Replaces direct jdbc connections with dbcp2 datasource. Adds
configuration options to use alternative datasources and to alter the
parameters. While adding slight overhead, this vastly improves the
management and pooling capabilities with db connections.
This reverts commit dbb3a90fe6d2718fef0b8ae75123519b1404ef1f.
The org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.Queue#getRate method is for
slow-consumer detection and is designed for internal use only.
Furthermore, it's too opaque to be trusted by a remote user as it only
returns the number of message added to the queue since *the last time
it was called*. The problem here is that the user calling it doesn't
know when it was invoked last. Therefore, they could be getting the
rate of messages added for the last 5 minutes or the last 5
milliseconds. This can lead to inconsistent and misleading results.
There are three main ways for users to track rates of message
production and consumption:
1. Use a metrics plugin. This is the most feature-rich and flexible
way to track broker metrics, although it requires tools (e.g.
Prometheus) to store the metrics and display them (e.g. Grafana).
2. Invoke the getMessageCount() and getMessagesAdded() management
methods and store the returned values along with the time they were
retrieved. A time-series database is a great tool for this job. This is
exactly what tools like Prometheus do. That data can then be used to
create informative graphs, etc. using tools like Grafana. Of course, one
can skip all the tools and just do some simple math to calculate rates
based on the last time the counts were retrieved.
3. Use the broker's message counters. Message counters are the broker's
simple way of providing historical information about the queue. They
provide similar results to the previous solutions, but with less
flexibility since they only track data while the broker is up and
there's not really any good options for graphing.
The queue is missing access to the server,
recent changed functionality on temporary queues namespace needed
the server and now the unit test has to pass in the reference to fix the test.