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title: Key Commands
parent: Client
weight: 3
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Ozone shell supports the following key commands.
* [get](#get)
* [put](#put)
* [delete](#delete)
* [info](#info)
* [list](#list)
### Get
The key get command downloads a key from Ozone cluster to local file system.
| Arguments | Comment |
| Uri | The name of the key in **/volume/bucket/key** format.
| FileName | Local file to download the key to.
{{< highlight bash >}}
ozone sh key get /hive/jan/sales.orc sales.orc
{{< /highlight >}}
Downloads the file sales.orc from the _/hive/jan_ bucket and writes to the
local file sales.orc.
### Put
Uploads a file from the local file system to the specified bucket.
| Arguments | Comment |
| Uri | The name of the key in **/volume/bucket/key** format.
| FileName | Local file to upload.
| -r, --replication | Optional, Number of copies, ONE or THREE are the options. Picks up the default from cluster configuration.
{{< highlight bash >}}
ozone sh key put /hive/jan/corrected-sales.orc sales.orc
{{< /highlight >}}
The above command will put the sales.orc as a new key into _/hive/jan/corrected-sales.orc_.
### Delete
The delete key command removes the key from the bucket.
| Arguments | Comment |
| Uri | The name of the key.
{{< highlight bash >}}
ozone sh key delete /hive/jan/corrected-sales.orc
{{< /highlight >}}
The above command deletes the key _/hive/jan/corrected-sales.orc_.
### Info
The key info commands returns the information about the key.
| Arguments | Comment |
| Uri | The name of the key.
{{< highlight bash >}}
ozone sh key info /hive/jan/sales.orc
{{< /highlight >}}
The above command will print out the information about _/hive/jan/sales.orc_
### List
The key list commands allows user to list all keys in a bucket.
| Arguments | Comment |
| -l, --length | Maximum number of results to return. Default: 1000
| -p, --prefix | Optional, Only buckets that match this prefix will be returned.
| -s, --start | The listing will start from key after the start key.
| Uri | The name of the _volume_.
{{< highlight bash >}}
ozone sh key list /hive/jan
{{< /highlight >}}
This command will list all key in the bucket _/hive/jan_.
You can try out these commands from the docker instance of the [Alpha