Gian Merlino 4c33d0a00f Add some new expression functions and macros. (#4442)
* Add some new expression functions and macros.

See misc/math-expr.md for the list of added functions, except for
"like", which previously existed but was not documented.

* Add easymock to datasketches tests.

* Add easymock to distinctcount tests.

* Add easymock to virtual-columns tests.

* Code review comments.

* Clean up code a bit.

* Add easymock to scan-query tests.

* Rework ExprMacros that have multiple impls.

* Improve test coverage.
2017-06-28 10:15:58 -07:00

8.2 KiB


This expression language supports the following operators (listed in decreasing order of precedence).

Operators Description
!, - Unary NOT and Minus
^ Binary power op
*, /, % Binary multiplicative
+, - Binary additive
<, <=, >, >=, ==, != Binary Comparison
&&,|| Binary Logical AND, OR

Long, double and string data types are supported. If a number contains a dot, it is interpreted as a double, otherwise it is interpreted as a long. That means, always add a '.' to your number if you want it interpreted as a double value. String literal should be quoted by single quotation marks.

Expressions can contain variables. Variable names may contain letters, digits, '_' and '$'. Variable names must not begin with a digit. To escape other special characters, user can quote it with double quotation marks.

For logical operators, a number is true if and only if it is positive (0 or minus value means false). For string type, it's evaluation result of 'Boolean.valueOf(string)'.

Also, the following built-in functions are supported.

General functions

name description
cast cast(expr,'LONG' or 'DOUBLE' or 'STRING') returns expr with specified type. exception can be thrown
if if(predicate,then,else) returns 'then' if 'predicate' evaluates to a positive number, otherwise it returns 'else'
nvl nvl(expr,expr-for-null) returns 'expr-for-null' if 'expr' is null (or empty string for string type)
like like(expr, pattern[, escape]) is equivalent to SQL expr LIKE pattern
case_searched case_searched(expr1, result1, [[expr2, result2, ...], else-result])
case_simple case_simple(expr, value1, result1, [[value2, result2, ...], else-result])

String functions

name description
concat concatenate a list of strings
like like(expr, pattern[, escape]) is equivalent to SQL expr LIKE pattern
lookup lookup(expr, lookup-name) looks up expr in a registered query-time lookup
regexp_extract regexp_extract(expr, pattern[, index]) applies a regular expression pattern and extracts a capture group index, or null if there is no match. If index is unspecified or zero, returns the substring that matched the pattern.
replace replace(expr, pattern, replacement) replaces pattern with replacement
substring substring(expr, index, length) behaves like java.lang.String's substring
strlen returns length of a string in UTF-16 code units
trim remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string
lower convert a string to lowercase
upper convert a string to uppercase

Time functions

name description
timestamp timestamp(expr[,format-string]) parses string expr into date then returns milli-seconds from java epoch. without 'format-string' it's regarded as ISO datetime format
unix_timestamp same with 'timestamp' function but returns seconds instead
timestamp_ceil timestamp_ceil(expr, period, [origin, [timezone]]) rounds up a timestamp, returning it as a new timestamp. Period can be any ISO8601 period, like P3M (quarters) or PT12H (half-days). The time zone, if provided, should be a time zone name like "America/Los_Angeles" or offset like "-08:00".
timestamp_floor timestamp_floor(expr, period, [origin, [timezone]]) rounds down a timestamp, returning it as a new timestamp. Period can be any ISO8601 period, like P3M (quarters) or PT12H (half-days). The time zone, if provided, should be a time zone name like "America/Los_Angeles" or offset like "-08:00".
timestamp_shift timestamp_shift(expr, period, step, [timezone]) shifts a timestamp by a period (step times), returning it as a new timestamp. Period can be any ISO8601 period. Step may be negative. The time zone, if provided, should be a time zone name like "America/Los_Angeles" or offset like "-08:00".
timestamp_extract timestamp_extract(expr, unit, [timezone]) extracts a time part from expr, returning it as a number. Unit can be EPOCH, SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY (day of month), DOW (day of week), DOY (day of year), WEEK (week of week year), MONTH (1 through 12), QUARTER (1 through 4), or YEAR. The time zone, if provided, should be a time zone name like "America/Los_Angeles" or offset like "-08:00"
timestamp_parse timestamp_parse(string expr, [pattern, [timezone]]) parses a string into a timestamp using a given Joda DateTimeFormat pattern, or ISO8601 if the pattern is not provided. The time zone, if provided, should be a time zone name like "America/Los_Angeles" or offset like "-08:00", and will be used as the time zone for strings that do not include a time zone offset. Pattern and time zone must be literals. Strings that cannot be parsed as timestamps will be returned as nulls.
timestamp_format timestamp_format(expr, [pattern, [timezone]]) formats a timestamp as a string with a given Joda DateTimeFormat pattern, or ISO8601 if the pattern is not provided. The time zone, if provided, should be a time zone name like "America/Los_Angeles" or offset like "-08:00". Pattern and time zone must be literals.

Math functions

See javadoc of java.lang.Math for detailed explanation for each function.

name description
abs abs(x) would return the absolute value of x
acos acos(x) would return the arc cosine of x
asin asin(x) would return the arc sine of x
atan atan(x) would return the arc tangent of x
atan2 atan2(y, x) would return the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar * coordinates (r, theta)
cbrt cbrt(x) would return the cube root of x
ceil ceil(x) would return the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that is greater than or equal to x and is equal to a mathematical integer
copysign copysign(x) would return the first floating-point argument with the sign of the second floating-point argument
cos cos(x) would return the trigonometric cosine of x
cosh cosh(x) would return the hyperbolic cosine of x
div div(x,y) is integer division of x by y
exp exp(x) would return Euler's number raised to the power of x
expm1 expm1(x) would return e^x-1
floor floor(x) would return the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is less than or equal to x and is equal to a mathematical integer
getExponent getExponent(x) would return the unbiased exponent used in the representation of x
hypot hypot(x, y) would return sqrt(x^2+y^2) without intermediate overflow or underflow
log log(x) would return the natural logarithm of x
log10 log10(x) would return the base 10 logarithm of x
log1p log1p(x) would the natural logarithm of x + 1
max max(x, y) would return the greater of two values
min min(x, y) would return the smaller of two values
nextafter nextafter(x, y) would return the floating-point number adjacent to the x in the direction of the y
nextUp nextUp(x) would return the floating-point value adjacent to x in the direction of positive infinity
pow pow(x, y) would return the value of the x raised to the power of y
remainder remainder(x, y) would return the remainder operation on two arguments as prescribed by the IEEE 754 standard
rint rint(x) would return value that is closest in value to x and is equal to a mathematical integer
round round(x) would return the closest long value to x, with ties rounding up
scalb scalb(d, sf) would return d * 2^sf rounded as if performed by a single correctly rounded floating-point multiply to a member of the double value set
signum signum(x) would return the signum function of the argument x
sin sin(x) would return the trigonometric sine of an angle x
sinh sinh(x) would return the hyperbolic sine of x
sqrt sqrt(x) would return the correctly rounded positive square root of x
tan tan(x) would return the trigonometric tangent of an angle x
tanh tanh(x) would return the hyperbolic tangent of x
todegrees todegrees(x) converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees
toradians toradians(x) converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians
ulp ulp(x) would return the size of an ulp of the argument x