972 B

Artemis SASL-SCRAM Server and Client Example

Demonstrates the usage of SASL-SCRAM authentication with ActiveMQ Artemis

To run the example, simply type mvn verify from this directory, or mvn -PnoServer verify if you want to start and create the broker manually.

Of note is the AMQP acceptor configuration restricting the offered mechanisms to SCRAM-SHA-256, and the reference to the login config scope amqp-sasl-scram that holds the relevant SCRAM login module.

  <acceptor name="amqp">tcp://localhost:5672?protocols=AMQP;saslMechanisms=SCRAM-SHA-256;saslLoginConfigScope=amqp-sasl-scram

Also note, the password supplied to the QPID JMS AMQP client is not stored in the users.properties on the broker. It does not leave the client!. The secure encoded form of the password has been generated/registered using:

  java org.apache.activemq.artemis.spi.core.security.jaas.SCRAMPropertiesLoginModule <username> <password> [<iterations>]