
119 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
convert PEP's to (X)HTML - courtesy of /F
Syntax: pep2html [-n] [sf_username]
The user name 'sf_username' is used to upload the converted files
to the web pages at source forge.
If -n is given, the script doesn't actually try to install the
generated HTML at SourceForge.
import cgi, glob, os, re, sys
# this doesn't validate -- you cannot use <hr> and <h3> inside <pre>
# tags. but if I change that, the result doesn't look very nice...
HOST = "" # host for update
HDIR = "/home/groups/python/htdocs/peps" # target host directory
DTD = ('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"\n'
' "">')
fixpat = re.compile("((http|ftp):[-_a-zA-Z0-9/.+~:?#$=&]+)|(pep-\d+(.txt)?)|.")
def fixanchor(current, match):
text =
link = None
if text[:5] == "http:" or text[:4] == "ftp:":
link = text
elif text[:4] == "pep-" and text != current:
link = os.path.splitext(text)[0] + ".html"
if link:
return "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (link, cgi.escape(text))
return cgi.escape( # really slow, but it works...
def fixfile(infile, outfile):
# convert plain text pep to minimal XHTML markup
fi = open(infile)
fo = open(outfile, "w")
fo.write(DTD + "\n<html>\n<head>\n")
# head
header = []
pep = ""
title = ""
while 1:
line = fi.readline()
if not line or ":" not in line:
key, value = line.split(":", 1)
value = value.strip()
header.append((key, value))
if key.lower() == "title":
title = value
if key.lower() == "pep":
pep = value
if pep:
title = "PEP " + pep + " -- " + title
if title:
fo.write(" <title>%s</title>\n" % cgi.escape(title))
# body
fo.write('<body bgcolor="white">\n')
fo.write('[<a href="../">home</a>]\n')
if os.path.basename(infile) != "pep-0000.txt":
fo.write('[<a href=".">index</a>]\n')
fo.write('<hr />\n<table border="0">\n')
for k, v in header:
fo.write(" <tr><th align='right'>%s:</th><td>%s</td></tr>\n"
% (cgi.escape(k), cgi.escape(v)))
title = 0
fo.write("</table>\n<hr />\n<pre>")
while 1:
line = fi.readline()
if not line:
if line[0] != "\f":
if line[0].strip():
if line.strip() == "Local Variables:":
fo.write("</pre>\n<h3>%s</h3>\n<pre>" % line.strip())
title = 0
line = fixpat.sub(lambda x, c=infile: fixanchor(c, x), line)
os.chmod(outfile, 0664)
def main():
update = 1
for file in glob.glob("pep-*.txt"):
print file, "..."
fixfile(file, os.path.splitext(file)[0] + ".html")
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "-n":
update = 0
del sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
username = ""
elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
username = sys.argv[1]+"@"
raise "Syntax: "+sys.argv[0]+" [-n] [sf_username]"
if update:
os.system("scp pep-*.html " + username + HOST + ":" + HDIR)
os.system("ssh " + username + HOST + " chmod 664 " + HDIR + "/*")
if __name__ == "__main__":