally/2239
Status: Rejected
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 26-Aug-2019
Python-Version: 3.8
Post-History: 26-Aug-2019, 23-Sep-2019
Superseded-By: 765
Resolution: https://discuss.python.org/t/pep-601-forbid-return-break-continue-breaking-out-of-finally/2239/32
Rejection Note
This PEP was rejected by the Steering Council by a vote of 4/4.
Guido's arguments for rejecting the PEP are: "it seems to me that most languages
implement this kind of construct but have style guides and/or linters that
reject it. I would support a proposal to add this to :pep:`8`", and "I note that
the toy examples are somewhat misleading – the functionality that may be useful
is a conditional return (or break etc.) inside a finally block.".
This PEP proposes to forbid ``return``, ``break`` and ``continue`` statements within
a ``finally`` suite where they would break out of the ``finally``. Their use in
such a location silently cancels any active exception being raised through
the ``finally``, leading to unclear code and possible bugs.
``continue`` is currently not supported in a ``finally`` in Python 3.7 (due to
implementation issues) and the proposal is to not add support for it in
Python 3.8. For ``return`` and ``break`` the proposal is to deprecate their use
in Python 3.9, emit a compilation warning in Python 3.10 and then forbid
their use after that.
The use of ``return``, ``break`` and ``continue`` within a ``finally`` suite leads to behaviour
which is not at all obvious. Consider the following function::
def foo():
This will return cleanly (without an exception) even though it has infinite
recursion and raises an exception within the ``try``. The reason is that the ``return``
within the ``finally`` will silently cancel any exception that propagates through
the ``finally`` suite. Such behaviour is unexpected and not at all obvious.
This function is equivalent to::
def foo():
``break`` and ``continue`` have similar behaviour (they silence exceptions) if they
jump to code outside the ``finally`` suite. For example::
def bar():
while True:
1 / 0
This behaviour goes against the following parts of The Zen of Python:
* Explicit is better than implicit - exceptions are implicitly silenced
* Readability counts - the intention of the code is not obvious
* Errors should never pass silently; Unless explicitly silenced - exceptions
are implicitly silenced
If this behaviour of silencing exceptions is really needed then the explicit
form of a try-except can be used instead, and this makes the code clearer.
Independent to the semantics, implementing ``return``/``break``/``continue`` within a
``finally`` suite is non-trivial as it requires to correctly track any active
exceptions at runtime (an executing ``finally`` suite may or may not have an
active exception) and cancel them as appropriate. CPython did have a bug in
this for the case of ``continue`` and so originally disallowed it [1]_. Requiring
correct behaviour for ``return``/``break``/``continue`` within a ``finally`` puts an
unnecessary burden on alternative implementations of Python.
Other languages
Java allows to return from within a ``finally`` block, but its use is discouraged
according to [2]_, [3]_, [4]_. The Java compiler later on included a linting
option ``-Xlint:finally`` to warn against the use of return within a ``finally`` block.
The Eclipse editor also warns about this use.
Ruby allows return from inside ensure (Python's finally), but it should be an
explicit return. It is discouraged and handled by linters [5]_, [6]_.
Like Ruby, JavaScript also allows use of ``return``/``break``/``continue`` within a ``finally``
but it is seen as unsafe and it is handled by eslint [7]_.
C# forbids the use of ending statements like ``return``/``goto``/``break`` within a ``finally``
[8]_, [9]_.
Since the behaviour of ``return``/``break``/``continue`` within a ``finally`` is unclear, the
pattern is rarely used, and there is a simple alternative to writing equivalent
code (which is more explicit), forbidding the syntax is the most straightforward
This is a change to the compiler, not the grammar. The compiler should
check for the following in a ``finally`` suite:
* A ``return`` in any statement, at any level of nesting.
* A ``break``/``continue`` in any statement, at any level of nesting, that would
transfer control flow outside the ``finally`` suite.
Upon finding such a case it should emit the appropriate exception:
* For ``continue``, a ``SyntaxError`` (this is the current behaviour of 3.7).
* For ``return``/``break``, a ``SyntaxWarning`` in 3.10, and a ``SyntaxError`` after that.
For example, the following are all forbidden by this proposal::
def f():
def g():
def h():
for x in range(10):
The following is still allowed because the ``continue`` doesn't escape the
for x in range(10):
Note that yielding from within a ``finally`` remains acceptable by this PEP
because resuming the generator will resume the ``finally`` and eventually
raise any active exceptions (so they are never silenced by yielding).
Backwards Compatibility
This is a backwards incompatible change, for ``return`` and ``break``.
The following locations in the CPython standard library (at
v3.8.0b1-651-g7fcc2088a5) use ``return`` within ``finally``:
* Lib/subprocess.py:921 - the use here looks like a bug
* Lib/multiprocessing/connection.py:316 - the use here looks legitimate
but the intention is not clear
* Lib/multiprocessing/connection.py:318 - the use here looks legitimate
but the intention is not clear
* Lib/test/test_sys_settrace.py:837 - a test for ``return`` within ``finally``
* Lib/test/test_sys_settrace.py:1346 - a test for ``return`` within ``finally``
There are no uses of ``break`` within a ``finally`` (that break out of the ``finally``)
in the standard library.
Security Implications
This is a simplification of the language, and removal of associated code,
so should not introduce any new paths for a security exploit.
How to Teach This
This feature is very rarely used so forbidding it will likely only impact
advanced users, not beginners and probably not any existing teaching
material. Since this is the removal of a feature teaching users will be
one by the raising of a ``SyntaxError`` if/when the forbidden feature is used.
Reference Implementation
There is currently no reference implementation, although the way continue
is currently handled in a ``finally`` (raising a ``SyntaxError``) can be extended
to ``return`` and ``break``.
.. [1] https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/82011
.. [2] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48088/returning-from-a-finally-block-in-java
.. [3] https://web.archive.org/web/20070922061412/http://weblogs.java.net/blog/staufferjames/archive/2007/06/_dont_return_in.html
.. [4] https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/java/ERR04-J.+Do+not+complete+abruptly+from+a+finally+block
.. [5] https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop/issues/5949
.. [6] https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/rubocop/0.74.0/RuboCop/Cop/Lint/EnsureReturn
.. [7] https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-unsafe-finally
.. [8] https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/87faf259-3c54-4f3a-8d2b-ff82de44992f/return-statement-in-finally-block?forum=netfxbcl
.. [9] https://stackoverflow.com/a/5788268
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