* Estimated total segment byte size in if it was stored in a flat format
* Segment id
There are several main parts to a segment metadata query:
|queryType|This String should always be "segmentMetadata"; this is the first thing Druid looks at to figure out how to interpret the query|yes|
|dataSource|A String or Object defining the data source to query, very similar to a table in a relational database. See [DataSource](../querying/datasource.html) for more information.|yes|
|analysisTypes|A list of Strings specifying what column properties (e.g. cardinality, size) should be calculated and returned in the result. Defaults to ["cardinality", "size", "interval", "minmax"]. See section [analysisTypes](#analysistypes) for more details.|no|
Only columns which are dimensions (ie, have type `STRING`) will have any cardinality. Rest of the columns (timestamp and metric columns) will show cardinality as `null`.
If an interval is not specified, the query will use a default interval that spans a configurable period before the end time of the most recent segment.
The length of this default time period is set in the broker configuration via:
By default, the "cardinality", "size", "interval", and "minmax" types will be used. If a property is not needed, omitting it from this list will result in a more efficient query.
*`timestampSpec` in the result will contain timestampSpec of data stored in segments. this can be null if timestampSpec of segments was unknown or unmergeable (if merging is enabled).
*`queryGranularity` in the result will contain query granularity of data stored in segments. this can be null if query granularity of segments was unknown or unmergeable (if merging is enabled).