this was reverted previously on commit f4436a9f72afeb8117ecd6e377df8198eeec9aa3.
It seems it is ok after further changes into FQQN, so this is being reapplied
Refactored thread local ByteBuffer pooling, alignment
and zeroing in order to avoid duplicate code and
improve code coverage with tests.
In addition are being provided faster branchless
alignment operations and optional zeroing of
pooled ByteBuffers for both ASYNCIO and
NIO/MAPPED journal types.
When the MQTT consumer client (cleanSession property set to true) reconnected, there are certain probabilities that these two bugs will occur.
This is because the MQTT consumer client thinks that its connection has been disconnected and triggers reconnection, but the MQTT connection is still alive at Artemis broker. This bug occurs when new and old connections occur while operating the same queue for unsafe behavior.
Multiple consumers using the same clientId in the cluster, the last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection!
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
to address apache-rat-plugin:0.12:check
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
to address checkstyle
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
adjust the code structure
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
adjust the code structure
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
adjust the code structure
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
adjust the code structure
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
adjust the code structure
ARTEMIS-2226 last consumer connection should close the previous consumer connection
add javadoc
Direct and async deliveries lock QueueImpl::this and
ServerConsumerImpl::this in different order causing deadlock:
has been introduced a deliverLock to prevent both type of delivers
to concurrently happen, making irrelevant the lock ordering.