* adds a optional -r [repo] arg
* if the passed repo is on the local filesystem, creates a container mount
* when cloning a local repo configure git to share objects with the local repo instead of copying
* when cloning a local repo in a container configure the clone to have a remote that will work back on the host.
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Nick Dimiduk <ndimiduk@apache.org>
* non-zero exit for usage
* in non-docker mode prompt for yetus install location
* make sure we exit if YETUS_HOME does not actually point at a yetus install.
Signed-off-by: Matt Foley <mattf@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Nick Dimiduk <ndimiduk@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Duo Zhang <zhangduo@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Anoop Sam John <anoopsamjohn@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: ramkrish86 <ramkrishna@apache.org>
* sometimes API calls return with null/empty response bodies. thus,
wrap all API calls in a retry loop.
* calls that submit work in the form of "commands" now retrieve the
commandId from successful command submission, and track completion
of that command before returning control to calling context.
* model CM's process state and use that model to guide state
transitions more intelligently. this guards against, for example,
the start command failing with an error message like "Role must be
* improvements to logging levels, avoid spamming logs with the
side-effects of retries at this and higher contexts.
* include references to API documentation, such as it is.
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
`RollingBatchRestartRsAction` doesn't handle failure cases when
tracking its list of dead servers. The original author believed that a
failure to restart would result in a retry. However, by removing the
dead server from the failed list, that state is lost, and retry never
occurs. Because this action doesn't ever look back to the current
state of the cluster, relying only on its local state for the current
action invocation, it never realizes the abandoned server is still
dead. Instead, be more careful to only remove the dead server from the
list when the `startRs` invocation claims to have been successful.
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Simplify the new user experience shipping a configuration that enables
a fresh checkout or tarball distribution to run in standalone mode
without direct user configuration. This change restores the behavior
we had when running on Hadoop 2.8 and earlier.
Patch for master includes an update to the book. This change will be
omitted when backporting to earlier branches.
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Josh Elser <elserj@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Duo Zhang <zhangduo@apache.org>
Edit a log.
Add override of isMatchingRegionLocation. Allow 'null' as a pass in
Add a method for HBCKSCP to override and be less strict filtering
Some doc on what 'Unknown Servers' are.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Purtell <apurtell@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Duo Zhang <zhangduo@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Lars Hofhansl <larsh@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Anoop Sam John <anoopsamjohn@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Viraj Jasani <vjasani@apache.org>
* narrow 'dry-run' limits so see svn activity up to just before check-in.
* Fix several typos and, in case of dry run, enable build step to chain from tag step by keeping the tagged git repo.
* Improve Maven settings.xml file, and names of variables related to it. Remove unnecessary use of "-Dmaven.repo.local", put it in settings.xml instead. Stop putting password literals in settings.xml.
* stop deleting maven settings file, now that it doesn't contain password strings
* Merge 'tag' into release-build.sh as another stage. Also found and fixed a couple bugs in the current release-tag.sh.
* Delete redundant release-tag.sh script.
* Small changes to make dev-support/create-release tools less focused
on hbase project only, while retaining special behaviors for
hbase sub-projects which share the hbase dist and jira locations.
* Changed terminology of release publish steps, from <build|publish>
to <publish-dist|publish-release>. In fact, what was formerly called
"build" built the distribution tarballs AND published them to dist,
while "publish" built the maven artifacts AND published them to Nexus.
The new terminology clarifies what's happening, and removes the appearance
of order dependendency.
* Fix publish-snapshot so it does same checks as publish-release.
* Factor out common maven usages, and move them to build-util.sh.
* Change default polarity of DRY_RUN to default to true. Change -n ("no-publish") to -f ("force publish") to actually publish.
* Fix problems in do-release.sh so it runs correctly outside of docker,
including DRY_RUN being exported.
* Have do-release.sh set REPO (shared maven local repository) if doing all three stages.
* Cleaned up REPO directory creation.
* General cleanup of comments and usage.
* fix all 'shellcheck' errors
* use ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} instead of $0 to determine script directory path
* smarter way to read version from pom with mvn
* do maven-gpg-plugin config settings in maven settings file correctly as documented
* fix gpg signing failure on Mac due to gpg-agent timeout
* fix various bugs to enable publish-dist, publish-snapshot, and publish-release to work correctly as individual steps and/or without docker
* improve log reporting from publish-release step
* fix bug in argument to checkcompatibility.py: replace PACKAGE_VERSION with GIT_REF
* demote "PACKAGE_VERSION" to "package_version_name" and undocument it in favor of RELEASE_TAG. Still enable appropriate defaulting in case RELEASE_TAG is undefined.
* unify RELEASE_VERSION with VERSION, to remove ambiguity and allow it to be set when only running 'publish' step without 'tag'
* query confirm RELEASE_TAG
* emphasize that release-build.sh is called for a single action at a time, and should be called from do-release.sh.
* add '-s' option to do-release.sh
* suppress maven "Download from central:" messages
* Replace human wait for tag propagation
Signed-off-by: Cesar Delgado <cdelgado@apple.com>
Signed-off-by: stack <stack@apache.org>
Signed-off-by: Sean Busbey <busbey@apache.org>