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Best Practices
Use UTC Timezone
We recommend using UTC timezone for all your events and across on your nodes, not just for Druid, but for all data infrastructure. This can greatly mitigate potential query problems with inconsistent timezones.
Use Lowercase Strings for Column Names
Druid is not perfect in how it handles mix-cased dimension and metric names. This will hopefully change very soon but for the time being, lower casing your column names is recommended.
SSDs are highly recommended for historical and real-time nodes if you are not running a cluster that is entirely in memory. SSDs can greatly mitigate the time required to page data in and out of memory.
Provide Columns Names in Lexicographic Order for Best Results
Although Druid supports schemaless ingestion of dimensions, because of https://github.com/metamx/druid/issues/658, you may sometimes get bigger segments than necessary. To ensure segments are as compact as possible, providing dimension names in lexicographic order is recommended. This may require some ETL processing on your data however.