Broker Node Configuration
For general Broker Node information, see here.
Runtime Configuration
The broker node uses several of the global configs in Configuration and has the following set of configurations as well:
Node Configs
Property |
Description |
Default | |
The host for the current node. This is used to advertise the current processes location as reachable from another node and should generally be specified such that http://${}/ could actually talk to this process |
InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName() |
druid.plaintextPort |
This is the port to actually listen on; unless port mapping is used, this will be the same port as is on |
8082 |
druid.tlsPort |
TLS port for HTTPS connector, if druid.enableTlsPort is set then this config will be used. If contains port then that port will be ignored. This should be a non-negative Integer. |
8282 |
druid.service |
The name of the service. This is used as a dimension when emitting metrics and alerts to differentiate between the various services |
druid/broker |
Query Configs
Query Prioritization
Property |
Possible Values |
Description |
Default | |
random , connectionCount |
Determines how the broker balances connections to historical nodes. random choose randomly, connectionCount picks the node with the fewest number of active connections to |
random | |
highestPriority , lowestPriority , custom |
If segments are cross-replicated across tiers in a cluster, you can tell the broker to prefer to select segments in a tier with a certain priority. |
highestPriority | |
An array of integer priorities. |
Select servers in tiers with a custom priority list. |
None |
Concurrent Requests
Druid uses Jetty to serve HTTP requests.
Property |
Description |
Default |
druid.server.http.numThreads |
Number of threads for HTTP requests. |
max(10, (Number of cores * 17) / 16 + 2) + 30 |
druid.server.http.queueSize |
Size of the worker queue used by Jetty server to temporarily store incoming client connections. If this value is set and a request is rejected by jetty because queue is full then client would observe request failure with TCP connection being closed immediately with a completely empty response from server. |
Unbounded |
druid.server.http.maxIdleTime |
The Jetty max idle time for a connection. |
PT5m |
druid.server.http.enableRequestLimit |
If enabled, no requests would be queued in jetty queue and "HTTP 429 Too Many Requests" error response would be sent. |
false |
druid.server.http.defaultQueryTimeout |
Query timeout in millis, beyond which unfinished queries will be cancelled |
300000 |
druid.server.http.maxScatterGatherBytes |
Maximum number of bytes gathered from data nodes such as historicals and realtime processes to execute a query. This is an advance configuration that allows to protect in case broker is under heavy load and not utilizing the data gathered in memory fast enough and leading to OOMs. This limit can be further reduced at query time using maxScatterGatherBytes in the context. Note that having large limit is not necessarily bad if broker is never under heavy concurrent load in which case data gathered is processed quickly and freeing up the memory used. |
Long.MAX_VALUE | |
Size of connection pool for the Broker to connect to historical and real-time processes. If there are more queries than this number that all need to speak to the same node, then they will queue up. |
20 | |
Compression codec the Broker uses to communicate with historical and real-time processes. May be "gzip" or "identity". |
gzip | |
The timeout for data reads from historical and real-time processes. |
PT15M |
druid.server.http.maxQueryTimeout |
Maximum allowed value (in milliseconds) for timeout parameter. See query-context to know more about timeout . Query is rejected if the query context timeout is greater than this value. |
druid.server.http.maxRequestHeaderSize |
Maximum size of a request header in bytes. Larger headers consume more memory and can make a server more vulnerable to denial of service attacks. |
8 * 1024 |
Retry Policy
Druid broker can optionally retry queries internally for transient errors.
Property |
Description |
Default | |
Number of tries. |
1 |
The broker uses processing configs for nested groupBy queries. And, optionally, Long-interval queries (of any type) can be broken into shorter interval queries and processed in parallel inside this thread pool. For more details, see "chunkPeriod" in Query Context doc.
Property |
Description |
Default |
druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes |
This specifies a buffer size for the storage of intermediate results. The computation engine in both the Historical and Realtime nodes will use a scratch buffer of this size to do all of their intermediate computations off-heap. Larger values allow for more aggregations in a single pass over the data while smaller values can require more passes depending on the query that is being executed. |
1073741824 (1GB) |
druid.processing.buffer.poolCacheMaxCount |
processing buffer pool caches the buffers for later use, this is the maximum count cache will grow to. note that pool can create more buffers than it can cache if necessary. |
Integer.MAX_VALUE |
druid.processing.formatString |
Realtime and historical nodes use this format string to name their processing threads. |
processing-%s |
druid.processing.numMergeBuffers |
The number of direct memory buffers available for merging query results. The buffers are sized by druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes . This property is effectively a concurrency limit for queries that require merging buffers. If you are using any queries that require merge buffers (currently, just groupBy v2) then you should have at least two of these. |
max(2, druid.processing.numThreads / 4) |
druid.processing.numThreads |
The number of processing threads to have available for parallel processing of segments. Our rule of thumb is num_cores - 1 , which means that even under heavy load there will still be one core available to do background tasks like talking with ZooKeeper and pulling down segments. If only one core is available, this property defaults to the value 1 . |
Number of cores - 1 (or 1) |
druid.processing.columnCache.sizeBytes |
Maximum size in bytes for the dimension value lookup cache. Any value greater than 0 enables the cache. It is currently disabled by default. Enabling the lookup cache can significantly improve the performance of aggregators operating on dimension values, such as the JavaScript aggregator, or cardinality aggregator, but can slow things down if the cache hit rate is low (i.e. dimensions with few repeating values). Enabling it may also require additional garbage collection tuning to avoid long GC pauses. |
0 (disabled) |
druid.processing.fifo |
If the processing queue should treat tasks of equal priority in a FIFO manner |
false |
druid.processing.tmpDir |
Path where temporary files created while processing a query should be stored. If specified, this configuration takes priority over the default path. |
path represented by |
The amount of direct memory needed by Druid is at least
druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes * (druid.processing.numMergeBuffers + druid.processing.numThreads + 1)
. You can
ensure at least this amount of direct memory is available by providing -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<VALUE>
at the command
General Query Configuration
GroupBy Query Config
See groupBy server configuration.
Search Query Config
Property |
Description |
Default | |
Maximum number of search results to return. |
1000 |
Segment Metadata Query Config
Property |
Description |
Default |
druid.query.segmentMetadata.defaultHistory |
When no interval is specified in the query, use a default interval of defaultHistory before the end time of the most recent segment, specified in ISO8601 format. This property also controls the duration of the default interval used by GET /druid/v2/datasources/{dataSourceName} interactions for retrieving datasource dimensions/metrics. |
P1W |
druid.query.segmentMetadata.defaultAnalysisTypes |
This can be used to set the Default Analysis Types for all segment metadata queries, this can be overridden when making the query |
["cardinality", "interval", "minmax"] |
See SQL server configuration.
You can optionally only configure caching to be enabled on the broker by setting caching configs here.
Property |
Possible Values |
Description |
Default | |
true, false |
Enable the cache on the broker. |
false | |
true, false |
Populate the cache on the broker. |
false | |
All druid query types |
All query types to not cache. |
["groupBy", "select"] | |
positive integer or 0 |
Queries with more segments than this number will not attempt to fetch from cache at the broker level, leaving potential caching fetches (and cache result merging) to the historicals |
Integer.MAX_VALUE |
See cache configuration for how to configure cache settings.
Segment Discovery
Property |
Possible Values |
Description |
Default |
druid.announcer.type |
batch or http |
Segment discovery method to use. "http" enables discovering segments using HTTP instead of zookeeper. |
batch |
Property |
Possible Values |
Description |
Default | |
List of strings |
Broker watches the segment announcements from nodes serving segments to build cache of which node is serving which segments, this configuration allows to only consider segments being served from a whitelist of tiers. By default, Broker would consider all tiers. This can be used to partition your dataSources in specific historical tiers and configure brokers in partitions so that they are only queryable for specific dataSources. |
none | |
List of strings |
Broker watches the segment announcements from nodes serving segments to build cache of which node is serving which segments, this configuration allows to only consider segments being served from a whitelist of dataSources. By default, Broker would consider all datasources. This can be used to configure brokers in partitions so that they are only queryable for specific dataSources. |
none |