2015-08-27 20:50:46 -05:00

9.4 KiB


Druid Firehoses

Firehoses describe the data stream source. They are pluggable and thus the configuration schema can and will vary based on the type of the firehose.

Field Type Description Required
type String Specifies the type of firehose. Each value will have its own configuration schema, firehoses packaged with Druid are described below. yes

We describe the configuration of the Kafka firehose example, but there are other types available in Druid (see below).

  • consumerProps is a map of properties for the Kafka consumer. The JSON object is converted into a Properties object and passed along to the Kafka consumer.
  • feed is the feed that the Kafka consumer should read from.

Available Firehoses

There are several firehoses readily available in Druid, some are meant for examples, others can be used directly in a production environment.


Please note that the druid-kafka-eight module is required for this firehose. This firehose acts as a Kafka 0.8.x consumer and ingests data from Kafka.

Sample spec:

"firehose": {
  "type": "kafka-0.8",
  "consumerProps": {
    "zookeeper.connect": "localhost:2181",
    "zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms" : "15000",
    "zookeeper.session.timeout.ms" : "15000",
    "zookeeper.sync.time.ms" : "5000",
    "group.id": "druid-example",
    "fetch.message.max.bytes" : "1048586",
    "auto.offset.reset": "largest",
    "auto.commit.enable": "false"
  "feed": "wikipedia"
property description required?
type This should be "kafka-0.8" yes
consumerProps The full list of consumer configs can be here. yes
feed Kafka maintains feeds of messages in categories called topics. This is the topic name. yes


This firehose ingests events from a predefined list of S3 objects.

Sample spec:

"firehose" : {
    "type" : "static-s3",
    "uris": ["s3://foo/bar/file.gz", "s3://bar/foo/file2.gz"]
property description default required?
type This should be "static-s3" N/A yes
uris JSON array of URIs where s3 files to be ingested are located. N/A yes


This firehose ingests events, similar to the StaticS3Firehose, but from an Azure Blob Store.

Data is newline delimited, with one JSON object per line and parsed as per the InputRowParser configuration.

The storage account is shared with the one used for Azure deep storage functionality, but blobs can be in a different container.

As with the S3 blobstore, it is assumed to be gzipped if the extension ends in .gz

Sample spec:

"firehose" : {
    "type" : "static-azure-blobstore",
    "blobs": [
          "container": "container",
          "path": "/path/to/your/file.json"
          "container": "anothercontainer",
          "path": "/another/path.json"
property description default required?
type This should be "static-azure-blobstore". N/A yes
blobs JSON array of Azure blobs. N/A yes

Azure Blobs:

property description default required?
container Name of the azure container N/A yes
path The path where data is located. N/A yes


This firehose connects directly to the twitter spritzer data stream.

Sample spec:

"firehose" : {
    "type" : "twitzer",
    "maxEventCount": -1,
    "maxRunMinutes": 0
property description default required?
type This should be "twitzer" N/A yes
maxEventCount max events to receive, -1 is infinite, 0 means nothing is delivered; use this to prevent infinite space consumption or to prevent getting throttled at an inconvenient time. N/A yes
maxRunMinutes maximum number of minutes to fetch Twitter events. Use this to prevent getting throttled at an inconvenient time. If zero or less, no time limit for run. N/A yes


This firehose ingests events from a define rabbit-mq queue.

Note: Add amqp-client-3.2.1.jar to lib directory of druid to use this firehose.

A sample spec for rabbitmq firehose:

"firehose" : {
   "type" : "rabbitmq",
   "connection" : {
     "host": "localhost",
     "port": "5672",
     "username": "test-dude",
     "password": "test-word",
     "virtualHost": "test-vhost",
     "uri": "amqp://mqserver:1234/vhost"
   "config" : {
     "exchange": "test-exchange",
     "queue" : "druidtest",
     "routingKey": "#",
     "durable": "true",
     "exclusive": "false",
     "autoDelete": "false",
     "maxRetries": "10",
     "retryIntervalSeconds": "1",
     "maxDurationSeconds": "300" 
property description default required?
type This should be "rabbitmq" N/A yes
host The hostname of the RabbitMQ broker to connect to localhost no
port The port number to connect to on the RabbitMQ broker 5672 no
username The username to use to connect to RabbitMQ guest no
password The password to use to connect to RabbitMQ guest no
virtualHost The virtual host to connect to / no
uri The URI string to use to connect to RabbitMQ no
exchange The exchange to connect to yes
queue The queue to connect to or create yes
routingKey The routing key to use to bind the queue to the exchange yes
durable Whether the queue should be durable false no
exclusive Whether the queue should be exclusive false no
autoDelete Whether the queue should auto-delete on disconnect false no
maxRetries The max number of reconnection retry attempts yes
retryIntervalSeconds The reconnection interval yes
maxDurationSeconds The max duration of trying to reconnect yes


This Firehose can be used to read the data from files on local disk. It can be used for POCs to ingest data on disk. A sample local firehose spec is shown below:

    "type"    : "local",
    "filter"   : "*.csv",
    "baseDir"  : "/data/directory"
property description required?
type This should be "local". yes
filter A wildcard filter for files. See here for more information. yes
baseDir directory to search recursively for files to be ingested. yes


This Firehose can be used to read the data from existing druid segments. It can be used ingest existing druid segments using a new schema and change the name, dimensions, metrics, rollup, etc. of the segment. A sample ingest firehose spec is shown below -

    "type"    : "ingestSegment",
    "dataSource"   : "wikipedia",
    "interval" : "2013-01-01/2013-01-02"
property description required?
type This should be "ingestSegment". yes
dataSource A String defining the data source to fetch rows from, very similar to a table in a relational database yes
interval A String representing ISO-8601 Interval. This defines the time range to fetch the data over. yes
dimensions The list of dimensions to select. If left empty, no dimensions are returned. If left null or not defined, all dimensions are returned. no
metrics The list of metrics to select. If left empty, no metrics are returned. If left null or not defined, all metrics are selected. no
filter See Filters yes


This firehose can be used to combine and merge data from a list of different firehoses. This can be used to merge data from more than one firehose.

    "type"  :   "combining",
    "delegates" : [ { firehose1 }, { firehose2 }, ..... ]
property description required?
type This should be "combining" yes
delegates list of firehoses to combine data from yes


EventReceiverFirehoseFactory can be used to ingest events using an http endpoint.

  "type": "receiver",
  "serviceName": "eventReceiverServiceName",
  "bufferSize": 10000

When using this firehose, events can be sent by submitting a POST request to the http endpoint:


property description required?
type This should be "receiver" yes
serviceName name used to announce the event receiver service endpoint yes
bufferSize size of buffer used by firehose to store events no default(100000)


This can be used to start a firehose that will shut down at a specified time. An example is shown below:

    "type"  :   "timed",
    "shutoffTime": "2015-08-25T01:26:05.119Z",
    "delegate": {
          "type": "receiver",
          "serviceName": "eventReceiverServiceName",
          "bufferSize": 100000
property description required?
type This should be "timed" yes
shutoffTime time at which the firehose should shut down, in ISO8601 format yes
delegate firehose to use yes
