r4ruchir 4bff008d65 Update libraries.md
Adding embedded-druid information in helper libraries
2016-03-29 15:16:36 -07:00

74 lines
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layout: doc_page
Query Libraries
#### Python
* [druid-io/pydruid](https://github.com/druid-io/pydruid) - A python client for Druid
#### R
* [druid-io/RDruid](https://github.com/druid-io/RDruid) - An R connector for Druid
Community Query Libraries
Some great folks have written their own libraries to interact with Druid
#### JavaScript
* [implydata/plywood](https://github.com/implydata/plywood) - A higher level API for Druid. An extension of the work that was started in facet.js.
#### Node.js
* [7eggs/node-druid-query](https://github.com/7eggs/node-druid-query) - A Node.js client for Druid
#### Clojure
* [y42/clj-druid](https://github.com/y42/clj-druid) - A Clojure client for Druid
#### Ruby
* [ruby-druid/ruby-druid](https://github.com/ruby-druid/ruby-druid) - A ruby client for Druid
* [redBorder/druid_config](https://github.com/redBorder/druid_config) - A ruby client to configure and check the status of a Druid Cluster
#### SQL
* [implydata/plyql](https://github.com/implydata/plyql) - A command line interface for issuing SQL queries to Druid via [plywood](https://github.com/implydata/plywood)
Other Druid Distributions
* [Imply Analytics Platform](http://imply.io/download) - The Imply Analytics platform repackages Druid, all its dependencies, and an UI and SQL layer.
* [eBay/embedded-druid](https://github.com/eBay/embedded-druid) - Leveraging Druid capabilities in stand alone application
* [mistercrunch/panoramix](https://github.com/mistercrunch/panoramix) - A web application to slice, dice and visualize data out of Druid
* [grafana](https://github.com/Quantiply/grafana-plugins/tree/master/features/druid) - A plugin for [Grafana](http://grafana.org/)
* [Pivot](https://github.com/implydata/pivot) - An exploratory analytics UI for Druid
* [Metabase](https://github.com/metabase/metabase) - Simple dashboards, charts and query tool for your Druid DB
* [Insert Segments](../../operations/insert-segment-to-db.html) - A tool that can insert segments' metadata into Druid metadata storage.
Community Helper Libraries
* [madvertise/druid-dumbo](https://github.com/madvertise/druid-dumbo) - Scripts to help generate batch configs for the ingestion of data into Druid
* [housejester/druid-test-harness](https://github.com/housejester/druid-test-harness) - A set of scripts to simplify standing up some servers and seeing how things work
Community Extensions
These are extensions from the community. (If you would like yours listed please speak up!)
* [acesinc/druid-cors-filter-extension](https://github.com/acesinc/druid-cors-filter-extension) - An extension to enable CORS headers in http requests.