Merge branch 'master' into public-dashboard

This commit is contained in:
LouisLam 2021-09-11 15:09:08 +08:00
commit 08c7a37052
137 changed files with 22246 additions and 8795 deletions

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
name: uptime-kuma
- name: server
branch: master
http_port: 3001
build_command: npm run setup
run_command: npm run start-server

View File

@ -18,6 +18,13 @@
package-lock.json package-lock.json
yarn.lock yarn.lock
app.json app.json
### .gitignore content (commented rules are duplicated) ### .gitignore content (commented rules are duplicated)

View File

@ -16,3 +16,6 @@ indent_size = 2
[*.yml] [*.yml]
indent_size = 2 indent_size = 2
trim_trailing_whitespace = false

View File

@ -9,12 +9,17 @@ module.exports = {
"eslint:recommended", "eslint:recommended",
"plugin:vue/vue3-recommended", "plugin:vue/vue3-recommended",
], ],
parser: "@babel/eslint-parser", parser: "vue-eslint-parser",
parserOptions: { parserOptions: {
parser: "@babel/eslint-parser",
sourceType: "module", sourceType: "module",
requireConfigFile: false, requireConfigFile: false,
}, },
rules: { rules: {
"camelcase": ["warn", {
"properties": "never",
"ignoreImports": true
// override/add rules settings here, such as: // override/add rules settings here, such as:
// 'vue/no-unused-vars': 'error' // 'vue/no-unused-vars': 'error'
"no-unused-vars": "warn", "no-unused-vars": "warn",
@ -31,27 +36,18 @@ module.exports = {
"vue/html-indent": ["warn", 4], // default: 2 "vue/html-indent": ["warn", 4], // default: 2
"vue/max-attributes-per-line": "off", "vue/max-attributes-per-line": "off",
"vue/singleline-html-element-content-newline": "off", "vue/singleline-html-element-content-newline": "off",
"vue/html-self-closing": "off",
"no-multi-spaces": ["error", { "no-multi-spaces": ["error", {
ignoreEOLComments: true, ignoreEOLComments: true,
}], }],
"space-before-function-paren": ["error", {
"anonymous": "always",
"named": "never",
"asyncArrow": "always"
"curly": "error", "curly": "error",
"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"], "object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"],
"object-curly-newline": ["error", { "object-curly-newline": "off",
"ObjectExpression": {
"minProperties": 1,
"ObjectPattern": {
"multiline": true,
"minProperties": 2,
"ImportDeclaration": {
"multiline": true,
"ExportDeclaration": {
"multiline": true,
//'minProperties': 2,
"object-property-newline": "error", "object-property-newline": "error",
"comma-spacing": "error", "comma-spacing": "error",
"brace-style": "error", "brace-style": "error",
@ -75,12 +71,15 @@ module.exports = {
exceptAfterSingleLine: true, exceptAfterSingleLine: true,
}], }],
"no-unneeded-ternary": "error", "no-unneeded-ternary": "error",
"no-else-return": ["error", {
"allowElseIf": false,
"array-bracket-newline": ["error", "consistent"], "array-bracket-newline": ["error", "consistent"],
"eol-last": ["error", "always"], "eol-last": ["error", "always"],
//'prefer-template': 'error', //'prefer-template': 'error',
"comma-dangle": ["warn", "always-multiline"], "comma-dangle": ["warn", "only-multiline"],
"no-empty": ["error", {
"allowEmptyCatch": true
"no-control-regex": "off",
"one-var": ["error", "never"],
"max-statements-per-line": ["error", { "max": 1 }]
}, },
} }

.github/FUNDING.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# These are supported funding model platforms
#github: # Replace with up to 4 GitHub Sponsors-enabled usernames e.g., [user1, user2]
#patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
open_collective: uptime-kuma # Replace with a single Open Collective username
#ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username
#tidelift: # Replace with a single Tidelift platform-name/package-name e.g., npm/babel
#community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
#liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username
#issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
#otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username
#custom: # Replace with up to 4 custom sponsorship URLs e.g., ['link1', 'link2']

View File

@ -6,5 +6,14 @@ labels: help
assignees: '' assignees: ''
--- ---
**Is it a duplicate question?**
Please search in Issues without filters:
Uptime Kuma Version:
Using Docker?: Yes/No
Docker Version:
Node.js Version (Without Docker only):

View File

@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ assignees: ''
--- ---
**Is it a duplicate question?**
Please search in Issues without filters:
**Describe the bug** **Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
@ -20,15 +23,22 @@ Steps to reproduce the behavior:
**Expected behavior** **Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Uptime Kuma Version:
Using Docker?: Yes/No
Docker Version:
Node.js Version (Without Docker only):
**Screenshots** **Screenshots**
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
**Desktop (please complete the following information):** **Error Log**
- Uptime Kuma Version: It is easier for us to find out the problem.
- Using Docker?: Yes/No
- OS:
- Browser:
Docker: "docker logs <container id>"
PM2: "~/.pm2/logs/" (e.g. /home/ubuntu/.pm2/logs)
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ labels: enhancement
assignees: '' assignees: ''
--- ---
**Is it a duplicate question?**
Please search in Issues without filters:
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

View File

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need
# to commit it to your repository.
# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed,
# or to provide custom queries or build logic.
# ******** NOTE ********
# We have attempted to detect the languages in your repository. Please check
# the `language` matrix defined below to confirm you have the correct set of
# supported CodeQL languages.
name: "CodeQL"
branches: [ master ]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ master ]
- cron: '35 5 * * 2'
name: Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
actions: read
contents: read
security-events: write
fail-fast: false
language: [ 'javascript' ]
# CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python' ]
# Learn more:
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
# Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
# If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
- name: Autobuild
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
# Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
# 📚
# ✏️ If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines
# and modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project
# uses a compiled language
#- run: |
# make bootstrap
# make release
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
{ {
"extends": "stylelint-config-recommended", "extends": "stylelint-config-standard",
"rules": {
"indentation": 4,
"no-descending-specificity": null,
"selector-list-comma-newline-after": null,
"declaration-empty-line-before": null
} }

CNAME Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

128 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
community include:
* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
advances of any kind
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
address, without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
reporter of any incident.
## Enforcement Guidelines
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
### 1. Correction
**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
### 2. Warning
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
of actions.
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
permanent ban.
### 3. Temporary Ban
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
sustained inappropriate behavior.
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
### 4. Permanent Ban
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
the community.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 2.0, available at
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct
enforcement ladder](
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at Translations are available at

152 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
# Project Info
First of all, thank you everyone who made pull requests for Uptime Kuma, I never thought GitHub Community can be that nice! And also because of this, I also never thought other people actually read my code and edit my code. It is not structed and commented so well, lol. Sorry about that.
The project was created with vite.js (vue3). Then I created a sub-directory called "server" for server part. Both frontend and backend share the same package.json.
The frontend code build into "dist" directory. The server uses "dist" as root. This is how production is working.
# Can I create a pull request for Uptime Kuma?
Generally, if the pull request is working fine and it do not affect any existing logic, workflow and perfomance, I will merge to the master branch once it is tested.
If you are not sure, feel free to create an empty pull request draft first.
## Pull Request Examples
### ✅ High - Medium Priority
- Add a new notification
- Add a chart
- Fix a bug
### *️⃣ Requires one more reviewer
I do not have such knowledge to test it.
- Add k8s supports
### *️⃣ Low Priority
It changed my current workflow and require further studies.
- Change my release approach
### ❌ Won't Merge
- Duplicated pull request
- Buggy
- Existing logic is completely modified or deleted
- A function that is completely out of scope
# Project Styles
I personally do not like something need to learn so much and need to config so much before you can finally start the app.
For example, recently, because I am not a python expert, I spent a 2 hours to resolve all problems in order to install and use the Apprise cli. Apprise requires so many hidden requirements, I have to figure out myself how to solve the problems by Google search for my OS. That is painful. I do not want Uptime Kuma to be like this way, so:
- Easy to install for non-Docker users, no native build dependency is needed (at least for x86_64), no extra config, no extra effort to get it run
- Single container for Docker users, no very complex docker-composer file. Just map the volume and expose the port, then good to go
- All settings in frontend.
- Easy to use
# Coding Styles
- Follow .editorconfig
- Follow eslint
## Name convention
- Javascript/Typescript: camelCaseType
- SQLite: underscore_type
- CSS/SCSS: dash-type
# Tools
- Node.js >= 14
- Git
- IDE that supports .editorconfig and eslint (I am using Intellji Idea)
- A SQLite tool (I am using SQLite Expert Personal)
# Install dependencies
npm install --dev
For npm@7, you need --legacy-peer-deps
npm install --legacy-peer-deps --dev
# Backend Dev
npm run start-server
# Or
node server/server.js
It binds to by default.
## Backend Details
It is mainly a app + express.js.
express.js is just used for serving the frontend built files (index.html, .js and .css etc.)
# Frontend Dev
Start frontend dev server. Hot-reload enabled in this way. It binds to
npm run dev
PS: You can ignore those scss warnings, those warnings are from Bootstrap that I cannot fix.
You can use Vue Devtool Chrome extension for debugging.
After the frontend server started. It cannot connect to the websocket server even you have started the server. You need to tell the frontend that is a dev env by running this in DevTool console and refresh:
```javascript = "dev";
So that the frontend will try to connect websocket server in 3001.
Alternately, you can specific NODE_ENV to "development".
## Build the frontend
npm run build
## Frontend Details
Uptime Kuma Frontend is a single page application (SPA). Most paths are handled by Vue Router.
The router in "src/main.js"
As you can see, most data in frontend is stored in root level, even though you changed the current router to any other pages.
The data and socket logic in "src/mixins/socket.js"
# Database Migration
1. create `patch{num}.sql` in `./db/`
1. update `latestVersion` in `./server/database.js`
# Unit Test
Yes, no unit test for now. I know it is very important, but at the same time my spare time is very limited. I want to implement my ideas first. I will go back to this in some points.

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" /></a> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" /></a> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" /></a> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" /></a> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" /></a> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" /></a> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" /></a> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" /></a>
<div align="center" width="100%"> <div align="center" width="100%">
<img src="./public/icon.svg" width="128" alt="" /> <img src="./public/icon.svg" width="128" alt="" />
</div> </div>
@ -11,34 +10,37 @@ It is a self-hosted monitoring tool like "Uptime Robot".
<img src="" width="512" alt="" /> <img src="" width="512" alt="" />
# Features ## 🥔 Live Demo
* Monitoring uptime for HTTP(s) / TCP / Ping. Try it!
It is a 5 minutes live demo, all data will be deleted after that. The server is located at Tokyo, if you live far away from here, it may affact your experience. I suggest that you should install to try it.
VPS is sponsored by Uptime Kuma sponsors on [Open Collective](! Thank you so much!
## ⭐ Features
* Monitoring uptime for HTTP(s) / TCP / Ping / DNS Record.
* Fancy, Reactive, Fast UI/UX. * Fancy, Reactive, Fast UI/UX.
* Notifications via Webhook, Telegram, Discord, Gotify, Slack, Pushover, Email (SMTP) and more by Apprise. * Notifications via Telegram, Discord, Gotify, Slack, Pushover, Email (SMTP), and [70+ notification services, click here for the full list](
* 20 seconds interval. * 20 seconds interval.
* [Multi Languages](
# How to Use ## 🔧 How to Install
### Docker ### 🐳 Docker
```bash ```bash
# Create a volume
docker volume create uptime-kuma docker volume create uptime-kuma
# Start the container
docker run -d --restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1 docker run -d --restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1
``` ```
Browse to http://localhost:3001 after started. Browse to http://localhost:3001 after started.
Change Port and Volume ### 💪🏻 Without Docker
docker run -d --restart=always -p <YOUR_PORT>:3001 -v <YOUR_DIR OR VOLUME>:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1
### Without Docker
Required Tools: Node.js >= 14, git and pm2. Required Tools: Node.js >= 14, git and pm2.
@ -48,50 +50,43 @@ cd uptime-kuma
npm run setup npm run setup
# Option 1. Try it # Option 1. Try it
npm run start-server node server/server.js
# (Recommended) # (Recommended) Option 2. Run in background using PM2
# Option 2. Run in background using PM2
# Install PM2 if you don't have: npm install pm2 -g # Install PM2 if you don't have: npm install pm2 -g
pm2 start npm --name uptime-kuma -- run start-server pm2 start server/server.js --name uptime-kuma
# Listen to different port or hostname
pm2 start npm --name uptime-kuma -- run start-server -- --port=80 --hostname=
``` ```
Browse to http://localhost:3001 after started. Browse to http://localhost:3001 after started.
### One-click Deploy to DigitalOcean ### Advanced Installation
[![Deploy to DO](]( If you need more options or need to browse via a reserve proxy, please read:
Choose Cheapest Plan is enough. (US$ 5)
# How to Update
### Docker ## 🆙 How to Update
Re-pull the latest docker image and create another container with the same volume. Please read:
PS: For every new release, it takes some time to build the docker image, please be patient if it is not available yet.
### Without Docker ## 🆕 What's Next?
git fetch --all
git checkout 1.0.7 --force
npm install
npm run build
pm2 restart uptime-kuma
# What's Next?
I will mark requests/issues to the next milestone. I will mark requests/issues to the next milestone.
# More Screenshots Project Plan:
## 🖼 More Screenshots
Dark Mode:
<img src="" width="400" alt="" />
Settings Page: Settings Page:
@ -101,24 +96,34 @@ Telegram Notification Sample:
<img src="" width="400" alt="" /> <img src="" width="400" alt="" />
## Motivation
# Motivation * I was looking for a self-hosted monitoring tool like "Uptime Robot", but it is hard to find a suitable one. One of the close ones is statping. Unfortunately, it is not stable and unmaintained.
* I was looking for a self-hosted monitoring tool like "Uptime Robot", but it is hard to find a suitable one. One of the close one is statping. Unfortunately, it is not stable and unmaintained.
* Want to build a fancy UI. * Want to build a fancy UI.
* Learn Vue 3 and vite.js. * Learn Vue 3 and vite.js.
* Show the power of Bootstrap 5. * Show the power of Bootstrap 5.
* Try to use WebSocket with SPA instead of REST API. * Try to use WebSocket with SPA instead of REST API.
* Deploy my first Docker image to Docker Hub. * Deploy my first Docker image to Docker Hub.
If you love this project, please consider giving me a ⭐. If you love this project, please consider giving me a ⭐.
# Contribute ## 🗣️ Discussion
If you want to report a bug or request a new feature. Free feel to open a new issue. You can also discuss or ask for help in [Issues](
If you want to modify Uptime Kuma, this guideline maybe useful for you: Alternatively, you can discuss in my original post on reddit:
I think the real "Discussion" tab is hard to use, as it is reddit-like flow, I always missed new comments.
## Contribute
If you want to report a bug or request a new feature. Free feel to open a [new issue](
If you want to translate Uptime Kuma into your langauge, please read:
If you want to modify Uptime Kuma, this guideline may be useful for you:
English proofreading is needed too because my grammar is not that great sadly. Feel free to correct my grammar in this readme, source code, or wiki.
English proofreading is needed too, because my grammar is not that great sadly. Feel free to correct my grammar in this Readme, source code or wiki.

14 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Security Policy
## Supported Versions
Use this section to tell people about which versions of your project are
currently being supported with security updates.
| Version | Supported |
| ------- | ------------------ |
| 1.x.x | :white_check_mark: |
## Reporting a Vulnerability

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
"name": "Uptime Kuma",
"description": "A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool",
"repository": "",
"logo": "",
"keywords": ["node", "express", "socket-io", "uptime-kuma", "uptime"]

db/demo_kuma.db Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- You should not modify if this have pushed to Github, unless it does serious wrong with the db.
-- For sendHeartbeatList
CREATE INDEX monitor_time_index ON heartbeat (monitor_id, time);
-- For sendImportantHeartbeatList
CREATE INDEX monitor_important_time_index ON heartbeat (monitor_id, important,time);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-- You should not modify if this have pushed to Github, unless it does serious wrong with the db.
-- Generated by Intellij IDEA
create table setting_dg_tmp
primary key autoincrement,
key VARCHAR(200) not null
value TEXT,
type VARCHAR(20)
insert into setting_dg_tmp(id, key, value, type) select id, key, value, type from setting;
drop table setting;
alter table setting_dg_tmp rename to setting;

db/patch5.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
-- You should not modify if this have pushed to Github, unless it does serious wrong with the db.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = off;
create table monitor_dg_tmp (
id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement,
name VARCHAR(150),
active BOOLEAN default 1 not null,
user_id INTEGER references user on update cascade on delete
interval INTEGER default 20 not null,
url TEXT,
type VARCHAR(20),
weight INTEGER default 2000,
hostname VARCHAR(255),
created_date DATETIME default (DATETIME('now')) not null,
keyword VARCHAR(255),
ignore_tls BOOLEAN default 0 not null,
upside_down BOOLEAN default 0 not null
insert into
drop table monitor;
alter table
monitor_dg_tmp rename to monitor;
create index user_id on monitor (user_id);
PRAGMA foreign_keys = on;

db/patch6.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
-- You should not modify if this have pushed to Github, unless it does serious wrong with the db.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = off;
create table monitor_dg_tmp (
id INTEGER not null primary key autoincrement,
name VARCHAR(150),
active BOOLEAN default 1 not null,
user_id INTEGER references user on update cascade on delete
interval INTEGER default 20 not null,
url TEXT,
type VARCHAR(20),
weight INTEGER default 2000,
hostname VARCHAR(255),
created_date DATETIME default (DATETIME('now')) not null,
keyword VARCHAR(255),
ignore_tls BOOLEAN default 0 not null,
upside_down BOOLEAN default 0 not null,
maxredirects INTEGER default 10 not null,
accepted_statuscodes_json TEXT default '["200-299"]' not null
insert into
drop table monitor;
alter table
monitor_dg_tmp rename to monitor;
create index user_id on monitor (user_id);
PRAGMA foreign_keys = on;

db/patch7.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- You should not modify if this have pushed to Github, unless it does serious wrong with the db.
ADD dns_resolve_type VARCHAR(5);
ADD dns_resolve_server VARCHAR(255);

db/patch8.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- You should not modify if this have pushed to Github, unless it does serious wrong with the db.
ADD dns_last_result VARCHAR(255);

db/patch9.sql Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- You should not modify if this have pushed to Github, unless it does serious wrong with the db.
ALTER TABLE notification
ADD is_default BOOLEAN default 0 NOT NULL;

View File

@ -1,42 +1,37 @@
# DON'T UPDATE TO alpine3.13, 1.14, see #41. # DON'T UPDATE TO node:14-bullseye-slim, see #372.
FROM node:14-alpine3.12 AS release FROM node:14-buster-slim AS build
# split the sqlite install here, so that it can caches the arm prebuilt # split the sqlite install here, so that it can caches the arm prebuilt
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps make g++ python3 python3-dev && \ # do not modify it, since we don't want to re-compile the arm prebuilt again
RUN apt update && \
apt --yes install python3 python3-pip python3-dev git g++ make && \
ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python && \ ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python && \
npm install sqlite3@5.0.2 bcrypt@5.0.1 && \ npm install mapbox/node-sqlite3#593c9d --build-from-source
apk del .build-deps
# Touching above code may causes sqlite3 re-compile again, painful slow.
# Install apprise
# Hate pip!!! I never run pip install successfully in first run for anything in my life without Google :/
# Compilation Fail 1 => Google Search "alpine ffi.h" => Add libffi-dev
# Compilation Fail 2 => Google Search "alpine cargo" => Add cargo
# Compilation Fail 3 => Google Search "alpine opensslv.h" => Add openssl-dev
# Compilation Fail 4 => Google Search "alpine opensslv.h" again => Change to libressl-dev musl-dev
# Compilation Fail 5 => Google Search "ERROR: libressl3.3-libtls-3.3.3-r0: trying to overwrite usr/lib/ owned by libretls-3.3.3-r0." again => Change back to openssl-dev with musl-dev
# Runtime Error => ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'six' => pip3 install six
# Runtime Error 2 => ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'six' => apk add py3-six
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 py3-pip py3-six cargo
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps libffi-dev musl-dev openssl-dev python3-dev && \
pip3 install apprise && \
pip3 cache purge && \
rm -rf /root/.cache && \
apk del .build-deps
RUN apprise --version
# New things add here
COPY . . COPY . .
RUN npm install && npm run build && npm prune RUN npm install --legacy-peer-deps && npm run build && npm prune --production
FROM node:14-bullseye-slim AS release
# Install Apprise,
# add sqlite3 cli for debugging in the future
# iputils-ping for ping
RUN apt update && \
apt --yes install python3 python3-pip python3-cryptography python3-six python3-yaml python3-click python3-markdown python3-requests python3-requests-oauthlib \
sqlite3 \
iputils-ping && \
pip3 --no-cache-dir install apprise && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Copy app files from build layer
COPY --from=build /app /app
VOLUME ["/app/data"] VOLUME ["/app/data"]
HEALTHCHECK --interval=60s --timeout=30s --start-period=300s CMD node extra/healthcheck.js HEALTHCHECK --interval=60s --timeout=30s --start-period=180s --retries=5 CMD node extra/healthcheck.js
CMD ["npm", "run", "start-server"] CMD ["node", "server/server.js"]
FROM release AS nightly FROM release AS nightly
RUN npm run mark-as-nightly RUN npm run mark-as-nightly

dockerfile-alpine Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# DON'T UPDATE TO alpine3.13, 1.14, see #41.
FROM node:14-alpine3.12 AS build
# split the sqlite install here, so that it can caches the arm prebuilt
RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps make g++ python3 python3-dev git && \
ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python && \
npm install mapbox/node-sqlite3#593c9d && \
apk del .build-deps && \
rm -f /usr/bin/python
COPY . .
RUN npm install --legacy-peer-deps && npm run build && npm prune --production
FROM node:14-alpine3.12 AS release
# Install apprise
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 py3-cryptography py3-pip py3-six py3-yaml py3-click py3-markdown py3-requests py3-requests-oauthlib && \
pip3 --no-cache-dir install apprise && \
rm -rf /root/.cache
# Copy app files from build layer
COPY --from=build /app /app
VOLUME ["/app/data"]
HEALTHCHECK --interval=60s --timeout=30s --start-period=180s --retries=5 CMD node extra/healthcheck.js
CMD ["node", "server/server.js"]
FROM release AS nightly
RUN npm run mark-as-nightly

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Must enable File Sharing in Docker Desktop
docker run -it --rm -v ${pwd}:/app louislam/batsh /usr/bin/batsh bash --output ./ ./extra/install.batsh

View File

@ -1,19 +1,34 @@
var http = require("http"); /*
var options = { * This script should be run after a period of time (180s), because the server may need some time to prepare.
host: "localhost", */
port: "3001", process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = "0";
timeout: 2000,
let client;
if (process.env.SSL_KEY && process.env.SSL_CERT) {
client = require("https");
} else {
client = require("http");
let options = {
host: process.env.HOST || "",
port: parseInt(process.env.PORT) || 3001,
timeout: 28 * 1000,
}; };
var request = http.request(options, (res) => {
console.log(`STATUS: ${res.statusCode}`); let request = client.request(options, (res) => {
if (res.statusCode == 200) { console.log(`Health Check OK [Res Code: ${res.statusCode}]`);
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
process.exit(0); process.exit(0);
} else { } else {
process.exit(1); process.exit(1);
} }
}); });
request.on("error", function (err) { request.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("ERROR"); console.error("Health Check ERROR");
process.exit(1); process.exit(1);
}); });
request.end(); request.end();

extra/install.batsh Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
// is generated by ./extra/install.batsh, do not modify it directly.
// "npm run compile-install-script" to compile
// The command is working on Windows PowerShell and Docker for Windows only.
// curl -o && sudo bash
println("Uptime Kuma Installer");
println("Supported OS: CentOS 7/8, Ubuntu >= 16.04 and Debian");
println("This script is designed for Linux and basic usage.");
println("For advanced usage, please go to");
println("Local - Install Uptime Kuma in your current machine with git, Node.js 14 and pm2");
println("Docker - Install Uptime Kuma Docker container");
if ("$1" != "") {
type = "$1";
} else {
call("read", "-p", "Which installation method do you prefer? [DOCKER/local]: ", "type");
defaultPort = "3001";
function checkNode() {
bash("nodeVersion=$(node -e 'console.log(process.versions.node.split(`.`)[0])')");
println("Node Version: " ++ nodeVersion);
if (nodeVersion < "12") {
println("Error: Required Node.js 14");
call("exit", "1");
if (nodeVersion == "12") {
println("Warning: NodeJS " ++ nodeVersion ++ " is not tested.");
function deb() {
bash("nodeCheck=$(node -v)");
bash("apt --yes update");
if (nodeCheck != "") {
} else {
// Old nodejs binary name is "nodejs"
bash("check=$(nodejs --version)");
if (check != "") {
println("Error: 'node' command is not found, but 'nodejs' command is found. Your NodeJS should be too old.");
bash("exit 1");
bash("curlCheck=$(curl --version)");
if (curlCheck == "") {
println("Installing Curl");
bash("apt --yes install curl");
println("Installing Node.js 14");
bash("curl -sL | bash - > log.txt");
bash("apt --yes install nodejs");
bash("node -v");
bash("nodeCheckAgain=$(node -v)");
if (nodeCheckAgain == "") {
println("Error during Node.js installation");
bash("exit 1");
bash("check=$(git --version)");
if (check == "") {
println("Installing Git");
bash("apt --yes install git");
if (type == "local") {
defaultInstallPath = "/opt/uptime-kuma";
if (exists("/etc/redhat-release")) {
os = call("cat", "/etc/redhat-release");
distribution = "rhel";
} else if (exists("/etc/issue")) {
bash("os=$(head -n1 /etc/issue | cut -f 1 -d ' ')");
if (os == "Ubuntu") {
distribution = "ubuntu";
if (os == "Debian") {
distribution = "debian";
bash("arch=$(uname -i)");
println("Your OS: " ++ os);
println("Distribution: " ++ distribution);
println("Arch: " ++ arch);
if ("$3" != "") {
port = "$3";
} else {
call("read", "-p", "Listening Port [$defaultPort]: ", "port");
if (port == "") {
port = defaultPort;
if ("$2" != "") {
installPath = "$2";
} else {
call("read", "-p", "Installation Path [$defaultInstallPath]: ", "installPath");
if (installPath == "") {
installPath = defaultInstallPath;
// CentOS
if (distribution == "rhel") {
bash("nodeCheck=$(node -v)");
if (nodeCheck != "") {
} else {
bash("curlCheck=$(curl --version)");
if (curlCheck == "") {
println("Installing Curl");
bash("yum -y -q install curl");
println("Installing Node.js 14");
bash("curl -sL | bash - > log.txt");
bash("yum install -y -q nodejs");
bash("node -v");
bash("nodeCheckAgain=$(node -v)");
if (nodeCheckAgain == "") {
println("Error during Node.js installation");
bash("exit 1");
bash("check=$(git --version)");
if (check == "") {
println("Installing Git");
bash("yum -y -q install git");
// Ubuntu
} else if (distribution == "ubuntu") {
// Debian
} else if (distribution == "debian") {
} else {
// Unknown distribution
error = 0;
bash("check=$(git --version)");
if (check == "") {
error = 1;
println("Error: git is missing");
bash("check=$(node -v)");
if (check == "") {
error = 1;
println("Error: node is missing");
if (error > 0) {
println("Please install above missing software");
bash("exit 1");
bash("check=$(pm2 --version)");
if (check == "") {
println("Installing PM2");
bash("npm install pm2 -g");
bash("pm2 startup");
bash("mkdir -p $installPath");
bash("cd $installPath");
bash("git clone .");
bash("npm run setup");
bash("pm2 start server/server.js --name uptime-kuma -- --port=$port");
} else {
defaultVolume = "uptime-kuma";
bash("check=$(docker -v)");
if (check == "") {
println("Error: docker is not found!");
bash("exit 1");
bash("check=$(docker info)");
bash("if [[ \"$check\" == *\"Is the docker daemon running\"* ]]; then
\"echo\" \"Error: docker is not running\"
\"exit\" \"1\"
if ("$3" != "") {
port = "$3";
} else {
call("read", "-p", "Expose Port [$defaultPort]: ", "port");
if (port == "") {
port = defaultPort;
if ("$2" != "") {
volume = "$2";
} else {
call("read", "-p", "Volume Name [$defaultVolume]: ", "volume");
if (volume == "") {
volume = defaultVolume;
println("Port: $port");
println("Volume: $volume");
bash("docker volume create $volume");
bash("docker run -d --restart=always -p $port:3001 -v $volume:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1");

View File

@ -1,25 +1,9 @@
/** const pkg = require("../package.json");
* String.prototype.replaceAll() polyfill
* @author Chris Ferdinandi
* @license MIT
if (!String.prototype.replaceAll) {
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(str, newStr){
// If a regex pattern
if ( === '[object regexp]') {
return this.replace(str, newStr);
// If a string
return this.replace(new RegExp(str, 'g'), newStr);
const pkg = require('../package.json');
const fs = require("fs"); const fs = require("fs");
const util = require("../src/util");
const oldVersion = pkg.version const oldVersion = pkg.version
const newVersion = oldVersion + "-nightly" const newVersion = oldVersion + "-nightly"
@ -35,6 +19,6 @@ if (newVersion) {
// Process // Process
if (fs.existsSync("")) { if (fs.existsSync("")) {
fs.writeFileSync("", fs.readFileSync("", 'utf8').replaceAll(oldVersion, newVersion)) fs.writeFileSync("", fs.readFileSync("", "utf8").replaceAll(oldVersion, newVersion))
} }
} }

extra/reset-password.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
console.log("== Uptime Kuma Reset Password Tool ==");
console.log("Loading the database");
const Database = require("../server/database");
const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const readline = require("readline");
const { initJWTSecret } = require("../server/util-server");
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
(async () => {
await Database.connect();
try {
const user = await R.findOne("user");
if (! user) {
throw new Error("user not found, have you installed?");
console.log("Found user: " + user.username);
while (true) {
let password = await question("New Password: ");
let confirmPassword = await question("Confirm New Password: ");
if (password === confirmPassword) {
await user.resetPassword(password);
// Reset all sessions by reset jwt secret
await initJWTSecret();
} else {
console.log("Passwords do not match, please try again.");
console.log("Password reset successfully.");
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error: " + e.message);
await Database.close();
console.log("Finished. You should restart the Uptime Kuma server.")
function question(question) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
rl.question(question, (answer) => {

extra/simple-dns-server.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
* Simple DNS Server
* For testing DNS monitoring type, dev only
const dns2 = require("dns2");
const { Packet } = dns2;
const server = dns2.createServer({
udp: true
server.on("request", (request, send, rinfo) => {
for (let question of request.questions) {
console.log(, type(question.type), question.class);
const response = Packet.createResponseFromRequest(request);
if ( === "") {
if (question.type === Packet.TYPE.A) {
type: question.type,
class: question.class,
ttl: 300,
address: ""
} if (question.type === Packet.TYPE.AAAA) {
type: question.type,
class: question.class,
ttl: 300,
address: "fe80::::1234:5678:abcd:ef00",
} else if (question.type === Packet.TYPE.CNAME) {
type: question.type,
class: question.class,
ttl: 300,
domain: "",
} else if (question.type === Packet.TYPE.MX) {
type: question.type,
class: question.class,
ttl: 300,
exchange: "",
priority: 5
} else if (question.type === Packet.TYPE.NS) {
type: question.type,
class: question.class,
ttl: 300,
ns: "",
} else if (question.type === Packet.TYPE.SOA) {
type: question.type,
class: question.class,
ttl: 300,
primary: "",
admin: "",
serial: 2021082701,
refresh: 300,
retry: 3,
expiration: 10,
minimum: 10,
} else if (question.type === Packet.TYPE.SRV) {
type: question.type,
class: question.class,
ttl: 300,
priority: 5,
weight: 5,
port: 8080,
target: "",
} else if (question.type === Packet.TYPE.TXT) {
type: question.type,
class: question.class,
ttl: 300,
data: "#v=spf1 ~all",
} else if (question.type === Packet.TYPE.CAA) {
type: question.type,
class: question.class,
ttl: 300,
flags: 0,
tag: "issue",
value: "",
if ( === "") {
if (question.type === Packet.TYPE.PTR) {
type: question.type,
class: question.class,
ttl: 300,
domain: "",
server.on("listening", () => {
server.on("close", () => {
console.log("server closed");
udp: 5300
function type(code) {
for (let name in Packet.TYPE) {
if (Packet.TYPE[name] === code) {
return name;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// Need to use es6 to read language files
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import util from "util";
* Look ma, it's cp -R.
* @param {string} src The path to the thing to copy.
* @param {string} dest The path to the new copy.
const copyRecursiveSync = function (src, dest) {
let exists = fs.existsSync(src);
let stats = exists && fs.statSync(src);
let isDirectory = exists && stats.isDirectory();
if (isDirectory) {
fs.readdirSync(src).forEach(function (childItemName) {
copyRecursiveSync(path.join(src, childItemName),
path.join(dest, childItemName));
} else {
fs.copyFileSync(src, dest);
const baseLangCode = process.argv[2] || "zh-HK";
console.log("Base Lang: " + baseLangCode);
fs.rmdirSync("./languages", { recursive: true });
copyRecursiveSync("../../src/languages", "./languages");
const en = (await import("./languages/en.js")).default;
const baseLang = (await import(`./languages/${baseLangCode}.js`)).default;
const files = fs.readdirSync("./languages");
for (const file of files) {
if (file.endsWith(".js")) {
console.log("Processing " + file);
const lang = await import("./languages/" + file);
let obj;
if (lang.default) {
console.log("is js module");
obj = lang.default;
} else {
console.log("empty file");
obj = {
languageName: "<Your Language name in your language (not in English)>"
// En first
for (const key in en) {
if (! obj[key]) {
obj[key] = en[key];
// Base second
for (const key in baseLang) {
if (! obj[key]) {
obj[key] = key;
const code = "export default " + util.inspect(obj, {
depth: null,
fs.writeFileSync(`../../src/languages/${file}`, code);
fs.rmdirSync("./languages", { recursive: true });
console.log("Done, fix the format by eslint now");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"name": "update-language-files",
"type": "module",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"

extra/update-version.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
const pkg = require("../package.json");
const fs = require("fs");
const child_process = require("child_process");
const util = require("../src/util");
const oldVersion = pkg.version;
const newVersion = process.argv[2];
console.log("Old Version: " + oldVersion);
console.log("New Version: " + newVersion);
if (! newVersion) {
console.error("invalid version");
const exists = tagExists(newVersion);
if (! exists) {
// Process package.json
pkg.version = newVersion;
pkg.scripts.setup = pkg.scripts.setup.replaceAll(oldVersion, newVersion);
pkg.scripts["build-docker"] = pkg.scripts["build-docker"].replaceAll(oldVersion, newVersion);
pkg.scripts["build-docker-alpine"] = pkg.scripts["build-docker-alpine"].replaceAll(oldVersion, newVersion);
pkg.scripts["build-docker-debian"] = pkg.scripts["build-docker-debian"].replaceAll(oldVersion, newVersion);
fs.writeFileSync("package.json", JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 4) + "\n");
} else {
console.log("version exists")
function commit(version) {
let msg = "update to " + version;
let res = child_process.spawnSync("git", ["commit", "-m", msg, "-a"]);
let stdout = res.stdout.toString().trim();
if (stdout.includes("no changes added to commit")) {
throw new Error("commit error")
function tag(version) {
let res = child_process.spawnSync("git", ["tag", version]);
function tagExists(version) {
if (! version) {
throw new Error("invalid version");
let res = child_process.spawnSync("git", ["tag", "-l", version]);
return res.stdout.toString().trim() === version;

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
* String.prototype.replaceAll() polyfill
* @author Chris Ferdinandi
* @license MIT
if (!String.prototype.replaceAll) {
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(str, newStr){
// If a regex pattern
if ( === '[object regexp]') {
return this.replace(str, newStr);
// If a string
return this.replace(new RegExp(str, 'g'), newStr);
const pkg = require('../package.json');
const fs = require("fs");
const oldVersion = pkg.version
const newVersion = process.argv[2]
console.log("Old Version: " + oldVersion)
console.log("New Version: " + newVersion)
if (newVersion) {
// Process package.json
pkg.version = newVersion
pkg.scripts.setup = pkg.scripts.setup.replaceAll(oldVersion, newVersion)
pkg.scripts["build-docker"] = pkg.scripts["build-docker"].replaceAll(oldVersion, newVersion)
fs.writeFileSync("package.json", JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 4) + "\n")
// Process
fs.writeFileSync("", fs.readFileSync("", 'utf8').replaceAll(oldVersion, newVersion))

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
<html lang="en"> <html lang="en">
<head> <head>
<meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/icon.svg" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta name="theme-color" content="#5cdd8b" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/icon.svg" />
<meta name="theme-color" id="theme-color" content="" />
<meta name="description" content="Uptime Kuma monitoring tool" /> <meta name="description" content="Uptime Kuma monitoring tool" />
<title>Uptime Kuma</title> <title>Uptime Kuma</title>
</head> </head>

203 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
# is generated by ./extra/install.batsh, do not modify it directly.
# "npm run compile-install-script" to compile
# The command is working on Windows PowerShell and Docker for Windows only.
# curl -o && sudo bash
"echo" "-e" "====================="
"echo" "-e" "Uptime Kuma Installer"
"echo" "-e" "====================="
"echo" "-e" "Supported OS: CentOS 7/8, Ubuntu >= 16.04 and Debian"
"echo" "-e" "---------------------------------------"
"echo" "-e" "This script is designed for Linux and basic usage."
"echo" "-e" "For advanced usage, please go to"
"echo" "-e" "---------------------------------------"
"echo" "-e" ""
"echo" "-e" "Local - Install Uptime Kuma in your current machine with git, Node.js 14 and pm2"
"echo" "-e" "Docker - Install Uptime Kuma Docker container"
"echo" "-e" ""
if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
"read" "-p" "Which installation method do you prefer? [DOCKER/local]: " "type"
function checkNode {
local _0
nodeVersion=$(node -e 'console.log(process.versions.node.split(`.`)[0])')
"echo" "-e" "Node Version: ""$nodeVersion"
if [ $(($nodeVersion < $_0)) == 1 ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Error: Required Node.js 14"
"exit" "1"
if [ "$nodeVersion" == "12" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Warning: NodeJS ""$nodeVersion"" is not tested."
function deb {
nodeCheck=$(node -v)
apt --yes update
if [ "$nodeCheck" != "" ]; then
# Old nodejs binary name is "nodejs"
check=$(nodejs --version)
if [ "$check" != "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Error: 'node' command is not found, but 'nodejs' command is found. Your NodeJS should be too old."
exit 1
curlCheck=$(curl --version)
if [ "$curlCheck" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Installing Curl"
apt --yes install curl
"echo" "-e" "Installing Node.js 14"
curl -sL | bash - > log.txt
apt --yes install nodejs
node -v
nodeCheckAgain=$(node -v)
if [ "$nodeCheckAgain" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Error during Node.js installation"
exit 1
check=$(git --version)
if [ "$check" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Installing Git"
apt --yes install git
if [ "$type" == "local" ]; then
if [ -e "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then
os=$("cat" "/etc/redhat-release")
if [ -e "/etc/issue" ]; then
os=$(head -n1 /etc/issue | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
if [ "$os" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
if [ "$os" == "Debian" ]; then
arch=$(uname -i)
"echo" "-e" "Your OS: ""$os"
"echo" "-e" "Distribution: ""$distribution"
"echo" "-e" "Arch: ""$arch"
if [ "$3" != "" ]; then
"read" "-p" "Listening Port [$defaultPort]: " "port"
if [ "$port" == "" ]; then
if [ "$2" != "" ]; then
"read" "-p" "Installation Path [$defaultInstallPath]: " "installPath"
if [ "$installPath" == "" ]; then
# CentOS
if [ "$distribution" == "rhel" ]; then
nodeCheck=$(node -v)
if [ "$nodeCheck" != "" ]; then
curlCheck=$(curl --version)
if [ "$curlCheck" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Installing Curl"
yum -y -q install curl
"echo" "-e" "Installing Node.js 14"
curl -sL | bash - > log.txt
yum install -y -q nodejs
node -v
nodeCheckAgain=$(node -v)
if [ "$nodeCheckAgain" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Error during Node.js installation"
exit 1
check=$(git --version)
if [ "$check" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Installing Git"
yum -y -q install git
# Ubuntu
if [ "$distribution" == "ubuntu" ]; then
# Debian
if [ "$distribution" == "debian" ]; then
# Unknown distribution
check=$(git --version)
if [ "$check" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Error: git is missing"
check=$(node -v)
if [ "$check" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Error: node is missing"
if [ $(($error > 0)) == 1 ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Please install above missing software"
exit 1
check=$(pm2 --version)
if [ "$check" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Installing PM2"
npm install pm2 -g
pm2 startup
mkdir -p $installPath
cd $installPath
git clone .
npm run setup
pm2 start server/server.js --name uptime-kuma -- --port=$port
check=$(docker -v)
if [ "$check" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Error: docker is not found!"
exit 1
check=$(docker info)
if [[ "$check" == *"Is the docker daemon running"* ]]; then
"echo" "Error: docker is not running"
"exit" "1"
if [ "$3" != "" ]; then
"read" "-p" "Expose Port [$defaultPort]: " "port"
if [ "$port" == "" ]; then
if [ "$2" != "" ]; then
"read" "-p" "Volume Name [$defaultVolume]: " "volume"
if [ "$volume" == "" ]; then
"echo" "-e" "Port: $port"
"echo" "-e" "Volume: $volume"
docker volume create $volume
docker run -d --restart=always -p $port:3001 -v $volume:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1
"echo" "-e" "http://localhost:$port"

kubernetes/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Uptime-Kuma K8s Deployment
⚠ Warning: K8s deployment is provided by contributors. I have no experience with K8s and I can't fix error in the future. I only test Docker and Node.js. Use at your own risk.
## How does it work?
Kustomize is a tool which builds a complete deployment file for all config elements.
You can edit the files in the ```uptime-kuma``` folder except the ```kustomization.yml``` until you know what you're doing.
If you want to choose another namespace you can edit the ```kustomization.yml``` in the ```kubernetes```-Folder and change the ```namespace: uptime-kuma``` to something you like.
It creates a certificate with the specified Issuer and creates the Ingress for the Uptime-Kuma ClusterIP-Service
## What do i have to edit?
You have to edit the ```ingressroute.yml``` to your needs.
This ingressroute.yml is for the [nginx-ingress-controller]( in combination with the [cert-manager](
- host
- secrets and secret names
- (Cluster)Issuer (optional)
- the Version in the Deployment-File
- update:
- change to newer version and run the above commands, it will update the pods one after another
## How To use:
- install [kustomize](
- Edit files mentioned above to your needs
- run ```kustomize build > apply.yml```
- run ```kubectl apply -f apply.yml```
Now you should see some k8s magic and Uptime-Kuma should be available at the specified address.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace: uptime-kuma
namePrefix: uptime-kuma-
app: uptime-kuma
- uptime-kuma

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
component: uptime-kuma
name: deployment
component: uptime-kuma
replicas: 1
type: Recreate
component: uptime-kuma
- name: app
image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1
- containerPort: 3001
- mountPath: /app/data
name: storage
- node
- extra/healthcheck.js
initialDelaySeconds: 180
periodSeconds: 60
timeoutSeconds: 30
path: /
port: 3001
scheme: HTTP
- name: storage
claimName: pvc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
kind: Ingress
annotations: nginx letsencrypt-prod "3600" "3600" |
location / {
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
name: ingress
- hosts:
secretName: example-com-tls
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: service
number: 3001

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- deployment.yml
- service.yml
- ingressroute.yml
- pvc.yml

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pvc
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 4Gi

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: service
component: uptime-kuma
type: ClusterIP
- name: http
port: 3001
targetPort: 3001
protocol: TCP

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ {
"name": "uptime-kuma", "name": "uptime-kuma",
"version": "1.0.7", "version": "1.6.0",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"repository": { "repository": {
"type": "git", "type": "git",
@ -10,65 +10,83 @@
"node": "14.*" "node": "14.*"
}, },
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"lint:js": "eslint --ext \".js,.vue\" --ignore-path .gitignore .",
"lint:style": "stylelint \"**/*.{vue,css,scss}\" --ignore-path .gitignore",
"lint": "npm run lint:js && npm run lint:style",
"dev": "vite --host", "dev": "vite --host",
"start": "npm run start-server", "start": "npm run start-server",
"start-server": "node server/server.js", "start-server": "node server/server.js",
"update": "",
"build": "vite build", "build": "vite build",
"vite-preview-dist": "vite preview --host", "vite-preview-dist": "vite preview --host",
"build-docker": "docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t louislam/uptime-kuma -t louislam/uptime-kuma:1 -t louislam/uptime-kuma:1.0.7 --target release . --push", "build-docker": "npm run build-docker-debian && npm run build-docker-alpine",
"build-docker-alpine": "docker buildx build -f dockerfile-alpine --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t louislam/uptime-kuma:alpine -t louislam/uptime-kuma:1-alpine -t louislam/uptime-kuma:1.6.0-alpine --target release . --push",
"build-docker-debian": "docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t louislam/uptime-kuma -t louislam/uptime-kuma:1 -t louislam/uptime-kuma:1.6.0 -t louislam/uptime-kuma:debian -t louislam/uptime-kuma:1-debian -t louislam/uptime-kuma:1.6.0-debian --target release . --push",
"build-docker-nightly": "docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t louislam/uptime-kuma:nightly --target nightly . --push", "build-docker-nightly": "docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t louislam/uptime-kuma:nightly --target nightly . --push",
"build-docker-nightly-amd64": "docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t louislam/uptime-kuma:nightly-amd64 --target nightly . --push", "build-docker-nightly-amd64": "docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t louislam/uptime-kuma:nightly-amd64 --target nightly . --push --progress plain",
"setup": "git checkout 1.0.7 && npm install && npm run build", "setup": "git checkout 1.6.0 && npm install --legacy-peer-deps && node node_modules/esbuild/install.js && npm run build && npm prune",
"version-global-replace": "node extra/version-global-replace.js", "update-version": "node extra/update-version.js",
"mark-as-nightly": "node extra/mark-as-nightly.js" "mark-as-nightly": "node extra/mark-as-nightly.js",
"reset-password": "node extra/reset-password.js",
"compile-install-script": "@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ./extra/compile-install-script.ps1",
"test-install-script-centos7": "npm run compile-install-script && docker build --progress plain -f test/test_install_script/centos7.dockerfile .",
"test-install-script-alpine3": "npm run compile-install-script && docker build --progress plain -f test/test_install_script/alpine3.dockerfile .",
"test-install-script-ubuntu": "npm run compile-install-script && docker build --progress plain -f test/test_install_script/ubuntu.dockerfile .",
"test-install-script-ubuntu1604": "npm run compile-install-script && docker build --progress plain -f test/test_install_script/ubuntu1604.dockerfile .",
"simple-dns-server": "node extra/simple-dns-server.js",
"update-language-files": "cd extra/update-language-files && node index.js %npm_config_base_lang% && eslint ../../src/languages/**.js --fix"
}, },
"dependencies": { "dependencies": {
"@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core": "^1.2.35", "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core": "^1.2.36",
"@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons": "^5.15.3", "@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons": "^5.15.4",
"@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons": "^5.15.3", "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons": "^5.15.4",
"@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome": "^3.0.0-4", "@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome": "^3.0.0-4",
"@popperjs/core": "^2.9.2", "@popperjs/core": "^2.9.3",
"args-parser": "^1.3.0", "args-parser": "^1.3.0",
"axios": "^0.21.1", "axios": "^0.21.1",
"bcrypt": "^5.0.1", "bcryptjs": "^2.4.3",
"bootstrap": "^5.0.2", "bootstrap": "^5.1.0",
"chart.js": "^3.5.1",
"chartjs-adapter-dayjs": "^1.0.0",
"command-exists": "^1.2.9", "command-exists": "^1.2.9",
"compare-versions": "^3.6.0",
"dayjs": "^1.10.6", "dayjs": "^1.10.6",
"express": "^4.17.1", "express": "^4.17.1",
"express-basic-auth": "^1.2.0", "express-basic-auth": "^1.2.0",
"form-data": "^4.0.0", "form-data": "^4.0.0",
"http-graceful-shutdown": "^3.1.2", "http-graceful-shutdown": "^3.1.4",
"jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1", "jsonwebtoken": "^8.5.1",
"nodemailer": "^6.6.3", "nodemailer": "^6.6.3",
"password-hash": "^1.2.2", "password-hash": "^1.2.2",
"prom-client": "^13.1.0", "prom-client": "^13.2.0",
"prometheus-api-metrics": "^3.2.0", "prometheus-api-metrics": "^3.2.0",
"redbean-node": "0.0.20", "redbean-node": "0.1.2",
"": "^4.1.3", "": "^4.2.0",
"": "^4.1.3", "": "^4.2.0",
"sqlite3": "^5.0.2", "sqlite3": "github:mapbox/node-sqlite3#593c9d",
"tcp-ping": "^0.1.1", "tcp-ping": "^0.1.1",
"v-pagination-3": "^0.1.6", "v-pagination-3": "^0.1.6",
"vue": "^3.0.5", "vue": "^3.2.8",
"vue-chart-3": "^0.5.7",
"vue-confirm-dialog": "^1.0.2", "vue-confirm-dialog": "^1.0.2",
"vue-router": "^4.0.10", "vue-i18n": "^9.1.7",
"vue-multiselect": "^3.0.0-alpha.2",
"vue-router": "^4.0.11",
"vue-toastification": "^2.0.0-rc.1" "vue-toastification": "^2.0.0-rc.1"
}, },
"devDependencies": { "devDependencies": {
"@babel/eslint-parser": "^7.13.10", "@babel/eslint-parser": "^7.15.0",
"@types/bootstrap": "^5.0.17", "@types/bootstrap": "^5.1.2",
"@vitejs/plugin-legacy": "^1.5.0", "@vitejs/plugin-legacy": "^1.5.2",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^1.3.0", "@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^1.6.0",
"@vue/compiler-sfc": "^3.1.5", "@vue/compiler-sfc": "^3.2.6",
"core-js": "^3.15.2", "core-js": "^3.17.0",
"eslint": "^7.31.0", "dns2": "^2.0.1",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^7.14.0", "eslint": "^7.32.0",
"sass": "^1.36.0", "eslint-plugin-vue": "^7.17.0",
"sass": "^1.38.2",
"stylelint": "^13.13.1", "stylelint": "^13.13.1",
"stylelint-config-recommended": "^5.0.0",
"stylelint-config-standard": "^22.0.0", "stylelint-config-standard": "^22.0.0",
"typescript": "^4.3.5", "typescript": "^4.4.2",
"vite": "^2.4.4" "vite": "^2.5.3"
} }
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.7 KiB

public/favicon.ico Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 15 KiB

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
User-agent: *

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
const basicAuth = require("express-basic-auth") const basicAuth = require("express-basic-auth")
const passwordHash = require("./password-hash"); const passwordHash = require("./password-hash");
const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const { setting } = require("./util-server");
const { debug } = require("../src/util");
/** /**
* *
@ -28,10 +30,19 @@ exports.login = async function (username, password) {
} }
function myAuthorizer(username, password, callback) { function myAuthorizer(username, password, callback) {
setting("disableAuth").then((result) => {
if (result) {
callback(null, true)
} else {
exports.login(username, password).then((user) => { exports.login(username, password).then((user) => {
callback(null, user != null) callback(null, user != null)
}) })
} }
exports.basicAuth = basicAuth({ exports.basicAuth = basicAuth({
authorizer: myAuthorizer, authorizer: myAuthorizer,

server/check-version.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
const { setSetting } = require("./util-server");
const axios = require("axios");
const { isDev } = require("../src/util");
exports.version = require("../package.json").version;
exports.latestVersion = null;
let interval;
exports.startInterval = () => {
let check = async () => {
try {
const res = await axios.get("");
if (typeof === "string") { = JSON.parse(;
// For debug
if (process.env.TEST_CHECK_VERSION === "1") { = "1000.0.0"
exports.latestVersion =;
console.log("Latest Version: " + exports.latestVersion);
} catch (_) { }
interval = setInterval(check, 3600 * 1000 * 48);
exports.enableCheckUpdate = async (value) => {
await setSetting("checkUpdate", value);
if (value) {
exports.socket = null;

server/client.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* For Client Socket
const { TimeLogger } = require("../src/util");
const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const { io } = require("./server");
async function sendNotificationList(socket) {
const timeLogger = new TimeLogger();
let result = [];
let list = await R.find("notification", " user_id = ? ", [
for (let bean of list) {
}"notificationList", result)
timeLogger.print("Send Notification List");
return list;
* Send Heartbeat History list to socket
* @param toUser True = send to all browsers with the same user id, False = send to the current browser only
* @param overwrite Overwrite client-side's heartbeat list
async function sendHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID, toUser = false, overwrite = false) {
const timeLogger = new TimeLogger();
let list = await R.getAll(`
SELECT * FROM heartbeat
WHERE monitor_id = ?
`, [
let result = list.reverse();
if (toUser) {"heartbeatList", monitorID, result, overwrite);
} else {
socket.emit("heartbeatList", monitorID, result, overwrite);
timeLogger.print(`[Monitor: ${monitorID}] sendHeartbeatList`);
* Important Heart beat list (aka event list)
* @param socket
* @param monitorID
* @param toUser True = send to all browsers with the same user id, False = send to the current browser only
* @param overwrite Overwrite client-side's heartbeat list
async function sendImportantHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID, toUser = false, overwrite = false) {
const timeLogger = new TimeLogger();
let list = await R.find("heartbeat", `
monitor_id = ?
AND important = 1
`, [
timeLogger.print(`[Monitor: ${monitorID}] sendImportantHeartbeatList`);
if (toUser) {"importantHeartbeatList", monitorID, list, overwrite);
} else {
socket.emit("importantHeartbeatList", monitorID, list, overwrite);
module.exports = {

View File

@ -1,17 +1,77 @@
const fs = require("fs"); const fs = require("fs");
const { sleep } = require("../src/util");
const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const { const { setSetting, setting } = require("./util-server");
setSetting, setting, const { debug, sleep } = require("../src/util");
} = require("./util-server"); const dayjs = require("dayjs");
class Database { class Database {
static templatePath = "./db/kuma.db" static templatePath = "./db/kuma.db";
static path = "./data/kuma.db"; static dataDir;
static latestVersion = 4; static path;
* @type {boolean}
static patched = false;
* For Backup only
static backupPath = null;
* Add patch filename in key
* Values:
* true: Add it regardless of order
* false: Do nothing
* { parents: []}: Need parents before add it
static patchList = {
"patch-setting-value-type.sql": true,
"patch-improve-performance.sql": true,
* The finally version should be 10 after merged tag feature
* @deprecated Use patchList for any new feature
static latestVersion = 9;
static noReject = true; static noReject = true;
static async connect() {
const acquireConnectionTimeout = 120 * 1000;
R.setup("sqlite", {
filename: Database.path,
useNullAsDefault: true,
acquireConnectionTimeout: acquireConnectionTimeout,
}, {
min: 1,
max: 1,
idleTimeoutMillis: 120 * 1000,
propagateCreateError: false,
acquireTimeoutMillis: acquireConnectionTimeout,
if (process.env.SQL_LOG === "1") {
// Auto map the model to a bean object
await R.autoloadModels("./server/model");
// Change to WAL
await R.exec("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL");
await R.exec("PRAGMA cache_size = -12000");
console.log("SQLite config:");
console.log(await R.getAll("PRAGMA journal_mode"));
console.log(await R.getAll("PRAGMA cache_size"));
static async patch() { static async patch() {
let version = parseInt(await setting("database_version")); let version = parseInt(await setting("database_version"));
@ -24,12 +84,12 @@ class Database {
if (version === this.latestVersion) { if (version === this.latestVersion) {"Database no need to patch");"Database no need to patch");
} else if (version > this.latestVersion) {"Warning: Database version is newer than expected");
} else { } else {"Database patch is needed")"Database patch is needed")"Backup the db") this.backup(version);
const backupPath = "./data/kuma.db.bak" + version;
fs.copyFileSync(Database.path, backupPath);
// Try catch anything here, if gone wrong, restore the backup // Try catch anything here, if gone wrong, restore the backup
try { try {
@ -40,18 +100,92 @@ class Database {`Patched ${sqlFile}`);`Patched ${sqlFile}`);
await setSetting("database_version", i); await setSetting("database_version", i);
} }
console.log("Database Patched Successfully");
} catch (ex) { } catch (ex) {
await Database.close(); await Database.close();
console.error("Patch db failed!!! Restoring the backup") this.restore();
fs.copyFileSync(backupPath, Database.path);
console.error("Start Uptime-Kuma failed due to patch db failed") console.error("Start Uptime-Kuma failed due to patch db failed")
console.error("Please submit the bug report if you still encounter the problem after restart:") console.error("Please submit the bug report if you still encounter the problem after restart:")
process.exit(1); process.exit(1);
} }
} }
await this.patch2();
* Call it from patch() only
* @returns {Promise<void>}
static async patch2() {
console.log("Database Patch 2.0 Process");
let databasePatchedFiles = await setting("databasePatchedFiles");
if (! databasePatchedFiles) {
databasePatchedFiles = {};
debug("Patched files:");
try {
for (let sqlFilename in this.patchList) {
await this.patch2Recursion(sqlFilename, databasePatchedFiles)
if (this.patched) {
console.log("Database Patched Successfully");
} catch (ex) {
await Database.close();
console.error("Start Uptime-Kuma failed due to patch db failed");
console.error("Please submit the bug report if you still encounter the problem after restart:");
await setSetting("databasePatchedFiles", databasePatchedFiles);
* Used it patch2() only
* @param sqlFilename
* @param databasePatchedFiles
static async patch2Recursion(sqlFilename, databasePatchedFiles) {
let value = this.patchList[sqlFilename];
if (! value) {
console.log(sqlFilename + " skip");
// Check if patched
if (! databasePatchedFiles[sqlFilename]) {
console.log(sqlFilename + " is not patched");
if (value.parents) {
console.log(sqlFilename + " need parents");
for (let parentSQLFilename of value.parents) {
await this.patch2Recursion(parentSQLFilename, databasePatchedFiles);
console.log(sqlFilename + " is patching");
this.patched = true;
await this.importSQLFile("./db/" + sqlFilename);
databasePatchedFiles[sqlFilename] = true;
console.log(sqlFilename + " is patched successfully");
} else {
console.log(sqlFilename + " is already patched, skip");
} }
/** /**
@ -88,6 +222,10 @@ class Database {
} }
} }
static getBetterSQLite3Database() {
return R.knex.client.acquireConnection();
/** /**
* Special handle, because tarn.js throw a promise reject that cannot be caught * Special handle, because tarn.js throw a promise reject that cannot be caught
* @returns {Promise<void>} * @returns {Promise<void>}
@ -98,23 +236,92 @@ class Database {
}; };
process.addListener("unhandledRejection", listener); process.addListener("unhandledRejection", listener);
console.log("Closing DB") console.log("Closing DB");
while (true) { while (true) {
Database.noReject = true; Database.noReject = true;
await R.close() await R.close();
await sleep(2000) await sleep(2000);
if (Database.noReject) { if (Database.noReject) {
break; break;
} else { } else {
console.log("Waiting to close the db") console.log("Waiting to close the db");
} }
} }
console.log("SQLite closed") console.log("SQLite closed");
process.removeListener("unhandledRejection", listener); process.removeListener("unhandledRejection", listener);
} }
* One backup one time in this process.
* Reset this.backupPath if you want to backup again
* @param version
static backup(version) {
if (! this.backupPath) {"Backup the db")
this.backupPath = this.dataDir + "kuma.db.bak" + version;
fs.copyFileSync(Database.path, this.backupPath);
const shmPath = Database.path + "-shm";
if (fs.existsSync(shmPath)) {
this.backupShmPath = shmPath + ".bak" + version;
fs.copyFileSync(shmPath, this.backupShmPath);
const walPath = Database.path + "-wal";
if (fs.existsSync(walPath)) {
this.backupWalPath = walPath + ".bak" + version;
fs.copyFileSync(walPath, this.backupWalPath);
static restore() {
if (this.backupPath) {
console.error("Patch db failed!!! Restoring the backup");
const shmPath = Database.path + "-shm";
const walPath = Database.path + "-wal";
// Delete patch failed db
try {
if (fs.existsSync(Database.path)) {
if (fs.existsSync(shmPath)) {
if (fs.existsSync(walPath)) {
} catch (e) {
console.log("Restore failed, you may need to restore the backup manually");
// Restore backup
fs.copyFileSync(this.backupPath, Database.path);
if (this.backupShmPath) {
fs.copyFileSync(this.backupShmPath, shmPath);
if (this.backupWalPath) {
fs.copyFileSync(this.backupWalPath, walPath);
} else {
console.log("Nothing to restore");
} }
module.exports = Database; module.exports = Database;

View File

@ -1,22 +1,17 @@
const https = require('https'); const https = require("https");
const dayjs = require("dayjs"); const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const utc = require('dayjs/plugin/utc') const utc = require("dayjs/plugin/utc")
var timezone = require('dayjs/plugin/timezone') let timezone = require("dayjs/plugin/timezone")
dayjs.extend(utc) dayjs.extend(utc)
dayjs.extend(timezone) dayjs.extend(timezone)
const axios = require("axios"); const axios = require("axios");
const { Prometheus } = require("../prometheus"); const { Prometheus } = require("../prometheus");
const {debug, UP, DOWN, PENDING} = require("../../src/util"); const { debug, UP, DOWN, PENDING, flipStatus, TimeLogger } = require("../../src/util");
const {tcping, ping, checkCertificate} = require("../util-server"); const { tcping, ping, dnsResolve, checkCertificate, checkStatusCode, getTotalClientInRoom } = require("../util-server");
const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const { BeanModel } = require("redbean-node/dist/bean-model"); const { BeanModel } = require("redbean-node/dist/bean-model");
const { Notification } = require("../notification") const { Notification } = require("../notification")
const version = require("../../package.json").version;
// Use Custom agent to disable session reuse
const customAgent = new https.Agent({
maxCachedSessions: 0
/** /**
* status: * status:
@ -30,7 +25,7 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
let notificationIDList = {}; let notificationIDList = {};
let list = await R.find("monitor_notification", " monitor_id = ? ", [ let list = await R.find("monitor_notification", " monitor_id = ? ", [,
]) ])
for (let bean of list) { for (let bean of list) {
@ -49,10 +44,37 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
type: this.type, type: this.type,
interval: this.interval, interval: this.interval,
keyword: this.keyword, keyword: this.keyword,
notificationIDList ignoreTls: this.getIgnoreTls(),
upsideDown: this.isUpsideDown(),
maxredirects: this.maxredirects,
accepted_statuscodes: this.getAcceptedStatuscodes(),
dns_resolve_type: this.dns_resolve_type,
dns_resolve_server: this.dns_resolve_server,
dns_last_result: this.dns_last_result,
}; };
} }
* Parse to boolean
* @returns {boolean}
getIgnoreTls() {
return Boolean(this.ignoreTls)
* Parse to boolean
* @returns {boolean}
isUpsideDown() {
return Boolean(this.upsideDown);
getAcceptedStatuscodes() {
return JSON.parse(this.accepted_statuscodes_json);
start(io) { start(io) {
let previousBeat = null; let previousBeat = null;
let retries = 0; let retries = 0;
@ -61,9 +83,13 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
const beat = async () => { const beat = async () => {
// Expose here for prometheus update
// undefined if not https
let tlsInfo = undefined;
if (! previousBeat) { if (! previousBeat) {
previousBeat = await R.findOne("heartbeat", " monitor_id = ? ORDER BY time DESC", [ previousBeat = await R.findOne("heartbeat", " monitor_id = ? ORDER BY time DESC", [,
]) ])
} }
@ -74,33 +100,51 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
bean.time = R.isoDateTime(dayjs.utc()); bean.time = R.isoDateTime(dayjs.utc());
bean.status = DOWN; bean.status = DOWN;
if (this.isUpsideDown()) {
bean.status = flipStatus(bean.status);
// Duration // Duration
if (! isFirstBeat) { if (! isFirstBeat) {
bean.duration = dayjs(bean.time).diff(dayjs(previousBeat.time), 'second'); bean.duration = dayjs(bean.time).diff(dayjs(previousBeat.time), "second");
} else { } else {
bean.duration = 0; bean.duration = 0;
} }
try { try {
if (this.type === "http" || this.type === "keyword") { if (this.type === "http" || this.type === "keyword") {
// Do not do any queries/high loading things before the ""
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf(); let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
let res = await axios.get(this.url, { let res = await axios.get(this.url, {
headers: { "User-Agent": "Uptime-Kuma" }, timeout: this.interval * 1000 * 0.8,
httpsAgent: customAgent, headers: {
"Accept": "*/*",
"User-Agent": "Uptime-Kuma/" + version,
httpsAgent: new https.Agent({
maxCachedSessions: 0, // Use Custom agent to disable session reuse (
rejectUnauthorized: ! this.getIgnoreTls(),
maxRedirects: this.maxredirects,
validateStatus: (status) => {
return checkStatusCode(status, this.getAcceptedStatuscodes());
}); });
bean.msg = `${res.status} - ${res.statusText}` bean.msg = `${res.status} - ${res.statusText}` = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime; = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
// Check certificate if https is used // Check certificate if https is used
let certInfoStartTime = dayjs().valueOf(); let certInfoStartTime = dayjs().valueOf();
if (this.getUrl()?.protocol === "https:") { if (this.getUrl()?.protocol === "https:") {
try { try {
await this.updateTlsInfo(checkCertificate(res)); tlsInfo = await this.updateTlsInfo(checkCertificate(res));
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
if (e.message !== "No TLS certificate in response") {
console.error(e.message) console.error(e.message)
} }
} }
debug("Cert Info Query Time: " + (dayjs().valueOf() - certInfoStartTime) + "ms") debug("Cert Info Query Time: " + (dayjs().valueOf() - certInfoStartTime) + "ms")
@ -124,7 +168,6 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
} }
} else if (this.type === "port") { } else if (this.type === "port") { = await tcping(this.hostname, this.port); = await tcping(this.hostname, this.port);
bean.msg = "" bean.msg = ""
@ -134,16 +177,71 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel { = await ping(this.hostname); = await ping(this.hostname);
bean.msg = "" bean.msg = ""
bean.status = UP; bean.status = UP;
} else if (this.type === "dns") {
let startTime = dayjs().valueOf();
let dnsMessage = "";
let dnsRes = await dnsResolve(this.hostname, this.dns_resolve_server, this.dns_resolve_type); = dayjs().valueOf() - startTime;
if (this.dns_resolve_type == "A" || this.dns_resolve_type == "AAAA" || this.dns_resolve_type == "TXT") {
dnsMessage += "Records: ";
dnsMessage += dnsRes.join(" | ");
} else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "CNAME" || this.dns_resolve_type == "PTR") {
dnsMessage = dnsRes[0];
} else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "CAA") {
dnsMessage = dnsRes[0].issue;
} else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "MX") {
dnsRes.forEach(record => {
dnsMessage += `Hostname: ${} - Priority: ${record.priority} | `;
dnsMessage = dnsMessage.slice(0, -2)
} else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "NS") {
dnsMessage += "Servers: ";
dnsMessage += dnsRes.join(" | ");
} else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "SOA") {
dnsMessage += `NS-Name: ${dnsRes.nsname} | Hostmaster: ${dnsRes.hostmaster} | Serial: ${dnsRes.serial} | Refresh: ${dnsRes.refresh} | Retry: ${dnsRes.retry} | Expire: ${dnsRes.expire} | MinTTL: ${dnsRes.minttl}`;
} else if (this.dns_resolve_type == "SRV") {
dnsRes.forEach(record => {
dnsMessage += `Name: ${} | Port: ${record.port} | Priority: ${record.priority} | Weight: ${record.weight} | `;
dnsMessage = dnsMessage.slice(0, -2)
if (this.dnsLastResult !== dnsMessage) {
R.exec("UPDATE `monitor` SET dns_last_result = ? WHERE id = ? ", [
bean.msg = dnsMessage;
bean.status = UP;
if (this.isUpsideDown()) {
bean.status = flipStatus(bean.status);
if (bean.status === DOWN) {
throw new Error("Flip UP to DOWN");
} }
retries = 0; retries = 0;
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
if ((this.maxretries > 0) && (retries < this.maxretries)) {
bean.msg = error.message;
// If UP come in here, it must be upside down mode
// Just reset the retries
if (this.isUpsideDown() && bean.status === UP) {
retries = 0;
} else if ((this.maxretries > 0) && (retries < this.maxretries)) {
retries++; retries++;
bean.status = PENDING; bean.status = PENDING;
} }
bean.msg = error.message;
} }
// * ? -> ANY STATUS = important [isFirstBeat] // * ? -> ANY STATUS = important [isFirstBeat]
@ -168,8 +266,8 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
// Send only if the first beat is DOWN // Send only if the first beat is DOWN
if (!isFirstBeat || bean.status === DOWN) { if (!isFirstBeat || bean.status === DOWN) {
let notificationList = await R.getAll(`SELECT notification.* FROM notification, monitor_notification WHERE monitor_id = ? AND monitor_notification.notification_id = `, [ let notificationList = await R.getAll("SELECT notification.* FROM notification, monitor_notification WHERE monitor_id = ? AND monitor_notification.notification_id = ", [,
]) ])
let text; let text;
@ -185,7 +283,8 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
try { try {
await Notification.send(JSON.parse(notification.config), msg, await this.toJSON(), bean.toJSON()) await Notification.send(JSON.parse(notification.config), msg, await this.toJSON(), bean.toJSON())
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
console.error("Cannot send notification to " + console.error("Cannot send notification to " +;
} }
} }
} }
@ -194,7 +293,6 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
bean.important = false; bean.important = false;
} }
if (bean.status === UP) { if (bean.status === UP) {`Monitor #${} '${}': Successful Response: ${} ms | Interval: ${this.interval} seconds | Type: ${this.type}`)`Monitor #${} '${}': Successful Response: ${} ms | Interval: ${this.interval} seconds | Type: ${this.type}`)
} else if (bean.status === PENDING) { } else if (bean.status === PENDING) {
@ -203,22 +301,26 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
console.warn(`Monitor #${} '${}': Failing: ${bean.msg} | Type: ${this.type}`) console.warn(`Monitor #${} '${}': Failing: ${bean.msg} | Type: ${this.type}`)
} }
prometheus.update(bean)"heartbeat", bean.toJSON());"heartbeat", bean.toJSON());
Monitor.sendStats(io,, this.user_id) Monitor.sendStats(io,, this.user_id)
prometheus.update(bean, tlsInfo);
previousBeat = bean; previousBeat = bean;
if (! this.isStop) {
this.heartbeatInterval = setTimeout(beat, this.interval * 1000);
} }
beat(); beat();
this.heartbeatInterval = setInterval(beat, this.interval * 1000);
} }
stop() { stop() {
clearInterval(this.heartbeatInterval) clearTimeout(this.heartbeatInterval);
this.isStop = true;
} }
/** /**
@ -238,11 +340,11 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
/** /**
* Store TLS info to database * Store TLS info to database
* @param checkCertificateResult * @param checkCertificateResult
* @returns {Promise<void>} * @returns {Promise<object>}
*/ */
async updateTlsInfo(checkCertificateResult) { async updateTlsInfo(checkCertificateResult) {
let tls_info_bean = await R.findOne("monitor_tls_info", "monitor_id = ?", [ let tls_info_bean = await R.findOne("monitor_tls_info", "monitor_id = ?", [,
]); ]);
if (tls_info_bean == null) { if (tls_info_bean == null) {
tls_info_bean = R.dispense("monitor_tls_info"); tls_info_bean = R.dispense("monitor_tls_info");
@ -250,13 +352,21 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
} }
tls_info_bean.info_json = JSON.stringify(checkCertificateResult); tls_info_bean.info_json = JSON.stringify(checkCertificateResult);
await; await;
return checkCertificateResult;
} }
static async sendStats(io, monitorID, userID) { static async sendStats(io, monitorID, userID) {
Monitor.sendAvgPing(24, io, monitorID, userID); const hasClients = getTotalClientInRoom(io, userID) > 0;
Monitor.sendUptime(24, io, monitorID, userID);
Monitor.sendUptime(24 * 30, io, monitorID, userID); if (hasClients) {
Monitor.sendCertInfo(io, monitorID, userID); await Monitor.sendAvgPing(24, io, monitorID, userID);
await Monitor.sendUptime(24, io, monitorID, userID);
await Monitor.sendUptime(24 * 30, io, monitorID, userID);
await Monitor.sendCertInfo(io, monitorID, userID);
} else {
debug("No clients in the room, no need to send stats");
} }
/** /**
@ -264,6 +374,8 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
* @param duration : int Hours * @param duration : int Hours
*/ */
static async sendAvgPing(duration, io, monitorID, userID) { static async sendAvgPing(duration, io, monitorID, userID) {
const timeLogger = new TimeLogger();
let avgPing = parseInt(await R.getCell(` let avgPing = parseInt(await R.getCell(`
FROM heartbeat FROM heartbeat
@ -271,15 +383,17 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
AND monitor_id = ? `, [ AND monitor_id = ? `, [
-duration, -duration,
monitorID monitorID,
])); ]));
timeLogger.print(`[Monitor: ${monitorID}] avgPing`);"avgPing", monitorID, avgPing);"avgPing", monitorID, avgPing);
} }
static async sendCertInfo(io, monitorID, userID) { static async sendCertInfo(io, monitorID, userID) {
let tls_info = await R.findOne("monitor_tls_info", "monitor_id = ?", [ let tls_info = await R.findOne("monitor_tls_info", "monitor_id = ?", [
monitorID monitorID,
]); ]);
if (tls_info != null) { if (tls_info != null) {"certInfo", monitorID, tls_info.info_json);"certInfo", monitorID, tls_info.info_json);
@ -293,60 +407,63 @@ class Monitor extends BeanModel {
* @param duration : int Hours * @param duration : int Hours
*/ */
static async sendUptime(duration, io, monitorID, userID) { static async sendUptime(duration, io, monitorID, userID) {
let sec = duration * 3600; const timeLogger = new TimeLogger();
let heartbeatList = await R.getAll(` const startTime = R.isoDateTime(dayjs.utc().subtract(duration, "hour"));
SELECT duration, time, status
FROM heartbeat
WHERE time > DATETIME('now', ? || ' hours')
AND monitor_id = ? `, [
let downtime = 0;
let total = 0;
let uptime;
// Special handle for the first heartbeat only
if (heartbeatList.length === 1) {
if (heartbeatList[0].status === 1) {
uptime = 1;
} else {
uptime = 0;
} else {
for (let row of heartbeatList) {
let value = parseInt(row.duration)
let time = row.time
// Handle if heartbeat duration longer than the target duration // Handle if heartbeat duration longer than the target duration
// e.g. Heartbeat duration = 28hrs, but target duration = 24hrs // e.g. If the last beat's duration is bigger that the 24hrs window, it will use the duration between the (beat time - window margin) (THEN case in SQL)
if (value > sec) { let result = await R.getRow(`
let trim = dayjs.utc().diff(dayjs(time), 'second'); SELECT
value = sec - trim; -- SUM all duration, also trim off the beat out of time window
WHEN (JULIANDAY(\`time\`) - JULIANDAY(?)) * 86400 < duration
THEN (JULIANDAY(\`time\`) - JULIANDAY(?)) * 86400
ELSE duration
) AS total_duration,
if (value < 0) { -- SUM all uptime duration, also trim off the beat out of time window
value = 0; SUM(
} WHEN (status = 1)
WHEN (JULIANDAY(\`time\`) - JULIANDAY(?)) * 86400 < duration
THEN (JULIANDAY(\`time\`) - JULIANDAY(?)) * 86400
ELSE duration
) AS uptime_duration
FROM heartbeat
WHERE time > ?
AND monitor_id = ?
`, [
startTime, startTime, startTime, startTime, startTime,
total += value; timeLogger.print(`[Monitor: ${monitorID}][${duration}] sendUptime`);
if (row.status === 0 || row.status === 2) {
downtime += value;
uptime = (total - downtime) / total; let totalDuration = result.total_duration;
let uptimeDuration = result.uptime_duration;
let uptime = 0;
if (totalDuration > 0) {
uptime = uptimeDuration / totalDuration;
if (uptime < 0) { if (uptime < 0) {
uptime = 0; uptime = 0;
} }
} else {
// Handle new monitor with only one beat, because the beat's duration = 0
let status = parseInt(await R.getCell("SELECT `status` FROM heartbeat WHERE monitor_id = ?", [ monitorID ]));
console.log("here???" + status);
if (status === UP) {
uptime = 1;
} }"uptime", monitorID, duration, uptime);"uptime", monitorID, duration, uptime);
} }

server/model/user.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
const { BeanModel } = require("redbean-node/dist/bean-model");
const passwordHash = require("../password-hash");
const { R } = require("redbean-node");
class User extends BeanModel {
* Direct execute, no need
* @param newPassword
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async resetPassword(newPassword) {
await R.exec("UPDATE `user` SET password = ? WHERE id = ? ", [
this.password = newPassword;
module.exports = User;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const child_process = require("child_process");
class Apprise extends NotificationProvider {
name = "apprise";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let s = child_process.spawnSync("apprise", [ "-vv", "-b", msg, notification.appriseURL])
let output = (s.stdout) ? s.stdout.toString() : "ERROR: maybe apprise not found";
if (output) {
if (! output.includes("ERROR")) {
return "Sent Successfully";
throw new Error(output)
} else {
return "No output from apprise";
module.exports = Apprise;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
const { DOWN, UP } = require("../../src/util");
class Discord extends NotificationProvider {
name = "discord";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
const discordDisplayName = notification.discordUsername || "Uptime Kuma";
// If heartbeatJSON is null, assume we're testing.
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let discordtestdata = {
username: discordDisplayName,
content: msg,
await, discordtestdata)
return okMsg;
let url;
if (monitorJSON["type"] === "port") {
url = monitorJSON["hostname"];
if (monitorJSON["port"]) {
url += ":" + monitorJSON["port"];
} else {
url = monitorJSON["url"];
// If heartbeatJSON is not null, we go into the normal alerting loop.
if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == DOWN) {
let discorddowndata = {
username: discordDisplayName,
embeds: [{
title: "❌ Your service " + monitorJSON["name"] + " went down. ❌",
color: 16711680,
timestamp: heartbeatJSON["time"],
fields: [
name: "Service Name",
value: monitorJSON["name"],
name: "Service URL",
value: url,
name: "Time (UTC)",
value: heartbeatJSON["time"],
name: "Error",
value: heartbeatJSON["msg"],
await, discorddowndata)
return okMsg;
} else if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == UP) {
let discordupdata = {
username: discordDisplayName,
embeds: [{
title: "✅ Your service " + monitorJSON["name"] + " is up! ✅",
color: 65280,
timestamp: heartbeatJSON["time"],
fields: [
name: "Service Name",
value: monitorJSON["name"],
name: "Service URL",
value: url.startsWith("http") ? "[Visit Service](" + url + ")" : url,
name: "Time (UTC)",
value: heartbeatJSON["time"],
name: "Ping",
value: heartbeatJSON["ping"] + "ms",
await, discordupdata)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Discord;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
class Gotify extends NotificationProvider {
name = "gotify";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
if (notification.gotifyserverurl && notification.gotifyserverurl.endsWith("/")) {
notification.gotifyserverurl = notification.gotifyserverurl.slice(0, -1);
await`${notification.gotifyserverurl}/message?token=${notification.gotifyapplicationToken}`, {
"message": msg,
"priority": notification.gotifyPriority || 8,
"title": "Uptime-Kuma",
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Gotify;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
const { DOWN, UP } = require("../../src/util");
class Line extends NotificationProvider {
name = "line";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
let lineAPIUrl = "";
let config = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + notification.lineChannelAccessToken
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let testMessage = {
"to": notification.lineUserID,
"messages": [
"type": "text",
"text": "Test Successful!"
await, testMessage, config)
} else if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == DOWN) {
let downMessage = {
"to": notification.lineUserID,
"messages": [
"type": "text",
"text": "UptimeKuma Alert: [🔴 Down]\n" + "Name: " + monitorJSON["name"] + " \n" + heartbeatJSON["msg"] + "\nTime (UTC): " + heartbeatJSON["time"]
await, downMessage, config)
} else if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == UP) {
let upMessage = {
"to": notification.lineUserID,
"messages": [
"type": "text",
"text": "UptimeKuma Alert: [✅ Up]\n" + "Name: " + monitorJSON["name"] + " \n" + heartbeatJSON["msg"] + "\nTime (UTC): " + heartbeatJSON["time"]
await, upMessage, config)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Line;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
const { DOWN, UP } = require("../../src/util");
class LunaSea extends NotificationProvider {
name = "lunasea";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
let lunaseadevice = "" + notification.lunaseaDevice
try {
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let testdata = {
"title": "Uptime Kuma Alert",
"body": "Testing Successful.",
await, testdata)
return okMsg;
if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == DOWN) {
let downdata = {
"title": "UptimeKuma Alert: " + monitorJSON["name"],
"body": "[🔴 Down] " + heartbeatJSON["msg"] + "\nTime (UTC): " + heartbeatJSON["time"],
await, downdata)
return okMsg;
if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == UP) {
let updata = {
"title": "UptimeKuma Alert: " + monitorJSON["name"],
"body": "[✅ Up] " + heartbeatJSON["msg"] + "\nTime (UTC): " + heartbeatJSON["time"],
await, updata)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = LunaSea;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
const { DOWN, UP } = require("../../src/util");
class Mattermost extends NotificationProvider {
name = "mattermost";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
const mattermostUserName = notification.mattermostusername || "Uptime Kuma";
// If heartbeatJSON is null, assume we're testing.
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let mattermostTestData = {
username: mattermostUserName,
text: msg,
await, mattermostTestData)
return okMsg;
const mattermostChannel = notification.mattermostchannel;
const mattermostIconEmoji = notification.mattermosticonemo;
const mattermostIconUrl = notification.mattermosticonurl;
if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == DOWN) {
let mattermostdowndata = {
username: mattermostUserName,
text: "Uptime Kuma Alert",
channel: mattermostChannel,
icon_emoji: mattermostIconEmoji,
icon_url: mattermostIconUrl,
attachments: [
"Your " +
monitorJSON["name"] +
" service went down.",
color: "#FF0000",
"❌ " +
monitorJSON["name"] +
" service went down. ❌",
title_link: monitorJSON["url"],
fields: [
short: true,
title: "Service Name",
value: monitorJSON["name"],
short: true,
title: "Time (UTC)",
value: heartbeatJSON["time"],
short: false,
title: "Error",
value: heartbeatJSON["msg"],
return okMsg;
} else if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == UP) {
let mattermostupdata = {
username: mattermostUserName,
text: "Uptime Kuma Alert",
channel: mattermostChannel,
icon_emoji: mattermostIconEmoji,
icon_url: mattermostIconUrl,
attachments: [
"Your " +
monitorJSON["name"] +
" service went up!",
color: "#32CD32",
"✅ " +
monitorJSON["name"] +
" service went up! ✅",
title_link: monitorJSON["url"],
fields: [
short: true,
title: "Service Name",
value: monitorJSON["name"],
short: true,
title: "Time (UTC)",
value: heartbeatJSON["time"],
short: false,
title: "Ping",
value: heartbeatJSON["ping"] + "ms",
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Mattermost;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
class NotificationProvider {
* Notification Provider Name
* @type string
name = undefined;
* @param notification : BeanModel
* @param msg : string General Message
* @param monitorJSON : object Monitor details (For Up/Down only)
* @param heartbeatJSON : object Heartbeat details (For Up/Down only)
* @returns {Promise<string>} Return Successful Message
* Throw Error with fail msg
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
throw new Error("Have to override Notification.send(...)");
throwGeneralAxiosError(error) {
let msg = "Error: " + error + " ";
if (error.response && {
if (typeof === "string") {
msg +=;
} else {
msg += JSON.stringify(
throw new Error(msg)
module.exports = NotificationProvider;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
class Octopush extends NotificationProvider {
name = "octopush";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
let config = {
headers: {
"api-key": notification.octopushAPIKey,
"api-login": notification.octopushLogin,
"cache-control": "no-cache"
let data = {
"recipients": [
"phone_number": notification.octopushPhoneNumber
//octopush not supporting non ascii char
"text": msg.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, ""),
"type": notification.octopushSMSType,
"purpose": "alert",
"sender": notification.octopushSenderName
await"", data, config)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Octopush;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
const { DOWN, UP } = require("../../src/util");
class Pushbullet extends NotificationProvider {
name = "pushbullet";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
let pushbulletUrl = "";
let config = {
headers: {
"Access-Token": notification.pushbulletAccessToken,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let testdata = {
"type": "note",
"title": "Uptime Kuma Alert",
"body": "Testing Successful.",
await, testdata, config)
} else if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == DOWN) {
let downdata = {
"type": "note",
"title": "UptimeKuma Alert: " + monitorJSON["name"],
"body": "[🔴 Down] " + heartbeatJSON["msg"] + "\nTime (UTC): " + heartbeatJSON["time"],
await, downdata, config)
} else if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == UP) {
let updata = {
"type": "note",
"title": "UptimeKuma Alert: " + monitorJSON["name"],
"body": "[✅ Up] " + heartbeatJSON["msg"] + "\nTime (UTC): " + heartbeatJSON["time"],
await, updata, config)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Pushbullet;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
class Pushover extends NotificationProvider {
name = "pushover";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
let pushoverlink = ""
try {
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let data = {
"message": "<b>Uptime Kuma Pushover testing successful.</b>",
"user": notification.pushoveruserkey,
"token": notification.pushoverapptoken,
"sound": notification.pushoversounds,
"priority": notification.pushoverpriority,
"title": notification.pushovertitle,
"retry": "30",
"expire": "3600",
"html": 1,
await, data)
return okMsg;
let data = {
"message": "<b>Uptime Kuma Alert</b>\n\n<b>Message</b>:" + msg + "\n<b>Time (UTC)</b>:" + heartbeatJSON["time"],
"user": notification.pushoveruserkey,
"token": notification.pushoverapptoken,
"sound": notification.pushoversounds,
"priority": notification.pushoverpriority,
"title": notification.pushovertitle,
"retry": "30",
"expire": "3600",
"html": 1,
await, data)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Pushover;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
class Pushy extends NotificationProvider {
name = "pushy";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
await`${notification.pushyAPIKey}`, {
"to": notification.pushyToken,
"data": {
"message": "Uptime-Kuma"
"notification": {
"body": msg,
"badge": 1,
"sound": "ping.aiff"
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Pushy;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
class RocketChat extends NotificationProvider {
name = "";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let data = {
"text": "Uptime Kuma testing successful.",
"channel": notification.rocketchannel,
"username": notification.rocketusername,
"icon_emoji": notification.rocketiconemo,
await, data)
return okMsg;
const time = heartbeatJSON["time"];
let data = {
"text": "Uptime Kuma Alert",
"channel": notification.rocketchannel,
"username": notification.rocketusername,
"icon_emoji": notification.rocketiconemo,
"attachments": [
"title": "Uptime Kuma Alert *Time (UTC)*\n" + time,
"title_link": notification.rocketbutton,
"text": "*Message*\n" + msg,
"color": "#32cd32"
await, data)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = RocketChat;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
class Signal extends NotificationProvider {
name = "signal";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
let data = {
"message": msg,
"number": notification.signalNumber,
"recipients": notification.signalRecipients.replace(/\s/g, "").split(","),
let config = {};
await, data, config)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Signal;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
class Slack extends NotificationProvider {
name = "slack";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let data = {
"text": "Uptime Kuma Slack testing successful.",
"channel": notification.slackchannel,
"username": notification.slackusername,
"icon_emoji": notification.slackiconemo,
await, data)
return okMsg;
const time = heartbeatJSON["time"];
let data = {
"text": "Uptime Kuma Alert",
"channel": notification.slackchannel,
"username": notification.slackusername,
"icon_emoji": notification.slackiconemo,
"blocks": [{
"type": "header",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Uptime Kuma Alert",
"type": "section",
"fields": [{
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "*Message*\n" + msg,
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "*Time (UTC)*\n" + time,
"type": "actions",
"elements": [
"type": "button",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Visit Uptime Kuma",
"value": "Uptime-Kuma",
"url": notification.slackbutton || "",
await, data)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Slack;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
const nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
class SMTP extends NotificationProvider {
name = "smtp";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
const config = {
host: notification.smtpHost,
port: notification.smtpPort,
secure: notification.smtpSecure,
// Should fix the issue in
if (notification.smtpUsername || notification.smtpPassword) {
config.auth = {
user: notification.smtpUsername,
pass: notification.smtpPassword,
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(config);
let bodyTextContent = msg;
if (heartbeatJSON) {
bodyTextContent = `${msg}\nTime (UTC): ${heartbeatJSON["time"]}`;
// send mail with defined transport object
await transporter.sendMail({
from: notification.smtpFrom,
cc: notification.smtpCC,
bcc: notification.smtpBCC,
to: notification.smtpTo,
subject: msg,
text: bodyTextContent,
tls: {
rejectUnauthorized: notification.smtpIgnoreTLSError || false,
return "Sent Successfully.";
module.exports = SMTP;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
class Telegram extends NotificationProvider {
name = "telegram";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
await axios.get(`${notification.telegramBotToken}/sendMessage`, {
params: {
chat_id: notification.telegramChatID,
text: msg,
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
let msg = ( ? : "Error without description"
throw new Error(msg)
module.exports = Telegram;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
const NotificationProvider = require("./notification-provider");
const axios = require("axios");
const FormData = require("form-data");
class Webhook extends NotificationProvider {
name = "webhook";
async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. ";
try {
let data = {
heartbeat: heartbeatJSON,
monitor: monitorJSON,
let finalData;
let config = {};
if (notification.webhookContentType === "form-data") {
finalData = new FormData();
finalData.append("data", JSON.stringify(data));
config = {
headers: finalData.getHeaders(),
} else {
finalData = data;
await, finalData, config)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = Webhook;

View File

@ -1,242 +1,75 @@
const axios = require("axios");
const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const FormData = require("form-data"); const Apprise = require("./notification-providers/apprise");
const nodemailer = require("nodemailer"); const Discord = require("./notification-providers/discord");
const child_process = require("child_process"); const Gotify = require("./notification-providers/gotify");
const Line = require("./notification-providers/line");
const LunaSea = require("./notification-providers/lunasea");
const Mattermost = require("./notification-providers/mattermost");
const Octopush = require("./notification-providers/octopush");
const Pushbullet = require("./notification-providers/pushbullet");
const Pushover = require("./notification-providers/pushover");
const Pushy = require("./notification-providers/pushy");
const RocketChat = require("./notification-providers/rocket-chat");
const Signal = require("./notification-providers/signal");
const Slack = require("./notification-providers/slack");
const SMTP = require("./notification-providers/smtp");
const Telegram = require("./notification-providers/telegram");
const Webhook = require("./notification-providers/webhook");
class Notification { class Notification {
providerList = {};
static init() {
console.log("Prepare Notification Providers");
this.providerList = {};
const list = [
new Apprise(),
new Discord(),
new Gotify(),
new Line(),
new LunaSea(),
new Mattermost(),
new Octopush(),
new Pushbullet(),
new Pushover(),
new Pushy(),
new RocketChat(),
new Signal(),
new Slack(),
new SMTP(),
new Telegram(),
new Webhook(),
for (let item of list) {
if (! {
throw new Error("Notification provider without name");
if (this.providerList[]) {
throw new Error("Duplicate notification provider name");
this.providerList[] = item;
/** /**
* *
* @param notification * @param notification : BeanModel
* @param msg * @param msg : string General Message
* @param monitorJSON * @param monitorJSON : object Monitor details (For Up/Down only)
* @param heartbeatJSON * @param heartbeatJSON : object Heartbeat details (For Up/Down only)
* @returns {Promise<string>} Successful msg * @returns {Promise<string>} Successful msg
* Throw Error with fail msg * Throw Error with fail msg
*/ */
static async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) { static async send(notification, msg, monitorJSON = null, heartbeatJSON = null) {
let okMsg = "Sent Successfully. "; if (this.providerList[notification.type]) {
return this.providerList[notification.type].send(notification, msg, monitorJSON, heartbeatJSON);
if (notification.type === "telegram") {
try {
await axios.get(`${notification.telegramBotToken}/sendMessage`, {
params: {
chat_id: notification.telegramChatID,
text: msg,
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
let msg = ( ? : "Error without description"
throw new Error(msg)
} else if (notification.type === "gotify") {
try {
if (notification.gotifyserverurl && notification.gotifyserverurl.endsWith("/")) {
notification.gotifyserverurl = notification.gotifyserverurl.slice(0, -1);
await`${notification.gotifyserverurl}/message?token=${notification.gotifyapplicationToken}`, {
"message": msg,
"priority": notification.gotifyPriority || 8,
"title": "Uptime-Kuma",
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
} else if (notification.type === "webhook") {
try {
let data = {
heartbeat: heartbeatJSON,
monitor: monitorJSON,
let finalData;
let config = {};
if (notification.webhookContentType === "form-data") {
finalData = new FormData();
finalData.append("data", JSON.stringify(data));
config = {
headers: finalData.getHeaders(),
} else { } else {
finalData = data; throw new Error("Notification type is not supported");
await, finalData, config)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
} else if (notification.type === "smtp") {
return await Notification.smtp(notification, msg)
} else if (notification.type === "discord") {
try {
// If heartbeatJSON is null, assume we're testing.
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let data = {
username: "Uptime-Kuma",
content: msg,
await, data)
return okMsg;
// If heartbeatJSON is not null, we go into the normal alerting loop.
if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == 0) {
var alertColor = "16711680";
} else if (heartbeatJSON["status"] == 1) {
var alertColor = "65280";
let data = {
username: "Uptime-Kuma",
embeds: [{
title: "Uptime-Kuma Alert",
color: alertColor,
fields: [
name: "Time (UTC)",
value: heartbeatJSON["time"],
name: "Message",
value: msg,
await, data)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
} else if (notification.type === "signal") {
try {
let data = {
"message": msg,
"number": notification.signalNumber,
"recipients": notification.signalRecipients.replace(/\s/g, "").split(","),
let config = {};
await, data, config)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
} else if (notification.type === "slack") {
try {
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let data = {
"text": "Uptime Kuma Slack testing successful.",
"channel": notification.slackchannel,
"username": notification.slackusername,
"icon_emoji": notification.slackiconemo,
await, data)
return okMsg;
const time = heartbeatJSON["time"];
let data = {
"text": "Uptime Kuma Alert",
"channel": notification.slackchannel,
"username": notification.slackusername,
"icon_emoji": notification.slackiconemo,
"blocks": [{
"type": "header",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Uptime Kuma Alert",
"type": "section",
"fields": [{
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "*Message*\n" + msg,
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "*Time (UTC)*\n" + time,
"type": "actions",
"elements": [
"type": "button",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Visit Uptime Kuma",
"value": "Uptime-Kuma",
"url": notification.slackbutton || "",
await, data)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
} else if (notification.type === "pushover") {
let pushoverlink = ""
try {
if (heartbeatJSON == null) {
let data = {
"message": "<b>Uptime Kuma Pushover testing successful.</b>",
"user": notification.pushoveruserkey,
"token": notification.pushoverapptoken,
"sound": notification.pushoversounds,
"priority": notification.pushoverpriority,
"title": notification.pushovertitle,
"retry": "30",
"expire": "3600",
"html": 1,
await, data)
return okMsg;
let data = {
"message": "<b>Uptime Kuma Alert</b>\n\n<b>Message</b>:" + msg + "\n<b>Time (UTC)</b>:" + heartbeatJSON["time"],
"user": notification.pushoveruserkey,
"token": notification.pushoverapptoken,
"sound": notification.pushoversounds,
"priority": notification.pushoverpriority,
"title": notification.pushovertitle,
"retry": "30",
"expire": "3600",
"html": 1,
await, data)
return okMsg;
} catch (error) {
} else if (notification.type === "apprise") {
return Notification.apprise(notification, msg)
} else {
throw new Error("Notification type is not supported")
} }
} }
@ -259,8 +92,15 @@ class Notification { =; =;
bean.user_id = userID; bean.user_id = userID;
bean.config = JSON.stringify(notification) bean.config = JSON.stringify(notification);
bean.is_default = notification.isDefault || false;
await await
if (notification.applyExisting) {
await applyNotificationEveryMonitor(, userID);
return bean;
} }
static async delete(notificationID, userID) { static async delete(notificationID, userID) {
@ -276,46 +116,6 @@ class Notification {
await R.trash(bean) await R.trash(bean)
} }
static async smtp(notification, msg) {
let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: notification.smtpHost,
port: notification.smtpPort,
secure: notification.smtpSecure,
auth: {
user: notification.smtpUsername,
pass: notification.smtpPassword,
// send mail with defined transport object
await transporter.sendMail({
from: `"Uptime Kuma" <${notification.smtpFrom}>`,
to: notification.smtpTo,
subject: msg,
text: msg,
return "Sent Successfully.";
static async apprise(notification, msg) {
let s = child_process.spawnSync("apprise", [ "-vv", "-b", msg, notification.appriseURL])
let output = (s.stdout) ? s.stdout.toString() : "ERROR: maybe apprise not found";
if (output) {
if (! output.includes("ERROR")) {
return "Sent Successfully";
throw new Error(output)
} else {
return ""
static checkApprise() { static checkApprise() {
let commandExistsSync = require("command-exists").sync; let commandExistsSync = require("command-exists").sync;
let exists = commandExistsSync("apprise"); let exists = commandExistsSync("apprise");
@ -324,18 +124,24 @@ class Notification {
} }
function throwGeneralAxiosError(error) { async function applyNotificationEveryMonitor(notificationID, userID) {
let msg = "Error: " + error + " "; let monitors = await R.getAll("SELECT id FROM monitor WHERE user_id = ?", [
if (error.response && { for (let i = 0; i < monitors.length; i++) {
if (typeof === "string") { let checkNotification = await R.findOne("monitor_notification", " monitor_id = ? AND notification_id = ? ", [
msg +=; monitors[i].id,
} else { notificationID,
msg += JSON.stringify( ])
if (! checkNotification) {
let relation = R.dispense("monitor_notification");
relation.monitor_id = monitors[i].id;
relation.notification_id = notificationID;
} }
} }
throw new Error(msg)
} }
module.exports = { module.exports = {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const passwordHashOld = require("password-hash"); const passwordHashOld = require("password-hash");
const bcrypt = require("bcrypt"); const bcrypt = require("bcryptjs");
const saltRounds = 10; const saltRounds = 10;
exports.generate = function (password) { exports.generate = function (password) {

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
// //
// Fixed on Windows // Fixed on Windows
const net = require("net");
let spawn = require("child_process").spawn, const spawn = require("child_process").spawn;
events = require("events"), const events = require("events");
fs = require("fs"), const fs = require("fs");
WIN = /^win/.test(process.platform), const WIN = /^win/.test(process.platform);
LIN = /^linux/.test(process.platform), const LIN = /^linux/.test(process.platform);
MAC = /^darwin/.test(process.platform); const MAC = /^darwin/.test(process.platform);
const FBSD = /^freebsd/.test(process.platform);
module.exports = Ping; module.exports = Ping;
@ -20,18 +21,48 @@ function Ping(host, options) {;;
const timeout = 10;
if (WIN) { if (WIN) {
this._bin = "c:/windows/system32/ping.exe"; this._bin = "c:/windows/system32/ping.exe";
this._args = (options.args) ? options.args : [ "-n", "1", "-w", "5000", host ]; this._args = (options.args) ? options.args : [ "-n", "1", "-w", timeout * 1000, host ];
this._regmatch = /[><=]([0-9.]+?)ms/; this._regmatch = /[><=]([0-9.]+?)ms/;
} else if (LIN) { } else if (LIN) {
this._bin = "/bin/ping"; this._bin = "/bin/ping";
this._args = (options.args) ? options.args : [ "-n", "-w", "2", "-c", "1", host ];
this._regmatch = /=([0-9.]+?) ms/; // need to verify this const defaultArgs = [ "-n", "-w", timeout, "-c", "1", host ];
} else if (MAC) {
this._bin = "/sbin/ping"; if (net.isIPv6(host) || options.ipv6) {
this._args = (options.args) ? options.args : [ "-n", "-t", "2", "-c", "1", host ]; defaultArgs.unshift("-6");
this._args = (options.args) ? options.args : defaultArgs;
this._regmatch = /=([0-9.]+?) ms/; this._regmatch = /=([0-9.]+?) ms/;
} else if (MAC) {
if (net.isIPv6(host) || options.ipv6) {
this._bin = "/sbin/ping6";
} else {
this._bin = "/sbin/ping";
this._args = (options.args) ? options.args : [ "-n", "-t", timeout, "-c", "1", host ];
this._regmatch = /=([0-9.]+?) ms/;
} else if (FBSD) {
this._bin = "/sbin/ping";
const defaultArgs = [ "-n", "-t", timeout, "-c", "1", host ];
if (net.isIPv6(host) || options.ipv6) {
this._args = (options.args) ? options.args : defaultArgs;
this._regmatch = /=([0-9.]+?) ms/;
} else { } else {
throw new Error("Could not detect your ping binary."); throw new Error("Could not detect your ping binary.");
} }
@ -58,7 +89,9 @@ Ping.prototype.send = function(callback) {
return self.emit("result", ms); return self.emit("result", ms);
}; };
let _ended, _exited, _errored; let _ended;
let _exited;
let _errored;
this._ping = spawn(this._bin, this._args); // spawn the binary this._ping = spawn(this._bin, this._args); // spawn the binary
@ -90,9 +123,9 @@ Ping.prototype.send = function(callback) {
}); });
function onEnd() { function onEnd() {
let stdout = this.stdout._stdout, let stdout = this.stdout._stdout;
stderr = this.stderr._stderr, let stderr = this.stderr._stderr;
ms; let ms;
if (stderr) { if (stderr) {
return callback(new Error(stderr)); return callback(new Error(stderr));
@ -105,7 +138,7 @@ Ping.prototype.send = function(callback) {
ms = stdout.match(self._regmatch); // parse out the ##ms response ms = stdout.match(self._regmatch); // parse out the ##ms response
ms = (ms && ms[1]) ? Number(ms[1]) : ms; ms = (ms && ms[1]) ? Number(ms[1]) : ms;
callback(null, ms); callback(null, ms, stdout);
} }
}; };

View File

@ -1,22 +1,33 @@
const PrometheusClient = require('prom-client'); const PrometheusClient = require("prom-client");
const commonLabels = [ const commonLabels = [
'monitor_name', "monitor_name",
'monitor_type', "monitor_type",
'monitor_url', "monitor_url",
'monitor_hostname', "monitor_hostname",
'monitor_port', "monitor_port",
] ]
const monitor_cert_days_remaining = new PrometheusClient.Gauge({
name: "monitor_cert_days_remaining",
help: "The number of days remaining until the certificate expires",
labelNames: commonLabels
const monitor_cert_is_valid = new PrometheusClient.Gauge({
name: "monitor_cert_is_valid",
help: "Is the certificate still valid? (1 = Yes, 0= No)",
labelNames: commonLabels
const monitor_response_time = new PrometheusClient.Gauge({ const monitor_response_time = new PrometheusClient.Gauge({
name: 'monitor_response_time', name: "monitor_response_time",
help: 'Monitor Response Time (ms)', help: "Monitor Response Time (ms)",
labelNames: commonLabels labelNames: commonLabels
}); });
const monitor_status = new PrometheusClient.Gauge({ const monitor_status = new PrometheusClient.Gauge({
name: 'monitor_status', name: "monitor_status",
help: 'Monitor Status (1 = UP, 0= DOWN)', help: "Monitor Status (1 = UP, 0= DOWN)",
labelNames: commonLabels labelNames: commonLabels
}); });
@ -33,7 +44,27 @@ class Prometheus {
} }
} }
update(heartbeat) { update(heartbeat, tlsInfo) {
if (typeof tlsInfo !== "undefined") {
try {
let is_valid = 0
if (tlsInfo.valid == true) {
is_valid = 1
} else {
is_valid = 0
monitor_cert_is_valid.set(this.monitorLabelValues, is_valid)
} catch (e) {
try {
monitor_cert_days_remaining.set(this.monitorLabelValues, tlsInfo.daysRemaining)
} catch (e) {
try { try {
monitor_status.set(this.monitorLabelValues, heartbeat.status) monitor_status.set(this.monitorLabelValues, heartbeat.status)
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
@ -41,7 +72,7 @@ class Prometheus {
} }
try { try {
if (typeof === 'number') { if (typeof === "number") {
monitor_response_time.set(this.monitorLabelValues, monitor_response_time.set(this.monitorLabelValues,
} else { } else {
// Is it good? // Is it good?

View File

@ -1,34 +1,96 @@
console.log("Welcome to Uptime Kuma ") console.log("Welcome to Uptime Kuma");
console.log("Importing libraries") console.log("Node Env: " + process.env.NODE_ENV);
const express = require("express");
const http = require("http"); const { sleep, debug, TimeLogger, getRandomInt } = require("../src/util");
const { Server } = require("");
const dayjs = require("dayjs"); console.log("Importing Node libraries")
const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
const Monitor = require("./model/monitor");
const fs = require("fs"); const fs = require("fs");
const { getSettings } = require("./util-server"); const http = require("http");
const { Notification } = require("./notification") const https = require("https");
console.log("Importing 3rd-party libraries")
debug("Importing express");
const express = require("express");
const { Server } = require("");
debug("Importing redbean-node");
const { R } = require("redbean-node");
debug("Importing jsonwebtoken");
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
debug("Importing http-graceful-shutdown");
const gracefulShutdown = require("http-graceful-shutdown"); const gracefulShutdown = require("http-graceful-shutdown");
const Database = require("./database"); debug("Importing prometheus-api-metrics");
const { sleep } = require("../src/util");
const args = require("args-parser")(process.argv);
const prometheusAPIMetrics = require("prometheus-api-metrics"); const prometheusAPIMetrics = require("prometheus-api-metrics");
console.log("Importing this project modules");
debug("Importing Monitor");
const Monitor = require("./model/monitor");
debug("Importing Settings");
const { getSettings, setSettings, setting, initJWTSecret } = require("./util-server");
debug("Importing Notification");
const { Notification } = require("./notification");
debug("Importing Database");
const Database = require("./database");
const { basicAuth } = require("./auth"); const { basicAuth } = require("./auth");
const { login } = require("./auth"); const { login } = require("./auth");
const passwordHash = require("./password-hash"); const passwordHash = require("./password-hash");
const version = require("../package.json").version;
const hostname = || "" const args = require("args-parser")(process.argv);
const checkVersion = require("./check-version");"Version: " + checkVersion.version);
// If host is omitted, the server will accept connections on the unspecified IPv6 address (::) when IPv6 is available and the unspecified IPv4 address ( otherwise.
// Dual-stack support for (::)
const hostname = process.env.HOST ||;
const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT || args.port || 3001); const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT || args.port || 3001);"Version: " + version) // SSL
const sslKey = process.env.SSL_KEY || args["ssl-key"] || undefined;
const sslCert = process.env.SSL_CERT || args["ssl-cert"] || undefined;
// Demo Mode?
const demoMode = args["demo"] || false;
if (demoMode) {
console.log("==== Demo Mode ====");
// Data Directory (must be end with "/")
Database.dataDir = process.env.DATA_DIR || args["data-dir"] || "./data/";
Database.path = Database.dataDir + "kuma.db";
if (! fs.existsSync(Database.dataDir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(Database.dataDir, { recursive: true });
console.log(`Data Dir: ${Database.dataDir}`);
console.log("Creating express and instance") console.log("Creating express and instance")
const app = express(); const app = express();
const server = http.createServer(app);
let server;
if (sslKey && sslCert) {
console.log("Server Type: HTTPS");
server = https.createServer({
key: fs.readFileSync(sslKey),
cert: fs.readFileSync(sslCert)
}, app);
} else {
console.log("Server Type: HTTP");
server = http.createServer(app);
const io = new Server(server); const io = new Server(server);
app.use(express.json()) = io;
// Must be after io instantiation
const { sendNotificationList, sendHeartbeatList, sendImportantHeartbeatList } = require("./client");
/** /**
* Total WebSocket client connected to server currently, no actual use * Total WebSocket client connected to server currently, no actual use
@ -67,24 +129,35 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
// Normal Router here // Normal Router here
app.use("/", express.static("dist")); // Robots.txt
app.get("/robots.txt", async (_request, response) => {
let txt = "User-agent: *\nDisallow:";
if (! await setting("searchEngineIndex")) {
txt += " /";
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
// Basic Auth Router here // Basic Auth Router here
// Prometheus API metrics /metrics // Prometheus API metrics /metrics
// With Basic Auth using the first user's username/password // With Basic Auth using the first user's username/password
app.get("/metrics", basicAuth, prometheusAPIMetrics()) app.get("/metrics", basicAuth, prometheusAPIMetrics());
app.use("/", express.static("dist"));
// Universal Route Handler, must be at the end // Universal Route Handler, must be at the end
app.get("*", function(request, response, next) { app.get("*", async (_request, response) => {
response.end(indexHTML) response.send(indexHTML);
}); });
console.log("Adding socket handler") console.log("Adding socket handler")
io.on("connection", async (socket) => { io.on("connection", async (socket) => {
socket.emit("info", { socket.emit("info", {
version, version: checkVersion.version,
latestVersion: checkVersion.latestVersion,
}) })
totalClient++; totalClient++;
@ -114,7 +187,11 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
]) ])
if (user) { if (user) {
await afterLogin(socket, user) debug("afterLogin")
afterLogin(socket, user)
debug("afterLogin ok")
callback({ callback({
ok: true, ok: true,
@ -140,7 +217,7 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
let user = await login(data.username, data.password) let user = await login(data.username, data.password)
if (user) { if (user) {
await afterLogin(socket, user) afterLogin(socket, user)
callback({ callback({
ok: true, ok: true,
@ -197,6 +274,7 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
// Auth Only API // Auth Only API
// *************************** // ***************************
// Add a new monitor
socket.on("add", async (monitor, callback) => { socket.on("add", async (monitor, callback) => {
try { try {
checkLogin(socket) checkLogin(socket)
@ -205,6 +283,9 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
let notificationIDList = monitor.notificationIDList; let notificationIDList = monitor.notificationIDList;
delete monitor.notificationIDList; delete monitor.notificationIDList;
monitor.accepted_statuscodes_json = JSON.stringify(monitor.accepted_statuscodes);
delete monitor.accepted_statuscodes;
bean.import(monitor) bean.import(monitor)
bean.user_id = socket.userID bean.user_id = socket.userID
await await
@ -228,6 +309,7 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
} }
}); });
// Edit a monitor
socket.on("editMonitor", async (monitor, callback) => { socket.on("editMonitor", async (monitor, callback) => {
try { try {
checkLogin(socket) checkLogin(socket)
@ -246,6 +328,12 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
bean.maxretries = monitor.maxretries; bean.maxretries = monitor.maxretries;
bean.port = monitor.port; bean.port = monitor.port;
bean.keyword = monitor.keyword; bean.keyword = monitor.keyword;
bean.ignoreTls = monitor.ignoreTls;
bean.upsideDown = monitor.upsideDown;
bean.maxredirects = monitor.maxredirects;
bean.accepted_statuscodes_json = JSON.stringify(monitor.accepted_statuscodes);
bean.dns_resolve_type = monitor.dns_resolve_type;
bean.dns_resolve_server = monitor.dns_resolve_server;
await await
@ -380,10 +468,7 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
if (user && passwordHash.verify(password.currentPassword, user.password)) { if (user && passwordHash.verify(password.currentPassword, user.password)) {
await R.exec("UPDATE `user` SET password = ? WHERE id = ? ", [ user.resetPassword(password.newPassword);
callback({ callback({
ok: true, ok: true,
@ -401,13 +486,32 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
} }
}); });
socket.on("getSettings", async (type, callback) => { socket.on("getSettings", async (callback) => {
try { try {
checkLogin(socket) checkLogin(socket)
callback({ callback({
ok: true, ok: true,
data: await getSettings(type), data: await getSettings("general"),
} catch (e) {
ok: false,
msg: e.message,
socket.on("setSettings", async (data, callback) => {
try {
await setSettings("general", data)
ok: true,
msg: "Saved"
}); });
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
@ -423,12 +527,13 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
try { try {
checkLogin(socket) checkLogin(socket)
await, notificationID, socket.userID) let notificationBean = await, notificationID, socket.userID)
await sendNotificationList(socket) await sendNotificationList(socket)
callback({ callback({
ok: true, ok: true,
msg: "Saved", msg: "Saved",
}); });
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
@ -488,18 +593,191 @@ let indexHTML = fs.readFileSync("./dist/index.html").toString();
callback(false); callback(false);
} }
}); });
socket.on("uploadBackup", async (uploadedJSON, callback) => {
try {
let backupData = JSON.parse(uploadedJSON);
console.log(`Importing Backup, User ID: ${socket.userID}, Version: ${backupData.version}`)
let notificationList = backupData.notificationList;
let monitorList = backupData.monitorList;
if (notificationList.length >= 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < notificationList.length; i++) {
let notification = JSON.parse(notificationList[i].config);
await, null, socket.userID)
if (monitorList.length >= 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < monitorList.length; i++) {
let monitor = {
name: monitorList[i].name,
type: monitorList[i].type,
url: monitorList[i].url,
interval: monitorList[i].interval,
hostname: monitorList[i].hostname,
maxretries: monitorList[i].maxretries,
port: monitorList[i].port,
keyword: monitorList[i].keyword,
ignoreTls: monitorList[i].ignoreTls,
upsideDown: monitorList[i].upsideDown,
maxredirects: monitorList[i].maxredirects,
accepted_statuscodes: monitorList[i].accepted_statuscodes,
dns_resolve_type: monitorList[i].dns_resolve_type,
dns_resolve_server: monitorList[i].dns_resolve_server,
notificationIDList: {},
let bean = R.dispense("monitor")
let notificationIDList = monitor.notificationIDList;
delete monitor.notificationIDList;
monitor.accepted_statuscodes_json = JSON.stringify(monitor.accepted_statuscodes);
delete monitor.accepted_statuscodes;
bean.user_id = socket.userID
await updateMonitorNotification(, notificationIDList)
if (monitorList[i].active == 1) {
await startMonitor(socket.userID,;
} else {
await pauseMonitor(socket.userID,;
await sendNotificationList(socket)
await sendMonitorList(socket);
ok: true,
msg: "Backup successfully restored.",
} catch (e) {
ok: false,
msg: e.message,
socket.on("clearEvents", async (monitorID, callback) => {
try {
console.log(`Clear Events Monitor: ${monitorID} User ID: ${socket.userID}`)
await R.exec("UPDATE heartbeat SET msg = ?, important = ? WHERE monitor_id = ? ", [
await sendImportantHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID, true, true);
ok: true,
} catch (e) {
ok: false,
msg: e.message,
socket.on("clearHeartbeats", async (monitorID, callback) => {
try {
console.log(`Clear Heartbeats Monitor: ${monitorID} User ID: ${socket.userID}`)
await R.exec("DELETE FROM heartbeat WHERE monitor_id = ?", [
await sendHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID, true, true);
ok: true,
} catch (e) {
ok: false,
msg: e.message,
socket.on("clearStatistics", async (callback) => {
try {
console.log(`Clear Statistics User ID: ${socket.userID}`)
await R.exec("DELETE FROM heartbeat");
ok: true,
} catch (e) {
ok: false,
msg: e.message,
debug("added all socket handlers")
// ***************************
// Better do anything after added all socket handlers here
// ***************************
debug("check auto login")
if (await setting("disableAuth")) {
console.log("Disabled Auth: auto login to admin")
afterLogin(socket, await R.findOne("user"))
} else {
debug("need auth")
console.log("Init the server")
server.once("error", async (err) => {
console.error("Cannot listen: " + err.message);
await Database.close();
}); });
server.listen(port, hostname, () => { server.listen(port, hostname, () => {
if (hostname) {
console.log(`Listening on ${hostname}:${port}`); console.log(`Listening on ${hostname}:${port}`);
} else {
console.log(`Listening on ${port}`);
startMonitors(); startMonitors();
}); });
})(); })();
async function updateMonitorNotification(monitorID, notificationIDList) { async function updateMonitorNotification(monitorID, notificationIDList) {
R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor_notification WHERE monitor_id = ? ", [ await R.exec("DELETE FROM monitor_notification WHERE monitor_id = ? ", [
monitorID, monitorID,
]) ])
@ -530,39 +808,32 @@ async function sendMonitorList(socket) {
return list; return list;
} }
async function sendNotificationList(socket) {
let result = [];
let list = await R.find("notification", " user_id = ? ", [
for (let bean of list) {
}"notificationList", result)
return list;
async function afterLogin(socket, user) { async function afterLogin(socket, user) {
socket.userID =; socket.userID =;
socket.join( socket.join(
let monitorList = await sendMonitorList(socket) let monitorList = await sendMonitorList(socket)
await sleep(500);
for (let monitorID in monitorList) { for (let monitorID in monitorList) {
sendHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID); await sendHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID);
sendImportantHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID);
Monitor.sendStats(io, monitorID,
} }
sendNotificationList(socket) for (let monitorID in monitorList) {
await sendImportantHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID);
for (let monitorID in monitorList) {
await Monitor.sendStats(io, monitorID,
} }
async function getMonitorJSONList(userID) { async function getMonitorJSONList(userID) {
let result = {}; let result = {};
let monitorList = await R.find("monitor", " user_id = ? ", [ let monitorList = await R.find("monitor", " user_id = ? ORDER BY weight DESC, name", [
userID, userID,
]) ])
@ -586,32 +857,22 @@ async function initDatabase() {
} }
console.log("Connecting to Database") console.log("Connecting to Database")
R.setup("sqlite", { await Database.connect();
filename: Database.path,
console.log("Connected") console.log("Connected")
// Patch the database // Patch the database
await Database.patch() await Database.patch()
// Auto map the model to a bean object
await R.autoloadModels("./server/model");
let jwtSecretBean = await R.findOne("setting", " `key` = ? ", [ let jwtSecretBean = await R.findOne("setting", " `key` = ? ", [
"jwtSecret", "jwtSecret",
]); ]);
if (! jwtSecretBean) { if (! jwtSecretBean) {
console.log("JWT secret is not found, generate one.") console.log("JWT secret is not found, generate one.");
jwtSecretBean = R.dispense("setting") jwtSecretBean = await initJWTSecret();
jwtSecretBean.key = "jwtSecret" console.log("Stored JWT secret into database");
jwtSecretBean.value = passwordHash.generate(dayjs() + "")
console.log("Stored JWT secret into database")
} else { } else {
console.log("Load JWT secret from database.") console.log("Load JWT secret from database.");
} }
// If there is no record in user table, it is a new Uptime Kuma instance, need to setup // If there is no record in user table, it is a new Uptime Kuma instance, need to setup
@ -671,43 +932,14 @@ async function startMonitors() {
let list = await R.find("monitor", " active = 1 ") let list = await R.find("monitor", " active = 1 ")
for (let monitor of list) { for (let monitor of list) {
monitorList[] = monitor; monitorList[] = monitor;
} }
for (let monitor of list) {
// Give some delays, so all monitors won't make request at the same moment when just start the server.
await sleep(getRandomInt(300, 1000));
} }
* Send Heartbeat History list to socket
async function sendHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID) {
let list = await R.find("heartbeat", `
monitor_id = ?
`, [
let result = [];
for (let bean of list) {
socket.emit("heartbeatList", monitorID, result)
async function sendImportantHeartbeatList(socket, monitorID) {
let list = await R.find("heartbeat", `
monitor_id = ?
AND important = 1
`, [
socket.emit("importantHeartbeatList", monitorID, list)
} }
async function shutdownFunction(signal) { async function shutdownFunction(signal) {
@ -721,11 +953,10 @@ async function shutdownFunction(signal) {
} }
await sleep(2000); await sleep(2000);
await Database.close(); await Database.close();
console.log("Stopped DB")
} }
function finalFunction() { function finalFunction() {
console.log("Graceful Shutdown Done") console.log("Graceful shutdown successfully!");
} }
gracefulShutdown(server, { gracefulShutdown(server, {
@ -736,3 +967,9 @@ gracefulShutdown(server, {
onShutdown: shutdownFunction, // shutdown function (async) - e.g. for cleanup DB, ... onShutdown: shutdownFunction, // shutdown function (async) - e.g. for cleanup DB, ...
finally: finalFunction, // finally function (sync) - e.g. for logging finally: finalFunction, // finally function (sync) - e.g. for logging
}); });
// Catch unexpected errors here
process.addListener("unhandledRejection", (error, promise) => {
console.error("If you keep encountering errors, please report to");

View File

@ -1,6 +1,29 @@
const tcpp = require("tcp-ping"); const tcpp = require("tcp-ping");
const Ping = require("./ping-lite"); const Ping = require("./ping-lite");
const { R } = require("redbean-node"); const { R } = require("redbean-node");
const { debug } = require("../src/util");
const passwordHash = require("./password-hash");
const dayjs = require("dayjs");
const { Resolver } = require("dns");
* Init or reset JWT secret
* @returns {Promise<Bean>}
exports.initJWTSecret = async () => {
let jwtSecretBean = await R.findOne("setting", " `key` = ? ", [
if (! jwtSecretBean) {
jwtSecretBean = R.dispense("setting");
jwtSecretBean.key = "jwtSecret";
jwtSecretBean.value = passwordHash.generate(dayjs() + "");
return jwtSecretBean;
exports.tcping = function (hostname, port) { exports.tcping = function (hostname, port) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
@ -23,15 +46,30 @@ exports.tcping = function (hostname, port) {
}); });
} } = function (hostname) { = async (hostname) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try {
const ping = new Ping(hostname); return await exports.pingAsync(hostname);
} catch (e) {
// If the host cannot be resolved, try again with ipv6
if (e.message.includes("service not known")) {
return await exports.pingAsync(hostname, true);
} else {
throw e;
ping.send(function(err, ms) { exports.pingAsync = function (hostname, ipv6 = false) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ping = new Ping(hostname, {
ping.send(function (err, ms, stdout) {
if (err) { if (err) {
reject(err) reject(err);
} else if (ms === null) { } else if (ms === null) {
reject(new Error("timeout")) reject(new Error(stdout))
} else { } else {
resolve(Math.round(ms)) resolve(Math.round(ms))
} }
@ -39,10 +77,42 @@ = function (hostname) {
}); });
} }
exports.dnsResolve = function (hostname, resolver_server, rrtype) {
const resolver = new Resolver();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (rrtype == "PTR") {
resolver.reverse(hostname, (err, records) => {
if (err) {
} else {
} else {
resolver.resolve(hostname, rrtype, (err, records) => {
if (err) {
} else {
exports.setting = async function (key) { exports.setting = async function (key) {
return await R.getCell("SELECT `value` FROM setting WHERE `key` = ? ", [ let value = await R.getCell("SELECT `value` FROM setting WHERE `key` = ? ", [
key, key,
]) ]);
try {
const v = JSON.parse(value);
debug(`Get Setting: ${key}: ${v}`)
return v;
} catch (e) {
return value;
} }
exports.setSetting = async function (key, value) { exports.setSetting = async function (key, value) {
@ -53,24 +123,53 @@ exports.setSetting = async function (key, value) {
bean = R.dispense("setting") bean = R.dispense("setting")
bean.key = key; bean.key = key;
} }
bean.value = value; bean.value = JSON.stringify(value);
await await
} }
exports.getSettings = async function (type) { exports.getSettings = async function (type) {
let list = await R.getAll("SELECT * FROM setting WHERE `type` = ? ", [ let list = await R.getAll("SELECT `key`, `value` FROM setting WHERE `type` = ? ", [
type, type,
]) ])
let result = {}; let result = {};
for (let row of list) { for (let row of list) {
try {
result[row.key] = JSON.parse(row.value);
} catch (e) {
result[row.key] = row.value; result[row.key] = row.value;
} }
return result; return result;
} }
exports.setSettings = async function (type, data) {
let keyList = Object.keys(data);
let promiseList = [];
for (let key of keyList) {
let bean = await R.findOne("setting", " `key` = ? ", [
if (bean == null) {
bean = R.dispense("setting");
bean.type = type;
bean.key = key;
if (bean.type === type) {
bean.value = JSON.stringify(data[key]);
await Promise.all(promiseList);
// ssl-checker by @dyaa // ssl-checker by @dyaa
// param: res - response object from axios // param: res - response object from axios
// return an object containing the certificate information // return an object containing the certificate information
@ -120,3 +219,55 @@ exports.checkCertificate = function (res) {
fingerprint, fingerprint,
}; };
} }
// Check if the provided status code is within the accepted ranges
// Param: status - the status code to check
// Param: accepted_codes - an array of accepted status codes
// Return: true if the status code is within the accepted ranges, false otherwise
// Will throw an error if the provided status code is not a valid range string or code string
exports.checkStatusCode = function (status, accepted_codes) {
if (accepted_codes == null || accepted_codes.length === 0) {
return false;
for (const code_range of accepted_codes) {
const code_range_split = code_range.split("-").map(string => parseInt(string));
if (code_range_split.length === 1) {
if (status === code_range_split[0]) {
return true;
} else if (code_range_split.length === 2) {
if (status >= code_range_split[0] && status <= code_range_split[1]) {
return true;
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid status code range");
return false;
exports.getTotalClientInRoom = (io, roomName) => {
const sockets = io.sockets;
if (! sockets) {
return 0;
const adapter = sockets.adapter;
if (! adapter) {
return 0;
const room = adapter.rooms.get(roomName);
if (room) {
return room.size;
} else {
return 0;

View File

@ -5,9 +5,45 @@
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@ -29,10 +65,226 @@
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--bs-table-accent-bg: #070a10;
color: $dark-font-color;
.nav-pills, .nav-pills .show > .nav-link {
color: $dark-font-color2;
.bg-primary {
color: $dark-font-color2;
.btn-secondary {
color: white;
.btn-warning {
color: $dark-font-color2;
&:hover, &:active, &:focus, &.active {
color: $dark-font-color2;
.btn-close {
box-shadow: none;
filter: invert(1);
&:hover {
opacity: 0.6;
.modal-header {
border-color: $dark-bg;
.modal-footer {
border-color: $dark-bg;
// Pagination
.page-item.disabled .page-link {
background-color: $dark-bg;
border-color: $dark-border-color;
.page-link {
background-color: $dark-bg;
border-color: $dark-border-color;
color: $dark-font-color;
// Multiselect
.multiselect__tags {
background-color: $dark-bg2;
border-color: $dark-border-color;
.multiselect__input, .multiselect__single {
background-color: $dark-bg2;
color: $dark-font-color;
.multiselect__content-wrapper {
background-color: $dark-bg2;
border-color: $dark-border-color;
.multiselect--above .multiselect__content-wrapper {
border-color: $dark-border-color;
.multiselect__option--selected {
background-color: $dark-bg;
@media (max-width: 550px) {
.table-shadow-box {
tbody {
.shadow-box {
background-color: $dark-bg2;
td {
border-bottom: 1px solid $dark-border-color;
* Transitions
// page-change
.slide-fade-enter-active {
transition: all 0.2s $easing-in;
.slide-fade-leave-active {
transition: all 0.2s $easing-in;
.slide-fade-leave-to {
transform: translateY(50px);
opacity: 0;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
$primary: #5CDD8B; $primary: #5cdd8b;
$danger: #DC3545; $danger: #dc3545;
$warning: #f8a306; $warning: #f8a306;
$link-color: #111; $link-color: #111;
$border-radius: 50rem; $border-radius: 50rem;
$highlight: #7ce8a4; $highlight: #7ce8a4;
$highlight-white: #e7faec; $highlight-white: #e7faec;
$dark-font-color: #b1b8c0;
$dark-font-color2: #020b05;
$dark-bg: #0d1117;
$dark-bg2: #070a10;
$dark-border-color: #1d2634;
$easing-in: cubic-bezier(0.54, 0.78, 0.55, 0.97);
$easing-out: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94);
$easing-in-out: cubic-bezier(0.79, 0.14, 0.15, 0.86);
$dropdown-border-radius: 0.5rem;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header"> <div class="modal-header">
<h5 id="exampleModalLabel" class="modal-title"> <h5 id="exampleModalLabel" class="modal-title">
Confirm {{ $t("Confirm") }}
</h5> </h5>
<button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close" /> <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close" />
</div> </div>
@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
</div> </div>
<div class="modal-footer"> <div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn" :class="btnStyle" data-bs-dismiss="modal" @click="yes"> <button type="button" class="btn" :class="btnStyle" data-bs-dismiss="modal" @click="yes">
Yes {{ yesText }}
</button> </button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-dismiss="modal"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-dismiss="modal">
No {{ noText }}
</button> </button>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
@ -33,6 +33,14 @@ export default {
type: String, type: String,
default: "btn-primary", default: "btn-primary",
}, },
yesText: {
type: String,
default: "Yes", // TODO: No idea what to translate this
noText: {
type: String,
default: "No",
}, },
data: () => ({ data: () => ({
modal: null, modal: null,

View File

@ -22,15 +22,11 @@ export default {
computed: { computed: {
displayText() { displayText() {
if (this.value !== undefined && this.value !== "") {
let format = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss";
if (this.dateOnly) { if (this.dateOnly) {
format = "YYYY-MM-DD"; return this.$;
} else {
return this.$root.datetime(this.value);
} }
return dayjs.utc(this.value).tz(this.$root.timezone).format(format);
return "";
}, },
}, },
} }

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
class="beat" class="beat"
:class="{ 'empty' : (beat === 0), 'down' : (beat.status === 0), 'pending' : (beat.status === 2) }" :class="{ 'empty' : (beat === 0), 'down' : (beat.status === 0), 'pending' : (beat.status === 2) }"
:style="beatStyle" :style="beatStyle"
:title="beat.msg" :title="getBeatTitle(beat)"
/> />
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
@ -21,14 +21,17 @@ export default {
type: String, type: String,
default: "big", default: "big",
}, },
monitorId: Number, monitorId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
}, },
data() { data() {
return { return {
beatWidth: 10, beatWidth: 10,
beatHeight: 30, beatHeight: 30,
hoverScale: 1.5, hoverScale: 1.5,
beatMargin: 3, // Odd number only, even = blurry beatMargin: 4,
move: false, move: false,
maxBeat: -1, maxBeat: -1,
} }
@ -36,14 +39,15 @@ export default {
computed: { computed: {
beatList() { beatList() {
if (! (this.monitorId in this.$root.heartbeatList)) {
this.$root.heartbeatList[this.monitorId] = [];
return this.$root.heartbeatList[this.monitorId] return this.$root.heartbeatList[this.monitorId]
}, },
shortBeatList() { shortBeatList() {
let placeholders = [] if (! this.beatList) {
return [];
let placeholders = [];
let start = this.beatList.length - this.maxBeat; let start = this.beatList.length - this.maxBeat;
@ -113,11 +117,30 @@ export default {
unmounted() { unmounted() {
window.removeEventListener("resize", this.resize); window.removeEventListener("resize", this.resize);
}, },
beforeMount() {
if (! (this.monitorId in this.$root.heartbeatList)) {
this.$root.heartbeatList[this.monitorId] = [];
mounted() { mounted() {
if (this.size === "small") { if (this.size === "small") {
this.beatWidth = 5.6; this.beatWidth = 5;
this.beatMargin = 2.4; this.beatHeight = 16;
this.beatHeight = 16 this.beatMargin = 2;
// Suddenly, have an idea how to handle it universally.
// If the pixel * ratio != Integer, then it causes render issue, round it to solve it!!
const actualWidth = this.beatWidth * window.devicePixelRatio;
const actualMargin = this.beatMargin * window.devicePixelRatio;
if (! Number.isInteger(actualWidth)) {
this.beatWidth = Math.round(actualWidth) / window.devicePixelRatio;
if (! Number.isInteger(actualMargin)) {
this.beatMargin = Math.round(actualMargin) / window.devicePixelRatio;
} }
window.addEventListener("resize", this.resize); window.addEventListener("resize", this.resize);
@ -129,11 +152,15 @@ export default {
this.maxBeat = Math.floor(this.$refs.wrap.clientWidth / (this.beatWidth + this.beatMargin * 2)) this.maxBeat = Math.floor(this.$refs.wrap.clientWidth / (this.beatWidth + this.beatMargin * 2))
} }
}, },
getBeatTitle(beat) {
return `${this.$root.datetime(beat.time)} - ${beat.msg}`;
}, },
} }
</script> </script>
<style scoped lang="scss"> <style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "../assets/vars.scss"; @import "../assets/vars.scss";
.wrap { .wrap {
@ -168,4 +195,10 @@ export default {
} }
} }
.dark {
.hp-bar-big .beat.empty {
background-color: #848484;
</style> </style>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
<div class="input-group mb-3">
<a v-if="visibility == 'password'" class="btn btn-outline-primary" @click="showInput()">
<font-awesome-icon icon="eye" />
<a v-if="visibility == 'text'" class="btn btn-outline-primary" @click="hideInput()">
<font-awesome-icon icon="eye-slash" />
export default {
props: {
modelValue: {
type: String,
default: ""
placeholder: {
type: String,
default: ""
maxlength: {
type: Number,
default: 255
autocomplete: {
type: String,
default: undefined,
required: {
type: Boolean
readonly: {
type: String,
default: undefined,
data() {
return {
visibility: "password",
computed: {
model: {
get() {
return this.modelValue
set(value) {
this.$emit("update:modelValue", value)
created() {
methods: {
showInput() {
this.visibility = "text";
hideInput() {
this.visibility = "password";

View File

@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
<div class="form-floating"> <div class="form-floating">
<input id="floatingInput" v-model="username" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Username"> <input id="floatingInput" v-model="username" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Username">
<label for="floatingInput">Username</label> <label for="floatingInput">{{ $t("Username") }}</label>
</div> </div>
<div class="form-floating mt-3"> <div class="form-floating mt-3">
<input id="floatingPassword" v-model="password" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Password"> <input id="floatingPassword" v-model="password" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Password">
<label for="floatingPassword">Password</label> <label for="floatingPassword">{{ $t("Password") }}</label>
</div> </div>
<div class="form-check mb-3 mt-3 d-flex justify-content-center pe-4"> <div class="form-check mb-3 mt-3 d-flex justify-content-center pe-4">
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
<input id="remember" v-model="$root.remember" type="checkbox" value="remember-me" class="form-check-input"> <input id="remember" v-model="$root.remember" type="checkbox" value="remember-me" class="form-check-input">
<label class="form-check-label" for="remember"> <label class="form-check-label" for="remember">
Remember me {{ $t("Remember me") }}
</label> </label>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<button class="w-100 btn btn-primary" type="submit" :disabled="processing"> <button class="w-100 btn btn-primary" type="submit" :disabled="processing">
Login {{ $t("Login") }}
</button> </button>
<div v-if="res && !res.ok" class="alert alert-danger mt-3" role="alert"> <div v-if="res && !res.ok" class="alert alert-danger mt-3" role="alert">

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
<div class="shadow-box list mb-3" :class="{ scrollbar: scrollbar }">
<div v-if="Object.keys($root.monitorList).length === 0" class="text-center mt-3">
{{ $t("No Monitors, please") }} <router-link to="/add">{{ $t("add one") }}</router-link>
<router-link v-for="(item, index) in sortedMonitorList" :key="index" :to="monitorURL(" class="item" :class="{ 'disabled': ! }">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 col-md-8 small-padding" :class="{ 'monitorItem': $root.userHeartbeatBar == 'bottom' || $root.userHeartbeatBar == 'none' }">
<div class="info">
<Uptime :monitor="item" type="24" :pill="true" />
{{ }}
<div v-show="$root.userHeartbeatBar == 'normal'" :key="$root.userHeartbeatBar" class="col-6 col-md-4">
<HeartbeatBar size="small" :monitor-id="" />
<div v-if="$root.userHeartbeatBar == 'bottom'" class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<HeartbeatBar size="small" :monitor-id="" />
import HeartbeatBar from "../components/HeartbeatBar.vue";
import Uptime from "../components/Uptime.vue";
export default {
components: {
props: {
scrollbar: {
type: Boolean,
computed: {
sortedMonitorList() {
let result = Object.values(this.$root.monitorList);
result.sort((m1, m2) => {
if ( !== {
if ( === 0) {
return 1;
if ( === 0) {
return -1;
if (m1.weight !== m2.weight) {
if (m1.weight > m2.weight) {
return -1;
if (m1.weight < m2.weight) {
return 1;
return result;
methods: {
monitorURL(id) {
return "/dashboard/" + id;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "../assets/vars.scss";
.small-padding {
padding-left: 5px !important;
padding-right: 5px !important;
.list {
&.scrollbar {
min-height: calc(100vh - 240px);
max-height: calc(100vh - 30px);
overflow-y: auto;
position: sticky;
top: 10px;
.item {
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 13px 15px 10px 15px;
border-radius: 10px;
transition: all ease-in-out 0.15s;
&.disabled {
opacity: 0.3;
.info {
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
&:hover {
background-color: $highlight-white;
&.active {
background-color: #cdf8f4;
.dark {
.list {
.item {
&:hover {
background-color: $dark-bg2;
&.active {
background-color: $dark-bg2;
.monitorItem {
width: 100%;

View File

@ -5,87 +5,41 @@
<div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header"> <div class="modal-header">
<h5 id="exampleModalLabel" class="modal-title"> <h5 id="exampleModalLabel" class="modal-title">
Setup Notification {{ $t("Setup Notification") }}
</h5> </h5>
<button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close" /> <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close" />
</div> </div>
<div class="modal-body"> <div class="modal-body">
<div class="mb-3"> <div class="mb-3">
<label for="type" class="form-label">Notification Type</label> <label for="notification-type" class="form-label">{{ $t("Notification Type") }}</label>
<select id="type" v-model="notification.type" class="form-select"> <select id="notification-type" v-model="notification.type" class="form-select">
<option value="telegram"> <option value="telegram">Telegram</option>
Telegram <option value="webhook">Webhook</option>
</option> <option value="smtp">{{ $t("Email") }} (SMTP)</option>
<option value="webhook"> <option value="discord">Discord</option>
Webhook <option value="signal">Signal</option>
</option> <option value="gotify">Gotify</option>
<option value="smtp"> <option value="slack">Slack</option>
Email (SMTP) <option value=""></option>
</option> <option value="pushover">Pushover</option>
<option value="discord"> <option value="pushy">Pushy</option>
Discord <option value="octopush">Octopush</option>
</option> <option value="lunasea">LunaSea</option>
<option value="signal"> <option value="apprise">Apprise (Support 50+ Notification services)</option>
Signal <option value="pushbullet">Pushbullet</option>
</option> <option value="line">Line Messenger</option>
<option value="gotify"> <option value="mattermost">Mattermost</option>
<option value="slack">
<option value="pushover">
<option value="apprise">
Apprise (Support 50+ Notification services)
</select> </select>
</div> </div>
<div class="mb-3"> <div class="mb-3">
<label for="name" class="form-label">Friendly Name</label> <label for="notification-name" class="form-label">{{ $t("Friendly Name") }}</label>
<input id="name" v-model="" type="text" class="form-control" required> <input id="notification-name" v-model="" type="text" class="form-control" required>
</div> </div>
<template v-if="notification.type === 'telegram'"> <Telegram v-if="notification.type === 'telegram'" />
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="telegram-bot-token" class="form-label">Bot Token</label>
<input id="telegram-bot-token" v-model="notification.telegramBotToken" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<div class="form-text">
You can get a token from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.
<div class="mb-3"> <!-- TODO: Convert all into vue components, but not an easy task. -->
<label for="telegram-chat-id" class="form-label">Chat ID</label>
<div class="input-group mb-3">
<input id="telegram-chat-id" v-model="notification.telegramChatID" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<button v-if="notification.telegramBotToken" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" type="button" @click="autoGetTelegramChatID">
Auto Get
<div class="form-text">
Support Direct Chat / Group / Channel's Chat ID
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
You can get your chat id by sending message to the bot and go to this url to view the chat_id:
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
<template v-if="notification.telegramBotToken">
<a :href="telegramGetUpdatesURL" target="_blank" style="word-break: break-word;">{{ telegramGetUpdatesURL }}</a>
<template v-else>
{{ telegramGetUpdatesURL }}
<template v-if="notification.type === 'webhook'"> <template v-if="notification.type === 'webhook'">
<div class="mb-3"> <div class="mb-3">
@ -111,49 +65,7 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<template v-if="notification.type === 'smtp'"> <SMTP v-if="notification.type === 'smtp'" />
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="hostname" class="form-label">Hostname</label>
<input id="hostname" v-model="notification.smtpHost" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="port" class="form-label">Port</label>
<input id="port" v-model="notification.smtpPort" type="number" class="form-control" required min="0" max="65535" step="1">
<div class="mb-3">
<div class="form-check">
<input id="secure" v-model="notification.smtpSecure" class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="">
<label class="form-check-label" for="secure">
<div class="form-text">
Generally, true for 465, false for other ports.
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="username" class="form-label">Username</label>
<input id="username" v-model="notification.smtpUsername" type="text" class="form-control" autocomplete="false">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="password" class="form-label">Password</label>
<input id="password" v-model="notification.smtpPassword" type="password" class="form-control" autocomplete="false">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="from-email" class="form-label">From Email</label>
<input id="from-email" v-model="notification.smtpFrom" type="email" class="form-control" required autocomplete="false">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="to-email" class="form-label">To Email</label>
<input id="to-email" v-model="notification.smtpTo" type="email" class="form-control" required autocomplete="false">
<template v-if="notification.type === 'discord'"> <template v-if="notification.type === 'discord'">
<div class="mb-3"> <div class="mb-3">
@ -163,6 +75,11 @@
You can get this by going to Server Settings -> Integrations -> Create Webhook You can get this by going to Server Settings -> Integrations -> Create Webhook
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="discord-username" class="form-label">Bot Display Name</label>
<input id="discord-username" v-model="notification.discordUsername" type="text" class="form-control" autocomplete="false" :placeholder="$root.appName">
</template> </template>
<template v-if="notification.type === 'signal'"> <template v-if="notification.type === 'signal'">
@ -201,7 +118,7 @@
<template v-if="notification.type === 'gotify'"> <template v-if="notification.type === 'gotify'">
<div class="mb-3"> <div class="mb-3">
<label for="gotify-application-token" class="form-label">Application Token</label> <label for="gotify-application-token" class="form-label">Application Token</label>
<input id="gotify-application-token" v-model="notification.gotifyapplicationToken" type="text" class="form-control" required> <HiddenInput id="gotify-application-token" v-model="notification.gotifyapplicationToken" :required="true" autocomplete="one-time-code"></HiddenInput>
</div> </div>
<div class="mb-3"> <div class="mb-3">
<label for="gotify-server-url" class="form-label">Server URL</label> <label for="gotify-server-url" class="form-label">Server URL</label>
@ -246,12 +163,123 @@
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<template v-if="notification.type === ''">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="rocket-webhook-url" class="form-label">Webhook URL<span style="color: red;"><sup>*</sup></span></label>
<input id="rocket-webhook-url" v-model="notification.rocketwebhookURL" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<label for="rocket-username" class="form-label">Username</label>
<input id="rocket-username" v-model="notification.rocketusername" type="text" class="form-control">
<label for="rocket-iconemo" class="form-label">Icon Emoji</label>
<input id="rocket-iconemo" v-model="notification.rocketiconemo" type="text" class="form-control">
<label for="rocket-channel" class="form-label">Channel Name</label>
<input id="rocket-channel-name" v-model="notification.rocketchannel" type="text" class="form-control">
<label for="rocket-button-url" class="form-label">Uptime Kuma URL</label>
<input id="rocket-button" v-model="notification.rocketbutton" type="text" class="form-control">
<div class="form-text">
<span style="color: red;"><sup>*</sup></span>Required
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
More info about webhooks on: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
Enter the channel name on Channel Name field if you want to bypass the webhook channel. Ex: #other-channel
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
If you leave the Uptime Kuma URL field blank, it will default to the Project Github page.
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
Emoji cheat sheet: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<template v-if="notification.type === 'mattermost'">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="mattermost-webhook-url" class="form-label">Webhook URL<span style="color:red;"><sup>*</sup></span></label>
<input id="mattermost-webhook-url" v-model="notification.mattermostWebhookUrl" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<label for="mattermost-username" class="form-label">Username</label>
<input id="mattermost-username" v-model="notification.mattermostusername" type="text" class="form-control">
<label for="mattermost-iconurl" class="form-label">Icon URL</label>
<input id="mattermost-iconurl" v-model="notification.mattermosticonurl" type="text" class="form-control">
<label for="mattermost-iconemo" class="form-label">Icon Emoji</label>
<input id="mattermost-iconemo" v-model="notification.mattermosticonemo" type="text" class="form-control">
<label for="mattermost-channel" class="form-label">Channel Name</label>
<input id="mattermost-channel-name" v-model="notification.mattermostchannel" type="text" class="form-control">
<div class="form-text">
<span style="color:red;"><sup>*</sup></span>Required
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
More info about webhooks on: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
You can override the default channel that webhook posts to by entering the channel name into "Channel Name" field. This needs to be enabled in Mattermost webhook settings. Ex: #other-channel
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
If you leave the Uptime Kuma URL field blank, it will default to the Project Github page.
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
You can provide a link to a picture in "Icon URL" to override the default profile picture. Will not be used if Icon Emoji is set.
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
Emoji cheat sheet: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> Note: emoji takes preference over Icon URL.
<template v-if="notification.type === 'pushy'">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="pushy-app-token" class="form-label">API_KEY</label>
<HiddenInput id="pushy-app-token" v-model="notification.pushyAPIKey" :required="true" autocomplete="one-time-code"></HiddenInput>
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="pushy-user-key" class="form-label">USER_TOKEN</label>
<div class="input-group mb-3">
<HiddenInput id="pushy-user-key" v-model="notification.pushyToken" :required="true" autocomplete="one-time-code"></HiddenInput>
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
More info on: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<template v-if="notification.type === 'octopush'">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="octopush-key" class="form-label">API KEY</label>
<HiddenInput id="octopush-key" v-model="notification.octopushAPIKey" :required="true" autocomplete="one-time-code"></HiddenInput>
<label for="octopush-login" class="form-label">API LOGIN</label>
<input id="octopush-login" v-model="notification.octopushLogin" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="octopush-type-sms" class="form-label">SMS Type</label>
<select id="octopush-type-sms" v-model="notification.octopushSMSType" class="form-select">
<option value="sms_premium">Premium (Fast - recommended for alerting)</option>
<option value="sms_low_cost">Low Cost (Slow, sometimes blocked by operator)</option>
<div class="form-text">
Check octopush prices <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="octopush-phone-number" class="form-label">Phone number (intl format, eg : +33612345678) </label>
<input id="octopush-phone-number" v-model="notification.octopushPhoneNumber" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="octopush-sender-name" class="form-label">SMS Sender Name : 3-11 alphanumeric characters and space (a-zA-Z0-9)</label>
<input id="octopush-sender-name" v-model="notification.octopushSenderName" type="text" minlength="3" maxlength="11" class="form-control">
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
More info on: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<template v-if="notification.type === 'pushover'"> <template v-if="notification.type === 'pushover'">
<div class="mb-3"> <div class="mb-3">
<label for="pushover-user" class="form-label">User Key<span style="color: red;"><sup>*</sup></span></label> <label for="pushover-user" class="form-label">User Key<span style="color: red;"><sup>*</sup></span></label>
<input id="pushover-user" v-model="notification.pushoveruserkey" type="text" class="form-control" required> <HiddenInput id="pushover-user" v-model="notification.pushoveruserkey" :required="true" autocomplete="one-time-code"></HiddenInput>
<label for="pushover-app-token" class="form-label">Application Token<span style="color: red;"><sup>*</sup></span></label> <label for="pushover-app-token" class="form-label">Application Token<span style="color: red;"><sup>*</sup></span></label>
<input id="pushover-app-token" v-model="notification.pushoverapptoken" type="text" class="form-control" required> <HiddenInput id="pushover-app-token" v-model="notification.pushoverapptoken" :required="true" autocomplete="one-time-code"></HiddenInput>
<label for="pushover-device" class="form-label">Device</label> <label for="pushover-device" class="form-label">Device</label>
<input id="pushover-device" v-model="notification.pushoverdevice" type="text" class="form-control"> <input id="pushover-device" v-model="notification.pushoverdevice" type="text" class="form-control">
<label for="pushover-device" class="form-label">Message Title</label> <label for="pushover-device" class="form-label">Message Title</label>
@ -319,20 +347,84 @@
<p> <p>
Status: Status:
<span v-if="appriseInstalled" class="text-primary">Apprise is installed</span> <span v-if="appriseInstalled" class="text-primary">Apprise is installed</span>
<span v-else class="text-danger">Apprise is not installed. <a href="">Read more</a></span> <span v-else class="text-danger">Apprise is not installed. <a href="" target="_blank">Read more</a></span>
</p> </p>
</div> </div>
</template> </template>
<template v-if="notification.type === 'lunasea'">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="lunasea-device" class="form-label">LunaSea Device ID<span style="color: red;"><sup>*</sup></span></label>
<input id="lunasea-device" v-model="notification.lunaseaDevice" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<div class="form-text">
<p><span style="color: red;"><sup>*</sup></span>Required</p>
</div> </div>
<template v-if="notification.type === 'pushbullet'">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="pushbullet-access-token" class="form-label">Access Token</label>
<HiddenInput id="pushbullet-access-token" v-model="notification.pushbulletAccessToken" :required="true" autocomplete="one-time-code"></HiddenInput>
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
More info on: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<template v-if="notification.type === 'line'">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="line-channel-access-token" class="form-label">Channel access token</label>
<HiddenInput id="line-channel-access-token" v-model="notification.lineChannelAccessToken" :required="true" autocomplete="one-time-code"></HiddenInput>
<div class="form-text">
Line Developers Console - <b>Basic Settings</b>
<div class="mb-3" style="margin-top: 12px;">
<label for="line-user-id" class="form-label">User ID</label>
<input id="line-user-id" v-model="notification.lineUserID" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<div class="form-text">
Line Developers Console - <b>Messaging API</b>
<div class="form-text" style="margin-top: 8px;">
First access the <a href="" target="_blank">Line Developers Console</a>, create a provider and channel (Messaging API), then you can get the channel access token and user id from the above mentioned menu items.
<!-- DEPRECATED! Please create vue component in "./src/components/notifications/{notification name}.vue" -->
<div class="mb-3 mt-4">
<hr class="dropdown-divider mb-4">
<div class="form-check form-switch">
<input v-model="notification.isDefault" class="form-check-input" type="checkbox">
<label class="form-check-label">{{ $t("Default enabled") }}</label>
<div class="form-text">
{{ $t("enableDefaultNotificationDescription") }}
<div class="form-check form-switch">
<input v-model="notification.applyExisting" class="form-check-input" type="checkbox">
<label class="form-check-label">{{ $t("Also apply to existing monitors") }}</label>
<div class="modal-footer"> <div class="modal-footer">
<button v-if="id" type="button" class="btn btn-danger" :disabled="processing" @click="deleteConfirm"> <button v-if="id" type="button" class="btn btn-danger" :disabled="processing" @click="deleteConfirm">
Delete {{ $t("Delete") }}
</button> </button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" :disabled="processing" @click="test"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" :disabled="processing" @click="test">
Test {{ $t("Test") }}
</button> </button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" :disabled="processing"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" :disabled="processing">
Save <div v-if="processing" class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm me-1"></div>
{{ $t("Save") }}
</button> </button>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
@ -340,24 +432,29 @@
</div> </div>
</form> </form>
<Confirm ref="confirmDelete" btn-style="btn-danger" @yes="deleteNotification"> <Confirm ref="confirmDelete" btn-style="btn-danger" :yes-text="$t('Yes')" :no-text="$t('No')" @yes="deleteNotification">
Are you sure want to delete this notification for all monitors? {{ $t("deleteNotificationMsg") }}
</Confirm> </Confirm>
</template> </template>
<script lang="ts"> <script lang="ts">
import { Modal } from "bootstrap" import { Modal } from "bootstrap"
import { ucfirst } from "../util.ts" import { ucfirst } from "../util.ts"
import axios from "axios";
import { useToast } from "vue-toastification"
import Confirm from "./Confirm.vue"; import Confirm from "./Confirm.vue";
const toast = useToast() import HiddenInput from "./HiddenInput.vue";
import Telegram from "./notifications/Telegram.vue";
import SMTP from "./notifications/SMTP.vue";
export default { export default {
components: { components: {
Confirm, Confirm,
}, },
props: {}, props: {},
emits: ["added"],
data() { data() {
return { return {
model: null, model: null,
@ -366,22 +463,13 @@ export default {
notification: { notification: {
name: "", name: "",
type: null, type: null,
gotifyPriority: 8, isDefault: false,
// Do not set default value here, please scroll to show()
}, },
appriseInstalled: false, appriseInstalled: false,
} }
}, },
computed: {
telegramGetUpdatesURL() {
let token = "<YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE>"
if (this.notification.telegramBotToken) {
token = this.notification.telegramBotToken;
return `${token}/getUpdates`;
watch: { watch: {
"notification.type"(to, from) { "notification.type"(to, from) {
let oldName; let oldName;
@ -426,11 +514,13 @@ export default {
this.notification = { this.notification = {
name: "", name: "",
type: null, type: null,
isDefault: false,
} }
// Default set to Telegram // Set Default value here
this.notification.type = "telegram" this.notification.type = "telegram";
this.notification.gotifyPriority = 8 this.notification.gotifyPriority = 8;
this.notification.smtpSecure = false;
} }
@ -443,7 +533,13 @@ export default {
this.processing = false; this.processing = false;
if (res.ok) { if (res.ok) {
this.modal.hide() this.modal.hide();
// Emit added event, doesn't emit edit.
if (! {
} }
}) })
}, },
@ -467,32 +563,16 @@ export default {
} }
}) })
}, },
async autoGetTelegramChatID() {
try {
let res = await axios.get(this.telegramGetUpdatesURL)
if ( >= 1) {
let update =[ - 1]
if (update.channel_post) {
this.notification.telegramChatID =;
} else if (update.message) {
this.notification.telegramChatID =;
} else {
throw new Error("Chat ID is not found, please send a message to this bot first")
} else {
throw new Error("Chat ID is not found, please send a message to this bot first")
} catch (error) {
}, },
} }
</script> </script>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "../assets/vars.scss";
.dark {
.modal-dialog .form-text, .modal-dialog p {
color: $dark-font-color;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
<LineChart :chart-data="chartData" :options="chartOptions" />
import { BarController, BarElement, Chart, Filler, LinearScale, LineController, LineElement, PointElement, TimeScale, Tooltip } from "chart.js";
import dayjs from "dayjs";
import utc from "dayjs/plugin/utc";
import timezone from "dayjs/plugin/timezone";
import "chartjs-adapter-dayjs";
import { LineChart } from "vue-chart-3";
Chart.register(LineController, BarController, LineElement, PointElement, TimeScale, BarElement, LinearScale, Tooltip, Filler);
export default {
components: { LineChart },
props: {
monitorId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
data() {
return {
// Configurable filtering on top of the returned data
chartPeriodHrs: 6,
computed: {
chartOptions() {
return {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
onResize: (chart) => { = "relative";
if (screen.width < 576) { = "275px";
} else if (screen.width < 768) { = "320px";
} else if (screen.width < 992) { = "300px";
} else { = "250px";
layout: {
padding: {
left: 10,
right: 30,
top: 30,
bottom: 10,
elements: {
point: {
// Hide points on chart unless mouse-over
radius: 0,
hitRadius: 100,
scales: {
x: {
type: "time",
time: {
minUnit: "minute",
round: "second",
tooltipFormat: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
displayFormats: {
minute: "HH:mm",
hour: "MM-DD HH:mm",
ticks: {
maxRotation: 0,
autoSkipPadding: 30,
grid: {
color: this.$root.theme === "light" ? "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)" : "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)",
offset: false,
y: {
title: {
display: true,
text: this.$t("respTime"),
offset: false,
grid: {
color: this.$root.theme === "light" ? "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)" : "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)",
y1: {
display: false,
position: "right",
grid: {
drawOnChartArea: false,
min: 0,
max: 1,
offset: false,
bounds: "ticks",
plugins: {
tooltip: {
mode: "nearest",
intersect: false,
padding: 10,
backgroundColor: this.$root.theme === "light" ? "rgba(212,232,222,1.0)" : "rgba(32,42,38,1.0)",
bodyColor: this.$root.theme === "light" ? "rgba(12,12,18,1.0)" : "rgba(220,220,220,1.0)",
titleColor: this.$root.theme === "light" ? "rgba(12,12,18,1.0)" : "rgba(220,220,220,1.0)",
filter: function (tooltipItem) {
return tooltipItem.datasetIndex === 0; // Hide tooltip on Bar Chart
callbacks: {
label: (context) => {
return ` ${new Intl.NumberFormat().format(context.parsed.y)} ms`
legend: {
display: false,
chartData() {
let pingData = []; // Ping Data for Line Chart, y-axis contains ping time
let downData = []; // Down Data for Bar Chart, y-axis is 1 if target is down, 0 if target is up
if (this.monitorId in this.$root.heartbeatList) {
(beat) => dayjs.utc(beat.time).tz(this.$root.timezone).isAfter(dayjs().subtract(this.chartPeriodHrs, "hours")))
.map((beat) => {
const x = this.$root.datetime(beat.time);
y: beat.status === 0 ? 1 : 0,
return {
datasets: [
// Line Chart
data: pingData,
fill: "origin",
tension: 0.2,
borderColor: "#5CDD8B",
backgroundColor: "#5CDD8B38",
yAxisID: "y",
// Bar Chart
type: "bar",
data: downData,
borderColor: "#00000000",
backgroundColor: "#DC354568",
yAxisID: "y1",
barThickness: "flex",
barPercentage: 1,
categoryPercentage: 1,

View File

@ -27,18 +27,18 @@ export default {
text() { text() {
if (this.status === 0) { if (this.status === 0) {
return "Down" return this.$t("Down");
} }
if (this.status === 1) { if (this.status === 1) {
return "Up" return this.$t("Up");
} }
if (this.status === 2) { if (this.status === 2) {
return "Pending" return this.$t("Pending");
} }
return "Unknown" return this.$t("Unknown");
}, },
}, },
} }
@ -46,6 +46,6 @@ export default {
<style scoped> <style scoped>
span { span {
width: 54px; width: 64px;
} }
</style> </style>

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export default {
return Math.round(this.$root.uptimeList[key] * 10000) / 100 + "%"; return Math.round(this.$root.uptimeList[key] * 10000) / 100 + "%";
} }
return "N/A" return this.$t("notAvailableShort")
}, },
color() { color() {
@ -61,3 +61,9 @@ export default {
}, },
} }
</script> </script>
.badge {
min-width: 62px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="hostname" class="form-label">{{ $t("Hostname") }}</label>
<input id="hostname" v-model="$parent.notification.smtpHost" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="port" class="form-label">{{ $t("Port") }}</label>
<input id="port" v-model="$parent.notification.smtpPort" type="number" class="form-control" required min="0" max="65535" step="1">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="secure" class="form-label">Secure</label>
<select id="secure" v-model="$parent.notification.smtpSecure" class="form-select">
<option :value="false">None / STARTTLS (25, 587)</option>
<option :value="true">TLS (465)</option>
<div class="mb-3">
<div class="form-check">
<input id="ignore-tls-error" v-model="$parent.notification.smtpIgnoreTLSError" class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="">
<label class="form-check-label" for="ignore-tls-error">
Ignore TLS Error
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="username" class="form-label">{{ $t("Username") }}</label>
<input id="username" v-model="$parent.notification.smtpUsername" type="text" class="form-control" autocomplete="false">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="password" class="form-label">{{ $t("Password") }}</label>
<HiddenInput id="password" v-model="$parent.notification.smtpPassword" :required="true" autocomplete="one-time-code"></HiddenInput>
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="from-email" class="form-label">From Email</label>
<input id="from-email" v-model="$parent.notification.smtpFrom" type="text" class="form-control" required autocomplete="false" placeholder="&quot;Uptime Kuma&quot; &lt;;">
<div class="form-text">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="to-email" class="form-label">To Email</label>
<input id="to-email" v-model="$parent.notification.smtpTo" type="text" class="form-control" required autocomplete="false" placeholder=",">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="to-cc" class="form-label">CC</label>
<input id="to-cc" v-model="$parent.notification.smtpCC" type="text" class="form-control" autocomplete="false">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="to-bcc" class="form-label">BCC</label>
<input id="to-bcc" v-model="$parent.notification.smtpBCC" type="text" class="form-control" autocomplete="false">
import HiddenInput from "../HiddenInput.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
name: "smtp",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="telegram-bot-token" class="form-label">Bot Token</label>
<HiddenInput id="telegram-bot-token" v-model="$parent.notification.telegramBotToken" :required="true" autocomplete="one-time-code"></HiddenInput>
<div class="form-text">
You can get a token from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="telegram-chat-id" class="form-label">Chat ID</label>
<div class="input-group mb-3">
<input id="telegram-chat-id" v-model="$parent.notification.telegramChatID" type="text" class="form-control" required>
<button v-if="$parent.notification.telegramBotToken" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" type="button" @click="autoGetTelegramChatID">
{{ $t("Auto Get") }}
<div class="form-text">
Support Direct Chat / Group / Channel's Chat ID
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
You can get your chat id by sending message to the bot and go to this url to view the chat_id:
<p style="margin-top: 8px;">
<template v-if="$parent.notification.telegramBotToken">
<a :href="telegramGetUpdatesURL" target="_blank" style="word-break: break-word;">{{ telegramGetUpdatesURL }}</a>
<template v-else>
{{ telegramGetUpdatesURL }}
import HiddenInput from "../HiddenInput.vue";
import axios from "axios";
import { useToast } from "vue-toastification"
const toast = useToast();
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
name: "telegram",
computed: {
telegramGetUpdatesURL() {
let token = "<YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE>"
if (this.$parent.notification.telegramBotToken) {
token = this.$parent.notification.telegramBotToken;
return `${token}/getUpdates`;
mounted() {
methods: {
async autoGetTelegramChatID() {
try {
let res = await axios.get(this.telegramGetUpdatesURL)
if ( >= 1) {
let update =[ - 1]
if (update.channel_post) {
this.notification.telegramChatID =;
} else if (update.message) {
this.notification.telegramChatID =;
} else {
throw new Error("Chat ID is not found, please send a message to this bot first")
} else {
throw new Error("Chat ID is not found, please send a message to this bot first")
} catch (error) {

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import { library } from "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core" import { library } from "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core"
import { faCog, faEdit, faList, faPause, faPlay, faPlus, faTachometerAlt, faTrash } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons" import { faCog, faEdit, faPlus, faPause, faPlay, faTachometerAlt, faTrash, faList, faArrowAltCircleUp, faEye, faEyeSlash } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"
//import { fa } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons' //import { fa } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome" import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome"
// Add Free Font Awesome Icons here // Add Free Font Awesome Icons here
// //
library.add(faCog, faTachometerAlt, faEdit, faPlus, faPause, faPlay, faTrash, faList) library.add(faCog, faEdit, faPlus, faPause, faPlay, faTachometerAlt, faTrash, faList, faArrowAltCircleUp, faEye, faEyeSlash);
export { FontAwesomeIcon } export { FontAwesomeIcon }

src/languages/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# How to translate
1. Fork this repo.
2. Create a language file. (e.g. `zh-TW.js`) The filename must be ISO language code:
3. `npm run update-language-files --base-lang=de-DE`
6. Your language file should be filled in. You can translate now.
7. Translate `src/pages/Settings.vue` (search for a `Confirm` component with `rel="confirmDisableAuth"`).
8. Import your language file in `src/main.js` and add it to `languageList` constant.
9. Make a [pull request]( when you have done.
One of good examples:
If you do not have programming skills, let me know in [Issues section]( I will assist you. 😏

src/languages/da-DK.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
export default {
languageName: "Danish",
Settings: "Indstillinger",
Dashboard: "Dashboard",
"New Update": "Opdatering tilgængelig",
Language: "Sprog",
Appearance: "Udseende",
Theme: "Tema",
General: "Generelt",
Version: "Version",
"Check Update On GitHub": "Tjek efter opdateringer på Github",
List: "Liste",
Add: "Tilføj",
"Add New Monitor": "Tilføj ny Overvåger",
"Quick Stats": "Oversigt",
Up: "Aktiv",
Down: "Inaktiv",
Pending: "Afventer",
Unknown: "Ukendt",
Pause: "Pause",
pauseDashboardHome: "Pauset",
Name: "Navn",
Status: "Status",
DateTime: "Dato / Tid",
Message: "Beskeder",
"No important events": "Inden vigtige begivenheder",
Resume: "Fortsæt",
Edit: "Rediger",
Delete: "Slet",
Current: "Aktuelt",
Uptime: "Oppetid",
"Cert Exp.": "Certifikatets udløb",
days: "Dage",
day: "Dag",
"-day": "-Dage",
hour: "Timer",
"-hour": "-Timer",
checkEverySecond: "Tjek hvert {0} sekund",
"Avg.": "Gennemsnit",
Response: " Respons",
Ping: "Ping",
"Monitor Type": "Overvåger Type",
Keyword: "Nøgleord",
"Friendly Name": "Visningsnavn",
Hostname: "Hostname",
Port: "Port",
"Heartbeat Interval": "Taktinterval",
Retries: "Gentagelser",
retriesDescription: "Maksimalt antal gentagelser, før tjenesten markeres som inaktiv og sender en meddelelse.",
Advanced: "Avanceret",
ignoreTLSError: "Ignorere TLS/SSL web fejl",
"Upside Down Mode": "Omvendt tilstand",
upsideDownModeDescription: "Håndter tilstanden omvendt. Hvis tjenesten er tilgængelig, vises den som inaktiv.",
"Max. Redirects": "Maks. Omdirigeringer",
maxRedirectDescription: "Maksimalt antal omdirigeringer, der skal følges. Indstil til 0 for at deaktivere omdirigeringer.",
"Accepted Status Codes": "Tilladte HTTP-Statuskoder",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "Vælg de statuskoder, der stadig skal vurderes som vellykkede.",
Save: "Gem",
Notifications: "Underretninger",
"Not available, please setup.": "Ikke tilgængelige, opsæt venligst.",
"Setup Notification": "Opsæt underretninger",
Light: "Lys",
Dark: "Mørk",
Auto: "Auto",
"Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "Tema - Tidslinje",
Normal: "Normal",
Bottom: "Bunden",
None: "Ingen",
Timezone: "Tidszone",
"Search Engine Visibility": "Søgemaskine synlighed",
"Allow indexing": "Tillad indeksering",
"Discourage search engines from indexing site": "Frabed søgemaskiner at indeksere webstedet",
"Change Password": "Ændre adgangskode",
"Current Password": "Nuværende adgangskode",
"New Password": "Ny adgangskode",
"Repeat New Password": "Gentag den nye adgangskode",
passwordNotMatchMsg: "Adgangskoderne er ikke ens.",
"Update Password": "Opdater adgangskode",
"Disable Auth": "Deaktiver autentificering",
"Enable Auth": "Aktiver autentificering",
Logout: "Log ud",
notificationDescription: "Tildel underretninger til Overvåger(e), så denne funktion træder i kraft.",
Leave: "Verlassen",
"I understand, please disable": "Jeg er indforstået, deaktiver venligst",
Confirm: "Bekræft",
Yes: "Ja",
No: "Nej",
Username: "Brugernavn",
Password: "Adgangskode",
"Remember me": "Husk mig",
Login: "Log ind",
"No Monitors, please": "Ingen Overvågere",
"add one": "tilføj en",
"Notification Type": "Underretningstype",
Email: "E-Mail",
Test: "Test",
"Certificate Info": "Certifikatoplysninger",
keywordDescription: "Søg efter et søgeord i almindelig HTML- eller JSON -output. Bemærk, at der skelnes mellem store og små bogstaver.",
deleteMonitorMsg: "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette overvågeren?",
deleteNotificationMsg: "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne underretning for alle overvågere? ",
resoverserverDescription: "Cloudflare er standardserveren, den kan til enhver tid ændres.",
"Resolver Server": "Navne-server",
rrtypeDescription: "Vælg den type RR, du vil overvåge.",
"Last Result": "Seneste resultat",
pauseMonitorMsg: "Er du sikker på, at du vil pause Overvågeren?",
"Create your admin account": "Opret din administratorkonto",
"Repeat Password": "Gentag adgangskoden",
"Resource Record Type": "Resource Record Type",
respTime: "Resp. Time (ms)",
notAvailableShort: "N/A",
Create: "Create",
clearEventsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete all events for this monitor?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete all heartbeats for this monitor?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete ALL statistics?",
"Clear Data": "Clear Data",
Events: "Events",
Heartbeats: "Heartbeats",
"Auto Get": "Auto Get",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription: "For every new monitor this notification will be enabled by default. You can still disable the notification separately for each monitor.",
"Default enabled": "Default enabled",
"Also apply to existing monitors": "Also apply to existing monitors",
"Import/Export Backup": "Import/Export Backup",
Export: "Export",
Import: "Import",
backupDescription: "You can backup all monitors and all notifications into a JSON file.",
backupDescription2: "PS: History and event data is not included.",
backupDescription3: "Sensitive data such as notification tokens is included in the export file, please keep it carefully.",
alertNoFile: "Please select a file to import.",
alertWrongFileType: "Please select a JSON file."

src/languages/de-DE.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
export default {
languageName: "German",
Settings: "Einstellungen",
Dashboard: "Dashboard",
"New Update": "Update Verfügbar",
Language: "Sprache",
Appearance: "Erscheinung",
Theme: "Thema",
General: "Allgemein",
Version: "Version",
"Check Update On GitHub": "Überprüfen von Updates auf Github",
List: "Liste",
Add: "Hinzufügen",
"Add New Monitor": "Neuer Monitor",
"Quick Stats": "Übersicht",
Up: "Aktiv",
Down: "Inaktiv",
Pending: "Ausstehend",
Unknown: "Unbekannt",
Pause: "Pausieren",
pauseDashboardHome: "Pausiert",
Name: "Name",
Status: "Status",
DateTime: "Datum / Uhrzeit",
Message: "Nachricht",
"No important events": "Keine wichtigen Ereignisse",
Resume: "Fortsetzen",
Edit: "Bearbeiten",
Delete: "Löschen",
Current: "Aktuell",
Uptime: "Verfügbarkeit",
"Cert Exp.": "Zertifikatsablauf",
days: "Tage",
day: "Tag",
"-day": "-Tage",
hour: "Stunde",
"-hour": "-Stunden",
checkEverySecond: "Überprüfe alle {0} Sekunden",
"Avg.": "Durchschn. ",
Response: " Antwortzeit",
Ping: "Ping",
"Monitor Type": "Monitor Typ",
Keyword: "Schlüsselwort",
"Friendly Name": "Anzeigename",
Hostname: "Hostname",
Port: "Port",
"Heartbeat Interval": "Taktintervall",
Retries: "Wiederholungen",
retriesDescription: "Maximale Anzahl von Wiederholungen, bevor der Dienst als inaktiv markiert und eine Benachrichtigung gesendet wird.",
Advanced: "Erweitert",
ignoreTLSError: "Ignoriere TLS/SSL Fehler von Webseiten",
"Upside Down Mode": "Umgedrehter Modus",
upsideDownModeDescription: "Drehe den Modus um, ist der Dienst erreichbar, wird er als Inaktiv angezeigt.",
"Max. Redirects": "Max. Weiterleitungen",
maxRedirectDescription: "Maximale Anzahl von Weiterleitungen, denen gefolgt werden soll. Setzte auf 0, um Weiterleitungen zu deaktivieren.",
"Accepted Status Codes": "Erlaubte HTTP-Statuscodes",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "Wähle die Statuscodes aus, welche trotzdem als erfolgreich gewertet werden sollen.",
Save: "Speichern",
Notifications: "Benachrichtigungen",
"Not available, please setup.": "Keine verfügbar, bitte einrichten.",
"Setup Notification": "Benachrichtigung einrichten",
Light: "Hell",
Dark: "Dunkel",
Auto: "Auto",
"Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "Thema - Taktleiste",
Normal: "Normal",
Bottom: "Unten",
None: "Keine",
Timezone: "Zeitzone",
"Search Engine Visibility": "Suchmaschinensichtbarkeit",
"Allow indexing": "Indizierung zulassen",
"Discourage search engines from indexing site": "Halte Suchmaschinen von der Indexierung der Seite ab",
"Change Password": "Passwort ändern",
"Current Password": "Dezeitiges Passwort",
"New Password": "Neues Passwort",
"Repeat New Password": "Wiederhole neues Passwort",
passwordNotMatchMsg: "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein. ",
"Update Password": "Ändere Passwort",
"Disable Auth": "Authentifizierung deaktivieren",
"Enable Auth": "Authentifizierung aktivieren",
Logout: "Ausloggen",
notificationDescription: "Weise den Monitor(en) eine Benachrichtigung zu, damit diese Funktion greift.",
Leave: "Verlassen",
"I understand, please disable": "Ich verstehe, bitte deaktivieren",
Confirm: "Bestätige",
Yes: "Ja",
No: "Nein",
Username: "Benutzername",
Password: "Passwort",
"Remember me": "Passwort merken",
Login: "Einloggen",
"No Monitors, please": "Keine Monitore, bitte",
"add one": "hinzufügen",
"Notification Type": "Benachrichtigungs Dienst",
Email: "E-Mail",
Test: "Test",
"Certificate Info": "Zertifikatsinfo",
keywordDescription: "Suche nach einem Schlüsselwort in der HTML oder JSON Ausgabe. Bitte beachte, es wird in der Groß-/Kleinschreibung unterschieden.",
deleteMonitorMsg: "Bist du sicher das du den Monitor löschen möchtest?",
deleteNotificationMsg: "Möchtest du diese Benachrichtigung wirklich für alle Monitore löschen?",
resoverserverDescription: "Cloudflare ist als der Standardserver festgelegt, dieser kann jederzeit geändern werden.",
"Resolver Server": "Auflösungsserver",
rrtypeDescription: "Wähle den RR-Typ aus, welchen du überwachen möchtest.",
"Last Result": "Letztes Ergebnis",
pauseMonitorMsg: "Bist du sicher das du den Monitor pausieren möchtest?",
clearEventsMsg: "Bist du sicher das du alle Ereignisse für diesen Monitor löschen möchtest?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg: "Bist du sicher das du alle Statistiken für diesen Monitor löschen möchtest?",
"Clear Data": "Lösche Daten",
Events: "Ereignisse",
Heartbeats: "Statistiken",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg: "Bist du sicher das du ALLE Statistiken löschen möchtest?",
"Create your admin account": "Erstelle dein Admin Konto",
"Repeat Password": "Wiederhole das Passwort",
"Resource Record Type": "Resource Record Type",
"Import/Export Backup": "Import/Export Backup",
"Export": "Export",
"Import": "Import",
respTime: "Antw. Zeit (ms)",
notAvailableShort: "N/A",
"Default enabled": "Standardmäßig aktiviert",
"Also apply to existing monitors": "Auch für alle existierenden Monitore aktivieren",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription: "Für jeden neuen Monitor wird diese Benachrichtigung standardmäßig aktiviert. Die Benachrichtigung kann weiterhin für jeden Monitor separat deaktiviert werden.",
Create: "Erstellen",
"Auto Get": "Auto Get",
backupDescription: "Es können alle Monitore und Benachrichtigungen in einer JSON-Datei gesichert werden.",
backupDescription2: "PS: Verlaufs- und Ereignisdaten sind nicht enthalten.",
backupDescription3: "Sensible Daten wie Benachrichtigungstoken sind in der Exportdatei enthalten, bitte bewahre sie sorgfältig auf.",
alertNoFile: "Bitte wähle eine Datei zum importieren aus.",
alertWrongFileType: "Bitte wähle eine JSON Datei aus.",
"Clear all statistics": "Lösche alle Statistiken"

src/languages/en.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
export default {
languageName: "English",
checkEverySecond: "Check every {0} seconds.",
"Avg.": "Avg. ",
retriesDescription: "Maximum retries before the service is marked as down and a notification is sent",
ignoreTLSError: "Ignore TLS/SSL error for HTTPS websites",
upsideDownModeDescription: "Flip the status upside down. If the service is reachable, it is DOWN.",
maxRedirectDescription: "Maximum number of redirects to follow. Set to 0 to disable redirects.",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "Select status codes which are considered as a successful response.",
passwordNotMatchMsg: "The repeat password does not match.",
notificationDescription: "Please assign a notification to monitor(s) to get it to work.",
keywordDescription: "Search keyword in plain html or JSON response and it is case-sensitive",
pauseDashboardHome: "Pause",
deleteMonitorMsg: "Are you sure want to delete this monitor?",
deleteNotificationMsg: "Are you sure want to delete this notification for all monitors?",
resoverserverDescription: "Cloudflare is the default server, you can change the resolver server anytime.",
rrtypeDescription: "Select the RR-Type you want to monitor",
pauseMonitorMsg: "Are you sure want to pause?",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription: "For every new monitor this notification will be enabled by default. You can still disable the notification separately for each monitor.",
clearEventsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete all events for this monitor?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete all heartbeats for this monitor?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg: "Are you sure want to delete ALL statistics?",
Settings: "Settings",
Dashboard: "Dashboard",
"New Update": "New Update",
Language: "Language",
Appearance: "Appearance",
Theme: "Theme",
General: "General",
Version: "Version",
"Check Update On GitHub": "Check Update On GitHub",
List: "List",
Add: "Add",
"Add New Monitor": "Add New Monitor",
"Quick Stats": "Quick Stats",
Up: "Up",
Down: "Down",
Pending: "Pending",
Unknown: "Unknown",
Pause: "Pause",
Name: "Name",
Status: "Status",
DateTime: "DateTime",
Message: "Message",
"No important events": "No important events",
Resume: "Resume",
Edit: "Edit",
Delete: "Delete",
Current: "Current",
Uptime: "Uptime",
"Cert Exp.": "Cert Exp.",
days: "days",
day: "day",
"-day": "-day",
hour: "hour",
"-hour": "-hour",
Response: "Response",
Ping: "Ping",
"Monitor Type": "Monitor Type",
Keyword: "Keyword",
"Friendly Name": "Friendly Name",
Hostname: "Hostname",
Port: "Port",
"Heartbeat Interval": "Heartbeat Interval",
Retries: "Retries",
Advanced: "Advanced",
"Upside Down Mode": "Upside Down Mode",
"Max. Redirects": "Max. Redirects",
"Accepted Status Codes": "Accepted Status Codes",
Save: "Save",
Notifications: "Notifications",
"Not available, please setup.": "Not available, please setup.",
"Setup Notification": "Setup Notification",
Light: "Light",
Dark: "Dark",
Auto: "Auto",
"Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "Theme - Heartbeat Bar",
Normal: "Normal",
Bottom: "Bottom",
None: "None",
Timezone: "Timezone",
"Search Engine Visibility": "Search Engine Visibility",
"Allow indexing": "Allow indexing",
"Discourage search engines from indexing site": "Discourage search engines from indexing site",
"Change Password": "Change Password",
"Current Password": "Current Password",
"New Password": "New Password",
"Repeat New Password": "Repeat New Password",
"Update Password": "Update Password",
"Disable Auth": "Disable Auth",
"Enable Auth": "Enable Auth",
Logout: "Logout",
Leave: "Leave",
"I understand, please disable": "I understand, please disable",
Confirm: "Confirm",
Yes: "Yes",
No: "No",
Username: "Username",
Password: "Password",
"Remember me": "Remember me",
Login: "Login",
"No Monitors, please": "No Monitors, please",
"add one": "add one",
"Notification Type": "Notification Type",
Email: "Email",
Test: "Test",
"Certificate Info": "Certificate Info",
"Resolver Server": "Resolver Server",
"Resource Record Type": "Resource Record Type",
"Last Result": "Last Result",
"Create your admin account": "Create your admin account",
"Repeat Password": "Repeat Password",
"Import/Export Backup": "Import/Export Backup",
Export: "Export",
Import: "Import",
respTime: "Resp. Time (ms)",
notAvailableShort: "N/A",
"Default enabled": "Default enabled",
"Also apply to existing monitors": "Also apply to existing monitors",
Create: "Create",
"Clear Data": "Clear Data",
Events: "Events",
Heartbeats: "Heartbeats",
"Auto Get": "Auto Get",
backupDescription: "You can backup all monitors and all notifications into a JSON file.",
backupDescription2: "PS: History and event data is not included.",
backupDescription3: "Sensitive data such as notification tokens is included in the export file, please keep it carefully.",
alertNoFile: "Please select a file to import.",
alertWrongFileType: "Please select a JSON file.",
"Clear all statistics": "Clear all Statistics"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More