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Integration Testing
## Installing Docker
Please refer to instructions at [https://github.com/druid-io/docker-druid/blob/master/docker-install.md]()
## Creating the Docker VM
Create a new VM for integration tests with at least 6GB of memory.
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 6000 integration
Set the docker environment:
eval "$(docker-machine env integration)"
export DOCKER_IP=$(docker-machine ip integration)
Running Integration tests
Make sure that you have at least 6GB of memory available before you run the tests.
## Starting docker tests
To run all the tests using docker and mvn run the following command -
mvn verify -P integration-tests
To run only a single test using mvn run the following command -
mvn verify -P integration-tests -Dit.test=<test_name>
## Configure and run integration tests using existing cluster
To run tests on any druid cluster that is already running, create a configuration file:
"broker_host": "<broker_ip>",
"broker_port": "<broker_port>",
"router_host": "<router_ip>",
"router_port": "<router_port>",
"indexer_host": "<indexer_ip>",
"indexer_port": "<indexer_port>",
"coordinator_host": "<coordinator_ip>",
"coordinator_port": "<coordinator_port>",
"middle_manager_host": "<middle_manager_ip>",
"zookeeper_hosts": "<comma-separated list of zookeeper_ip:zookeeper_port>",
Set the environment variable CONFIG_FILE to the name of the configuration file -
export CONFIG_FILE=<config file name>
To run all the tests using mvn run the following command -
mvn verify -P int-tests-config-file
To run only a single test using mvn run the following command -
mvn verify -P int-tests-config-file -Dit.test=<test_name>
Writing a New Test
## What should we cover in integration tests
For every end-user functionality provided by druid we should have an integration-test verifying the correctness.
## Rules to be followed while writing a new integration test
### Every Integration Test must follow these rules
1) Name of the test must start with a prefix "IT"
2) A test should be independent of other tests
3) Tests are to be written in TestNG style ([http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#methods](http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#methods))
4) If a test loads some data it is the responsibility of the test to clean up the data from the cluster
### How to use Guice Dependency Injection in a test
A test can access different helper and utility classes provided by test-framework in order to access Coordinator,Broker etc..
To mark a test be able to use Guice Dependency Injection -
Annotate the test class with the below annotation
@Guice(moduleFactory = DruidTestModuleFactory.class)
This will tell the test framework that the test class needs to be constructed using guice.
### Helper Classes provided
1) IntegrationTestingConfig - configuration of the test
2) CoordinatorResourceTestClient - httpclient for coordinator endpoints
3) OverlordResourceTestClient - httpclient for indexer endpoints
4) QueryResourceTestClient - httpclient for broker endpoints
### Static Utility classes
1) RetryUtil - provides methods to retry an operation until it succeeds for configurable no. of times
2) FromFileTestQueryHelper - reads queries with expected results from file and executes them and verifies the results using ResultVerifier
Refer ITIndexerTest as an example on how to use dependency Injection
1) Remove the patch for TestNG after resolution of Surefire-622