Gian Merlino 3216134f8c SQL: Make row extractions extensible and add one for lookups. (#3991)
This is a reopening of #3989, since that PR was merged to master prematurely
and accidentally.
2017-03-13 21:56:16 -07:00

14 KiB


SQL Support for Druid

Built-in SQL

Built-in SQL is an experimental feature. The API described here is subject to change.

Druid includes a native SQL layer with an Apache Calcite-based parser and planner. All parsing and planning takes place on the Broker, where SQL is converted to native Druid queries. Those native Druid queries are then passed down to data nodes. Each Druid datasource appears as a table in the "druid" schema. Datasource and column names are both case-sensitive and can optionally be quoted using double quotes. Literal strings should be quoted with single quotes, like 'foo'. Literal strings with Unicode escapes can be written like U&'fo\00F6', where character codes in hex are prefixed by a backslash.

Add "EXPLAIN PLAN FOR" to the beginning of any query to see how Druid will plan that query.

Querying with JDBC

You can make Druid SQL queries using the Avatica JDBC driver. Once you've downloaded the Avatica client jar, add it to your classpath and use the connect string:


Example code:

// Connect to /druid/v2/sql/avatica/ on your broker.
String url = "jdbc:avatica:remote:url=http://localhost:8082/druid/v2/sql/avatica/";

// Set any connection context parameters you need here (see "Connection context" below).
// Or leave empty for default behavior.
Properties connectionProperties = new Properties();

try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, connectionProperties)) {
  try (ResultSet resultSet = connection.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM data_source")) {
    while ( {
      // Do something

Table metadata is available over JDBC using connection.getMetaData() or by querying the "INFORMATION_SCHEMA" tables (see below).

Parameterized queries don't work properly, so avoid those.

Querying with JSON over HTTP

You can make Druid SQL queries using JSON over HTTP by POSTing to the endpoint /druid/v2/sql/. The request format is:

  "query" : "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source WHERE foo = 'bar'"

You can use curl to send these queries from the command-line:

curl -XPOST -H'Content-Type: application/json' http://BROKER:8082/druid/v2/sql/ -d '{"query":"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source"}'

Metadata is only available over the HTTP API by querying the "INFORMATION_SCHEMA" tables (see below).

You can provide connection context parameters by adding a "context" map, like:

  "query" : "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source WHERE foo = 'bar' AND __time > TIMESTAMP '2000-01-01 00:00:00'",
  "context" : {
    "sqlTimeZone" : "America/Los_Angeles"


Druid brokers infer table and column metadata for each dataSource from segments loaded in the cluster, and use this to plan SQL queries. This metadata is cached on broker startup and also updated periodically in the background through SegmentMetadata queries. Background metadata refreshing is triggered by segments entering and exiting the cluster, and can also be throttled through configuration.

This cached metadata is queryable through "INFORMATION_SCHEMA" tables. For example, to retrieve metadata for the Druid datasource "foo", use the query:


See the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables section below for details on the available metadata.

You can access table and column metadata through JDBC using connection.getMetaData().

Approximate queries

The following SQL queries and features may be executed using approximate algorithms:

  • COUNT(DISTINCT col) and APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(col) aggregations by default use HyperLogLog, a fast approximate distinct counting algorithm. To disable this behavior for COUNT(DISTINCT col), and use exact distinct counts, set "useApproximateCountDistinct" to "false", either through query context or through broker configuration. APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(col) is always approximate, regardless of this setting.
  • TopN-style queries with a single grouping column, like SELECT col1, SUM(col2) FROM data_source GROUP BY col1 ORDER BY SUM(col2) DESC LIMIT 100, by default will be executed as TopN queries, which use an approximate algorithm. To disable this behavior, and use exact algorithms for topN-style queries, set "useApproximateTopN" to "false", either through query context or through broker configuration.

In both cases, the exact algorithms are generally slower and more resource intensive.

Time functions

Druid's SQL language supports a number of time operations, including:

  • FLOOR(__time TO <granularity>) for grouping or filtering on time buckets, like SELECT FLOOR(__time TO MONTH), SUM(cnt) FROM data_source GROUP BY FLOOR(__time TO MONTH)
  • EXTRACT(<granularity> FROM __time) for grouping or filtering on time parts, like SELECT EXTRACT(HOUR FROM __time), SUM(cnt) FROM data_source GROUP BY EXTRACT(HOUR FROM __time)
  • Comparisons to TIMESTAMP '<time string>' for time filters, like SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source WHERE __time >= TIMESTAMP '2000-01-01 00:00:00' AND __time < TIMESTAMP '2001-01-01 00:00:00'
  • CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for the current time, usable in filters like SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source WHERE __time >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1' HOUR

By default, time operations use the UTC time zone. You can change the time zone for time operations by setting the connection context parameter "sqlTimeZone" to the name of the time zone, like "America/Los_Angeles".

Query-time lookups

Druid query-time lookups can be accessed through the LOOKUP(expression, lookupName) function. The "lookupName" must refer to a lookup you have registered with Druid's lookup framework. For example, the following query can be used to perform a groupBy on looked-up values:

SELECT LOOKUP(col, 'my_lookup') AS col_with_lookup FROM data_source GROUP BY LOOKUP(col, 'my_lookup')


Druid's SQL layer supports many types of subqueries, including the ones listed below.

Nested groupBy

Subqueries involving FROM (SELECT ... GROUP BY ...) may be executed as nested groupBys. For example, the following query can be used to perform an exact distinct count using a nested groupBy.



Semi-join subqueries involving WHERE ... IN (SELECT ...), like the following, are executed with a special process.

FROM data_source_1
WHERE x IN (SELECT x FROM data_source_2 WHERE y = 'baz')

For this query, the broker will first translate the inner select on data_source_2 into a groupBy to find distinct x values. Then it'll use those distinct values to build an "in" filter on data_source_1 for the outer query. The configuration parameter druid.sql.planner.maxSemiJoinRowsInMemory controls the maximum number of values that will be materialized for this kind of plan.

Connection context

Druid's SQL layer supports a connection context that influences SQL query planning and Druid native query execution. The parameters in the table below affect SQL planning. All other context parameters you provide will be attached to Druid queries and can affect how they run. See Query context for details on the possible options.

Parameter Description Default value
sqlTimeZone Sets the time zone for this connection. Should be a time zone name like "America/Los_Angeles". UTC
useApproximateCountDistinct Whether to use an approximate cardinalty algorithm for COUNT(DISTINCT foo). druid.sql.planner.useApproximateCountDistinct on the broker
useApproximateTopN Whether to use approximate TopN queries when a SQL query could be expressed as such. If false, exact GroupBy queries will be used instead. druid.sql.planner.useApproximateTopN on the broker
useFallback Whether to evaluate operations on the broker when they cannot be expressed as Druid queries. This option is not recommended for production since it can generate unscalable query plans. If false, SQL queries that cannot be translated to Druid queries will fail. druid.sql.planner.useFallback on the broker

Connection context can be specified as JDBC connection properties or as a "context" object in the JSON API.


Druid's SQL layer can be configured through the following properties in or the broker's Either location is equivalent since these properties are only respected by the broker.

SQL Server Configuration

The broker's built-in SQL server can be configured through the following properties.

Property Description Default
druid.sql.enable Whether to enable SQL at all, including background metadata fetching. If false, this overrides all other SQL-related properties and disables SQL metadata, serving, and planning completely. false
druid.sql.avatica.enable Whether to enable an Avatica server at /druid/v2/sql/avatica/. true
druid.sql.avatica.connectionIdleTimeout Avatica client connection idle timeout. PT30M
druid.sql.avatica.maxConnections Maximum number of open connections for the Avatica server. These are not HTTP connections, but are logical client connections that may span multiple HTTP connections. 25
druid.sql.avatica.maxStatementsPerConnection Maximum number of simultaneous open statements per Avatica client connection. 4
druid.sql.http.enable Whether to enable a simple JSON over HTTP route at /druid/v2/sql/. true

SQL Planner Configuration

The broker's SQL planner can be configured through the following properties.

Property Description Default
druid.sql.planner.maxQueryCount Maximum number of queries to issue, including nested queries. Set to 1 to disable sub-queries, or set to 0 for unlimited. 8
druid.sql.planner.maxSemiJoinRowsInMemory Maximum number of rows to keep in memory for executing two-stage semi-join queries like SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE DeptName IN (SELECT DeptName FROM Dept). 100000
druid.sql.planner.maxTopNLimit Maximum threshold for a TopN query. Higher limits will be planned as GroupBy queries instead. 100000
druid.sql.planner.metadataRefreshPeriod Throttle for metadata refreshes. PT1M
druid.sql.planner.selectPageSize Page size threshold for Select queries. Select queries for larger resultsets will be issued back-to-back using pagination. 1000
druid.sql.planner.useApproximateCountDistinct Whether to use an approximate cardinalty algorithm for COUNT(DISTINCT foo). true
druid.sql.planner.useApproximateTopN Whether to use approximate TopN queries when a SQL query could be expressed as such. If false, exact GroupBy queries will be used instead. true
druid.sql.planner.useFallback Whether to evaluate operations on the broker when they cannot be expressed as Druid queries. This option is not recommended for production since it can generate unscalable query plans. If false, SQL queries that cannot be translated to Druid queries will fail. false


Some Druid extensions also include SQL language extensions.

If the approximate histogram extension is loaded:

  • APPROX_QUANTILE(column, probability) or APPROX_QUANTILE(column, probability, resolution) on numeric or approximate histogram columns computes approximate quantiles. The "probability" should be between 0 and 1 (exclusive). The "resolution" is the number of centroids to use for the computation. Higher resolutions will be give more precise results but also have higher overhead. If not provided, the default resolution is 50.

Unsupported features

Druid does not support all SQL features. Most of these are due to missing features in Druid's native JSON-based query language. Some unsupported SQL features include:

  • Grouping on functions of multiple columns, like concatenation: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source GROUP BY dim1 || ' ' || dim2
  • Filtering on non-boolean interactions between columns, like two columns equaling each other: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source WHERE dim1 = dim2.
  • A number of miscellaneous functions, like TRIM.
  • Joins, other than semi-joins as described above.

Additionally, some Druid features are not supported by the SQL language. Some unsupported Druid features include:

Third-party SQL libraries

A number of third parties have also released SQL libraries for Druid. Links to popular options can be found on our libraries page. These libraries make native Druid JSON queries and do not use Druid's SQL layer.


Druid metadata is queryable through "INFORMATION_SCHEMA" tables described below.


Column Notes

TABLES table

Column Notes


Column Notes
JDBC_TYPE Type code from java.sql.Types (Druid extension)