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<chapter id="running">
<title>Starting The Server</title>
<section id="running.standalone">
目录下,执行<literal>./run.sh</literal> (或者在Windows下 <literal
bin$ ./run.sh
15:05:54,108 INFO @main [ActiveMQBootstrapServer] Starting ActiveMQ server
15:06:02,566 INFO @main [ActiveMQServerImpl] ActiveMQ Server version
2.0.0.CR3 (yellowjacket, 111) started
下的配置文件。要使用不同的配置目录,可运行<literal>./run.sh ../config/stand-alone/clustered</literal>
<section id="running.jboss.as5">
<title>ActiveMQ在JBoss AS 5.x中运行</title>
<para>要在JBoss AS 5运行ActiveMQ,你需要创建<link
linkend="installation.jboss.as5">安装有ActiveMQ的AS 5的配置</link>。然后用这个配置启动AS 5。
例如,要运行一个带有<emphasis>非集群</emphasis>的ActiveMQ服务的AS 5,进入<literal
bin$ ./run.sh -c default-with-activemq
15:18:35,460 INFO [ServerImpl] Starting JBoss (Microcontainer)...
15:18:35,462 INFO [ServerImpl] Release ID: JBoss (Microcontainer) [5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=
JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221053)
15:19:30,305 INFO [ActiveMQServerImpl] ActiveMQ Server version
2.0.0.CR3 (yellowjacket, 111) started
15:19:43,601 INFO [ServerImpl] JBoss (Microcontainer) [5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=
JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221053)]Started in 1m:14s:556ms
<section id="running.jboss.as4">
<title>ActiveMQ在JBoss AS 4中运行</title>
<para>首先按照与JBoss AS 5相同的步骤创建<link linkend="installation.jboss.as4">安装有ActiveMQ的AS 4配置
<section id="running.jboss.as6">
<title>ActiveMQ在JBoss AS 6.0中运行</title>
<para>从JBoss AS 6.0 M3开始,ActiveMQ已经是默认的(内建)JMS提供者。所以无需安装即可运行。</para>