in-memory compactions)
Log less. Log using same format as used elsewhere in log.
Align logs in HFileArchiver with how we format elsewhere. Removed
redundant 'region' qualifiers, tried to tighten up the emissions so
easier to read the long lines.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/
Add a label for each of the chunkcreators we make (I was confused by
two chunk creater stats emissions in log file -- didn't know that one
was for data and the other index).
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/
Formatting. Log less.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/
Make the emissions in here trace-level. When more than a few regions,
log is filled with this stuff.
We assumed that we can run for loop from 0 to lastStep sequentially. MergeTableRegionProcedure skips step 2. So, when i is 0 the procedure is already at step 3.
Added a method StateMachineProcedure#getCurrentStateId that can be used from test code only.
* rely on git plumbing commands when checking if we've built the site for a particular commit already
* switch to forcing '-e' for bash
* add command line switches for: path to hbase, working directory, and publishing
* only export JAVA/MAVEN HOME if they aren't already set.
* add some docs about assumptions
* Update javadoc plugin to consistently be version 3.0.0
* avoid duplicative site invocations on reactor modules
* update use of cp command so it works both on linux and mac
* manually skip enforcer plugin during build
* still doing install of all jars due to MJAVADOC-490, but then skip rebuilding during aggregate reports.
* avoid the pager on git-diff by teeing to a log file, which also helps later reviewing in the case of big changesets.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
Signed-off-by: Misty Stanley-Jones <>
Fix MoveRandomRegionOfTableAction. It depended on old AM behavior.
Make it do explicit move as is required in AMv3; w/o it, it was just
closing region causing test to fail.
Fix pom so hadoop3 profile specifies a different netty3 version.
Bunch of logging format change that came of trying trying to read
the spew from this test.
Rename the PE Worker threads.
Send an interrupt if worker taking a long time to go down
(it may be RPC'ing out to a dead server, retrying so
interrupt). Also join on the ProcedureExecutor shutting down.
This will make problems shutting down more obvious.
Disable TestRegionsOnMasterOptions. Master carrying Regions is broke.
Set the ProcedureExcecutor worker threads as daemon.
Ditto for the timeout thread.
Remove hack from TestRegionsOnMasterOptions that was
put in place because the test would not go down.
- replaced commons-logging to slf4j everywhere
- log.XXX(Throwable) calls were replaced with log.XXX(t.toString(), t)
- log.XXX(Object) calls were replaced with log.XXX(Objects.toString(obj))
- log.fatal() calls were replaced with log.error(HBaseMarkers.FATAL, ...)
- programmatic log4j configuration was removed from the unit test
This commit does not affect the current logging configurations, because log4j
is still on the classpath. slf4j-log4j12 binds log4j to slf4j.
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
Added new bulk assign createRoundRobinAssignProcedure to complement
the existing createAssignProcedure. The former asks the balancer for
target servers to set into the created AssignProcedures. The latter
sets no target server into AssignProcedure. When no target server
is specified, we make effort at assign-time at trying to deploy the
region to its old location if there was one.
The new round robin assign procedure creator does not do this. Use
the new round robin method on table create or reenabling offline
regions. Use the old assign in ServerCrashProcedure or in
EnableTable so there is a chance we retain locality.
Bulk preassigning passing all to-be-assigned to the balancer in one
go is good for ensuring good distribution especially when read
replicas in the mix.
The old assign was single-assign scoped so region replicas could
end up on the same server.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/
Cleanup around forceNewPlan. Was confusing.
Added a Comparator to sort AssignProcedures so meta and system tables
come ahead of user-space tables.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/ b/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/
Remove the forceNewPlan argument on createAssignProcedure. Didn't make
sense given we were creating a new AssignProcedure; the arg had no
(createRoundRobinAssignProcedures) Recast to feed all regions to the balancer in
bulk and to sort the return so meta and system tables take precedence.
Miscellaneous fixes including keeping the Master around until all
RegionServers are down, documentation on how assignment retention
works, etc.
- Adds debug logging for future ease
- Removes 60s timeout since testRecoveryAndDoubleExecutionPreserveSplits is only halfway after a minute.
- Adds some comments
- Logging change: Some places report "regionState=" while others just "state=".
State machine procs also have "state=" in their logs. Let me change all region related logging to "regionState=" so that
1) it's consistent everywhere, 2) more filtered results when searching through logs.
- Adding javadoc comments
- Bug: ServerStateNode#regions is HashSet but there's no synchronization to prevent concurrent addRegion/removeRegion. Let's use concurrent set instead.
- Use getRegionsInTransitionCount() directly to avoid instead of getRegionsInTransition().size() because the latter copies everything into a new array - what a waste for just the size.
- There's mixed use of getRegionNode and getRegionStateNode for same return type - RegionStateNode. Changing everything to getRegionStateNode. Similarly rename other *RegionNode() fns to *RegionStateNode().
- RegionStateNode#transitionState() return value is useless since it always returns it's first param.
- Other minor improvements
Updated HTrace version to 4.2
Created TraceUtil class to wrap htrace methods. Uses try with resources.
Signed-off-by: Balazs Meszaros <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
* pull things that don't rely on HDFS in hbase-server/FSUtils into hbase-common/CommonFSUtils
* refactor setStoragePolicy so that it can move into hbase-common/CommonFSUtils, as a side effect update it for Hadoop 2.8,3.0+
* refactor WALProcedureStore so that it handles its own FS interactions
* add a reflection-based lookup of stream capabilities
* call said lookup in places where we make WALs to make sure hflush/hsync is available.
* javadoc / checkstyle cleanup on changes as flagged by yetus
Signed-off-by: Chia-Ping Tsai <>
Main changes:
- ProcedureInfo and LockInfo were removed, we use JSON instead of them
- Procedure and LockedResource are their server side equivalent
- Procedure protobuf state_data became obsolate, it is only kept for
reading previously written WAL
- Procedure protobuf contains a state_message field, which stores the internal
state messages (Any type instead of bytes)
- Procedure.serializeStateData and deserializeStateData were changed slightly
- Procedures internal states are available on client side
- Procedures are displayed on web UI and in shell in the following jruby format:
{ ID => '1', PARENT_ID = '-1', PARAMETERS => [ ..extra state information.. ] }
Signed-off-by: Michael Stack <>
Upgrade commons-collections:3.2.2 to commons-collections4:4.1
Add missing dependency for hbase-procedure, hbase-thrift
Replace CircularFifoBuffer with CircularFifoQueue in WALProcedureStore and TaskMonitor
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <>
Signed-off-by: Chia-Ping Tsai <>
Do a pass with dependency:analyze; remove unused and
explicity list the dependencies we exploit.
Remove the parent dependencies set which had junit, mockito,
log4j, and findbugs annotations (had to put junit back
temporarily in subsequent version of this patch TODO). Listing in
parent set meant these libs were dependencies for all modules
which in practice was not the case. Edited all modules so
those that need any from this parent set now do explicit listing.
Ran the dependency:analyze over the project. Acted on most
suggested removals and requests for explicit listing. Some
grey areas remain around transitives that come in with
hadoop -needs better excludes, another project- and that
the dependency:analyze tool is not always accurate in its
If an unassign is unable to communicate with its target server,
expire the server and then wait on a signal from ServerCrashProcedure
before proceeding. The unassign has lock on the region so no one else
can proceed till we complete. We prevent any subsequent assign from
running until logs have been split for crashed server.
In AssignProcedure, do not assign if table is DISABLING or DISABLED.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/
Change remoteCallFailed so it returns boolean on whether implementor
wants to stay suspended or not.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/
Doc. Also, if we are unable to talk to remote server, expire it and
then wait on SCP to wake us up after it has processed logs for failed
If an unassign is unable to communicate with its target server,
expire the server and then wait on a signal from ServerCrashProcedure
before proceeding. The unassign has lock on the region so no one else
can proceed till we complete. We prevent any subsequent assign from
running until logs have been split for crashed server.
In AssignProcedure, do not assign if table is DISABLING or DISABLED.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/
Change remoteCallFailed so it returns boolean on whether implementor
wants to stay suspended or not.
M hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/assignment/
Doc. Also, if we are unable to talk to remote server, expire it and
then wait on SCP to wake us up after it has processed logs for failed
Selective add of dependency on hbase-thirdparty jars.
Update to READMEs on how protobuf is done (and update to refguide).
Removed all checked in generated protobuf files. They are generated
on the fly now as part of mainline build.
Pull in guava 22.0 by using the shaded version up in new hbase-thirdparty project.
In poms, exclude guava everywhere except on hadoop-common. Do this so
we minimize transitive includes. hadoop-common is needed because hadoop
Configuration uses guava doing preconditions.
Everywhere we used guava, instead use shaded so fix a load of imports.
Stopwatch API changed as did hashing and toStringHelper which is now
in MoreObjects class. Otherwise, minimal changes to come up on 22.0
hbase-thirdparty jars. Update to READMEs on how protobuf is done (and update to
refguide) Removed all checked in generated protobuf files. They are generatedon
the fly now as part of mainline build.